
Chapter 337 Fierce Battle at Huangya Mountain

Chapter 337 Fierce Battle at Huangya Mountain

"Report! The captives pretended to attack and kill Hukou and Piantouguan. The [-] elite cavalry have already broken the Ying'en Fort, and they will invade Jingping Shuozhou again!"

The news came when Gunbilik's main force raided Ying'en Fort last year, which was breached last year and had not yet been fully restored. Yang Yiqing's face changed slightly when he heard the words.

The army of Borjijin Bodi, the lord of the Khan Court in the Northern Yuan Dynasty, has not yet been seen, but the Ordos tribe entrenched in the Hetao area moved first.

"I answered that it was so different to attack Yutai Ridge in the past, so it was to help them open the door first, so that my Xuanfu army could not move!" Yang Yiqing looked at Zhu Houcong solemnly, "Bo'an, I'm afraid it's about to start! "

Simultaneous pressure from three directions, Ming's border in northern Xinjiang is too long.

"This is in line with the situation of the Tartars. Everyone is facing the army along the way, each according to his own ability." Zhu Houcong nodded, "I believe in Bo'an's ability, and I believe in the generals of Jizhou. The most worrying thing now is Datong Town West Road."

In the original plot, the pockets went in two directions.

Considering that the [-] right-wing households in the direction of Hetao and Fengzhoutan are more closely related, it is very likely that they came to attack together.The west line of defense, which was breached last year and had no time to mend, would naturally be a breakthrough.Therefore, after the Tartars advanced from the west road, the intention was to let them enter the bottom of the Sanggan River Valley, while Li Jin, who was transferred to the north road, could lead his troops and Guo Xun's personal soldiers to intersperse and encircle them.

And Alda and Gunbilik are both lords of thousands of households, and it is unlikely that joining forces will cause many troubles.If the west road is to be encircled and suppressed, Datong will no longer be able to defend Yanghekou.I answer that it is impossible to attack Datong, but it is very possible to attack Xuanfu Shangxi Road along the Yanghe River to loot.Because the two fronts are tight, the fortress can only be ordered to stick to it, and then create a situation to lure me to annihilate it.

Putting Li Jin on North Road was also a bait.As the deputy commander of the left, he also has enough power and prestige to go all the way westward and go around, and bring some elite soldiers along the line.

But after the situation on the grassland changed, it was no longer the Great Khan of the Northern Yuan Dynasty who would sit back and watch the right wing fight with Ming Dynasty and consume his strength.

I Dayong paid the price of a lot of casualties of his own tribe, and Zhu Houcong used a taunt to successfully make this action against only [-] Mongolian right-wing households a national war across the board.

Now, Li Jin has been transferred to Xuan Mansion to prepare the dumplings for I Da. Zhu Houcong is not only worried about Datong West Road, but also misses Yu Dayou staying there.

A generation of generals, wouldn't they be folded like this?
"Sending Wang Xian to Huai'an is not only for encirclement, but also for the false attack in the direction of Datong, and it turned out to be true. Now that the captives have really invaded, Your Majesty, you can order Wang Dutai to sit in Datong and order Marquis Wu Ding to lead his troops to the west."

Zhu Houcong nodded, "Since the new strategy has been agreed upon, General Counselor Yang will issue an order."

A series of orders were issued from the Xuanfu, some to the east, some to the west, and some to the south.

Li Quanli's Beijing army slowed down, not only to show their best appearance in the eyes of the frontline generals in Xuanfu Town, but also to wait for those "lost" generals to return to the team.

Tang Shunzhi, Zhang Jing, Yang Shen and others are running between the Heavy Industry Park in the suburbs of Beijing and Huailai. The front line needs more new firepower.

After Guo Xun received the news that the captives had entered Koujingping Shuozhou, he knew that he had to work hard.Many of his personal soldiers were dispatched to replace Li Jin's soldiers at Yanghekou. He went to the West Road for reinforcements. Firstly, he could rely on his status as Marquis Wuding and the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, and secondly, he must not disappoint the emperor's trust. Blood brave.

"The three guards, Youwei, Yulin, and Weiyuan, were ordered to kill the tiger's mouth as a feint to restrain them. I will not move them. But if there is still a mistake, come and see me!" Wei, to aid Jingping from the south at full speed. Order Yunchuan Wei and Zuo Wei to command Tongzhi to stay behind, and command each to lead [-] elite soldiers to join Ben Hou in Mayi!"

There is also a sentence: "Order Liu Kai and Li Jian! Be sure to block the enemy in the future at Jingping! Ten days! As long as they can hold on for another ten days, they will be my brothers with different surnames from Guo Xun! If there are any problems in the past, I will tell them." Your Majesty Ming, there is no demerit!"

After leaving the back hall, Chen Qisheng, the deputy envoy of military preparations of Jibei Road, and Lou Qiongyu, the governor of the household department stationed in Datong, stood in front of them.

"Wang Dutai is coming in the starry night. The army is like fire, and I will go first. Two, if Shuozhou is lost, Datong will be isolated and helpless, and the food and grass will be cut off."

Needless to say, regardless of any open and secret fights over food and salaries in the past, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope now.

If Datong suffers a major defeat, the relevant high-ranking officials will feel guilty.

Chen Qisheng and Lou Qiongyu nodded solemnly, and then looked at each other.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to that reckless man that time, what did I do to let the court know that Datong's situation is complicated.Is the emperor afraid of complications?The present situation is largely due to his words of humiliating the Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

It really became a once-in-a-decade battle. If Bei Yuan used something to mock Da Tianzi, then the officials of Datong Town would really die without a place to die.

Gone are the good old days.

After the national war of this level, there will be no private market or tacit understanding.

If Ming Dynasty is defeated, the border town will be cleaned up.If Daming wins, they will be safe and sound like they had the Shuozhou victory last year.

At this moment, they also sincerely hope that Liu Kai can command the armies on the West Route well, at least until the reinforcements arrive.


Fresh memories are attacking Liu Kai.

"A few days?"

"Three days, Admiral."

It was nine days before Ying'en Fort was breached, and the military situation on the West Route was urgently sent to the east.

Taolu was blocked by Yu Dayou on the way to Jingping, that was three days ago.

Outside Jingping Fort, there were still only Tartar sentry cavalry, but no army.

That is to say, Yu Dayou had blocked the reported army of nearly ten thousand for four days with only two thousand soldiers.

And Liu Kai, as always, still stayed in the fort.

He admired Yu Dayou, but the "good, good" in his mouth was because he could live on for a longer time.

Liu Kai hoped that Yu Dayou would guard as long as possible.

"General, are we really not going to reinforce?"

"The military order hasn't arrived yet, what are you in a hurry for?" Liu Kai yelled, "Pinglu, Jingping, and Shuozhou are the gateways to Datong! Now that the captives are invading aggressively, as long as these three cities are still there, the captives will not stop. Dare to go deep. The captives pretended to attack Hukou and Piantouguan, but now there are nearly ten thousand troops raiding Ying'en Castle and rushing in. How do you know that there are other ambushes? If I go to help, the well is empty, and the gate is broken. Who will come? Responsible?"

Justified and convincing.

This well is nearly [-] miles away from Datong, but now that the imperial convoy is on a personal expedition and encountering enemies on all sides, it is not up to Guo Xun alone to decide how to arrange this side of Datong West Road.

Liu Kai felt that he could delay for another two days on the grounds of the military order.

But the day of the military order came, Liu Kai's expression changed first, and his eyes lit up again after listening to the military order.

"Have you heard clearly? Pingluwei is coming from the source, which means that Jingping is the top priority! The commander-in-chief ordered us to guard Jingping for eight days at most, and more troops will come to help. Go to Mayi and let Li Jian lead the troops first Go to Shuozhou, and come to Jingping with food and grass!"

The military order said to guard Jingping, but it didn't say that he would go out of the city to reinforce Yu Dayou and fight with the Tartars in the wild.

Liu Kai said emotionally: "To slow down the speed of the captive cavalry's invasion, General Yu tried his best to resist the captive cavalry at Huangya Mountain. If we win this battle, I will definitely play it to the Ming court to narrate his indomitable achievements!"


Those who heard his words were all confidantes. Although everyone had mixed feelings, they all hoped that Yu Dayou could hold on for a little longer and fight to the last man.


After breaking Ying'en Fort, Gunbilik had two ways to go to Jingping.

One is from Ying'en Castle to the southeast. That road is easier to go, and you can also bypass Zhahu and Naihe Erbao.The other is to break through the two forts of Zhehu and Naihe along the valley bottom among the mountains, and attack Jingping from the mountain west of Jingping.After laying down the Jingping and going southeast, you will come out of the mountains.

The reason for choosing this route that is more difficult to march is because as long as the two fortresses of Zhuhu and Naihe are broken and hundreds of people are left here, two goals can be achieved: one is to cut off the way to reinforce Piantouguan from the direction of Datong The second is not to worry that the Ming army will detour from the direction of Pianguan River and cut off their own retreat.

Wouldn't the easier way to go be more convenient when withdrawing?
What's more, if we concentrate our efforts to break through the two small forts first, the Datong Ming army will not have time to reinforce them.

Where Huangya Mountain is located, the Pianguan River makes an almost ninety-degree bend here.

Naihebao is located at the corner of the ninety-degree bend, which is a pass.

After passing this pass, turn eastward from Xiashuitou at the foot of Huangya Mountain, and you can follow the mountain road to Jingping.

Unexpectedly, this became another pass, and the Ming troops on the pass were still teeth-stretched.

Gunbilik's expression is now ugly: "There are more defenders than the previous fort? Isn't it just a thousand households?"

"...This Qianhu is different. There are two thousand households. The military and equipment are provided directly by the commander-in-chief of Datong, and the food and salaries are collected for him by Governor Xuanda himself."

A tooth was broken here, and some people captured in Ying'en, Zhuhu, and Naihe three castles were tortured for a while, and Gunbilik finally knew more news.

"...Yu Dayou!" Gonbilik said the name through gritted teeth, and then scolded his generals through gritted teeth, "It's a shame that five people can't replace one! This fortress must be taken down! "

The hilltop in the distance doesn't really look unusual.

But the level-by-level soil platforms are too unfriendly to the cavalry.If you don't attack the mountain, you have to be shot.He wanted to attack up the mountain, but he had that strange formation like a sword, halberd and hedgehog.

In the field battle, it is indeed a shame and a shame that the grassland cavalry and the Ming infantry have such a loss ratio.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of war drums came from the mountain again, and Gunbilik saw that on the only slope on the mountain that was not built into an earthen platform, those armored soldiers came down again, and one of the flags was raised very high, with the word "Yu" written on it. .

There were fewer people, but the morale of those holding long steel knives, cold halberds, and tall square shields was high.

Gonbilik's eyes were about to burst into flames: "How dare you take the initiative to invite battle! Now there are no more than [-] such formations at most, and it can't be blocked! If you don't break this stronghold today, next time It’s okay to go on a crusade again, I’ll let you go!”

Thinking about going to the bitterly cold place in Qinghai, the vanguard general who was pointed out by Gunbilik shuddered.

They have lost nearly [-]% of their losses, should they be defeated?

The drums sounded again, and the horns sounded together.

Yu Dayou stood on the mountain road where only thirty riders could run, and calmly ordered: "Snake shape!"

The location was carefully chosen by him.As he said at the beginning, this mandarin duck formation is not conducive to meeting the enemy in large-scale battles.

But in this narrow terrain, no matter how many enemies there are, they can only rush over part by part.

If the mandarin duck battalion blocking the uphill slope was not defeated, the enemy cavalry would have to face the earthen platform, the shells and arrows on the earthen platform.

From the first [-] groups of mandarin duck formations, there are now only [-] groups.

More than a hundred people were killed and injured in the Yuanyang camp, and three hundred people on the earthen platform were shot by the enemy, but there are already more than five hundred people left by the Tartars at the foot of Huangya Mountain, and more than a thousand people were injured and fled back.

Now Yu Dayou gave an order, and the nineteen groups of mandarin ducks stood in staggered positions, holding their breath and preparing for the battle.

The results of the past three days have given them a lot of confidence and courage, but today will be even more difficult.

In the village on the mountain, Yang Bo was full of admiration: "It's true that one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men can't open it!"

But there is also worry: "Why hasn't the Jingping reinforcements arrived yet?"

Zhao Benxue sneered: "There will be no shortage of frontier generals who are cowardly and cowardly fighters. How many days are there enough food in the village?"

"The students went to Bianzhuang and Baidiangou. The villagers knew that General Yu was fighting the Tartars here. They raised some food and some were helping to transport the food. After tonight, they were stationed at Langwo Mountain. Two hundred shi of grain can be transported there."

Yang Bo paused for a moment, his eyes darkened: "According to the current number of generals, we can still last for eight days. If we continue to fight, ten days will be enough."

The number of people will decrease, and the rations that each person can share will naturally increase.

Zhao Benxue saw the cruelty of the war with his own eyes, and his feelings were quite different from before.

The Tartars that Daming was facing now were much weaker than those in Song Dynasty.The armour, armour, and armor of the generals of the Ming Dynasty are now better than those at that time.Because the Shuozhou garrison of thousands of households is a special case, the military equipment, food and wages are probably the best in the Ming Frontier Army, and they are nothing more than recruits.

If the general is brave, the morale of the soldiers will gradually stabilize and they will dare to fight to the death.

But after all, it is a battle to the death.

It seems that there is no need to worry about the food. What needs to be worried is that the soldiers are getting fewer and fewer, and the reinforcements are delayed. Will the morale of these recruits, inspired by the results of the first day, collapse?
Today will be very different.

Seeing the mandarin ducks scattered in a serpentine formation at the foot of the mountain, Zhao Benxue said solemnly, "Wei Yue, you have a great future, do you really want to stay here? Today, there will be tartars rushing up the mountain!"

The young Yang Bo looked at the general flag fluttering down the mountain, and his blood surged: "Students believe in General Yu! I believe that the imperial court will not abandon Shuozhou! The student is Xie Yuan from Jinke Shanxi, and now all the soldiers in the village know it. Why don't you dare to fight? Students can't leave!"

"Okay! I'll send ten sharpshooters to you and go to the watchtower! You take this mirror, observe the enemy, and shoot the general!"

Yang Bo took the binoculars, he was not as talented and skilled as Yu Dayou, but he knew that Zhao Benxue needed him to play a more tactical role.

When shooting people, shoot horses first, and when capturing thieves, first capture the king.

Those who will be able to rush up the mountain today must be some of the most valiant Tartars and captives.It is too late for ordinary soldiers outside the wall and inside the wall to think and distinguish, but he can.

Ten archery masters in the army were dispatched to him, so most of the most threatening Tartars rushing up the mountain would be handed over to him to deal with as soon as possible.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a gap between the mandarin duck formations scattered in a serpentine shape.

This intersection is still going to be a meat grinder, but it's a lot looser now.

Seeing this, the charging general raised his knife and shouted: "Let the horses listen to you, lean closer, avoid them, and rush to the mountain! Shoot them first, so that they can't see clearly with their shields up!"

If there is a gap, you can avoid it with superb horsemanship.

The stockade on the mountain collapsed, and the nineteen lumps of iron at the foot of the mountain will be melted away sooner or later.

As the arrows rained on the way, Yu Dayou held his Mo Dao tightly and shouted, "Dance! Ten left! Ten right! Shout!"





Shouting in unison, the people in the mandarin duck formation, who performed their duties in accordance with the usual training, just did their own thing and moved mechanically.

In the rain of arrows, the mandarin duck formations distributed in a serpentine shape began to move left and right.

The enemy cavalry general gritted his teeth: Damn it, we don't care about the formation, let's see what we can do.

"Suddenly hot!"


On the earthen platform, the sound of cannons rang out again, and Gonbilik's face in the distance was darkened: Is this Yu Dayou the son of Emperor Ming?Why hasn't he run out of ammo?

Bleeding flowers bloomed around the mandarin duck formation at the foot of the mountain again, but it was no longer as bright as the first day. After all, the formation was much looser.

Finally, more and more enemy cavalry rushed up the mountain. Although behind them, the mandarin duck formations were still turning quickly or slowly, and from time to time some people turned their backs on their backs.

In less than a stick of incense, Yu Dayou's hands also began to tingle.

He knew that the physical condition of most soldiers would only be worse than his.

"Change! Turtle shape!"

Amidst the hissing, the rest of his team immediately shouted in unison, which had the effect of amplifying the sound. The flag bearer in his team who had to take risks also waved the flag three times up and down, and three times to the left.

The sound of drums in the village changed, and afterward, fifteen and a half groups of mandarin ducks began to gather at the slope of the mountain.

Gunbilik watched from a distance, his eyes lit up: "Send some people to rush over!"

On the watchtower on the mountain, Yang Bo pointed in one direction: "There, the one with the gray leather robe and the beard!"

"Whoosh!" Two or three arrows shot past.

"Kill all those who are blocked on the mountain! Listen to my order, and prepare to open the gate and withdraw the troops!" Zhao Benxue also said nervously.

The mandarin duck battalion had fewer and fewer people, and the soldiers were exhausted the most, so they could no longer be as strong as they were in the previous three days.Yu Dayou, the chief general, cannot tolerate any mistakes, otherwise the morale of the army will collapse.

This can only be regarded as a small victory today. When the troops are withdrawn from the mountain, the ten groups of tiger-squatting artillery who only rely on a short wooden fence and a few sword players and archers on the earthen platform quickly withdraw.After entering the gate of the village, they breathed a sigh of relief: the general said that they would go out of the village again today, and then they would only stay in the village.

In the distance, more cavalry were coming like a tide, and the soldiers of the Yuanyang Battalion rolled all the way back to the gate of the village, many of them were shaking their hands.

The first batch of more than seventy enemy cavalry who rushed up the mountain were all killed and injured by the archers and musketmen in the village.

When a wounded Tartar soldier passed by, Yu Dayou rolled his sword, severed his head, and rolled slowly down the slope.

There are many victories, but there are very few heads. How can there be time to collect them?

Down the slope, the chaotic horse's hooves trampled on the head, but the horse's footsteps wobbled.The cavalry almost fell off immediately, and then stabilized with superb riding skills.

A pair of angry but bloodthirsty crazy eyes looked at the village, because the gate of the village that was still waiting for the Ming troops who descended the mountain to return was close at hand.

There is no time to close the gate of the village!
After rushing in, it's time to slaughter the Ming army for revenge!
"Suddenly hot!"

(End of this chapter)

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