
Chapter 320 Seeking Harmony That Can Sing and Dance

Chapter 320 Seeking Harmony That Can Sing and Dance

[How can the end of the war be opened lightly?Loyalty is commendable, but duty is more important. 】

Tang Shunzhi looked at the emperor's imperial criticism as if struck by lightning.

You, the thick-browed, big-eyed emperor who is screaming in the Beijing camp, don't you actually take the lead in the battle?
The civil and military champions jointly named Shangshu to lead the battle, which really caused a lot of discussion in the court.

But at this moment, there are voices of doubt.

"Recruit troops every year, prevent autumn, set up borders, set up ambushes, guest soldiers, horse feed, shop feed prices, warehouse grain and grass, and make up for the shortage of the year. It is strange that Taikuang needs to prepare enough money and grain for the border town of 300 million taels! For this Shuozhou victory, more than [-] taels were separately listed first, and then there were generals who rewarded silver. Your Majesty is holy! Once the battle started, tens of millions of money and food were spent. Tang Shunzhi and Yu Dayou, a scholar, The bravery of a reckless man is really not worth it!"

"Now there are still five Xuanning Forts under construction. Bricks, stones, transfers, recruiting, and salaries are already stretched out! The new law has not yet been completed, and the strategy of enriching the country has not yet seen full effect. How can such a large-scale northward conquest be implemented? Two people Arguing about state policy should be punished!"


Yu Dayou was overwhelmed by the discussions between the government and the opposition.

He hasn't officially become an official yet, so he has to question the crime first?

At the end of the year, the number one scholar in civil and military affairs in Bingxu Branch got involved in Boda.

But Tang Shunzhi was dizzy for a while, and then said firmly to Yu Dayou: "Don't panic! It's just that your Majesty knows that the government and the people are as fearful of war as a tiger! Don't you see the word 'loyalty is commendable'? It's not that we won't fight, it must be the right time good!"

Yu Dayou looked at him: A few days ago, what you said was that the opportunity is once in a lifetime.With the great victory in Shuozhou, the morale of the Ming Dynasty is high, and His Majesty's prestige is unparalleled; I answer the first defeat, and there must be dark waves in Beiyuan.

Tang Shunzhi said decisively again: "No! It's not that the timing is bad! Is it you or me who didn't think carefully?"

Yu Dayou: ...Brother, you are really strong.

"These two are actually getting together now." Zhu Houcong couldn't laugh or cry in the imperial study.

It was rare for Wang Shenzhong to stop pretending to be transparent in the imperial study, and said in a low voice: "The two of you are also brave..."

"It's good to suffer a little bit." Zhu Houcong just smiled.

Who let the two hit the muzzle?
Daming's difficulty is that it is extremely difficult.

Fei Hong is now in the critical stage of recreating the yellow books from the clearing of the land and implementing the new taxation law next year. There is a faint word on his forehead every day he looks at it: annoying.

As a result, the civil and military champions jumped out together to lead the battle?Or should we seize the opportunity and frame the "captive" bandits for a national war-level Northern Expedition?

Those who dare not blatantly block the new law will only vent their grievances and dissatisfaction on this small excuse-in the name of public loyalty to the country.

It can only be said that Tang Shunzhi and Yu Dayou's thoughts were a little rough, or that they were not as courageous and appetite as the emperor.

Just because Zhu Houcong had more courage and appetite, the punch he was going to punch was by no means an innocuous punch under the strength of Datong Town and Daming.How can the enemy in the north be able to stand against Daming for so long?Even if Tang Shunzhi and Yu Dayou's idea is somewhat possible to realize, how can they defend against the counterattack?

And let these two young people survive for a while.

Now, it's Guo Xun's apology.

Ma Lu handed over a bullet to Beijing, Zhu Houcong just wrote a letter and asked Guo Xun: You are in Nanjing, why don't you practice the Zhenwu camp well, why do you care about the affairs of the Shanxi Judiciary?
Zhu Houcong really didn't know about the famous Li Fuda case in history, let alone how the entanglements between new and old ministers turned out because this case was involved in the process of the ceremony.

Anyway, you, Guo Xun, are meddling.

Zhang Yin, the original commander of the left guard in Taiyuan, escaped first and was later arrested, and Ma Lu presented a lot of evidence.

[...The minister was acquainted with him when the first emperor was there. In the second year of Jiajing, he went to Beijing to visit the minister's mansion. At that time, the minister did not know that he was accused.Afterwards, I went to Nanjing and kept writing letters, but I only heard from him that he was released after checking that there were no dragon and tiger shapes and cinnabar characters that the enemy said.Unexpectedly, after Ma Yushi arrived in Shanxi, the case was reversed again, and the minister went to write a letter...]

Zhu Houcong looked at Guo Xun's letter in the imperial study, and doubts gradually appeared in his mind.

Zhu Houcong basically didn't pay attention to such "small cases" before.

But now it seems that Li Fuda participated in the rebellion of Wang Liang and other Maitreya demons in the second year of Hongzhi. At that time, Li Fuda was exiled to Gansu as an accomplice.

In the end, he escaped, fled to Luochuan, was found out again, exiled to Liaodong, and escaped again.

After escaping this time, he recruited disciples in Shanxi and looted everywhere, causing the Luochuan Rebellion in the seventh year of Zhengde.

He still escaped, but this time he learned his lesson, changed his name to Zhang Yin, registered as a craftsman while routinely updating the yellow book, and got acquainted with Guo Xun.Then "Nasu donated officials", through donating food and money, and finally became an officer of the Taiyuan Zuowei Commander.

Bloody enough.

Now because of Guo Xun's reply, Zhu Houcong also paid attention to this case, but from a different angle.

Datong Town... Yellow Book...

Zhu Houcong pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Call Fei Hong, Yang Yiqing, Cui Yuan, Wang Qiong, Wang Shouren, Zhang Zilin, Yang Tan, and call Gu Shilong and Li Quanli to discuss matters in the imperial study."


First, the number one scholar in civil and military affairs jointly signed a letter to lead the battle, but the emperor rejected it.

But then, another important minister was sent to the Hall of Mental Cultivation for discussion.

Even if they are both counselors, there are differences.Among the counselors, only a few people were called; in addition to the counselors, there were two important military officials.

This is a great signal.

So Fei Hong went to the imperial study room, looked at the lineup, and was worried: "Your Majesty, I am not timid to fight, and I really can't easily plan the Northern Expedition right now!"

Take a look, Yang Yiqing, Wang Shouren, and Gu Shilong are all from the military affairs conference. After Li Quanli won the exercise, his prestige in the Beijing camp has increased. Wang Qiong and Yang Tan are both from the Ministry of Household Affairs...however you look at it, it seems to be discussing the Northern Expedition rhythm.

"Fei Qing is worrying too much." Zhu Houcong smiled, "It's not for this today, I never thought of going north in a hurry. Zhao Qing and others are here to defend Shanxi Xun Ma Lu's impeachment of Marquis Wu Ding, There is also Marquis Wu Ding's self-defense. Regarding Li Fuda's case, please discuss the pros and cons of a thorough investigation."

Everyone was stunned.

Li Fuda's case?

It is true that Guo Xun is involved, it seems that the matter is not small.But didn't the emperor say it?Guo Xunna's "self-defense" and "pleading guilty" were sparse.

It has already been determined, Guo Xun is nosy.

That being the case, what is it about Li Fuda's case that deserves so many ministers to discuss whether or not to investigate thoroughly?

Zhu Houcong looked at them: "I won't mention the old story of Li Fuda's two escapes. After he escaped in trouble in Luochuan, how could he still enter the yellow book under a false name? How could he easily be the commander of the third-rank guard of my Daming?" What I saw was shocking, how can such a situation be avoided from happening again in the future?"

The group of people immediately understood that the Ming Dynasty had become a master: the emperor wanted to use this incident to make bigger things happen.

The goal is to rectify the subordinate officials by clearing up the land and rebuilding the yellow books that have been discussed a long time ago, and it is even more directed at the border town that relies on the bandits for self-respect.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Yiqing replied solemnly, "Datong Town's new military exploits are not too big or small. They are just not enough to be promoted too much. It is better to continue guarding Datong Town. If the Li Fuda case is thoroughly investigated, not only Datong, but also All the borders are uneasy. For so many years, officials have been promoted and moved, and they have spread all over the borders. If Li Fuda can steal the command of the first guard, there are people in the five government officials and the Ministry of War who cannot escape."

"I understand." Zhu Houcong said lightly, "The attitude of a thorough investigation is to be done. I am very furious, and I want to let the government and the people know. The rewards that the officers and soldiers of Datong Town should be rewarded, let them know for themselves what is the proportion of this case. Restraint, I know that I have a note here, it depends on the Qing and others. Now that the case has come to light, are there any other thieves in the provinces who have been registered and naturalized under aliases? The counties and prefectures must at least give them a chance first Self-Chen. Now that I have confessed, I can be lenient; if it is found out in the future, then I will be stricter."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it was just an excuse.

The emperor was getting more and more sophisticated, and he knew that he should not be too rough with Bianzhen.On the surface, they were rewarded and praised, but another matter was used to beat them to restrain themselves, and even left evidence of future settlement.

As for the subordinate officials...it's overdue!Who hasn't had the experience of being manipulated by senior officials when they first embarked on an official career.

Then everyone became confused again, Fei Hong asked: "Your Majesty, is it just this matter? Then there is no need to discuss its pros and cons, right?"

"Why don't you need to discuss it?" Zhu Houcong laughed, "Qing and others rushed to the Imperial Study Room according to the order, and then thoroughly investigated the case. How do the government and the public view the purpose of thoroughly investigating the case? What do you think of Datong Town? What do the civil gentry think? Beilu... ...what would you think?"

Fei Hong's scalp went numb suddenly: "...Before the case is closed, there will naturally be a tendency to be quite anxious because of our Daming's sweeping up the pickles in the region. Your Majesty, do you still want to lure the northern captives to attack again?"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "With my Ming's current combat power, it is hard to say that we will win against the northern captives, let alone the Northern Expedition. I will suffer a loss for the Tumote Department. I am afraid that it will be next year, maybe in February or March. There is going to be another attack. I have been discussing with the staff at the military affairs conference these days, and I think this battle is inevitable. If this is the case, it is better to try my best to plan a good fighter. Don't worry, Fei Qing, this battle will not be protracted, but this battle A big victory is needed, so that we can create an opportunity for me to 'seek peace'."

These important ministers outside the military affairs conference couldn't help but confirm in a voice: "Seek peace?"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "It's been decades since the tribute was cut off. As long as the talks come to an end, although it is to talk about trade between the two countries after the victory to gain more time, some people in the government and the opposition will naturally think that I am asking for peace. That's not necessary. I don't care, and if I really want to get rid of my troubles in the north, I will take this move. But if the situation is a little slow, Qing and others can also concentrate on my military affairs of Ming Dynasty and New France."

The emperor made it clear that this was only one step in the clear strategic goal of "recovering our land and rivers and eliminating the troubles in the north".

Tang Shunzhi and Yu Dayou just proposed to repeat it, but the emperor's appetite is so big.

Fei Hong couldn't help looking at Yang Yiqing: "Ying Ning, how far has the discussion progressed at the military affairs meeting?"

As Prime Minister and Minister of State, according to the current division of labor, it is inappropriate for him to focus on military affairs.

But how can we not ask now?
Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren looked at each other, and then sighed: "This is indeed a national policy. Your Majesty said it bluntly. Why do you say that today is a discussion about whether the Li Fuda case should be thoroughly investigated? It is true that not many people should know, but a century-old plan cannot be limited to Planning at the military affairs meeting. Then let’s hear what they think?”

Zhu Houcong smiled: "Yang Qing is right, but today's meeting is just trying to cover up. What the government and the public know is that they can only discuss the Li Fuda case involving Wu Dinghou. Whether I will take the bait or not depends entirely on how Qing will come later Take your measure."

At present, it is impossible to talk about victory against Tatar, and the possibility of defeat is even greater if you take the initiative to attack, and I have a high probability that you will not be able to swallow this breath, and will soon attack the old comrade Da Mingzi who is a few years older than him.

Zhu Houcong needed to plan to give Beilu a heavy blow, so how could he not plan?
Fei Hong and others gradually understood that the emperor repeatedly emphasized that today is to discuss whether to thoroughly investigate the Li Fuda case, which is also part of the plan against the northern captives.

But after listening to it, he couldn't help standing up: "What? Giving ironware to Beilu? Isn't this raising tigers to cause trouble?"

"It's just an iron pot. Pig iron needs to be fried and refined into mature iron. They can't do it. Among the northern captives, I'm the only one who captured a lot of Han people, and I would be very jealous. And the iron pot is in Mobei, it's the best way to buy the hearts of herdsmen." Good stuff. This iron pot, Bodi Khan will use it to buy people's hearts, and I will use it to make mature iron to cast weapons. However, how many years has it been strictly forbidden to sell iron in Mobei? Can it be controlled? They went south to plunder, more for iron than for women and gold and silver."

Zhu Houcong said a fact, and continued to add: "Don't worry too much, how much ironware you give them, can't the total amount be controlled by me, Ming Dynasty? I am the son of the Ming Dynasty, and the trade between countries is naturally with the Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. Talk. But the trade route to the north must pass through the Tumote Ministry, so it is worth looking forward to how they will fight."

"...That is iron after all."

If Tang Shunzhi were here, he would only be as frightened as Fei Hong and the others: Your Majesty's courage is too great.

Zhu Houcong said very calmly: "I, Huaxia, have confronted Beilu for more than a thousand years? For so many years, the frontier generals and soldiers of all dynasties have always been strong and sharp, but even though Beilu was invincible, how have they ever been really afraid? It will resurface and become a serious problem. To completely eradicate this future problem, it is useless to ban iron tools. Only guns can make them good at singing and dancing."

"...The new guns and cannons are not enough." Wang Shouren said something.

Zhu Houcong's eyes flashed brightly: "The important thing is the direction and the determination. I, the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, know how to use the bait of ironware. The time bought by this bait is used to prepare troops and put pressure on Daming himself. Those who came to prepare to drive out the Tartars! With heavy rewards, there must be a breakthrough. Buy me time, and I will make them sing and dance well!"

What Tang Shunzhi wanted was to make clever use of the situation in the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and at the same time contain the Tumote Department in the direction of Datong, defeat the Ordos Department and retake Hetao. It is an indispensable step for him to become the chief minister of the Ming military in the future.

What Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren wanted was to solve the hidden dangers in the border towns, still focus on defense, and win a few more victories like the Shuozhou victory, then the northern line would be stable for a long time.

Only Zhu Houcong wanted to eliminate the future troubles in the north step by step, but the first step was to throw out a bait they couldn't refuse to paralyze and divide them.

Open it with the ironware that Beiyuan wanted to get in the "tribute" again and again.

This is of course raising a tiger to cause trouble, but even if it is a tiger, what can it do in front of guns?Tiger crouching cannon.

The premise is that Daming really has a new firearm that marks the complete end of the cold weapon era.

Zhu Houcong is also unwilling to spend too many soldiers' lives to fill a victory, unless he can only rely on one victory to buy time.

It was time for him to play a role in the introduction of technology such as the spiral line that he had buried when he was developing printing presses and many other things.

Right now, first of all, it is necessary for the important ministers to understand and support the emperor's overall strategy for Bei Yuan.

If Zhu Houcong proposed such a big goal a few years ago, the resistance would be unimaginable.

But now, with the great victory in Shuozhou, it is an unavoidable battle to only win while defending, and then the trade treaty will be signed with iron, which is indeed controllable.

There is only one thing that makes everyone doubtful, that is, can there really be the firearm that His Majesty said will make the Beilu able to sing and dance?
"Telescopes, tiger squat guns, printing presses..." Although Zhu Houcong was not sure that he would break through to that extent, he knew that this was the direction proved by history.

The example given by the emperor...is very convincing...Your Majesty cannot treat it with common sense.

"...Then His Majesty's imperial criticism of Tang Shunzhi and Yu Dayou..."

Zhu Houcong was serious: "Since I want peace, how can I not pave the way for it? What's more, I will use iron tools to make peace after victory? I only hope that the monarch and his ministers will be united and move forward from now on. For the rest of my life, the future history books will be written by you. What came here is the reconciliation of the northern captives who are good at fighting and can sing and dance from now on!"

The military council's strategy on how to resume Cochin has not yet been completed, but the plan for Beilu, a confidant who is highly recognized by the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, is more interesting.

What's more, when it comes to money and food and future governance and education, Ming's foreign strategy is one.

Fei Hong knew that it must be a scene that would not be seen until many years later, and they, the generation present here, might only bear the reputation of "feeding tigers for trouble and seeking perfection through humiliation".

The glory of the future belongs to those who are still very young at this moment.But those people, will they thank their seniors for their contributions before the Taimiao and Tiandi Sheji in the future?
At this moment, Tang Shunzhi was still thinking hard: Where did I not think carefully?

The important ministers of the Ming Dynasty suddenly went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation according to the order, and no one knew what they were talking about after staying there for so long.

At the last court meeting before the end of the year, it was the emperor's thunderous anger at the anti-thief leader who turned into a high-ranking general of the Ming Dynasty, and Guo Xun was punished for meddling in his own business and fined his salary for three years—and he had already been fined. A downgraded replacement that has been passed but not announced.Putting it under the system that already has no merit and will be degraded and replaced, it is a marquis who becomes a county magistrate.

The severity of the punishment was appalling, and Guo Xun only helped to intercede.

Guo Xun, who was far away in Nanjing, had naturally received a reply, and he could only sigh: he was in debt, but as a local staff officer of the Military Affairs Conference, he knew what the big plan was like.

He looked at Xu Pengju: "Although Qiu Luan was defeated, it is considered meritorious. You two young ones are in Nanjing, train well. If there is a situation, just fight hard. I hope that you will be leisurely, and I will wait for your children and grandchildren to treat you unfilially in the future." .”

"...Are you really going to invite yourself to Datong Town?"

"Otherwise? If I don't commit crimes and make meritorious service, what will I do if my son of the magistrate is not filial to me when I am old?"


Guo Xun has already asked himself to serve as a frontier guard, and Qiu Luan will take over his experience in training troops in the Beijing camp to continue training in the Nanjing Zhenwu Camp.

At the end of this year, Yu Dayou was also invited to guard the border by himself.

Ma Lu had already been ordered to thoroughly investigate Li Fuda's case, but at this time Guo Xun was going to Datong Town to serve as the commander-in-chief.

"The visitor is not kind! General, if you go to the former military governor's mansion, what shall we do?"

"...With this merit, it is not enough to be promoted to the former governor of the military governor's office." Zhu Zhen, the current commander-in-chief of Datong Town, has mixed feelings. Under the military officer? The commander-in-chief knows that, it is from the first rank!"

Zhu Zhen is not the kind of general who is appointed as the commander-in-chief of the town here. If he can be promoted to the level of a general, he will be the pinnacle of his life, unless he has made an indelible contribution and made him an earl or above.

But he didn't want to make such a big contribution. Wouldn't it be good to be the leader of the generals in Datong Town, which is like a backyard?
But if Guo Xun wants to come, he has to move.

Whoever is rewarded for meritorious service, why refuse?
But if the Li Fuda case hadn't been thoroughly investigated, everyone wouldn't be so worried.

"No hurry!" Zhu Zhen's eyes flickered, "Marquis Wu Ding has to go back to Beijing to see him first, and then he has to choose his own soldiers before he comes to Datong. Let's take a look first!"

(End of this chapter)

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