
Chapter 324

Chapter 324
Zhao Benxue, dressed in civilian clothes, stood outside the Meridian Gate, looking up at the red walls and golden tiles.

This is the forbidden palace of Emperor Da Ming, but the left and right gates are all open, and people in red, blue or even green official robes come in and out from time to time.Although there are some inspections, they are not so strict.

Yu Dayou stood aside and said, "Sir, let's go, Lu Qianhu is still waiting."

The student was a high school martial arts champion, and the emperor personally sent someone to his home to invite him. Zhao Benxue wanted to meet the young emperor, but he couldn't refuse the invitation with dignity—not to mention it might harm Yu Dayou's future.

Now, the one who came to meet the two of them outside the Meridian Gate was Lu Bing who had been arranged to work in the palace after the Chinese New Year.

"Zhifu! This is Mr. Zhao, right? Lu Bing, a thousand households of Jinyiwei, has seen Mr.

Lu Bing was not negligent, because he knew that the emperor didn't even attend the military affairs meeting with Guo Xun in the Hall of Martial Arts that started today, and only had time to wait in the imperial study.

Yu Dayou, the No. [-] martial artist, Lu Bing is convinced.

As for the Zhao Benxue who taught Yu Dayou's Art of War, since His Majesty specially invited him here, it could be said that he was at least enshrined by the Military Academy of Huangming University.

"Lu Qianhu." Zhao Benxue replied as usual, concise and polite.

This is considered to have met.Before coming here, of course, I have heard a lot from Yu Dayou that this Lu Bing is a Jinshi of Tongke Wu.Although he has the identity of the emperor's milk brother, his skills are not bad.

Following Lu Bing into the Forbidden City, Zhao Benxue only felt that the Forbidden City was still full of people coming and going, just like a huge government office.

He has known for half his life that the forbidden palace has always been strictly guarded.If it is not for the court meeting, usually only some important officials can enter and leave the Forbidden Palace, or it is called by the call, or it is due to special grace.

Looking at the scene now, the conclusion he can draw is also very simple: the emperor is very diligent, so that many important military and political affairs have to be operated closer to his line of sight.

Sure enough, the legendary imperial study room has a courtyard gate at the right rear of the National Policy Hall.

Entering here is not only the front court, but also the harem.

The son of Da Ming, whom the descendants of the royal family of Zhao and Song saw for the first time, was wearing ordinary clothes.

"Zhifu, since you have delivered your mentor, go to the Hall of Martial Arts with Lu Bing to attend the military affairs meeting."

Lu Bing was taken aback: "Your Majesty, really?"

"Listen more, learn more, and talk less." Zhu Houcong had no scruples at all, "One is my hand-picked martial arts champion, and the other is my breast brother. Who doesn't know what I mean by cultivating you? I only hope that you will be modest and cautious, and you can bear the burden soon." Da Ren!"

Yu Dayou and Lu Bing couldn't help but thank you gratefully.

Zhao Benxue naturally saw this scene.

Based on his experience, he could tell that this was not for him to see.Judging from Lu Bing's reaction, how important is the military affairs meeting in the Hall of Martial Arts?And the emperor really valued Yu Dayou's future, and was very confident that Yu Dayou would not let him down.

But in this way, only he, the emperor and the imperial servants were left in the imperial study.

Even the accompanying bachelors in the imperial study who were still there just now gave him a meaningful look, then bowed and left.

Zhao Benxue is still a citizen, no official or job.

Don't pay attention to what the emperor talked with him.What's more, one is the current emperor, and the other is said to be a descendant of the Zhao Song royal family. Who knows what the emperor wants to talk to him about?
"Mr. Zhao went all the way from Quanzhou to Beijing, and even spent the Spring Festival on the road. You don't blame me for disturbing Tiannian?" Zhu Houcong smiled and said, "Zhifu said that Mr. Zhao is a hermit, and he has no intention of becoming famous. .”

Zhao Benxue was silent for three to five breaths, and then said: "Caomin also wants to look at the sky."

One is "Zhen" and the other is Cao Min.One is the descendant of Zhao Song who lost his country, and the other is the Lord Zhu Ming who conquered Shenzhou.

Zhu Houcong was a little emotional, and then went straight to the point: "Mr. Zhao has seen me now, so he naturally knows that I am thirsty for talents. Although Zhifu has never seriously trained soldiers, he has a deep comprehension of the Book of Changes during the martial arts exam. General Counselor Yang and Wang Shangshu all praised the talent of military strategy and strategy, and this is Mr. Zhao's contribution. Now I want to enrich the country and strengthen the army, and respect the Han and Tang Dynasties from afar. I wonder if Mr. Zhao is willing to serve the country so that the pearls and jades will not be dusted?"

"...The grassroots people have little talent and learning, dare to ask why they respect the Han and Tang Dynasties from afar?"

In Zhao Benxue's sight, the young emperor just smiled, and first glanced at the map of Ming Dynasty hanging on the wall of the imperial study.

Then, there was a clear and moderate voice: "Closeness will keep the people free from hunger and cold, and the Ming Dynasty will have no foreign aggression. Far away will deter foreign enemies with force, or drive them away, or be willing to be Han officials. Wen ruled the world, officials and people are more diligent, barbarians and di Everyone yearns for it. There is the strength of the Han Dynasty, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, and the wealth of the Song Dynasty. Although the prosperity is not enough, it can be said to be the foundation of the eternal China.”

Zhao Benxue looked at his high spirits, and then heard the emperor's hearty smile: "It's not bragging, I prefer to call it an ideal. I think that all people with lofty ideals in my country should take this as an ideal. Mr. Zhao thinks Woolen cloth?"

Zhao Benxue recalled that although Song Zhifu was mentioned, only the Han and Tang Dynasties were respected.

Feeling a little bitter in my heart: Ancestors...

"...Your Majesty's pride is admired by the grassroots." He raised his head, "The survivors in the countryside can see His Majesty's beauty and hear about His Majesty's aspirations, which is enough comfort. He has lived in seclusion for half his life, and only knows about academics. His achievements are only due to his extraordinary talent. It is not the work of grassroots people. Although I have the heart to serve the country, but the family precepts are above, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

Zhu Houcong frowned: "Family training?"

"Don't dare to deceive the king. The ancestors have a will. The grassroots will not change their surnames to disobey their ancestors, and will not pursue honor. Forget about prosperity and decline, and enjoy the people from generation to generation."

"Ancestor..." Zhu Houcong looked at his age, calculated the time, and then he could only smile, "At that time, when Meng Yuan became the master, he told the descendants to keep their own place. Why should Mr. Zhao be so restrictive?"

If it is more formal, the eighteen generations of ancestors will have a formal title.This ancestor may be the ancestor of the Quanzhou Zhao Benxue branch, or it may actually be the eighth generation ancestor.

If you count it that way, wouldn't it mean that the Southern Song Dynasty was completely gone, and the Yuan Dynasty had just drawn the time limit for several people?

The destruction of the country does not mean that the whole family is destroyed, so it is natural to warn the children and grandchildren not to worry about the glory of the past, and to save their lives.

Zhao Benxue looked at the emperor and was silent for a while before he said: "Your Majesty promotes imperial examinations, selects sages from the countryside, rewards brave generals, and promotes skillful craftsmen. Hundreds of officials appoint people. The grassroots are despicable, and they are puzzled. Now that there is no examination of the grassroots, why? Do Xincao people have useful talents?"

Zhao Benxue really didn't have much interest in becoming an official and doing things. He mainly had a good impression and curiosity about the young emperor.

In terms of family precepts, he does not hope that starting from his own generation, future generations will no longer be obsessed with wealth.A lack of talent and virtue is the source of disaster.

Now this sentence is his real doubt.

He didn't believe it because of Yu Dayou.There are so many new scholars in civil and military affairs. I haven't heard that the emperor specially invites their teachers because of talents.What's more, Yu Dayou had more than one teacher. Wasn't the Jingchu Longjian who traveled to Quanzhou sent him away from Quanzhou with helplessness and incomprehension?

He thought that when he came here, the emperor would at least have a lot of questions to ask, and those who wanted to test and compare, who knew that he would cut to the chase as soon as he came up, and even said something like "seeking talent is thirsty".

"Mr. calls himself despicable, but I have never paid attention to the thatched cottage." Zhu Houcong made a joke first, and then said solemnly, "Among the officials, there are quite a few descendants of the previous dynasty. I first respect Mr. Xin Zhifu for his talent; The reason for the special decree to summon Mr. to Beijing is because of a sentence relayed by Zhifu."

"..." Zhao Benxue didn't expect that it was because of Yu Dayou, but which sentence made the emperor make an exception and personally announce the summons instead of letting Yu Dayou persuade himself to ask for an official appointment?
"Zhifu said that after he made up his mind to take this martial arts exam, the master said a word: 'What I have learned all my life, I hope you will inherit the mantle and restore the mountains and rivers again!'" Zhu Houcong looked into his eyes, slowly Said, "Zhao and Song have regrets for the mountains and rivers, and I want to see them too. Only then can I write books and make words, and virtue is even more indifferent to fame and fortune. I have regrets in my heart. Don't you want to be the new master of Huaxia? Let's take a look at the ancestors Magnificent mountains and rivers that cannot be seen?"

My initial thought was that I heard that there was such a person, so I just thought that it would be no problem for him to be the next generation of famous generals for Yu Dayou.

But as soon as Yu Dayou relayed that sentence, Zhu Houcong had a clearer image in front of his eyes.

Even if such a person can't become a famous official of a generation, he will at least do one thing well with ambition and belief, right?
Zhao Benxue sighed in his heart, is it just because of this same desire?
Zhu Houcong said again: "Sir, if you don't seek fame and status, there are ways to work around it."

"...The grassroots don't understand."

"Put your aspirations on your disciples." Zhu Houcong looked at him and said, "I originally intended to invite you to serve as an enshrinement to the Military Academy, but now I hope that you can continue to help Zhifu go faster. I have already accepted his invitation. Datong trains troops to guard the border. The situation in the border town is complicated, and Zhifu will inevitably have a lot of chores as a border general in the name of the champion of martial arts. There are disputes in the officialdom, and there is always a person by his side to help make suggestions."

"...Your Majesty, the grassroots should enter the Zhifu curtain?"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "He has a lot to learn in training and using soldiers, and in the officialdom. I cultivated him, but I was worried that he would become more arrogant if he went smoothly. As a teacher, you can teach him to guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

As a staff member, there is really no reputation, a person behind the scenes.

But what the emperor said out of his own mentality was actually such a reason.

Now it is even clearer that the emperor's training and expectations for his disciple are really a bit unimaginable, and it's almost like holding him in his hands for fear of melting.

As a teacher, he can listen better?really...

Zhu Houcong looked at him with a smile: "What do you mean, sir?"

It is gold that will always shine, and the environment will also change people.

If this Zhao Benxue is really capable, it's better to throw him to the border town first.Not only can there be actual scenes for him to verify his experience in the art of war, but also continue to teach Yu Dayou something, let him grow and prevent him from being proud.

Under the pressure that Bei Yuan, a formidable enemy, will fight hard sooner or later, Zhu Houcong really needs more unworldly generals.

Now Qi Jiguang is still breastfeeding!
But Guo Xun, the former honored ministers, has the determination to make meritorious service, but the upper limit of ability is there.At this point in time, people like Guo Xun, who are both trustworthy and able to go to town as a marquis, can only make do with it.

Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren are both old, and Zhu Houcong also hopes that they will spend their talents on temple calculations and "conquests" instead of coming to the front line as commanders.It's better to live a few years longer than running around on the battlefield exhausted.

Zhao Benxue has complicated feelings towards Yu Dayou.

To be honest, at this point, he is a real apprentice, and his weight in my heart is comparable to that of a parent.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Zhifu asked for his order at the end of last year, but he hasn't left yet. Could it be that His Majesty is just waiting for grassroots people?"

"I'm also waiting for Marquis Wu Ding to set off together." Zhu Houcong said meaningfully, "On the way together, if Marquis Wu Ding wants to ask for advice, I hope you can speak freely. They are all going to deal with the northern captives. To manage the army and use troops, the generals will discuss more with each other."

Zhao Benxue was slightly shocked when he thought that the emperor asked Yu Dayou to attend the military affairs meeting.

Could it be that there is a big plan for this trip, and it's not just that Marquis Wu Ding was punished for his crime and asked to guard the border?

Letting Yu Dayou know the tip of the iceberg is clearly to create an opportunity for Marquis Wu Ding to discuss with someone he can trust.

Zhao Benxue looked at Zhu Houcong and felt that his trust in Yu Dayou and himself was really unreasonable.

But... damn trust will always make some people's blood run hot.

"...So what I want." Zhao Benxue left his seat and saluted, "The grassroots should be cautious. I hope that my aspirations will be able to achieve lasting achievements and comfort my lifelong ambitions. Marquis Wu Ding asked anything, and the grassroots would know everything. "

Zhu Houcong knew that he understood, so he laughed: "Sir, I have seen some of his intelligence. With the prestige of Marquis Wu Ding, the bravery of Zhifu, and the experience of Mr., I feel more at ease in the capital with General Counselor Yang and Wang Shangshu."

Zhao Benxue confirmed it even more. Isn't this a situation where the generals on the front line changed on the spur of the moment and the monarchs and ministers in the rear supported it?
Naturally, there is no shortage of people who can advise in the front, but putting yourself close to the core is probably just to confuse the enemy and yourself.

What kind of bureau, even some of his own people have to hide it first.

The young emperor seems to have a big appetite.

"...Your Majesty is majestic and ambitious, and the grass people have also seen it."

What can make Yu Dayou grow faster and go faster?A real big fight!

It is even more necessary to go, otherwise, what should I do if Yu Dayou, who has never really rolled in the officialdom and the battlefield, will be involved in such a war?
In fact, Guo Xun in the Hall of Martial Heroes had been looking at Yu Dayou who was sitting on the far side with his head bowed and listening quietly but couldn't hide the shock on his face. He was completely puzzled.

So after the meeting was over here, he went straight to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to see him, and when he saw the emperor, he hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, the general plan ahead, isn't it only Wang Dutai, Chen and Fu Zongbing who know about this general Xuan Da? Then Yu Dayou..."

Zhu Houcong looked at the memorial and said, "He's fine, just get closer."

"..." Guo Xun thought to himself that if you don't say it, I will, the first serious martial arts champion in the Ming Dynasty.

"It's not that there is any plan to hide from you." Zhu Houcong put down the memorandum and looked at him, "Strategic intentions and expectations for the direction of the battle, I hope you will rely more on it to do it well. In addition to discussing with the staff behind who planned this battle, In the front, you can only discuss with Wang Xian. Wang Xian is Governor Xuan Da, besides this bright line, I will give you another dark line."

"...Just this Yu Dayou who has never led a soldier? The minister is not saying that he has no skills, but he is the champion of martial arts after all."

Zhu Houcong knew that his worries were justified, and he couldn't say that Yu Dayou was already a star-studded SSR.

"Just remember, he was chosen by me, he is absolutely loyal to me and Daming, and he also has some skills, that's enough." Zhu Houcong sighed, "I'm not only giving you a chance to make meritorious service, but also It’s to help you worry about whether your meritorious service is not good enough. It’s better than relying on your own brains after you go, right? Over there, face-to-face has the benefits of face-to-face! From the angle of view, those generals who have been in the border town for many years cannot see."

"Your Majesty misses me so much, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't be like this." Zhu Houcong felt that the middle-aged macho's expression was a little numb, "I'm not very good at military strategy, so if you explain my intention and direction clearly, you can take advantage of the few days you can still stay in Beijing." Discuss with a few staff officers more often. When you arrive in Datong, I and they will never dictate your arrangements there lightly, so first try to deduce as much as possible. Whether your son can be a Marquis depends on your ability. It is also part of your ability not to pick and choose, but to make good use of those who can be used.”

"..." Guo Xun felt that the emperor's words seemed to include himself. If there were British princes in the past or even those fierce generals at the founding of the country, it would not be his turn to make great achievements in this plan.

He also belongs to the "not picky" people.

"I have trained soldiers for five years, studied military books hard, and are eager to fight. I will definitely live up to your majesty's expectations!"

"Very brave! Is there anything else?"

Guo Xun felt that the emperor's refusal to be passionately moved with him was a little bit perfunctory.

"It's gone! I'm going to continue the deduction with General Counselor Yang and the others, and learn about the old feelings of Xuanda Zhubao from Wang Shangshu."

Zhu Houcong nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, let's go."

Seeing that he had resigned, Zhu Houcong continued to pick up the memorials that he hadn't read before, and frowned deeply.

Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren made a special joint proposal for this plan. Under the possibility that the emperors and ministers of the Ming Dynasty thought that Bei Yuan, who had many hidden dangers of internal fighting, was united in the same hatred and wanted to suppress the heart of the emperor Bei Wang, they proposed the declaration Candidates for civil and military supplements on both sides of the defense were presented.

Those two sides are just defending well, but we must guard against the reaction caused by the low morale of the generals after Ming "defeats" at the beginning of the battle.

Faced with this list of candidates, Zhu Houcong chose to trust Yang Yiqing and the others.

But he also added two people.

Tang Shunzhi, Mao Bowen.

Young mules and old horses, take them out for a walk.

I hope they come back safe and sound and grow stronger.

At this moment, Tang Shunzhi and the others are taking part in the examination of the system in the Wenlou Wulou in Bauhinia City.

In the originally vacant room on the southwest side of the Hall of Martial Arts, Huang Jingang came over to check on the progress of the sand table production in the Xuanda area that His Majesty and the others were concerned about—it was not so detailed, but it would be more intuitive than a map.

On the grassland, fast horses in Fengzhou Beach, southwest, northeast and other directions are endless.

The weeds on the prairie and the willows in the south of the Yangtze River are just beginning to show signs of sprouting. It is unknown who will grow faster and stronger this year.

 Sorry, it's a little late, I'm too busy with work
(End of this chapter)

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