
Chapter 313 Dabi, read

Chapter 313 Dabi, read

Outside the Beijing camp, the sound of cannons rang out.

The total number of these middle-level military generals selected from various places is nearly a hundred, which means that there are dozens of teams of 500 people.

At the time of the most intensive arrival, it is really an army of [-] to [-] "attacking the village".

Even though the ammunition allocated to each team was limited, the battle that was set off made the Wu Jinshi's faces flushed, and they wished they could go to watch the battle.

"Thousands of guns are fired!" Someone was very excited.

But Yu Dayou faintly discerned, and murmured in his heart: It's just a hundred schools.

But after all, there are more than a hundred tiger squatting cannons roaring from time to time.

"All warriors, follow me!"

When the sound of the cannon gradually faded away, Gu Shilong appeared in front of them.

In the face of the newly appointed first Duke of the Jiajing Dynasty and the hero of the Huguang rebellion, no one dared to neglect.

The one hundred and eight martial arts Jinshi who had been waiting on the side of the large school field for most of the day formed two teams, followed Gu Shilong to the point and stood behind the stage.

"In another two quarters of an hour, that is, half an hour, the reference generals will enter the school grounds to be inspected by His Majesty, and then leave the school grounds. Each of the 72 warriors will receive a martial arts test name flag and enter the school grounds It is a model. The main list stands in front of the Dianjiangtai, and the vice-ranking list consists of [-] people. Half of them stand from the entrance to the Dianjiangtai, and the other half stand from the Dianjiangtai to the exit. When they hear their numbers, they will try to rank them accordingly. Those who are the same follow him to stand and face him. Do you understand?"

A group of Wu Jinshi looked at a small square beside them, and saw that everyone there was tall and straight, with sharp eyes, and everyone held two flags in each hand. The rank and name of Wugong Shizhengbang.

Just this flag is a family heirloom!

Although it was sudden, everyone knew their ranking after all.

After several rounds of selection in the township examination and general examination, if you look stupid at this time, how much is the price?
Now, the glory begins to come.

It's okay to stand in the field as a pacesetter.The main reason is that His Majesty has already arrived at the camp, and he must be on the general's platform later, and he can look at them at any time.

Then Gu Shilong continued to talk about a news that shocked them: "Since you have been listed as the principal and deputy in the martial arts examination, you will be at least the fifth-rank generals of the Ming Dynasty from now on! One hundred and eight banner officers and old soldiers who are proficient in the new drills in the Shenji camp are your personal guards, and they are them!"

Both Yu Dayou and Lu Bing's eyes widened, no wonder the one hundred and eight people over there had their eyes flickering and kept looking over here.

Actually, from now on, each person will be equipped with a personal guard.

It is not uncommon in the army for generals to have their own soldiers and servants.But Gu Shilong made it clear that they were all familiar with the new exercises in the Beijing camp.Needless to say, these people were allocated to them, not only as life and death brothers who will cultivate a good relationship in the future, but also as their best helpers after they are appointed.

"The minister waits to thank God!"

"Don't lose the emperor's favor, let's prepare quickly." Gu Shilong left quickly after making arrangements, and boarded the commander's platform.

But here, there are only two small phalanxes left.

At this time, the first person shouted proudly: "Ding Jinxiong, the No. [-] Wugong scholar in Jiajing five years!"

"Hahaha, so-and-so! Good brother, what's your name?"

After seeing that they could still receive the flag, they walked and talked, and everyone didn't worry about not being able to find a place to stand later.

At this moment, it is time to go up to check the number and receive the flag one by one.

And Zhu Houcong quickly got on the stage from the other side, and at this moment, he only looked at the 36 top-ranked "Tiangang Gods" who had already stood in front of him one after another.

The closest one is Yu Dayou.

Yang Yiqing and Gu Shilong clearly noticed that the emperor's eyes stayed on him for a longer time, and even picked up his newly polished glass lens telescope.

After they looked at each other, they saw that the emperor was slowly moving the telescope, aiming at Lu Bing's direction, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Under the stage, Lu Bing stood at the front right of the Dianjiang stage.

Although he knew that His Majesty was on the stage, he had just heard what his "personal guard" said, so he must not look left and right.His Majesty wanted them to meet a group of the most valiant generals of the Ming Dynasty, to see the recruits they trained in only three months, and they were exhausted troops who had marched ten miles and had just "attacked the stronghold".

At the same time, His Majesty also wanted to take a look at how this group of warriors behaved among tens of thousands of troops.

Therefore, right now everyone is following the posture taught by their "professional guard" just now, with their feet slightly apart, their chest, waist, abdomen and back stopped, and their right hands are holding the flagpole of their own flag.

They are all selected Wu Jinshi, who didn't have a little bit of kung fu?Inside the school grounds, the one hundred and eight military flags and the one hundred and eight famous flags of Wu Jinshi surrounded a concave passage.

After a while, only the sound of horseshoes came from the entrance.

Lu Bing tried his best to keep his gaze straight, and only saw his shiny armor when the fast horse passed in front of him.

It was Uncle Xiangcheng, Li Quanli who was in charge of Shenji Camp.


After the neighing of the war horse, Yu Dayou, who was closer, could directly see Li Quanli get off the horse from the corner of his eyes, and knelt on one knee and clasped his fists: "All the generals who participated in the competition arrived at the camp, and 26 generals failed to lead their troops to break the camp. The rest Yes, you can enter the school grounds for review!"

On the stage, Zhu Houcong's voice came to Yu Dayou's ears for the first time, which surprised him very much.

"Let the Marquis of Xianning lead his subordinates to enter the arena, and observe the opponents in the exercise to be reviewed!"

"Your Majesty has an order! Pass it on! The Marquis of Xianning leads his elite soldiers into the arena!"


From the point on the stage, the voice gradually spread to the direction of the school field exit.

And soon, thousands of people suddenly shouted in unison: "Under the command!"

Then came a smaller voice, but audibly hoarse: "Everyone! Attention!"

"Let's go!"

Then thousands of people shouted in unison: "One! Two! Three! Four!"

It was difficult for the Wu Jinshi to suppress their desire to see the past. Although it was not very neat, the footsteps of thousands of people converged into a bell and drum, and they rolled over from there.

On the stage, Zhu Houcong was still holding the binoculars, watching Qiu Luan lead people into the arena from there.Those were nearly 5000 veterans and middle- and low-level generals who were retained in the Fifth Army Battalion.They have been practicing according to the new drill code required by Zhu Houcong for three years, and those recruits who participated in the drills of the generals cannot compare with them.

At the moment, it seems that it is a bit decent.

Now that I am here, and they entered the arena first, they wanted to give the participating generals a blow.

At this moment, the generals and recruits who were waiting in line at the entrance must have heard the commotion here too, right?
How they reacted, Zhu Houcong didn't know.

But on the school field, the one hundred and eight Wu Jinshi only felt a strong sense of oppression suddenly coming from behind them.

No matter how big the Fifth Army Battalion was, it was impossible to build a large field that could hold tens of thousands of troops.At this moment, nearly [-] elite soldiers are standing in this large field, which is already extremely frightening at first glance.

The troops led by the generals who participated in the competition were only reviewed here and received the final score.

The 26 teams that failed to "break the village" according to the rules after the ten-mile march have already been eliminated, and they are not even qualified to pass here.

Not long after, in the middle of the open space, Qiu Luan screamed again: "Everyone is there, stand at attention!"

Then he turned to Dianjiangtai: "Report to Your Majesty! The Fifth Army Battalion has been ordered to exercise and the veteran battalion has assembled more than [-] members. Your Majesty is invited to inspect it!"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "The soldiers have worked hard."

Behind Yu Dayou, thousands of people burst out suddenly and shouted in unison: "Fight for Ming Dynasty!"

His back and scalp suddenly went numb.

His "pro-military" told him a little bit, and now there are many new military etiquettes in the new drill code.But Yu Dayou is a person who is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, and now he only listens to these two sentences, and already understands that this must be the emperor's request.

In the process of the new exercise code, such rituals must be practiced again and again, so that everyone is familiar with it.

After reading these two sentences for a long time... some generals will always understand what they are recruited to do in the barracks.

But why not "Fight for His Majesty"?
"Relax!" Zhu Houcong ordered solemnly on the stage, "Marquis of Xianning, come to the stage to review. Uncle Xiangcheng, order the generals to enter the field for review!"

"The minister leads the order!"

After the entry of the old barracks, after those two shouts, the field of the colonel is now full of solemnity.

For some reason, Yang Yiqing and Gu Shilong, who were standing on both sides of Zhu Houcong, suddenly had moist eyes and a surge of pride in their chests.

It is said that soldiers are ordered in autumn on the battlefield, but in the past, it is better to say that soldiers are ordered than generals.

In the army, there are many rules, but there is really no such form of etiquette.

This time the emperor listed 5 taels of silver. Is this just for fun?
Looking at the neat military appearance in the school field now, and listening to the morale they showed when they marched and shouted before, it really makes people feel that elite soldiers are available.

Before Yang Yiqing went to the three sides of the headquarters, he told the emperor that the Beijing camp could be slowly formed into an army.Now that the National Policy Conference has been set up to revitalize the water in the center of the court, there will be no major chaos in Ming Dynasty in three to five years.

Gu Shilong experienced the Huguang rebellion in the three years of Jiajing. The people who made great contributions to suppressing the rebellion were the newly-trained Shenji Battalion, the Jinyiwei and the internal inspection factory.Those who rebelled were the Huguang Sanwei Institute, who were unwilling to lose their interests and worried about the restructuring of the military.

Now, through this grand competition and inspection, the emperor has thrown some of the results of the implementation of the new drill code after the Beijing camp recruited soldiers in front of them.

The staff officers of the military affairs meeting, Wang Shouren, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and the governors of the five prefectures all listened to Li Quanli shouting towards the entrance: "Refer to the military generals to enter the arena for review!"

The messenger passed by with a single sound, and then a voice sounded from the other side: "Raise the military flag, the general flag!"

Yu Dayou clearly listened from a distance, and it was the same as the old barracks before, he had to pass through the "attention" team first, and then began to shout "one, two, three, four" and walked in together.

The difference is that this time it is continuous.

Each of the participating generals entered the arena at a different time. Although there was a distance between them, the slogans shouted by different teams were out of sync.

Therefore, the footsteps were naturally out of sync, which made the hearts of the Wu Jinshi and the veterans on the field twitch.

However, there were also teams behind who deliberately adjusted their rhythm, or in this atmosphere, everyone naturally adjusted their rhythm.

They didn't walk as neatly as the old barracks, and they all showed more or less fatigue, and many of them had dirty armor.

The veterans who are watching the "opponents in the exercise" are working hard. These are tired soldiers who have been tired all day.Marching for ten miles with weapons, supplies and dry food, and "attacking the village" with live ammunition amidst the tension of competing for the first place, is no less than going through a hard battle.

Now, they are at least the winners of the first two levels, especially those who came over first, the first to arrive at the camp and the first to "break the stronghold".

I'm afraid the opponent is the top ten teams, unless they have a big mess when they are paraded separately, and it seems that the military discipline is lax and exhausted after the "big war".

But where are the top ten teams?
For their commanders and generals, the top ten, county magistrates can be downgraded and replaced; the top three, three generations can not be downgraded.More importantly, that means that in the eyes of the emperor, they are probably the ten most promising mid-level generals currently serving in Ming Dynasty!

Generally speaking, there is already Ji Weimin in the Beijing camp who has been awarded the earl for his meritorious service.Now that it is not a time of war, this exercise is their opportunity to make meritorious deeds!

And for these recruits, these three months were like hell!
But bitterness is bitterness, and the three, four, and five-rank generals who commanded them really treated them like brothers during this time, sleeping and eating together, and suffering the same.It is so tiring to practice every day, but after all, there is enough food, meat, and even wine every day.

Now they are going to pass by the emperor, the former Ge Lao, the Duke of the State and the Minister of the Ministry of War, Master Sima.

Among all the military forces in the world, this is the stage with the highest standard.

They just gritted their teeth and walked the last part of the day, as the commander-in-chief said: straighten your waist, shout out the trumpet, and walk in step.After winning the big competition today, everyone will be the general's brothers in the future.Even if I can't ask you to be my own soldiers after the competition, everyone, I will reward you with a tael of silver from my own pocket!
After walking this distance, there will be a tael of silver!
The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and each showed their magical powers. Now the generals of the first team approaching the general platform are at the forefront, holding up their general flags, and suddenly shouted: "Look to the left!"

So Yu Dayou saw that the heads of this team were all in the direction of Dian Jiangtai, but their footsteps did not stop.

I can't see the front of the advance, but I still have to move forward, and try not to be chaotic... Knowing the art of war, he suddenly realized: If it is on the battlefield, this is the way for soldiers to obey the general's orders and move forward no matter what. Base.

"Your Majesty, please review!"

It was shouting again, and Zhu Houcong on the stage also shouted: "The soldiers have worked hard!"

"Fight for Ming!"

Yu Dayou couldn't help being stunned: If you exclude those who failed in the first two tests, then there are more than 50 generals who will be reviewed, right?Does every team have to do this, and the emperor has to keep shouting so many times?

He guessed right.

Just like Zhu Houcong was presenting the flag for them here that day, he is still the same today.

Lu Bing was also shocked to witness this review. Although the emperor he was very familiar with had seen less in recent years, although he had already gained supreme majesty at this moment, he still used his voice as loud as possible to pass by the stage. The soldiers shouted again and again: "Soldiers have worked hard!"

And that sentence would be yelled over and over again in the large colonel of the Fifth Army Battalion.

There are not many things that everyone needs to remember. The generals in the competition only need to remind the soldiers under their command to look sideways to the general's platform in a rhythmic manner, and the soldiers only need to shout a word.

But the power of repetition is very powerful, words repeated more than 50 times by hundreds of people and more than [-] soldiers in total are very powerful.

This power is stirring in the big school field, especially on the general stage.

Wang Shouren couldn't help but look sideways at the emperor whose voice was a little hoarse, but still trying to stand up straight and solemn like the veterans below and shouting.

If the emperor inspected the generals of the Beijing camp every year, even if he did not make too much preparation and just inspected them in turn, what would he gain for an emperor like him who is willing to shout like a general?
The beginning chapter of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of life and death, the way of survival, must be observed.Therefore, the classics are based on five things, and the school uses calculations to ask for their feelings.The first is Tao, the second is Heaven, the third is Earth, the fourth is General, and the fifth is Law.The Taoist makes the people agree with the superior, so he can die with him, he can live with him, and he is not afraid of danger...

Now, isn't it "agreeing with the above"?

Generals will recognize such an emperor.If such an emperor will personally conquer in the future...

Wang Shouren felt that in the three or four years since Ding You left the court center, the emperor has become different again.

Today, the emperor, who is only 20 years old, is still at the most passionate age, but he is not shouting because of excitement.

In his way, he is bit by bit infecting the important officials around him and subduing the hearts of the generals under his command.

Yang Yiqing recalled how he felt when he heard the turmoil in the court on the way back to Beijing when he was called back.

At that time, I wasn't sure if it was the passion of a teenager, but I heard about those ambitions, and my heart was indeed passionate.

Today, there are not only the strongest and bravest generals of the Ming Dynasty, but also young generals and handsome talents who have just graduated from high school.

The emperor arranged them together, everyone is now enthusiastic, right?
This is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, and these are the generals of Ming Dynasty.

Yang Yiqing even suspected that if the emperor waved his whip to the north and shouted "Northern Expedition", these generals would also march with enthusiasm.

At least today's Beijing camp is no longer afraid to fight, right?
But Yang Yiqing knew that this was not all.In Huangming University, the Academy of Arms, the Academy of Engineering, etc., have been thinking about continuing to improve military weapons with the military department, and the glass lens telescope, which has been stagnant for a long time, finally made a breakthrough—it was the emperor who inexplicably summoned Taoist priests to Beijing result.

Yang Yiqing didn't understand why, but he could only say that he was greatly shocked.He had tried it from the emperor before, and the one made of special colored glaze before was nothing like it. It was a sharp weapon on the battlefield.

Now, I heard that the School of Computing and the School of Engineering have been instructed to study a new project called artillery table shooting.

It was something Yang Yiqing didn't understand, so when he thought of this, he couldn't help but look at the emperor: he has done a lot of things that people don't understand.But after such things have more or less had an effect, how many people will easily question his decision in the future?
He has only accumulated this kind of prestige for more than five years. If another five or ten years pass...

"Report! The review of the reference generals has been completed!"

Li Quanli's voice interrupted Yang Yiqing's thoughts, and he looked at the last group of soldiers walking towards the exit.

For them, the day is over, and there will be a feast in the camp in the evening, with wine and meat prepared.

After today, only the top ten teams have another game.This time, Li Quanli will be the handsome man.

Zhu Houcong's voice was already hoarse, and he was drinking the tea brought by Huang Jin.

After moistening his throat, Zhu Houcong nodded: "The top ten will be determined in three rounds, you two should start preparing. Next month when the martial arts examination is held, I will come again to encourage your recruits."

"I thank your Majesty Long En!"

Zhu Houcong looked at the generals who were still standing there under the stage, and then smiled and said to Gu Shilong: "The 36th list will be handed over to Duke Yasukuni first. For the military test of the martial arts palace test, I only look at the 12 people who will decide. select."

"...The minister leads the order."

Gu Shilong looked at the emperor with complicated emotions, and at the same time looked at the 36 tributes who were listed below with sympathy.

What Yang Yiqing was talking about at the time, the group points promotion and the elimination finals, these people have to go through it first.

The martial arts of the Ming Dynasty became simpler before the examination, as long as the body is strong and the martial arts is strong.

But this martial arts palace test, first of all, the martial arts test lasts for twelve days.In the first eleven days, 12 people will fight in groups of two, and each person will play one game per day. In the end, the top four in each group will advance to the final.

By No. 12 days, the emperor will come to see it in person.After six people were eliminated, the remaining three still had the right match, and then one person was chosen from the last three losers, and the final four people competed for the championship.

In the words of the emperor, in the future, we will all be colleagues, and we will have more opportunities to learn from each other and enhance our understanding.And if the skills in the army are inferior to others, it will be difficult to convince the masses.

But even though it is still "up to the point", it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no injuries during the [-]-day competition, and that no one will play tricks for the ranking.

Arranging an "old soldier" as a personal guard is more than half to help them recuperate well, and at the same time let them discuss it themselves: this personal guard can fight on behalf of the general, and they can decide the strategy by themselves.

Gu Shilong only felt that the martial arts examination was very complicated, but it would indeed be fairer.After going through the previous test of skills, everyone actually has a certain understanding of each other's strength.Therefore, Wugong soldiers have to arrange strategies according to their actual situation, and they will also test their ability to deter a veteran so that he can share the glory and disgrace with the general.

In addition to personal martial arts, there is a role of a small team.

For those fierce generals who are not sure about the art of war and strategy in the palace examination, this is their best chance to strive for the final ranking.

And after going through all these hurdles, there will almost never be a situation where "there is no first place in the literature" in the literature review.

Jinshi of the same discipline may have different tempers, but who can refuse to accept the champion of martial arts?
So this night, there were different joys and sorrows in the five barracks.

The generals and soldiers who were selected into the top ten gathered in one place and had a drink with Uncle Xiangcheng.

The life of the rest of the participating generals is over.Although I don't have to suffer for more than a month, I feel lost after all.

Are you going to blame those soldiers?They were feasting and drinking to reward themselves.

They are all true soldiers and capable of fighting.In the same three months, if others can practice better than themselves, it means that their skills are not as good as others.

In front of Gu Shilong, Yu Dayou and others together were not as lively as other places.

But when he heard the rules of the palace test and military test that were just announced to them today, Lu Bing's head ached: Still want to fight?
He will try seventeen, and the emperor only looks at 12 finalists.

If you can't get in, what face will you have to meet His Majesty during the essay test?
Yu Dayou also couldn't help feeling guilty: he only ranked fifth after taking the first place in the essay test of the general examination.Although it is not difficult to get into the top [-], this martial arts test, after all, is based on the ranking to calculate the score.

In the art of war exam, the total score is only [-] points.This is the first place in the martial arts test, and I can get forty points.

If you want to secure the No. [-] martial arts scholar, you must at least be in the top three...

Thinking of the emperor he just met today, Yu Dayou couldn't help but slander: Why bother...

Zhu Houcong has returned to the Forbidden City, and he is quite satisfied with today's results.

The military council has already made clear his plans for the future, and if he wants to cultivate generals, he must train them well.

Now that Yu Dayou has emerged, Zhu Houcong believes in his strength.

Only after going through such a difficult examination system, if he can still win the championship, will he be convincingly able to sit on the rocket that Zhu Houcong prepared for him.

The sky will send a great responsibility to the people, and they must first...

(End of this chapter)

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