
Chapter 323

Chapter 323

When Wuding Hou Guoxun came out after entering the palace, he looked worried and dignified and didn't need to act.

Afterwards, Yang Yiqing, chief of staff of the Military Affairs Conference, Wang Shouren, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Li Quanli, chief military officer of the admiral of the Beijing camp, all visited.

The long talk with them also did not cure Guo Xun's internal friction, Wuding Marquis Guo Xun then closed the door at home to thank guests for three days.

Three days later, he went to Jingying, and Marquis Wu Ding raised the price of the land next to the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Earth with one blow: he was crazy to grab a piece of land that the British government was looking for, not only at 300 taels per mu He won the more than 3 mu of land at a high price, and even entrusted the Construction Bureau of the Ministry of Industry with a huge sum of [-] taels to help him build a new mansion.

You know, nowadays the houses in the capital are small houses with six or seven houses, depending on the location, they are only about 50 taels of silver.

The cost of building a brick-and-tiled house among the people is there. Even if more than [-] acres of land need to be repaired with dozens of main hall, side rooms, cover rooms and courtyards, more than ten thousand taels of silver are enough, and it is impossible to build palaces like palaces. regulations to build.

"It shows that His Majesty was furious about the case of Li Fuda. I'm afraid that in Nanjing, Lord Guo Hou earned a lot of money... The fight with the Duke's mansion must be to spit out more money on purpose."

"It's a bad start... Do you think houses in the capital will be more expensive in the future?"

"...One yard is worth one yard. Houses in other places, don't they come to the market as you go?"

Guo Xun went to Jingying, and Li Quanli took him.

"Are you sure?" Li Quanli asked in private, "Although you have a plan, this general strategy is only for you, a side general who is going to Datong. The battle situation is ever-changing, can you make those few moves well , It all depends on how you behave after you go to Datong."

Guo Xun's internal friction is because of this.

To put it bluntly, what the emperor told him was only the strategic intention of this battle.So much content is nothing more than luring the enemy to go deep and creating fighters.

All kinds of changes are nothing more than to see what kind of battle situation will appear on the front line of Xuanda after Guo Xun goes to Datong.

How easy is it for Guo Xun, who is about to go to Datong to serve as the commander-in-chief?
Guo Xun was facing the greatest test of his abilities, and the emperor finally gave him this opportunity.

Therefore, when Li Quanli asked him now, there were still many expectations in his eyes: If you feel that you are not good enough, just give up!
"...I have my own opinion! Although you stay in the capital, you can recommend me brave generals, and you will be able to make meritorious service if you train well!"

Guo Xun is not without old generals in the Beijing camp, but the ones he trusted when he was in the Beijing camp are not low-level now.In addition to his own soldiers, to select 3000 people to pretend to be recruited craftsmen, they must be new faces in the army.

This matter can only be left to Li Quanli.

Seeing that Guo Xun gritted his teeth and shouldered the heavy responsibility, Li Quanli could only sigh: "I have been paying attention to this person for a long time. To be honest, I have secretly dispatched people to Miyun Stone Box Fort after I roughly made this plan at the military affairs meeting. After last year's exercise, I asked Shixia Fort to be dangerous, and I have been approved to build a fort there, using soldiers from the Beijing camp."

Guo Xun was overjoyed: "Good brother! Just take me there!"

Li Quanli originally planned to show timidity in case Guo Xun heard about the plan and was afraid of problems. If he let go of the pick, then he would ask for his order here;

On the road, the two were still riding far ahead in private, and Guo Xun asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you persuade Your Majesty..."

"What are you thinking? Naturally, I will persuade you again and again."

"Then why don't defend and win..."

"Do you think your Majesty is warlike? Now that the Ming Dynasty is flourishing, if the new law is successful, the country is rich and the law is obtained, and the armaments are getting newer, it will be pushed in the future. It's just that there are more and more northern captives, how can the world be as you want? Fight first, then talk, win." It will be easy to talk about the opportunity to make the country rich and strong for a few years. But now there are many hidden dangers in the border towns, and it is difficult for the generals to win, so what else can they do except use tricks?"

"I mean Yujia..." He stopped here.

Li Quanli's face was strange for a while, then he looked around and replied in a low voice: "Your Majesty said that the civil engineering change broke the backbone of the Ming emperor and ministers who stood up straight and looked north. If we want to restore this bone, we must also arrest a captive chief , or, Da Tianzi has to win three games in the Northern Expedition. The late emperor...that is only the first game..."

"……I see."

Guo Xun recalled the changes in civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty after the civil engineering change, and he had nothing to say.

What you are talking about is spirit and dignity, so now His Majesty wants to go through adversity to revive the morale of civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty. The heavy responsibility will be on the generals who command the troops in the front and know the temple, as well as those who create the situation and transfer food and grass in the rear. On the ministers.

It is said that there is no guarantee of victory in a war. How well everyone implements the intention of this battle is the key to increasing the winning rate little by little.

Guo Xu looked to the northwest: "I hope the Tatars don't worry, don't invade the border as soon as spring begins, I haven't arrived in Datong yet."


What no one knows at the moment is that although the Battle of Heye Mountain still happened, my judgment is also different because the emperor of Ming Dynasty did "change" individuals.

Originally, the Tumote Department did suffer a loss in the Heye Mountain in the autumn of the fifth year of Jiajing, but it was only a small amount, which was nothing at all.Even so, the young and energetic Al Da couldn't stand this kind of thing that might severely damage his rising prestige, so in the first month of the sixth year of Jiajing, he dispatched troops to invade the south.In the sixth year of Jiajing's battle against the northern captives, Daming died in battle with two generals.

Since the sixth year of Jiajing, there will be bandits of this level in Beiyuan every year, and the scale will even become larger and larger, until more than 20 years later, the troops will come to the capital.The shame of Gengxu was that the Mongolian cavalry camped two or three miles outside the west gate of Beijing. Even if they were exhausted from fighting all the way and fell asleep, none of the defenders of the capital dared to go out of the city to rob the camp.

It can be said that after suffering a small loss, he took a big stick and beat Daming's cowardly heart every year.

But this time, due to the change of the emperor, Daming border town had Yang Yiqing to control the three sides of the western front earlier, with the uncompromising Ganzhou mutiny, and Wang Xian and others came to Xuanda.

I answered that the loss I suffered last year was not small, and it really took a few more months to do it seriously.

Yes, of course he's coming.

The Tumed department is just one of ten thousand households, and I answer that there is no Khan number yet.Bo'er Ji Jin, who is only twenty years old, has not been able to sleep well for the past two months, and feels like the sun in the grassland in winter is not good.

What a shame!Except that Dayan Khan, who was old at the time, accidentally suffered a small loss in Yingzhou. In the past few decades, how have the good men on the grassland lost such a big man in the south?
The large army finally escaped back, but not only left behind more than 400 brothers, but also left behind many things that were looted from the fort at the beginning, and brought back more than 600 wounded soldiers.

Since Dayan Khan, the status of the golden family on the grassland is unshakable!I answer is still so young, he also has the blood of Genghis Khan, how can he know whether he will become the suzerain Khan in the future?
He was upset, but he was very relaxed on the surface, and now he laughed loudly at the people in his tent: "The son of Tumote's department has won a lot these years, and a small loss is nothing. If you underestimate the enemy, you will be proud of breaking a fortress, forgetting how many hedgehog-like fortresses the Han people have built in the south."

In his tent, there is also a Han Chinese.

At this time, the Han man bent down and said, "Khan, General Man Shou Bald really underestimated the enemy. The villain said that Ming people's strongholds are easy to break, but if you meet someone who dares to meet the enemy outside the fort, at least Be wary of the subordinates and family soldiers of the opposing general."

A short but stout man in the tent glared at him immediately, but the old man who was closest to me scolded: "Man is bald!"

"Hmph!" That man's bald hand clenched his fist and pounded heavily on his heart, "Khan, please give me another three thousand... no, two thousand rides! This time, I will definitely win Datong!"

"Okay, what's the rush." ​​I replied, waving my hand, "I've said it many times, don't call me that. If you get used to it, it won't be good for Bodie to hear you."

After that, he turned his eyes to the Han man: "Shi Tianjue, tell everyone again what happened to the Han army."

"Yes." That Shi Tianjue bent down first, then straightened his waist and said to the others, "I have lived in Xuanfu for many years, although Ming people have so many soldiers in the border town, but these soldiers, usually Farming land, building houses, and building fortifications for the chief. Not only do you not get paid, but you can only get a little bit of income from farming and working. How can you fight if you can’t eat enough?"

"You humiliated me for losing to some slaves?" It was like being bald and unbearable.

"No! What the general meets must be the general's retinue. Nowadays, in border towns in the Ming Dynasty, the most able to fight are the general's servants, servants, and private soldiers. They have the best weapons and armor, and they never have to fight for it. The livelihood is worrying, and the training is excellent. But think about it, the generals, these elite soldiers who are supported by the generals with their own money are the guarantee for them to gain a foothold in the border town. Few generals are as willing to take it easy as the general encountered. put them in danger."

Man Shoubal was in a better mood, it seemed that he was unlucky and met someone who didn't want his life.

Shi Tianjue bowed to me again: "So when we go to the south to hunt grass valleys, the strategy is actually not difficult. Those who have status and can make money will generally only stay in safer and stronger castles. The outermost Yes, they often have nothing to say, and they can't get enough oil and water to support elite soldiers. Only breaking one or two outer forts is a good thing for both sides. They can ask the emperor for money, but they won't come easily The enemy. If you have to go out of the castle, you will definitely bring your retinue and elite soldiers for your life. Why fight with them, they can't escape."

An Da nodded, and looked at the other generals in his tribe: "Do you understand?"

Shi Tianjue continued: "If you see the Ming army coming out of the castle, it means that the higher-ups are urgent and they have to come out. If this is the case, there is no need to stay for too long. If you want to grab more things along the way, at most Grab one or two outer forts, and you can come back with the harvest. For the Ming army defenders, the military order has been completed, and we retreat. As for the forts that were destroyed, people died, and some property and people were robbed Ding, the Ming people have already gotten used to it, from the emperor to the generals in border towns."

"That's the reason!" I replied, slapping my knees, "Man is bald, think about your sons and daughters, are they as majestic as when we Mongolians occupied the vast land? Are there so many iron swords, iron armor and iron arrows? We It is a gift from the Longevity Heaven that the Tumed Department can station herds here! Right now, our population is not large enough, and our weapons are not good enough! The defenders of the Han people all do this, and their land will only get better and better. , The pawns will only get better and better to win, so why worry?"

"……I understand."

I stood up and walked slowly outside the tent.

Looking at the grassland still covered with some snow in the distance, I Da's eyes flashed: "However, the emperor of the Han people also knew that there were these problems on the edge of his territory, so he trained his soldiers with great ambition. The Han people were afraid of our large-scale attack. It has been many years, and their emperor wants to change this, so he must be taught a heavy lesson, let him learn to enjoy the wealth and wealth in his palace with peace of mind like his ancestors! Urruk, go sweat Let’s go to the court. Tell Da Khan that the best way to convince all households is to win a big victory from the Han people at once. And I answer, I am willing to be a striker!”

The elder, Urruk, used to travel day and night to protect the young Alta and his grandfather Dayan Khan to meet safely. He was the confidant that Alta really relied on.

Hearing this now, he asked solemnly: "Will Bodie follow your advice?"

"Why not? He doesn't want me, Tumet Wanhu, to rush forward, and let my beloved Uncle Qingtaiji pick up some bargains to stand more firmly on the right wing? My dear brother, doesn't want me, Tumetwan Hu Chong is at the forefront, so that he can command the right wing with greater prestige in the future?"

Man Shoutu was very excited: "Let them see, our Tumote Department will be able to level the Datong Xuan Mansion!"

Shi Tianjue was also very excited: "Khan, since there is such a big plan, the villain has to contact more congregants in the south."

I replied with a smile and nodded: "Go. I will pretend to be resting and will not disturb them for the time being. Presumably those who secretly do business with us will come back with their goods at ease."

He is no longer like himself in another time and space, and he sent troops again in this first month to fight back.But he, like Zhu Houcong, took a long-term view and decided to give the opponent a hard blow, trying to destroy the opponent's will to fight.

On the grassland, the envoys set off from Fengzhoutan, where Tumed's troops were stationed.

Some go west, which is the direction of the Ordos tribe led by one of the [-] right-wing households who are now stationed in the pasture. They occupy the fertile Hetao area.

More, in the direction of the northeast.There, there are not only the Asut, Yongxiebu, and Karaqin tribes under Yongxiebuwanhu, one of the [-] right-wing households, but also the central Wanhu Chahar where Bodi Khan is located.

Among the tribes of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the current situation is also delicate.

Right now, I am not convinced that I have suffered a loss, and I want to rush to the front for revenge and at the same time turn to Bodie for help. If Beiyuan brings a big victory, it is a manifestation of Bodie's prestige.

As long as I agree to rush to the forefront.If you rush to the front, there will always be casualties.If the army of the Northern Yuan Dynasty came under pressure, how could the Ming army not stand ready?This pioneer suffered more damage than usual playing grass valley.

But I answer that all other lines need to put pressure on the south.

Behind that fragile Great Wall, there are loopholes in every line.Dilute the strength of the defense, dare not easily divide the troops to defend other places, that is the opportunity for An Da to lead the elite troops to break through a hole.

It is also an opportunity for the grassland ministries to see clearly how strong Tumed Wanhu is.

The prestige he wants to restore is not to the weak and timid Han people in the south, but to the wolves on the grassland!
(End of this chapter)

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