
Chapter 336 Yu Dayou's First Cut

Chapter 336 Yu Dayou's First Cut
"Master Hou, let me go out of the side wall! Kill the Tartars outside the mouth of Qingyang and the mouth, and the Tartars on the other side of the Xuan Mansion will be afraid! I will take a back route and kill all the cattle and sheep behind them!"

When Guo Xun arrived at Yanghe Weicheng, Li Jin asked for a fight again.

"So what if we kill all the cattle and sheep that were brought here?" Guo Xun shook his head, "When did they not bring a few days or even a month's dry food with them first? One person, two horses or even three horses, and they are already at Zhangbei Station Steady."

"At least I'm worried that the back road will be cut off!" Li Jin lamented unceasingly, "I said that they are in the east, and the Tartars here at Yanghekou stay near the horse-hanging platform. They beat and stop, which is obviously protecting them." The grain road along the Dongyang River! Are we just being led by the nose like this?"

"If you want to fight, I'm here to let you fight. Li Jin obeys orders!"

"The end is here!" Li Jin cheered up.

"Wang Dutai sent an order from Huai'an to send another three thousand elite soldiers from Datong. You go to reinforce Chaigou Fort!" Guo Xun looked to the north, "Yanghekou, leave it to my pacesetters to guard!"

"To Xuanfu?" Li Jin asked in amazement, "What about Datong?"

"Zhenluwei is still dawdling, you quickly hand over the defense with my generals, and take Zheng Minghui's men and horses to Yongjia Fort." Guo Xun patted his shoulder, "Remember, go to Xuan Mansion, must listen to Wang Dutai's order!"

"Okay!" Li Jin just wanted to fight, "Let the last general and Wang Dutai encircle the Tartars like they did in Shuozhou last year!"

After finishing speaking, while going out to arrange the handover, he muttered: "What's going on this year? Those who transferred Wang Dutai to Shangxi Road and Zhenluwei are all idiots!"

Guo Xun looked at his back, and then said to Hou Anyong who was on the side: "The grain road from Datong to Yanghe, and Tiancheng to Zhangjiakou, please pay attention. As for Yanghekou to defend against the enemy, don't point fingers .”

Hou Anyong just felt aggrieved by this battle: "I know the severity."

"I answer that since the army has appeared in Xuanfu, there will be no more problems on the North Road of Datong, and the grain road must be safe!" Guo Xun said solemnly, "I have patrolled Yanghekou, and I am relieved of my heart here, so I have to hurry. Back to Datong."

I answered that four days had passed since Yutai Ridge was captured. In these four days, apart from Wan Quan Youwei's Acropolis was also lost, but the Xuan Mansion did not meet the enemy again.

However, this situation instead highlights a more difficult problem: food roads.

In normal seasons, in addition to the local grain grains and common people's grains, the food that supports Datong mainly goes to Datong through two routes.

One line is from Taiyuan Town to Ningwu Pass, through Shuozhou, Mayi, Huairen to Datong.

The other line is from Xuanfu to the south of Zhangjiakou, from Chaigoubao to Yongjiabao, and then through Yanghe Weicheng to Datong.

As for the road on the southwest side of Datong from Zijingguan Pass through Shimen Gorge to Lingqiu, it would be very difficult to transport grain from Lingqiu and Weizhou to Datong because there is no wide road that has been built.

And the Sanggan River, although it flows through Datong and the hinterland of Xuanfu, there are a few places along the way, especially the Heilongwan area of ​​Xuanfu, which is relatively steep and the water is a bit shallow.It's okay to use small boats, but not to transport food.

Guo Xun hurried to Yanghekou, in addition to asking Li Jin, the left deputy commander, to urge Zheng Minghui of the Zhenluwei to leave as soon as possible, but also to ensure that Yanghekou was not lost, and the road from here to Xuanfu would not be cleared. question.

I answered that I have already appeared in the Xuanfu, and here in Yanghekou, it is no longer "you can abide by the rules, you don't have to stick to it".

But the appearance of An Da also shows that the war has entered the second stage-at present, I am afraid that other passes in the towns must be full of energy.

In the last two days of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the news that I Da had breached Xuanfu Shangxi Road finally spread to the east and west on the grassland beyond the side wall.

"Okay! As expected of my dear brother!" West of Shahukou, Jinong Gunbilik, the nominal No. [-] figure in the Beiyuan Khan Court and the leader of the right-wing [-] households, laughed, "He really can do it at any time." The grain road leading to Datong from the east is cut off. If the grain road from the south to Datong is cut off again, Datong will be at your fingertips! Pass down the order to kill Hukou and Piantouguan and work harder to pin the soldiers there. We, directly from Manchuria Fort Yingen, which was attacked last year, goes to Shuozhou! My brother will help him get back the prestige he lost in Shuozhou!"

At Gubeikou, an important pass in Jizhou Town in the northeast of Miyun, Wang Shouren had already arrived here, and beside him was Zhu Qi and the former Chief Military Officer of Jizhou Town.

To the north of them is a river valley among the high mountains. Right now, the military tents are arranged along the river valley all the way to the northwest, and they can't see the end at a glance, maybe as far as Fengning City.

After many days of confrontation, Wang Shouren came here, and the total strength of the two sides in the Gubeikou area may have exceeded [-].

So Wang Shouren frowned: "Yanshan Mountain is stacked with peaks, autumn is high and dry, and the little prince leads the army just outside Gubeikou, what is the idea?"

This is not a good terrain for the cavalry to charge. A small-scale surprise attack breaks through Gubeikou, which will indeed greatly threaten the capital.But right now, Jizhou Town has been heavily deployed here.

The reason why the Great Wall is the Great Wall is because it was built in a dangerous place.Now that the Tartars have given up the advantage of quickly attacking the wall and Xiaguan, what good can they get if they continue to confront the Ming army?

"There are many trails in the mountains, and the pier guards can feel them out. Looking north from Yunwu Mountain, the Little Prince's Han Banner is indeed in Fengning City."

Wang Shouren pondered for a moment, then solemnly said: "This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the food and grass for the generals have been prepared. Marquis Funing, you come back to the Santun camp with me. If they transfer the tiger away from the mountain, there will actually be another strange soldier coming from Chengde to the south Break through Xifengkou, and then you can go to the capital without a hitch!"

Although the huge army here cannot be ignored, but the battle situation is so strange, Wang Shouren needs to ensure that Jizhou Town is safe.

"Great Sima, the Tartars are all soldiers, young and old. Just setting up tents outside Gubeikou like this is not necessarily a good soldier. The sweat flag in Fengning City may not necessarily mean that the little prince is there. Soldiers are not tired of deceit. It would be a joke if some herdsmen have pinned down Jizhou's heavy troops here." Zhu Qi had a different opinion, "How about I go and rob the camp?"

"No!" Wang Shouren shook his head resolutely, "Jizhou Town, just keep the Tartars outside the side wall."

Thinking back to the terrain in the Xuanfu area of ​​Jizhou, Wang Shouren said solemnly: "Nothing is true, we can only stop it with silence. If so many people just feigned an attack, it would be too big. With His Majesty and General Counselor Yang in the Xuanfu, There is no need to worry about Juyongguan and Mutianyu. On the east side of Shuntian Mansion, there is no room for loss. Marquis Funing must know that if the entrance of Xifeng is broken, the whole of Liaodong may be lost! I'm afraid that maybe Duoyan Sanwei will go south without worry. Is there anything more tempting Duoyan Sanwei than the whole of Liaodong?"

Wang Shouren's judgment is so, but now Bodi is not in the Yanshan Mountains, but in the uppermost generation of the Luan River beside Chengde City, the Bashang Grassland located in the Luan River bend.

He only leads less than 1 people now, but he was an elite among thousands of households in the Chahar Central Committee in the name of Xue Jun.

The current location of the Khan Court army is northeast of Guyuan, and it is heading southwest.

"So, I'm sure you've already entered Yutai Ridge?"

He smiled and asked again, and the people beside him only said: "That's right, the people who sent to investigate also reported back, the Tumote troops killed or injured at least [-] Erlang in Yutailing."

"That's not enough." Bodie said with anticipation in his eyes, "It will take time for the Han people to mobilize their troops to counterattack. Send the order and march slowly. Tell me, it will take five days for me to reach the bank of Longmen River, and it will take time for Huadang to ensure that the ancient There are no Han people setting up an ambush north of Beikou. To put it mildly, the road here is not easy to walk after all.”

In another five days, I guess half of the dried beef that so many people carry with them will be eaten, right?In the border towns of the Han people closest to the Great Wall, there are not many things to grab.

Wounded soldiers need to be resettled, and the Han people will not be willing to lose both Yutailing and Zhangjiakou.

The emperor of the Han people who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth left Juyongguan, and the Xuanfu town was already rumored, but did he really dare to stay in Xuanfu?I'm afraid I will still stay in my arms.

I hope that I Da can really be willing to be a pioneer as he said, and contain all the heavy troops of Xuanfu to the northwest of Xuanfu.

When the Khan Banner arrived, they took down the Longmen Guard in the northeast of Xuanfu, and the lone army of the castles located in Longmen, and then went to Huailai, but there was no Great Wall blocking it!

The Xuanfu front has entered a brief period of calm, but everyone knows that a real war has begun to brew.

"What am I waiting for?"

In front of Zhu Houcong, in front of many generals and civil servants in Xuanfu Town, Yang Yiqing had a terrible headache: "Your Majesty, why did you come here lightly without the escort of the heavy soldiers from the Beijing camp? It is safer for Your Majesty to stay in your arms."

"Nearly half of the Shangxi Road has been lost. I came to the front line in person to boost morale!"

Zhu Houcong explained something young and energetic, and then looked at the map, his face was not very good-looking: "So, now we start from Chaigoubao, follow the Yanghe River to Xuanfu, and then connect to Zhangjiakou. Is the river dangerous? I will fight for help at the encirclement points! If Zhangjiakou is lost and he invades the Xuan Mansion again, how can the generals on the south bank of the Yanghe River cross the river and come to help as soon as possible?"

Fu Duo, who came to see His Majesty, felt cold: If it is broken, I am afraid that the emperor will point fingers.

He looked at Yang Yiqing, the general staff seemed to be able to explain patiently: "Wang Xian has already arrived at Wanquan Zuowei, and Huai'anwei has also climbed over the mountain to the south bank of the Yanghe River. The north bank of the Yanghe River is flat and wide. Fighting for reinforcements, but crossing the river to counterattack, it is extremely difficult to deal with the charge of the Tartar cavalry. Now that Yu Tailing and Wanquan Right Guards have been lost, we should keep on guarding safely. After all, I have come from a long distance, and food and grass will become a problem sooner or later."

"The north bank of the Yanghe River is the main road for the Xuanfu to transport grain to Datong. In this way, wouldn't Datong's grain and grass become a problem? If it is tricked, I will only leave some people here to consume the Xuanfu's army. In fact, he led the main force out of Yutailing and transferred to Datong?"

"Wang Xian is in the west, just to play by ear, not only to support the Xuanfu, but also to support Datong." Yang Yiqing couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, the generals of the Xuanfu know that His Majesty is in the Xuanfu, and their morale has been greatly boosted. Your Majesty Worry, although Yu Tailing was lost, I answered that many troops were killed and injured, how can we spend a few more days to lead the exhausted troops to attack Datong? Your Majesty chose Wu Dinghou to be in Datong, so you should believe that he can defend Datong well."

Fu Duo saw that the emperor stopped talking, as if he was choked by Yang Yiqing's words.

He knew the grand strategy of this battle, but now the battle situation did not develop in the expected direction - the Tartars, who were used to relying on speed to raid and plunder everywhere, actually attacked the fortress, and stopped after taking a small corner in the northwest of Xuanfu down.

This is to lure the reinforcements out of the city to counterattack, and then think about defeating the Ming army in an open field battle.

He probably guessed what His Majesty was thinking: Can the young emperor, who was defeated for a while, endure this disgraceful look at the enemy army gaining a firm foothold on the land of Ming Dynasty and flaunting their might?

The Ming army went out of the city to fight the prairie cavalry, and the odds of winning immediately dropped sharply.

"Let's follow General Staff Yang's strategy. Since there is no counterattack right now, General Staff Yang and General Fu, let me dissect the situation on the frontiers."

After only a small area, the emperor's expression changed, and Lu Bing felt very excited and puzzled.

Why do you behave like that in front of your own people?
"Bodie hasn't moved yet. I said that since I didn't move, I'm afraid it won't be easy to be credulous this time. If I see that the situation is not good and you persuade me to return to my arms, I said that I will accept it when I see it. I just stick to Xuan How about Fu Town? If Xuanfu Town stays behind, unless the army is really defeated, I will be tempted by me, betting that you will not be able to catch me in time, and capture me first."

"So wait now." Yang Yiqing said calmly, "We must wait until Bodi's main force also appears, so that I can order to redeploy the outer perimeter of Xuanfu because His Majesty insisted on going to Xuanfu. Zhangjiakou must not abandon the defense without reason."

Zhu Houcong pondered for a moment and looked at Fu Duo: "General Fu, the ambush soldiers in the mountains are well hidden at the Longmen."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Since the beginning of the year, the West Road and the South Road have been guarded heavily, and five thousand elite soldiers have been transferred for excuses. From Longmenchuan all the way to the south, the elite soldiers in the mountains have been dormant for half a year. The castles of Longmen are all trusted by the generals, and the order has already been sent. If you see the enemy, retreat to Longmenwei first, and encircle the enemy with the army of Yanqing Prefecture in the mountains, and the east of Baoxuan Mansion will not be lost. If the east is not the way for the Tartar army to invade, then go south and encircle Huaihuai."

"Where's Huai Anwei?"

This time it was Lu Bing who answered: "Commander He and Yan Qianshi sent people to send a message. The special service station and the special warfare battalion have set off as brothers who have temporarily transferred food and grass from Huai'an to Chaigoubao as recruited Xiangyong."

Zhu Houcong looked at the map in front of him.

Where Huaian is located is a basin.Further south is Weizhou.

What needs to be judged now is what exactly is the strategic goal of I Da.Maybe it was to attack Datong from the current position along the bottom of the Yanghe Valley, or maybe it was to cross the Yanghe River and go over the mountains to Huai'an and Weizhou, breaking the connection between Xuanfu and Datong.

Da Yi usually fights steadily, which shows that he cannot be fooled by creating a situation where Xuan Da's defenders can only cower in the castle, so that he dares to lead the army deeper into the southeast.

Unless it was really a big defeat, the army of Xuanfu must protect him and flee south.Even so, it's a bet that he doesn't continue playing steadily.

As Zhu Houcong said before, what if he just captured the Xuan Mansion and contentedly defended that side, occupying both sides of the Yanghe River?

After breaking through the Xuan Mansion, only the Inner Great Wall can become a barrier.From a strategic point of view, it will be difficult for Xuanfu and Datong to become threats in the future.

"Yutailing has been defeated for a while, and it can't be defeated again!" Zhu Houcong raised his head and stared at Yang Yiqing, "The morale of the Xuanda frontier army cannot withstand another big defeat. Otherwise, if you fail to lure the enemy, you will really be defeated like a mountain."

Yang Yiqing nodded in agreement: "Since the captive chieftains are so different from usual, they should change accordingly. Therefore, the north bank of the Yanghe River is now the default battlefield. It is necessary to fight in the field to surround the enemy, in the west of Xuanfu or in Huailai, we must be able to Go out of the city and defeat the enemy."

"This pocket is looser."

"I have ordered Marquis Guo to send Li Jin to reinforce Chaigou Fort. He is thirsty for battle, so let him lead his troops from Yehu Ridge to the north of Yutai Ridge."

"Li Jin...how many people can he bring?"

"One thousand and five at most."

"Even if he has the courage to guard Heye Mountain for several days, he can't stop so many captives from fleeing northward. There is no pass to stop people in the north of Yutai Ridge."

Yang Yiqing pointed to the mountains to the north of Zhangjiakou: "Then the only way is to abandon the fortresses to the east and north of Longmenwei, and each lead their troops to venture around to the north of Zhangjiakou. It can be done, but they can't transfer food and grass. Xuanfu defeated the enemy, and the two wings closed. There can be no difference."

"Food and grass..." Zhu Houcong turned to look at Zhang Tong on the other side, "Is there any way?"

"If this is the plan, I will go to Kaiping personally."

"Are you sure?"

Zhang Ting just said firmly: "Three thousand generals, each with two liters per day. I will order you to prepare three hundred stones of grain and transport them to Baimiaotan, east of Zhangbei."

Zhu Houcong's eyes lit up: "Is there someone there?"

"In the past, under the command of Si Xinghe, the parallel capital of Beiping, several households stayed in Zhangbei."

Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Yiqing: "Think carefully!"

In the past, outside the Great Wall to the north of the capital, there was a Northern Parallel Capital that only existed for 12 years.

Now that Zhang Tong was showing the limited power he could use outside of the Daming Realm, several people in Xuanfu Town reworked their strategy according to the changes in the battle situation.

But in Huailai, Tang Shunzhi resumed supervising grain and payment——Wang Xian had too many military affairs to deal with, and the Yanghe grain road was threatened by Alta's army, so it was no longer safe.In addition to the 2000 people of the Wanwu Jingying army who escorted and marched to Xuanfu first, the rest of them were also piled up to Xuanfu.

The large-scale grain and grass that has been continuously transported from the capital is preparing for a big battle.

"I won't arrive at Longmenchuan in three days?" I replied that I was still at Wanquan Youwei, and I smiled when I heard the report, "Kenqie should arrive in three days."

Is it true that there are only more than 1 capable soldiers in the Tumed Department?
There were indeed many casualties in the stormy attack on Yutai Ridge.Sudden changes will catch opponents off guard.If there is another change... Now that the Ming people are heavily stationed in the northwest of Xuanfu Town, there should be a steady stream of food and grass being brought in, right?
The wide and flat banks of the Yanghe River are more suitable for fine riding on the grassland.Those small forts on the north bank that still have to be preserved, and Zhangjiakou, which is still heavily guarded, don't people in them want to eat food?

It will all belong to Tumut's department.

He was also waiting for the news that his brother had also entered Datong.

Only against the Xuanfu Ming army who has been defeated for a while, I can be absolutely sure!
In the southwest of Jingping, the beacon fire finally ignited.

Yu Dayou saw the captive cavalry.

Not from the Pianguan River, but from the direction of Naihebao.

What happened to Naihebao?
Gunbilik saw the stronghold that was obviously built temporarily, and asked to the side again: "The champion of martial arts chosen by the emperor of Han?"

"Yes, Jinong, didn't you tell me about the prisoner you captured earlier? The officials in Shuozhou hate him."

Gunbilik smiled amusedly: "Do you want to imitate the Li Jin who suffered a lot last year? The recruits who have just trained for more than half a year, don't know how high the heavens are, so let's run over them first! That's what the West Road guard is over there." Is it the well flat where you are hiding?"


"Send people to the account every year to give gifts, hahahaha." Having broken three castles along the way, Gunbilik is now full of ambition, "Hurry up! Pull out these two nails, and there is Sang in front of him." The river valley is dry. First catch this martial arts champion, and then take his head to Shuozhou, which has reclaimed a lot of land in the past few years!"

Many years of private market, Datong's situation, just know a lot in Kwanbilik in Hetao.

He didn't look at the cottage with a smile, but looked at Jingping: The guard who is afraid of fighting should also like to enjoy it, right?What kind of beauty does he hide?
Yu Dayou had already replaced his weapon with a Modao, and stood there looking northwest.

After tightening his fingers, he ordered: "Old Bao."

"The mark is here!"

"Mandarin Duck Camp, I will leave the village with you!"

"Take the lead!"

The one who joined Yu Dayou for a while was the personal guard of other Wu Jinshi who had been appointed by Keli to Jinyiwei.

Now they looked at Yu Dayou walking steadily to the gate of the village together, and they couldn't help feeling dignified.

As the chief general, do you have to go out to meet the enemy in the first battle?

Zhao Benxue raised his heart, but he didn't stop it.

Whether the mandarin duck array is a piece of tofu or an unbreakable iron stone is not the point.

But the nearly ten thousand captives who appeared here must be stopped.

Yu Dayou was personally arranged by the emperor on Datong West Road. He was defeated here, and he sat and watched the captives plunder eastward, and his official career was cut off here.

That being the case, there must be blood and bravery first, and the first battle will stabilize the morale of so many new trainees and let them see hope.

Only if this place is not destroyed by a single blow, Liu Kai on the Jingping side can come out to make a fortune like last year.

"We promise, southeast grain road." Zhao Benxue walked towards the wall of the village, ready to command the defenders in the village from a high position.

He has already gained some prestige in this Shuozhou garrison of thousands of households.

"Students obey orders!"

Not long after he came here, Yang Bo's mood was agitated.

Wu Zhuangyuan's reputation is well-deserved, and his literary talent is not inferior to him.There is absolutely no worry about encirclement in the cottage here, and there is a grain road in the southeast.

It seems that this stronghold will be guarded for a long time, and both master and apprentice have the confidence to guard it for a long time.

The sound of the heavy gate opening sounded, and Yu Dayou went out with a knife, walking in front.

The hillside that has been cleared ahead has been dug into layers of earth platforms during this period of time.

It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it has to be attacked, otherwise the road at the foot of the mountain will not be easy for the Tatars to pass - the tiger crouching artillery on the mountain can carry the cannon to the earth platform and bombard it from a high position.

Yu Dayou chose a good location among the lofty mountains beside the Yellow River.The Jingping City side is naturally another good location.

Daming's pass fortresses are all located in good locations. As long as you dare to meet the enemy and block the enemy, it is actually not easy to go around.If it really went around, what about the way back?
But there are too few who dare to come out to meet the enemy and stop the enemy, making Luqi feel more relaxed and happy.

Now, after Li Jin, there is another guard like this in West Road.

Yu Dayou steadied his horse, quietly watching the cavalry starting to start and rushing along the valley in the distance.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

After he finished yelling, it was the sound of cheering up his own people that stretched from here to the mountain.

There was also a voice in front of him responding to him, and the sound was even louder.

"Suddenly hot!"

It was as if a river had risen in the valley, and the dust rolled up by the horseshoes rushed straight to the twenty or so regiments of soldiers in front.

The first thing to roar was the tiger crouching cannon located on the earth platform on the mountainside, and the arrows of the Tartars were also thrown up from below.

They will be bombarded first, but the cavalry don't care: in just a moment, the three hundred people blocking the way in front of them and the Ming army who came out of the village to fire guns will flee back behind the wall in a panic.

"Stand up the knife! Turn and kill!"


The torrent of iron cavalry rushing to the forefront was the first to burst into a cloud of blood.

The invincible general of the Jiajing Dynasty cut his first knife on the bank of a tributary of the Yellow River.

(End of this chapter)

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