
Chapter 314 Code Name: Autumn

Chapter 314 Code Name: Autumn

The aftermath of the Grand Competition of Generals in the Beijing Camp continued.

On that day, tens of thousands of troops in full armor marched in the southern suburbs of the capital all morning, and then artillery was fired in that direction for most of the day. Now the aftermath has not been calmed down by Shuntian Mansion's "rumour refutation".

They were not discussing whether there was a real rebellion, but just discussing the situation of the Yujia returning after leaving the city, the thundering cannons from the Beijing camp and the "Fight for Ming Dynasty" that was spread for miles in the camp?
The war will start?

I haven't heard that there is a rebellion anywhere, is it a side matter?
There is no news of northern captives in the border town, so is it necessary to march north?
In front of Zhu Houcong, Wang Zuo replied: "After the Great Competition, the Beijing camp has calmed down, and the officials and people in the capital are not worried about the sudden military chaos in front of them. It's just that now everyone is talking about your majesty's intention to march north. The situation is as your majesty expected, and the minister has already caught it." Six Beiyuan spies, they want to spread the news to the north just in case."

The sudden appearance of a large army marching indeed made the people in the counties in the southern suburbs of Shuntian Prefecture panic for a while, but the reference generals hurried back to the Fifth Army Camp, and they did nothing wrong with the people along the way.Afterwards, the movement was limited to the five army camps, and even the nine gates of the capital were not closed. Under the patrol of the five city soldiers and horses, the capital responded as usual, and a little disturbance was easily quieted down.

The question is, do some thoughtful people believe it?

As long as you analyze the current internal and external situation, you will know that the goal of the emperor's vigorous troops is hardly an internal enemy—how many internal enemies are there?Now they are all smart people who refrained from jumping during the last Huguang rebellion.Is it because the strength of the officers and soldiers of the imperial court is weaker than before, or is it that His Majesty's earnest words in Ming Pao this year to carry out practical actions to benefit the people have made the people's hearts even more deviant?
So the target is naturally the foreign enemy.

I don't know when, but judging from the situation, it seems that it is not easy - in a month or two, the autumn grain will be harvested. How do you know that this is not the pre-war preparation?
Why don't you hurry up and spread such important information to the north?
Zhu Houcong didn't care how many spies were caught, as this thing could never stop.

"How many people are talking about not starting the war lightly?"

Wang Zuo bowed and replied: "It's all non-official scholars talking loudly, and I haven't received a report that some Beijing officials talked about it without authorization."

Zhu Houcong nodded: he is becoming more and more obedient.

The National Policy Conference, the Military Affairs Conference, the State Affairs Hall...there are so many bigwigs on top, and now middle and low-level officials suddenly know about it like ordinary people in the suburbs of Beijing.There is no wind direction at all, so what else is there to say?The officials after the reform of the Beijing government office are all smart.

Zhu Houcong laughed and said to him: "Yuan Hongmao is on the [-]th list, Lu Bing is [-]th, and the pro-army command and envoy division has a total of six people on the list. You have merit."

Wang Zuo even said his duty, Zhu Houcong only said: "Gong is merit. Jin Yiwei is in your hands, it is an important transitional stage of change. Luo An said that you are a very smart person, so you have to understand many of my ideas. gone."

"The minister will do his best."

"After the martial arts examination is over, I will give you ten people. Five will stay in the special service center for training, and the other five will be brought to the special warfare battalion by Yan Chunsheng."

"I thank Your Majesty Long En."

What is not known to outsiders is that Jinyiwei is also quietly changing.

The Special Service Thousand Households Office was assigned to Nanzhen Fusi.And Beizhen Fusi has now secretly set up a special warfare battalion.

Yan Chunsheng, who had made great contributions to the rebel army in the suppression of the Huguang rebellion, soared straight to the position of commander of the fourth rank.With outstanding archery skills, bold and careful, he is now in charge of the most special special combat battalion in Jinyiwei with the fourth rank.

The emperor's request for the special warfare battalion made Wang Zuo's scalp tingle: in addition to being the king of soldiers per capita, each of them must have a special skill, and they must be good at surviving alone.

In His Majesty's words, in the future, they will form a team of just a few people into an amazing army, and do things that even tens of thousands of troops can't do.

Zhu Houcong told him: "Don't just focus on those with high martial arts skills, but look at the results of the literary test and their age. In the special warfare camp, what you want is someone who dares to think and is willing to learn, and what you want is to know how to communicate and cooperate with your companions."

"I remember."

Zhu Houcong let him go.

With reference to this big competition of generals and the subsequent exercises, which side is the wolf coming from?

Bei Yuan was used to seeing only the Ming army defending the city when they went south to plunder.But starting from this year, the young emperor of Ming Dynasty will engage in a "autumn soldiers on the battlefield" every year.Beiyuan, the same young Khan who judged others by himself, would he feel that the other party also wants to make contributions?

So is Beiyuan ready for the decisive battle?

Zhu Houcong knew very well that it was not yet time to face the north.

For this reason, he is actively preparing for intelligence and special infiltration operations.

If one exercise per year can make Beiyuan throw his mouse into the trap and stop it for two or three years, then the money will be worth the money.The location of the exercise is in the suburbs of Beijing this year, can we go to Xuanfu next year?

Border town drills are being played out, in which year will it suddenly become real?

In short, Beiyuan also had to be on guard against the young emperor of Ming Dynasty who was really eager to make contributions and hot-headed, so he went to the north.They are on guard, don't they want to waste money and food?
Compared to consumption, is Daming afraid of Beiyuan?
But some officials do not understand.In Wang Zuo's mouth, there are no officials who make comments without authorization, just because the officials are not talking about things without authorization.

He directly handed over a memorial.

As the identity is sensitive, Fei Hong's ticket from the State Affairs Hall was drafted and sent over.

Zhu Houcong murmured: "The number one scholar, it's as if he fell into a money trap when he arrived at the household department... Didn't I take the money for this exercise from the inner treasury?"

Gu Dingchen said with a sneer: "Yang Shilang is worried that there will be a big war, and the money and food support will be too tight. This year, the provinces have started to reform the recruitment system, and the fifth military battalion has recruited nearly [-] soldiers. After all, the new law has not yet seen its full effect. The treasury is in trouble."

He saw the emperor muttering and muttering, but unexpectedly picked up a Chinese ink pen to make an imperial remark: Don't panic, it's just a drill.

Putting down the Zhubi, Zhu Houcong handed the memorial to Gu Dingchen, and then sighed: "I'm still short of money."

After he finished speaking, he pondered for a moment, and then he said, "Huang Jin, go to Huangzhuang and ask about the new fertilizer Jin Kela made with that struvite. After the trial this year, how is the comparison effect? ​​Mao Gu, go to the State Affairs Hall to ask. How is the discussion going on in Zhejiang. Lu Song, go find Mr. British and ask him how the preparations for the summary meeting of the [-] companies at the end of the year are going."

Gu Dingchen heard it in his ears, and seeing the emperor paused, he looked at himself again: "Jiuhe, tell the general secretary, if Zhan Rong of the Nanjing Household Department and the yellow book supervisors of various prefectures come, they will be delivered as soon as possible. Royal study."

Several people received orders separately, only Wang Shenzhong was left in the imperial study.

"Come on, let's continue talking about the style of writing you mentioned."

"..." Wang Shenzhong only felt that other people were doing practical things, but he talked nonsense with the emperor every day, and it was Lin Xiyuan who had the most dealings with the outside world.

And now that the emperor has just finished dealing with several state affairs, why did he switch to being interested in writing style?
"Nowadays, the chapters in the style of Taige are redundant and the meaning of the text is poor. During the Hongzhi period, Li Dongyang and other seven people said that the text must be Qin and Han, and the poetry must be prosperous Tang. Recently, I talked with Maozhen, but I feel that the Tang and Song articles are based on the meaning of the words, and the text follows the words. Shun..."

In the imperial study room they were chatting about literature, and in the Fifth Army Battalion they were still competing in martial arts.

On the first day, Yu Dayou said to his personal guard: "Today's battle, the opponent is Lu Bing. It is not difficult for me to defeat him, but it will inevitably consume a lot of energy. Tomorrow will be a strong opponent. Today, brother Bao will fight."

"Wrap it on Lao Bao!"

Yu Dayou told him: "In these eleven games, I just need to be in the top four, and the tough battles come later. Now I have won two games first, and if what you said is true, there are nine people left in the same group. I already have a good idea of ​​your general skills. If you are no match for Lu Bing, you will admit defeat, and you have to save your body for the next battle. According to my arrangement, I can get the best rest before the final election."

Although there is not much time to deal with each other, Yu Dayou has the status of a scholar. He is the first in the literary test and the fifth in the general test. His martial arts is also among the best among the 36 people on the list.

In the past few days, the two tried to practice against each other, and Bao Zhengchuan was not an opponent at all.

In the mind of Bao Zhengchuan, his personal guard, Yu Dayou has a more "advanced" status as a literati, and his military skills in conversation have already broken his heart.

Now, Yu Dayou still didn't put down the scrolls he brought, and calmly arranged his palace and martial arts test, obviously very confident in his advancement.

This kind of self-confidence is not only based on strength, but also based on his trust in the accuracy of the strength of the rest of the Wu Jinshi provided by Bao Zhengchuan.

But in each match, it was up to Yu Dayou to decide whether Wu Jinshi would fight in person or send personal guards against the enemy.

So is it really that sure?

The martial arts test of the palace has also begun, and Yu Dayou still has to pass this hurdle before arriving at the literary test of the palace test that can best demonstrate his abilities.

In a daze, Yu Dayou felt a little weird: according to his own level, even if he only won the third place in this palace test by strategy, with [-] points in his hand, the two people who are absolutely stronger than himself in martial arts will definitely not be able to win. He will be at least [-] points lower than himself in the essay test.

After all, they have more than 30 years of skill in martial arts, and the things they will test are too simple to bridge the gap.

So... how does it seem that the examination method of the champion of martial arts is tailor-made for myself who has the level of juren, has practiced martial arts, and has also studied the art of war?
In the Fifth Army Battalion, Yan Chunsheng also came.

Gu Shilong knew him, so when he saw Yan Chunsheng, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Yan Qian, you are very capable. I haven't heard from you for more than a year since you returned to Jinyiwei."

Yan Chunsheng also smiled and said, "The prince of the country has so many people, but he still misses his lowly job. It's really frightening."

"Why did you come here to watch the battle today?"

"The commander sent me to the humble position. The Duke of the country knows that they will be appointed after the palace examination. With His Majesty's grace, ten Jinyiwei were allowed."

"Ten people?" Gu Shilong stared, "36 Tiangang, ten people belong to Jinyiwei?"

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!" Yan Chunsheng said immediately, "I also want to take some from the vice list. Now that the water is close, the commander asked the low-ranking staff to take a look first and pick some good seedlings. There are so many people, are they all here to pick people?"

What Yan Chunsheng was talking about was the people from the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and the generals of the Beijing camp would naturally not miss it.

This year's martial arts exams are easy and then difficult. Starting from the martial arts exam of the general exam, it can almost be said that the exam schedule is cumbersome.

But the more this arrangement is made, the more it seems that the emperor attaches great importance to it.

The martial arts that the emperor attaches so much importance to, and those who were finally re-ranked from the top 36 rankings after the test, are definitely all promising.

Where will this group of people be appointed, and will make contributions in the future, can't the chief follow suit?
All of them are potential stocks, it just depends on how many people they can ask the emperor to assign to their side.

Gu Shilong suddenly felt a little different.

In the past, middle and low-level military generals followed the route of honored ministers and reported to the Ministry of War through the five prefectures. The selection process has always been the same.

But now, first of all the provincial competitions were sent to the Beijing Central Grand Competition, and the ranking of this new general was clearly visible to all.First of all, the emperor is paying attention and seeing it for himself, and the people who send it must have real skills, and secondly...does this still need to follow the route of a minister?Now he has become the person everyone wants to snatch and carry into the eyes of the emperor.

Although the final selection is difficult, it is also a ladder for the emperor to build for capable newcomers.

What Yu Dayou saw was that the selection rules for the champion of martial arts were too favorable to him, and what Gu Shilong saw was the new changes brought about by this promotion system in the military.

Coupled with the new military system, new drills, new weapons, and new tactics...

Three to five years later, I'm afraid that the entire Ming army will have a new look.

The Military Council... His Majesty is really an extremely important staff officer, and his influence and role are greater than anyone else.

Gu Shilong is presiding over the martial arts examination here, while Yang Yiqing is holding a meeting with Li Quanli and Qiu Luan to inform the rules of the "actual combat exercise".

In order to show fairness and avoid Qiu Luan's old barracks, they prepared in advance. Until now, they didn't know how to conduct this exercise.

After giving Li Quanli two days to get acquainted with the top ten generals, today, the coaches and assistant generals from both sides are present.

The door was closed, Yang Yiqing sat on it, and said solemnly: "This exercise has a code name: Autumn!"

Everyone's heart froze.

Chunsou, Xiamiao, Qiushou, and Dongshou are all used to talk about things during the farming break.The words in the Zuo Zhuan refer to the tradition of practicing martial arts during the slack season that began during the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

But this season, anyone who is familiar with the army knows that it is the time when the war horses of the Northern Yuan Dynasty are fat and strong, and they can be said to be the most powerful.

"At this time of year, before the heavy snowfall, it is the easiest time for the northern captives to go south to plunder." Yang Yiqing continued, "This autumn, the location is in Miyun. Uncle Xiangcheng, after three days of training, you will take the lead The army will go first and take over the Stone Box Fort."

Li Quanli frowned slightly: "Shixia Fort? That camp can't accommodate nearly five thousand soldiers."

Yang Yiqing said solemnly: "All the staff members of the Military Affairs Conference re-examined the defense line in the north of Beijing. The Shixia Fortress looks at Gubeikou in the north, Baima Pass and Shitang Ridge in the northwest, and Caojia Road in the northeast. Let’s go first, how to set up camp and arrange defenses is one of the contents of the test.”

"So, the Marquis of Xianning led the veterans of the Fifth Army Battalion to attack?" Li Quanli looked at the young Qiu Luan.

"Three directions." Yang Yiqing nodded, "Uncle Xiangcheng also needs to pay attention to how to arrange the scout whistle. You go first, and how the Marquis of Xianning leads his troops to avoid your eyes and ears is one of his subjects."

Yang Yiqing looked at the crowd, "They are all officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, so they can't really fight to the death. This exercise is divided into three categories."

Everyone hastened to listen attentively.

"First, reconnaissance. The military affairs conference has set up several dangerous places in the north, northwest, and northeast of Shixiabao, and only informed Uncle Xiangcheng. In addition to dividing troops to garrison, is Uncle Xiangcheng setting up suspicious soldiers, false The stronghold, you can decide for yourself. The Marquis of Xianning needs to find out which strongholds are there."

Qiu Luan was a bit overwhelmed: Li Quanli and the others went first, and they must keep people paying attention to the movement of the old barracks.To put it bluntly, this stage is the night march of the old barracks.It was already very difficult to avoid Li Quanli's guess as to which direction they would come from the north of Stone Box Fort - it was tiring to make a big detour.

I haven't told him which strongholds there are, there may be suspected soldiers and false strongholds.To put it bluntly, everyone has to be familiar with the terrain there, do a good job of reconnaissance by sentry cavalry, and then decide how to attack and defend.

"Secondly, robbing food and grass. There is no food in the stronghold now. When I went there for the first time, I was only allowed to bring ten days' rations. Afterwards, Shixia Fort was transferred to other places, no more than ten days' rations. Before the end of the exercise , as long as the rations of any stronghold are cut off, the defenders at that place will be sentenced to lose first and withdraw from the exercise."

Speaking of this, he reminded: "Don't think about going to the nearby villages and towns to buy food. His Majesty arranged for three hundred Jinyi guards to be scattered in the exercise area. Any violation of the rules will be remembered."

"..." Li Quanli just wanted to scold his mother. Could it be that he was exhausted by relying on a group of recruits, divided into multiple places, and had poor command?
"Then how to decide the outcome?"

"Don't be in a hurry. The third is to meet the enemy. If someone on the attacking side penetrates within [-] steps of the remaining stronghold and the defenders still haven't detected it, the defender will directly judge that the stronghold has been lost. If it has been detected, First, the military magistrate will record the number of attacking and defending parties at that stronghold, the weapons and supplies they carry, and the rations on both sides, and immediately stop fighting." Yang Yiqing said in a deep voice, "They are all officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, so naturally this exercise cannot be regarded as a real attack and defense exercise."

Qiu Luan was very puzzled: "Is it just an offensive and defensive stronghold? If Bo Xiangcheng doesn't care about Shixiabao?"

What if they don't care about Stone Box Fort at all, and all the people disperse outside, like an iron barrel array?It also detects a ghost and robs a ghost of food.

"Nowadays, even though we know that there is an exercise, the defenders don't have to think about taking advantage of the loopholes. The stone box fort cannot be less than one thousand and five hundred at a time, and it is regarded as the main city. If the northern stronghold is lost before the exercise is over, the defenders will lose. "

"... When will the exercise end?"

Yang Yiqing laughed: "Uncle Xiangcheng is the defender, will he tell you when the enemy army will attack and retreat?"

As soon as Qiu Luan's eyes lit up, it was quite lively.

The recruits are already weaker, although they will be braver, but the soldiers are bears.

"From the southern suburbs of the capital to the Miyun area, if the command is proper, both offensive and defensive sides should be able to reach that area before the tenth day of October. The exercise will not end earlier than the tenth day of November. In this month's time, according to His Majesty's words , mainly reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, offensive and defensive division of troops and marching contest. During this period of time, you two sides are not allowed to kill people during the sentry cavalry contest and when you are robbing food and salaries. Those who lose, these generals will withdraw from the exercise."


Qiu Luan was suddenly not so happy.

All under him are veterans, it makes no difference whether they have weapons or not.At least this arrow can't be used, so what's the point if you have to go up to fight melee?

But it can't be suggested that weapons should be used, and the lives of soldiers should not be taken seriously.

You can tell that this is what His Majesty meant.

Not only that, Qiu Luan felt that many things were prepared for nothing.

The veterans of the Fifth Army Battalion mainly fought positional warfare.

The advantages of these veterans in such key points of the test were immediately pulled down a lot.

In this autumn exercise, the most important energy has to be on reconnaissance, marching, and food—won't his attacking side eat and drink?

"There are many places to show the ability of commanding the army." Yang Yiqing looked at the two people. Unlike them, Yang Yiqing had really commanded the army in the border town for many years. "Marching and fighting is not just about fighting in front of the battle."

"Mr. Yang, it was said before that if someone enters within [-] steps of the stronghold, he will be punished. This... the Marquis of Xianning only sent one or two people to sneak in at night..." Li Quanli was not at ease.

"Marquis Xianning, you need to remember that it is useless to send only one person in. If there are fewer people than the defenders of the stronghold, all your people will withdraw, and one defender will be against three of you."

Yang Yiqing's answer made Li Quanli much more relaxed, while Qiu Luan was very depressed.

"...General Staff, it's too troublesome."

Although the defending side has an advantage in terms of territory, it is not an example of a battle where many people on the opposite side were wiped out without passing a few people.Now, Qiu Luan felt that his veterans were more restricted.

Yang Yiqing glanced at him, otherwise?The guns and guns really killed more than a thousand casualties?
He looked at Li Quanli again, and then said in a deep voice: "I think you all understand that this exercise is about Beilu attacking grass valleys and attacking border villages. My Ming generals and Beilu have been in contact with Beilu for many years. When the enemy is fighting, calculate how many people can be exchanged for one person. Your Majesty has statistics on this number. Although they are all the numbers reported by the border town, they may not be completely true, but it is right to use them for calculation. Except for the team reconnaissance and looting food, the rest They will all meet the enemy and pull out the stronghold, and there will be no fewer people."

"Therefore, both of you need to assign the number of attackers and defenders according to this number, which also involves the transfer of rations. Once you contact the enemy before the end of the exercise, each stronghold will be judged according to this number. The loser will withdraw from the exercise. The winning side withdraws the corresponding number. Before the exercise is over, Uncle Xiangcheng can also send people to recapture the stronghold, the rules are the same. This time, it is easy not to count the need for the wounded to take care of them.”

"..." Both of them felt that it was already very troublesome.

"Since that's the case, why do you have to remember the military equipment, supplies and rations?" Qiu Luan asked.

If it's just a matter of numbers, then...

"Remember, it is only when the enemy is engaged, because it is impossible to really fight. But if the attacker runs over empty-handed and empty-footed, is that a death sentence? Before approaching the enemy, seek the truth. For three days, the attacking side will lose."

"...General Staff, but the Mongols ride horses like the wind, and support wars by fighting. My five army battalions are all infantry and chariot soldiers..."

"That's why reconnaissance comes first, it's the top priority to rob food without fighting, it's the top priority to march in concealment, it's the top priority to detect the enemy's movements in advance and increase troops to rescue!"

Yang Yiqing stared at the two of them: "Finally, tell Marquis Xianning when the exercise will end. If he is unfavorable in the battle, he will step up his attack. Uncle Xiangcheng naturally knows that this is a decisive battle. There is no need to decide the final outcome of this exercise. The final battle situation is the result. Coupled with the military orders and decisions made during this period, it is the basis for judging the generals and your gains and losses. If you really hold back your strength and are not convinced, there will be opportunities in the future to see the real chapter with the enemy !"

Everyone's heart trembled, and the top ten generals in the comparison also understood: Obviously, this is to maximize the command, daily arrangements, and commanding abilities of the ten of them and these generals, and try not to be affected by the battles of recruits and veterans. The power level is implicated.

This is indeed acting, but... this acting method can show some real skills under the leadership of Li Quanli and Qiu Luan, who are eager to make contributions.

It even includes the ability of these generals and officials to get along with them when they are working under Xun Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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