
Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Tang Shunzhi actually came up with the method of minting fixed-amount silver coins, which was not proposed by the ministers of state at that time.And he also has the idea of ​​banks, reserve funds, and currency credit.

This champion deserves his name.

Now, Zhu Houcong is even more looking forward to the martial arts examination in October.

Thinking of this, he asked, "How did Lu Bing and Yan Shifan do in the exam?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Lu Bing was ranked third in the pro-military test. Mr. Yan was young and weak, and failed in the Wei Xue test. I heard that he was injured in boxing."

"...Didn't he still threaten to win the champion of martial arts? I thought he had really practiced some skills."

"...Young Master Yan is used to boasting in the guard school."

"No one is strong and has one eye. It's normal to not be able to fight." Zhu Houcong had some expectations, "I will send someone to encourage him on my behalf, and let him try again after passing the exam."

Let's see what path Yan Shifan can find in this life.

In this life, it is impossible for Yan Song to arrange Yan Shifan to be a "little court elder" just because he is "deeply favored by the Taoist emperor" like in history, and Zhu Houcong will not rely on their father and son to make money and stabilize the court.

If Yan Shifan, who has a somewhat extreme personality, can really go in the direction of joining the army, he can expect him to use this ruthlessness and self-confidence against the enemy.

The premise is of course that it has to be well polished.

Yan Song is a very smart person, knowing what the emperor wants, he will educate his son in another way.

At this moment, Yan Shifan was lying at home.

He had been punched three times in the face, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his arm was being pushed and held by the doctor invited by the housekeeper.

"That guy is under Wang's command, and he doesn't pay attention to the young master! The old man is ten years old, and he is still relying on martial arts!" Yan Shifan gritted his teeth, "Yuan Hongmao, you wait for the young master!"

"...Young master, don't move around, the injury is serious."

It was Yuan Hongmao who was brought back from Dongguan, Guangdong by Wang Zuo to Yan Shifan.

The housekeeper has already received Yan Song's instructions: the emperor needs to be able to handle affairs, since he intends to guide Yan Shifan the way, in addition to ability, dealing with people is also extremely important.

At this moment, the doctor is by the side, so it is inconvenient for the butler to say anything more.

After the doctor left, he said earnestly: "My lord, this modern martial arts exam puts more emphasis on martial arts. How can they compare with your master's knowledge and strategy? But if you haven't reached the championship, you will be at a disadvantage. Others know the identity of your son. Maybe I still have a hand. Then who is Yuan Hongmao?"

Of course, the housekeeper knew about Yan Shifan's frequent classmates in Jinyiwei School.

"Isn't he the carpenter's son?" Yan Shifan was indignant.

"...Your Majesty also knows that he relies on the command of the king." The steward knew that he didn't understand, but he still said, "Lu Bing is your majesty's baby brother. Although he will care about the kindness of the king's command and cultivation in the future, this kind of favor can be greater than your majesty's trust." Heavy? The young master is also taken care of by the master, only Yuan Hongmao, all thanks to the king's command and support! Now that he has this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, wouldn't he think that what he has learned for several years will make him famous?"

The family of martyrs in the Tuen Mun naval battle, Yuan Hongmao's head was pushed to the head of Yuan Hongmao's son.But without Wang Zuo's training, Yuan Hongmao would only be a very ordinary captain in Jinyiwei.

But Wang Zuo, as the first transitional candidate after Luo An and before Lu Bing came to power, was the commander of the Jinyiwei when the emperor needed to use some means to implement the new law.

In the future, if someone wants to turn over his old account, in addition to cultivating Lu Bing's kindness according to the order, he will naturally have his own more reliable strength to repay the kindness in the future.

Yuan Hongmao is one of the forces he cultivated.

So Yuan Hongmao didn't care about Yan Shifan's identity.

"It's just unfair!" Yan Shifan was still angry.

The butler looked at him helplessly: "Who told you to be so big, you just grew taller, and you insisted on competing with those strong and strong people?"
When it was almost night, the little eunuch arranged by Huang Jin arrived at Yan's house.

Hearing that His Majesty cared and encouraged him verbally, Yan Shifan was very excited, and the steward thanked him again and again.

"Give me some harsh medicine!" After the little eunuch left, Yan Shifan gritted his teeth, "Tomorrow I will continue to train my muscles and bones! Three years later, I, Yan Shifan, will win the champion of martial arts! Brother Lu is only the third, Knowledge and strategy are even more mediocre, he will definitely not be able to win the champion of martial arts. I can only compare with them in martial arts, and the champion of martial arts must be mine!"

The butler had a question mark on his face: Is it only necessary to use ruthless medicine to heal the wounded?Can you calm down a bit?

He missed his master very much.

Yan Song really wanted to make meritorious service and return to Beijing, but also because of the consideration of raising his son.

Being sent by the Emperor's Grace to Jinyi Weiwei School, the meaning of cultivation has already shown, it is a good way, Yan Song can't take him with him.

But after all, the son has reached the period when he is young and energetic and needs discipline and education!

In the vast land of Ming Dynasty, the children of high-ranking officials like Yan Shifan are a minority after all.

Whether it is martial arts or Wenju, it is really an opportunity for too many low-level children to change their destiny.

The publicity is here, the atmosphere is here, and the enthusiasm of ordinary people to participate in martial arts is indeed much higher than before.

Somewhere in Nanchang County, Nanchang Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, the county guards sat and stood one after another.

"This martial arts Enke is not just anyone who can sign up! If you want to be recommended by Lijia, you must be able to lift this stone pier first! Don't be so tight, come one by one!"

Not far from the crowd, there was a half-sized man who looked like a beggar.

There is still a red mark on his neck that has not faded, and there is no innocence in his eyes that belongs to a young child.

At this moment, he quietly looked at the stone pier looming in the crowd, and then raised his arm to look at it.

It should be able to be moved, it is no heavier than the statue in the ruined temple.

However, no one will recommend him.

Besides, he was only twelve years old.

His family was broken, his parents were both dead, and after he tried to commit suicide by moving the idols in the ruined temple and using the rags in the temple as ropes, he felt that it was God’s will, that God didn’t let him end his life like this.

Martial arts... In the future, there will be no chance to continue studying.But according to my husband, after all, he is only one exam away from the status of a scholar.

I am born with strong arms, if I continue to practice martial arts and continue to study on my own, maybe martial arts is a better way.

But not here, he has committed a crime.Since he didn't die right now, maybe he will be hunted down tomorrow.

Gotta leave quickly.

Where to go?

Having never left Nanchang, he quickly chose a direction from the knowledge he already knew.

Walk along the Yangtze River, instead of going to the rich and prosperous places downstream, go to Sichuan.

Change your surname to your mother's surname.

Liu Xian, originally surnamed Gong, started his wandering career at the age of twelve, entering Sichuan on foot to beg.

But he is not the worst.

At this moment, in the south of Daqing Mountain outside the northern border of Daming, this place called Fengzhou Beach is flourishing day by day.

Because the Tumed tribe of the Northern Yuan Dynasty has gradually settled here in the past few years, grazing, developing agriculture, and building cities... I heard that the lord of the Tumed tribe has intentionally changed the name of this place to Tumochuan.

In the newly built Bansheng City, there are still a large number of Han people.

Among these Han people, the composition is very complicated.There are impoverished border residents who voluntarily surrender, some border residents who have been taken captive, and some people with ulterior motives, such as the White Lotus Cultists.

Bansheng means house.The Mongols are nomadic and live without a fixed place, but the Han people who built houses and settled down are now a force that Alta relies heavily on.

I answer that I am now nineteen years old and ambitious.

Alak Khan was able to rise to the top, and he owed the credit to him—Body lived as a proton in the Tumed Ministry in his early years.Without Alta's support, Bodie would not be able to stabilize the [-] right-wing households.

Today, the ostensible leader of the right-wing [-] households, Gunbilik Jinong, is Alta's own brother.But I answer very well about my elder brother's virtues. He spends all his time having fun with those Han prostitutes who were taken captive from Daizhou and other places. He will not live long.

On the contrary, Han Chinese are useful.

In Bansheng City, they plow the fields and work as craftsmen, which are very useful for the growth of Tumed's strength.

But attachment alone is not enough.

After looting a few times like last year and hurting the Han people, send people to ask for tribute on the surface, so that we can negotiate terms.

19-year-old Alda plans the future of his Tumed Department.

Although the scale of Bansheng City is still small, it is still dominated by captured Han Chinese slaves for herding.

But there will be more.

I heard that the Ming emperor in the south is doing something new.It has always been done like this, and there will definitely be big troubles. Didn't there be a rebellion the year before last?

As long as there is chaos in the south, many Han people will flee north.

I replied that I continued to plan whether to add another fire this year.

Now on a pasture on the south side of Daqing Mountain, two Mongolians are riding a horse and driving a half-grown child.

The child was dressed in rags and was running barefoot. From time to time behind him came the ear-piercing sound of the whip hitting the air.

The whip hadn't hit him yet, but if he slowed down, the whip marks and blood on his back would say it all.

"You run slower than sheep, how can you drive the livestock for Da Khan? Don't stop!"

The child stepped on a stone, and the child slowed down a little, and slammed the whip on his back again.

In addition to pain, there is also fear, more hatred, and stubbornness in my heart.

He was abused by his stepmother since he was a child. He fled his hometown last year, but was unfortunately captured here by the Mongolian soldiers who invaded the south.

Here, it is like a slave.

Now, at the age of eleven, he can only grit his teeth and endure, and get through the initial stage when these Mongolians want to "tame" him.

One day, he, Ma Fang, will flee back to Daming and kill all these Mongolian Tartars!
The young child swore in his heart, but when he turned around, there was no resentment in his eyes. Instead, he envied them for being able to ride horses proficiently.

"Want to ride a horse? Tame it yourself, hahahaha..." The smug laughter echoed in the grassland, and he raised his whip again, "Does a lamb with two legs like you want to tame a horse?"


Enke, the Wuju Township Examination, is being organized successively in various provinces of Ming Dynasty, but at this point in May, the first is the military generals competition of the fifth rank and above of the Ming Dynasty, and below the third rank.

The composition of these military generals who entered Beijing one after another is also very complicated.

Is the emperor crazy?Suddenly evacuate the backbone defense forces everywhere?
No, each province only decides the top three to go to Beijing.

In addition to the border towns, the internal selection of each capital division and each line capital division is also a prelude to the reform of the military system in each province.The result of the selection affects subsequent appointments.During the selection process, there are also people who act on their behalf.

The first is the decree and the military order. The imperial decree ordered these middle-level generals to compete. Who would resist the decree?
Secondly, since the military order arrived in various places at the beginning of March at the latest, during the selection process of two or three months, it was really a good opportunity to temporarily separate some people from the low-level generals under the command of the guard.

In the end, when the results of the selection were dusted, the first three counties and the rest of the country were comforted, Tianen didn't want to be a local warlord, what was his intention?
Although there are still twists and turns, just like the discipline, this generals competition is not just a competition, it is a tool for restructuring.

The new rules gradually became clear: in the past, the guards in the interior were paid for nothing, benefited from the military settlements, and used soldiers as slaves.Now, the generals above the fifth rank all started as country nobles, and the imperial court set up a separate salary.If you still resist the change of the Weisuo army station to recruit soldiers, it means that the benefits of the empty-paid army station are far greater than the salary of the township and nobility.

Since the fourth year of Jiajing, they have been dispatched to various provinces one after another, and each place only accepts the [-] Beijing battalion selected forwards dispatched by the commanders of each province to be on the line, ready to suppress at any time.

At the same time, the governors and chief envoys of various provinces are digging the "root" of their chaos.

It is already entering the busy season of farming, God knows where so many iron farm tools come from.

"The Baojin Bureau is ordered by the imperial decree, and now even the weapons are stopped."

Wu Tingju, the governor of Guangdong, was in Foshan, and in front of him were many businessmen from the Foshan Ironware Guild.

"The governor doesn't need you to stop casting pots, but you have already seen the number of iron farm tools purchased by Huang Mingji in the past five months, so you should have a good idea? The iron department, the Ministry of Households and the Director General of the Taxation Department have already given a piece of paper. Chen Xia. Those who support His Majesty to do practical things, according to the number of catties of iron farm tools sold this year, how much tax can be refunded in the next spring calculation, you have an account in mind."

Wu Tingju's purpose of this trip is to persuade Foshan private cast iron merchants to add more new kilns to cast iron farm tools.

Although the iron pot business has not stopped, the imperial court has the power to purchase. After the account books purchased in Guangdong were presented by Wei Bin, the good business of tribute pots is gone forever.

In particular, the ritual utensil pots required by the Ministry of Rites are now also simplified due to the simplification of etiquette represented by the rules of worshiping holes, and the demand has been greatly reduced.

Wu Tingju believes that they can see the situation clearly, not to mention that they have already had several months of orders as evidence.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dutai, we will go back and make good arrangements. It's just that adding a new kiln will require more manpower. There is a huge shortage of iron, stone and charcoal now, and the price is also increasing day by day. I hope Mr. Dutai sympathizes with the grassroots for their hard work. , Is this purchase price..."

"The governor has been in Guangdong for many years, don't you understand being the governor?" Wu Tingju glanced at them indifferently, "How many businessmen in various provinces are now making profits from the merchants needed by Guangdong's shipping department? As long as you need it, someone will transport it Come to sell it. It only takes a few months, and there will be no more shortages. This price is a fair price that has been negotiated with you. This is a practical matter for His Majesty to benefit the people. If you do it well with your heart, not to mention that the governor recommended you alone In order to save the sages of the country; at the end of the year, when you go up to report your achievements, your majesty will be very happy, and a reward will come down, can that be bought with a little money?"

After all, he spoke earnestly and earnestly: "I am not the only one who has a prosperous iron industry in Foshan, Guangdong in the Great Ming Dynasty. If you miss such a good opportunity, the big business that the imperial court will buy in the future will fall elsewhere. This iron farm tool is not a one-off sale. , Now that the government farms are being sold, there are more farmlands for the common people, and they are more powerful. This iron farm tool will only be used more and more, and there will always be some that are blunt and unusable. On the contrary, how many years does it take to use an iron pot?"

The foundation of Guangdong's new law is already very good. Wu Tingju will take over the foundation left by Zhang Fujing, but he can't tell them that there may be a large amount of front-line military supplies from the time when he was in the South China Sea.

But no matter what, it will be Wu Tingju's great contribution to let Guangdong Iron Industry have a bigger and better foundation and scale.

In Zhejiang, Yan Song fell into depression for several days. After all, although the tone of the person who passed the decree was tactful, Yan Song still heard the emperor's intention of beating.

What is the future?Slowly step by step, in two years, he will be fifty.

To make meritorious deeds in anything, it always takes time to cultivate.

When the imperial court decides whether to reopen the Shibo Department in Zhejiang, Yan Song will have been in Zhejiang for three years.

In the past three years, could it be that he wanted to return to the capital and sit in the Palace of National Policy just because he had meritorious service without fault?
However, although His Majesty beat him, the steward who stayed in the capital sent a letter saying that His Majesty also personally issued an oral order to encourage his son, and his favor did not seem to diminish in the slightest.

After being depressed for several days, Yan Song wrote to Xu Jie and Yang Tinghe.

Since you can't make contributions to Zhejiang's re-establishment of the Shipbuilding Department as soon as possible, let's participate in the long-term overall situation that Yang Ting and Nanxia are shouldering.

In Nanjing City, Yang Tinghe, who has been here for three months, really seems to be here for the elderly, and he doesn't see any big moves.

In addition to the guests coming from the house like clouds, on weekdays, they mainly go to Nanjing Guozijian to care about culture and education, or supervise the practical affairs of the emperor in the New Year's greetings, and then care about the busy farming affairs and Wuju Township Examination Enke.

Unlike the other provinces, there seems to be no need to reform the government offices at the "provincial" level in Southern Zhili and Northern Zhili.The two Zhili prefectures are directly managed by the six ministries.

The only different move made by the senior officials in Nanzhili was that Marquis Guo Xun of Wuding was also recruiting troops to build the Zhenwu Camp in Nanjing.

Train your soldiers first, and you will understand everything you know.

Could it be that after a round of investigations by Meng Chun and others in the past few years, and a round of elections this year in the restructuring of the Beijing government office, many high-ranking officials in Nanjing were transferred to Beijing, is Nanjing not submissive enough?
At the beginning of June, the meaning of the Beijing official department also spread to the Nanjing official department.

This year, it's time for Jingchao.

In June, the military generals in the capital will compete, and the civil officials in the two capitals will be inspected.

(End of this chapter)

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