
Chapter 321

Chapter 321

"Taiwan Supervisor! Taiwan Supervisor! The matter of re-opening the Shibo Department has finally been agreed!"

Outside the official hall of Yan Song in the yamen of the Governor's Zhejiang Ministry, the secretary walked in with an official document happily.

Yan Songwen, who had not been very smooth during the five years of Jiajing, couldn't help standing up: "Really?"

"It's absolutely true! The Palace of State Affairs has already written a document, please take a look at the supervisory station!"

Yan Song greeted it immediately, took it in his hand and looked at it.

After a while, he even claimed yes.

Not only the Ningbo Shipbuilding Department was reopened, but the Fuzhou Shipbuilding Department was also abolished.At that time, Fujian's shipping department was originally located in Quanzhou, but it was moved to Fuzhou in order to suppress Quanzhou's maritime forces after the maritime ban was initiated.And not long ago, there was an anti-thief Pu Zitong among the "remnants" of Quanzhou, and the Fuzhou Bureau of Shipping was abolished this time due to various reasons.

"Guangdong only grants Huangmingji a franchise, and Ningbo is the only gateway for private maritime merchants! Good, good!"

There is no doubt that this will be the most important achievement Yan Song left for Zhejiang.

"Continue writing immediately. During the Chinese New Year, the governor will not rest." Yan Song knew the situation that the court was facing now. After defeating the northern captives, the financial pressure would be even greater. "Notify the Xiangxianyuan , According to the commercial law, if you want to go to sea with integrity, you must be a registered company! The verification of the principal and the deposit according to the law should be totaled during the Chinese New Year. The governor finally implemented the national policy that was invited to try it out next year. Zhejiang will only Issue ten licenses first!"

The last stone in the fifth year of Jiajing was thrown to the southeast, and the news spread like wildfire.

Although civilian ships can only enter and exit from Ningbo, the sixth year of Jiajing was the year when the Ming Dynasty "switched".

When the news reached Fuzhou, the local gentry and wealthy businessmen in Fujian were filled with righteous indignation.

"Why does the imperial court treat one more than another? Fuzhou Shipping Department is good, but now it has been withdrawn. Since private ships are allowed to go to sea, do we have to go north to Ningbo first and then come back?"

"After going to Ningbo, where is the way for our Fujian maritime merchants to survive? In the future, can't we only rely on Guangdong and Zhejiang?"

"Why treat Fujian so poorly?"

After hearing the feedback from the people below, the governor of Fujian just said lightly: "Shandong, Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong are all treated equally, and ten licenses are allowed for each trial. If you have time to make noise, why not hurry up?" Make preparations. The imperial court has its own reasons for such an arrangement. Why? The imperial court set up a city ship department, which was specially built for Fujian?"

Today, the Japanese plague still exists, and there are too many mountains in Fujian, and it is true that we can only rely on the sea to eat the sea.

However, Fujian has newly acquired some areas on the west coast of Taiyuan Island. Where does the spare energy come from to manage this important matter?
On the contrary, Fujian has another important task: using the strait between Taiyuan Island and Fujian as the main route, the Daming Navy, which was agreed to spend several years in preparation at the military affairs conference, will use Quanzhou and The Penghu Inspection Department is the base, which is not only responsible for the inspection of civilian ships after they go to sea, but also continuously develops and manages Taiyuan Island.

The strategic mission given by the imperial court to Fujian is actually very simple: Isn't it necessary to go to sea because there are many mountains and few lands?Then it is better for some people to gradually go to the opposite Taiyuan Island.

Daming needs Taiyuan Island, a solid sea land.

Therefore, the Fuzhou Shipping Department was withdrawn first.

At the beginning of the new year, the waves caused by the switch only fermented on the southeast coast.

The prosperity of Ningbo has reappeared, and it is suddenly better than before.

Yan Song has been sitting here since the sixth day of the first lunar month. Whether he can straighten out this matter and bring a steady stream of maritime trade benefits to the imperial court determines whether he can return to Beijing.

And the liaisons sent by various private maritime merchants to Ningbo were told one thing in a daze: After returning to Hong Kong, a stone called struvite can be used to offset part of the customs duties of the municipal shipping department.

What the hell?

It was the struvite that did have a very good effect in the experiments of Jin Kela and the old farmers in Huangzhuang, so the State Affairs Hall finally "adventurously" decided to switch.

All along, whether it is the emperor or the center of the court, the goal of "good management" is always the goal.

The sea ban makes it easier to manage the people.

The switch is not only a substantive measure to encourage business, it is easy to make "people's hearts turn to profit", but also because the Shibo Department is too far away from the imperial center and the benefits are too great, it is very easy to cause subsequent corruption and other situations.

However, the war with Beilu reappeared, and the emperor still had great ambitions, and the demand for money and food in the future was too great.

Under various factors, the switch proposal has finally been approved by most people, let's try it first.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, after the court meeting, there was a "company summary planning meeting" held in the palace.

In addition to the summary report of the operating conditions of each company after the restructuring last year, it is the arrangement for this year.

It was still in the early days, Zhu Houcong did not criticize them for achieving much results soon, but still had to emphasize some directional issues.

"Guo Xun has been punished by me, and the case of Li Fuda is also being thoroughly investigated." Zhu Houcong reassured them, "But you don't have to worry about it. In the past, between you Xunchen and the five houses, when the generals were selected Some of the things that have been left behind are all things of the past. From now on, since you have made up your mind to assist me in running these enterprises, you should look forward. What I am talking about is the future, not the money."

He lowered his head and looked at the report in front of him: "I thought that most of you would lose money in the first year. As a result, at the end of the year, the assets of most companies have increased, and many businesses even have good profits."

After looking up at them again: "I don't want you to rely on your status as an enterprise, relying on the current trend of purchasing in various offices, to turn the money of the household department into my money, and turn the property of many small private businessmen into my money." Wealth. This sign is not good, and I will take this opportunity today to tell you more about it.”

Eighteen companies basically have certain monopoly businesses and resources.Even if it is not a monopoly, the assets and manpower allocated to them, the conditions and attractiveness they can offer when recruiting talents are not comparable to private commercial firms.

They want to make money, easy.

But Zhu Houcong's expectation for them is to really drive the development of some industries and technological innovation.

However, as minority shareholders, since this generation of honorable ministers in the [-] companies has given up the idea of ​​being an official, they still need material incentives such as profit distribution in their lives.

"I've been thinking about it for a year, and I've set some goals for you all, take a look."

Hearing this, Huang Jin stood up and handed out the brochures to be distributed to each family.

Sincerity Bo Liu Yu got it in his hand and took a look: the five-year plan of the Tongyi Bureau.

After he opened it, it was about how many more "outlets" the Tongyi Bureau should add to the existing station system in five years, and what kind of station network should be formed by division.And in the category of technology, there is also the requirement to spend five years surveying the existing roads, and to cooperate with the special forces of the provincial public security departments to draw new maps according to the new technical requirements.

Liu Yu read it hastily, and glanced at the brochures of the construction bureau next door, and saw that there were projects such as gradual renovation of old and new carriageways, trial research of rail carriages, and joint research with Baojin Bureau on firing cement and slag utilization.

The military battles on the other side are basically technical.Liu Yu was dazzled: What flint sparked the ignition?What spiral rifling?What smokeless gunpowder?
Now Zhu Houcong didn't hide at all, and just pointed them in the direction.

But he is also very clear about one thing: "The many goals I listed, I am afraid that most of you will not be able to achieve them within five years. Even if some technologies have a promising future, I am afraid that they will be expensive to manufacture and the losses outweigh the gains. But this is the direction, and What you can do for me. As long as you achieve something, you are meritorious. It is determined by these things that you will not be degraded or even go further. Today, all the families are here to testify to each other. What I want to see is You guys probably have a better understanding of what kind of Ming Dynasty it is."

Zhu Houcong is not ignorant of the fact that it took decades or even hundreds of years for various technologies to slowly evolve, but he is an accelerator—human wisdom does not differ fundamentally from time to time, and the accumulation of knowledge is of course of great significance. But sometimes what is lacking is clear direction.

Now, Zhu Houcong has spent a year arranging what he thinks about "major scientific and technological projects" in this way.

With his technical literacy, he can't make any particularly reasonable plan for technological progress and development, so it's better to be more practical and follow his own needs.

Some infrastructure needed to efficiently manage a huge empire, military technology needed to remove hidden dangers from foreign enemies, and some industrial technology needed to improve people's livelihood.

Zhang Lun, the British public, expressed his concern—then next year's summary plan meeting, won't everyone start to lose money?No longer counting on military merits to see meritorious service, and helping the emperor manage the business, many honorable officials are looking for wealth.

The many directions pointed out by His Majesty are a bottomless pit of financial and material resources.

"It's very simple to make money." Zhu Houcong finally pointed out this point, "The first batch of private enterprises going overseas, in the name of trial implementation and easy management, must have at least one of you as a shareholder, and the total proportion is not allowed. Higher than [-]%. Invest this money and let them earn it for you.”

This is the background of the times. For those gentry and wealthy households, why should they share the profits?
However, this time, after all, they are not relying solely on their "background" to take the stake, they will give real money.To obtain the license, a capital verification is required, and a deposit is required to prevent evasion of the customs duties of the Municipal Shipping Department.

The chief executive of the group herd supervisor looked at the emperor cautiously.

In the five-year plan for myself, why is there the task of breeding fine Mongolian horses, Hequ horses, and Dawan horses?Where do stallions come from?Where to shepherd?
He didn't dare to ask now, nor did he dare to think deeply, but he just covered his pamphlet tightly first.

It seems that there is some great plan?

This winter is very cold, and Daming Bian Town still dare not slack off after the great victory in Shuozhou.

A northern prisoner who suffers is a dangerous northern prisoner.

To the northwest of Beijing, after passing Juyongguan, you will come to Tumuyibao.

To the north of here is Mayukou Fort.Back then, Wala rushed over from Mayukou Fort, defeated the Ming army, and captured an emperor studying abroad.

On the west side of Tumuyibao, Yanghe River and Sanggan River converge here to form Yongding River.Going upstream along the Yanghe River further north, you will come to Jiming Mountain.

In this place, there are troops stationed all year round.It is almost located in the center of the entire Xuanfu Town, so it is convenient to go to all directions for help.

But Xuanfu Town has to go further to the northwest.When you arrive at Xuanfu Town, the Great Wall is to the north.

In the north of Xuanfu Town, from west to east, Zhangjiakou Fort, Yangfang Fort, Qingbiankou Fort, Changyukou Fort, Geyu Fort, Dabaiyang Fort, and Xiaobaiyang Fort are lined up along the Great Wall. Almost a fort several miles away, the line of defense seemed impenetrable.

On this section of the Great Wall, the one to the west of the two highest peaks was formerly known as Aotou Village, and it is also commonly known locally as Rentou Mountain.The one to the east is called Phoenix Mountain.

In the relatively low terrain between the two peaks, Qingbiankou, Changyukou, and Geyu Three Forts are crowded.

By looking at the mouth and the valley, one can already roughly know the terrain here: where the pass is.

This is the forefront of the defense line of Daming Xuanfu Town.And Xuanfu Town, because it is the last line of defense outside Juyongguan, has become the head of the nine borders.

Most of the general titles of the commander-in-chief of the towns on the Nine Borders are "Zheng" generals.Only Yansui and Xuanfu are generals from the "town".

Fu Duo is now sitting in Xuanfu.

The Fu family has been generals for generations, but after Fu Duo's grandfather Fu Gui was promoted to the command of Suidewei, he entered the sequence of middle-level generals of the fourth rank.Fu Duo's father, Fu Ying, went one step further and became the commander of the capital of Shaanxi Province.

Fu Duo's eldest brother, Fu Zhao, became the commander of Zuoying and stationed in Yansui. After his death in the early years of Zhengde, he was named the general soldier of Ningxia.

The second elder brother, Fu Jian, guards the tomb in his hometown in Yulin.

The fourth brother died in battle in the early years, and the fifth brother is also in the army now, commanding Suidewei.

Fu Duo's eldest son, Fu Jin, also just won the third place in the sub-list in the martial arts examination, only a little short of entering the top list.

Today, Fu Duo, who can be said to have guarded the frontiers for the Ming Dynasty for generations, is only the commander-in-chief and does not have the title of General Zhenshuo.

He was recommended by Yang Yiqing to be the chief soldier of Xuanfu Town from the position of general soldier in Ningxia the year before last.

Now, Gu Shilong is here, Yang Yiqing's letter has arrived, and together with him, there is also the seal of General Zhenshuo that he has been thinking about for a long time.

There are many generals in the world, but not many can wear seals, and even fewer start with the word town.

On the third floor of Xuanfu Town, Zhenshuo Building is located between Gongji Building and Qingyuan Building, where Fu Duo met with the Duke of Jingguo and received his seal.

It is no trivial matter for Gu Shilong to come to Xuanfu Town with a "sick body" shortly after the Spring Festival, and at the same time bring a seal of General Zhenshuo.

Gu Shilong's health improved slightly, but he still came in person because of the seriousness of the matter.

Standing on the Zhenshuo Tower overlooking the city, the guards are far away.

"You have finished reading Ying Ning's letter."

Fu Duo saluted: "It's over."

Gu Shilong looked sideways at him slightly: "The seal was awarded to you, and it has been widely spread. After the victory in Shuozhou, His Majesty will grant you the seal of General Zhenshuo, and you will be moved from the request of Marquis Wu Ding to the commander-in-chief of Datong. Xuanda will take strict precautions There are even aggressive intentions, and Beilu naturally understands."

"I also ask the country to make it public."

Gu Shilong smiled and said: "The Fu family has been loyal and loyal throughout the generations, and His Majesty knows the truth. Xuanfu has a heavy responsibility, and General Fu will keep it secret. Not only the Shangxi Road, Middle Road, and North Road, but also the Xiaxi Road and South Road."

Fu Duo's heart skipped a beat: "West Road?"

Gu Shilong nodded affirmatively: "West Road. Of course, the Middle Road and North Road are as usual, the most important thing."

Fu Duo looked at Gu Shilong.

Xuanfu Town and the few forts in Zhengbei are the defense area of ​​the middle road, and the Shangxi Road is centered on Zhangjiakou, which is also next to the Great Wall, not to mention the North Road.No matter how you listen to this, it seems that Xiaxi Road and South Road should be emphasized.

Aren't Xiaxi Road and South Road next to Datong Town?

"...What is the deployment of the military affairs conference, why can't it be stated clearly?"

"At this moment, the mountains are covered by heavy snow, and the movement outside the Great Wall is unknown. Beilu suffered a loss in Shuozhou. Maybe this time he will find a gap between Datong and Xuanfu to recover his face? After all, they belong to two towns. , I am afraid that there will be difficulties in dispatching and blocking."

Fu Duo thought to himself, are you coaxing ghosts?If you come from that direction, you will be facing Taihang Mountain. What about Beilutu?And if you are not careful, you will be made dumplings by the two towns of Xuanda.

"……I understand."

Fu Duo didn't understand, but he knew it should be a big plan right now.

Let him wear the seal, I am afraid that he will soon have merits worthy of this general seal.

"The Xuan Mansion was entrusted to General Fu, and the dog was also entrusted to General Fu."

"...Isn't the Duke staying in the Xuan Mansion for a while?"

"I still have to go back to Beijing to revise the decree."

Fu Duo only felt that he came and went too deliberately, and when he saw Gu Shilong's second son, Gu Yu, the two stared at each other.

Gu Yu was a little nervous.

That's why Fu Duo became even more entangled: what is Xuanda's front line planning? Even he, the commander-in-chief, has to hide it first, so that Gu Shilong is willing to throw his immature son over for some credit?
...Then why did Marquis Wu Ding come to guard the border after being punished?

But Fu Duo has been in the border town for so many years, he really can't imagine that Beilu has any great achievements so easy to get.

Xiaxi Road and South Road...

Fu Duo couldn't help being shocked when he thought of the anecdotes and secrets about Datong Town told by his generals.

... Playing with fire, this is it?

(End of this chapter)

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