
Chapter 341 The imperial driver personally conquers the anticlimactic?No!Daming also hopes to catch

Chapter 341 The imperial driver personally conquers the anticlimactic?No!Daming also hopes to catch an overseas student
Xuanfu does not know the outcome of the battle at Jingping.

After resting for many days, I replied to attack on two fronts, but it was not considered to disperse the troops-attack Xuanfu and Chaigou Fort near the junction of Datong near the Yanghe River all the way, and attack Zhangjiakou all the way from inside and outside.

Outside Chaigou Fort, there is Zheng Minghui who was transferred from Shuozhou Wei to Zhenluwei.

They are guest soldiers from Datong, camped outside the city.

In the south of Zhangjiakou, Zheng Minghui's predecessor, He Xun, who led Xuanda governor Tang Shunzhi's pacesetter.

Although there are hundreds of miles between the two places, the area in the middle, Yutai Ridge, south of Wanquan Youwei, and north of Yanghe River, is currently under the control of Alda.

"He wanted to capture Chaigoubao and cut off the nearest aid from Datong. He also wanted to break through Zhangjiakou, echoing Bodi's side." Yang Yiqing analyzed his strategic intentions, looking at the northeast of Xuanfu, " Bo Dishe is easy but difficult, why do you want to help Alda contain the troops in the northeast of Xuan Mansion?"

To the northwest is the bottom of Yanghe Valley, which is flat and rich.To the northeast is the Longmen River flowing among the mountains, the road is dangerous and barren.

The majestic Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty personally led the army to appear from the direction of Longmenchuan, and won't gain much if he wins.The mountains are not conducive to cavalry attacks, which has been proved once again by Yu Dayou's use of the special geographical advantage of Huangya Mountain to achieve the kind of results.

The front line is still stalemate, this time the emperor is in the Xuanfu, even Zheng Minghui has to fight desperately.

Zhu Houcong restrained the desire to point fingers, but Yang Yiqing was thinking about strategic matters now, and Zhu Houcong stood at the height of the emperor, so he could talk about his views.

"Bodi is not Dayan Khan. With insufficient prestige and the fact that the left and right wings are not sincerely surrendering, he cannot have the dream of defeating Ming Dynasty in World War I." Zhu Houcong paused, "On the grasslands, Bodi needs to show his martial arts skills. His talent and bravery have shocked all the tribes. I speculate that he wants to hide his troops in the mountains at the west end of Yanshan Mountain. The mountains are not good for him, but it is also not good for the king's counterattack. On the contrary, if he stands firm there, there are three ways to advance Available, if you retreat, you will be safe and calm.”

On the map, Zhu Houcong drew three lines with his fingers: one pointing to Xuanfu in the west, one pointing to Huailai in the southwest, and one pointing to Yanqing Prefecture and Juyongguan in the south.

Yang Yiqing was thoughtful: "Looking at it this way, I'm actually trying to contain the army of the Xuanfu for him? If Bo Di can sneak into Juyongguan earlier, it will shock the world even more than if I broke through Yutai Ridge."

"At the same time, the flanks are not secured, and Huailai and Juyongguan are not stable. I will not consider retreating to Juyongguan? If I retreat, I answer that the army will arrange many soldiers to prevent them from pursuing. In the defeat, I and the escorting army will both If you are in a panic, Bodie may come rushing from the mountain and make another great contribution."

The monarch and his ministers have been exchanging their perspectives and opinions. Yang Yiqing comprehensively considered many details such as Bodi's food road, and finally nodded: "In this way, Bodi has a big appetite. He won't Get out of Yanshan easily."

"The grain road from Bashang to Longmenchuan is very stable. Between the west end of Yanshan Mountain and Alda, there are Longmenwei and Zhangjiakou beside the side wall. The news between them can only be transmitted through a circle on the grassland. I It is guessed that there should be an agreed goal between Bodie and Alda. Only when this goal is achieved, Body will appear in front of the Ming army from Yanshan Mountain."

Yang Yiqing is very dignified: "Yanshan is the elite garrison of the deputy commander-in-chief, and they have been ordered to withdraw when encountering the enemy. Now, they have been given up on their own initiative. Except Dushi, Banbidian, Songshu, Yunzhou, Chicheng and other forts withdrew As far as Longmenwei, Longmen Office and other places have gone to Yanqing to deploy defenses outside Juyong Pass. In Yanshan Mountain, only [-] elite soldiers added by the deputy commander are hidden, and [-] soldiers are allocated to prepare for the destruction of the Tartars from Zhangbei. The one who came from there turned out to be Bodi Khan himself. If he really planned it like this, he might not show up easily. The Tartar guards searched under Yanshan Mountain, and the three thousand five elite soldiers couldn't hide."

It was originally intended to create a situation where the troops retreated south and built forts because of the defeat in the first stage. In this way, the enemy troops coming from the direction of Longmenchuan would not neglect to check the safety of the retreat route in order to grab the victory, and rush to go outside Juyong Pass in Yanqing Prefecture Or Huailai besieged Datianzi who retreated south.

However, Yu Tailing and Wanquan Youwei lost too quickly and too badly. Instead, they had to consider the morale of the army and could not retreat southward.

The west end of Yanshan Mountain, which has been temporarily let go, allows Bodie to take the initiative.

"I answer..." Zhu Houcong murmured out the name.

It is more obvious that Al Da, who has left a great reputation in history, is not stupid to think that Da Mingzi is really young and vigorous, so he humiliated Bo Di.He probably saw Daming's strategy of luring the enemy, so he frantically grabbed credit in the first battle, so that Zhu Houcong could not retreat after he arrived at the Xuanfu.

It's not a joke to be defeated like a mountain.Zhu Houcong's move to the south will only make the generals and civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty think of five words: the change of the civil fort.

"I answer that although reinforcements have arrived this time, the attack on Chaigoubao and Zhangjiakou is not as determined as it was when Yutailing was taken, and it does not have the momentum to conquer two castles within two days." Zhu Houcong's eyes moved, "He just wants to I'm afraid... I also hope that Bodie will suffer in Yanshan."

Yang Yiqing looked at a place on the map, and then raised his head: "Longmen Guard! If the Dragon Gate Guard falls, Bo Di will know immediately. If all the walled forts to the north of Xuanfu fall to the enemy, His Majesty will not be able to do so for safety's sake. Return to the capital without driving."

Longmen Weicheng is located at the west foot of Yanshan Mountain, where the Outer Great Wall turns a bend and goes northeast, pointing to the dam along Yanshan Mountain.Then turn to the southeast at Dushibao, and after Longmensuo, the wall here encloses a raised mountain defense area in the northeast of Xuanfu, and Longmenchuan flows in it.

Yang Yiqing said solemnly: "I'm afraid Bodi has even greater ambitions. If he really wants to occupy the western foot of Yanshan Mountain, Xuanfu, Yanqing Prefecture, and Baoan Prefecture will have to be abandoned. From then on, he will only guard Juyongguan and Gubeikou! Datong In the same way, once the Yanghe grain road is lost, Taiyuan Town must pass through Datong West Road to transport grain and grass to Datong. The routine Kou Shuozhou is also intended for this. Only when the First World War forced Ming Dynasty to only guard the inner Great Wall, can the All the tribes of the Northern Yuan Dynasty get enough rewards, and Bodi has the same prestige."

Zhu Houcong exhaled lightly: "I really have a big appetite, and I'm not afraid to hold on."

"It can't be wrong." Yang Yiqing's expression was not relaxed, "Beiyuan Khan's court is in Chahar, and this Xuanfu Datong is not his grazing land. If he allows [-] right-wing households to share the benefits of Xuanda, I will answer But it doesn’t mean you won’t work hard. I can tell the difference between fame and profit. You have to prevent me from pretending to attack Chaigoubao and Zhangjiakou, but in fact divide my troops to go to Longmenwei and attack Bodi inside and outside.”

"Zhang Ting is over there."

"Inspector Zhang is one of the few people who ventured out of the side wall. He was afraid to avoid the cavalry when he encountered them. When the army passed by, the sentry cavalry scattered for several miles? Even if he knew in advance, he would not have time to send a message back. To detect the enemy's situation, he still has to wait. We need to rely on the Longmen Guard Dun Sentinel.”

The monarchs and ministers analyzed the battle situation, and now this time, the Tartars on the side of the Xuan Mansion were unexpectedly stable.

Why did you want to fall into Daming's trap?The first step is to break through Daming's side wall fort head-on.Who asked you to lure the enemy to go deep, only a few of the side wall fortresses are hard bones, and you may order the defense line to withdraw southward at any time in order to lure the enemy.

But the Xuanfu's side walls are all lost, no matter how good your temple is, the morale of the army has collapsed.

"Those [-] elite soldiers in Yanshan can't hide anymore!" Yang Yiqing said, "It is better to send an order immediately to strengthen the defense of the Longmen Guards. This battle can no longer be planned to lure the enemy to wipe them out, and one or two more victories at Huangyashan will be enough to boost our prestige. In addition, it's time to defeat Wanquan Youwei and Yu Tailing. The army is approaching, and I will tell if we have divided our troops and headed east."

Zhu Houcong sighed silently in his heart, no longer persisting, and let Yang Yiqing decide.

The battle situation of Gunbilik on Datong West Road will soon reach Alta’s ears. The captives on Datong’s side failed to quickly invade the fertile land of Sanggan River to threaten Datong, so they on Xuanfu’s side The pressure to answer will only increase.

He will not go deeper blindly.It is easy to withdraw from Yutai Ridge to the Zhangbei Prairie, and it has become a more solid strategic goal to destroy the Xuanfu border wall as much as possible.


At this moment, in Yehu Ridge to the west of Yutai Ridge, there are two groups of people walking day and night.

One is led by Li Jin, and the other is the special service station and special warfare battalion led by He Quanan and Yan Chunsheng.

The order they received was to cross from Yehuling to the north of Yutailing, in order to cut off the way for the Tartars to flee north.

And at the western foot of Yanshan Mountain, there were also those who had been ordered to set off before, crossed the side wall to the east of Zhangbei, and took the food and grass raised by Zhang Ting through the forces of the Foreign Inspection Factory in Mobei, and were always ready to intercept a group of Tartars fleeing north. Thousand and five generals will die.

But the battle situation has changed, and they belong to a lone army that is not easy to be contacted or receive new orders.

Although no one has found them yet, they are safe.

But the food they carried was limited, and the Ming army should have made an obvious move to achieve the strategic goal within 20 days, so that the invaders and the northern captives had to retreat after being defeated.

Now, that move has turned into a counterattack.

The first step in this counterattack was done by Li Quanli.

Among the escorting troops of the Wanwu Jingying Battalion, [-] forwards were selected. First, they set off from the northwest of Xuanfu, along the north bank of the Yanghe River, and prepared to guard the south of the Wanquan Right Guard, protecting the Wanquan Zuowei and Huai'an Guard reinforcements from the south of the Yang River to cross the river. .

It's a bit of a fight to the death.

The pace is not fast, after all, the march is a two-day journey.

But the Tartar sentry cavalry can detect the movement at the first time, so the Beijing camp selection front on the march has to face the field charge that the captive cavalry may come at any time.

That way you can walk more slowly.

The first day, calm and safe and sound.

"My answer is that he doesn't have enough soldiers, or he is going to make us think that he doesn't have enough soldiers."

After hearing this, Yang Yiqing shook his head: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Whatever he does, the military order has been issued, and the danger to the south of Chaigou Fort and Zhangjiakou will be relieved first, and then Wanquan Youwei and Yutailing will be conquered in the north."

On the second day, the Beijing camp's selection front had reached the southwest side of Wanquan Youwei, less than forty miles away from Chaigoubao. There may be siege from three sides at any time.

But today, they are still safe.I saw the enemy's cavalry sentry, but not the main force of the enemy's cavalry.

On the third day, the Tartars attacking Zhangjiakou from the south were chased away by He Xun and one of the three guards of the Xuanfu who came to help.

If you want to say that I really divided the troops and went to the east to attack the Longmen Guard, but the sentry sent by the Ming army to investigate in the direction of Yutailing either encountered the Mongolian sentry and could not go deep, or they never returned.

Yutai Ridge seems to be covered in fog, and I don't know what the real situation is.

The only good news is that the results of the Battle of Jingping finally reached Xuanfu, on the eve of the real start of the counterattack.

Lu Bing never left Zhu Houcong, he never expected that the battle on Datong West Road would be so beautifully fought.

It has been many years since Ming Dynasty has achieved such a big and real victory against the Tartars.

"Great victory at Jingping! Your Majesty, even if the Xuanfu cannot lure the enemy to defeat, this battle is enough to dedicate victory to the Taimiao!" Yang Yiqing was very excited, "Marquis Wu Ding has the style of his ancestors! Although this battle was victoriously won, if Marquis Wu Ding hadn't personally rushed At that time, the captives abandoned Huangya Mountain and invaded Shuozhou, and it was no longer possible to catch up and fight hard to win."

"...Yu Dayou is still seriously injured..."

Zhu Houcong knew that the tragedy Yang Yiqing said was indeed tragic. Jingping defended the city, the night battle in the south of the city, plus the previous battle damage at Huangyashan, the three forts of Yingen, Zhehu, and Naihe were destroyed. Datong suffered even more.

There was a cold light in his eyes: "Then Liu Kai died on the battlefield, so it's hard to punish him!"

"...Your Majesty." Seeing that the emperor was not very happy, Yang Yiqing could only remonstrate with a wry smile, "The reinforcements are weak, but the task of defending the city is heavy. If he didn't die in battle, the imperial court can't punish him for it. Most of the generals in the town are like this. If the reinforcements are not timely, they will be severely punished, and everyone will be in danger..."

"Not timely?"

Yang Yiqing nodded helplessly: "Isn't it only three days? To scout out the enemy's situation, I'm afraid to divert the tiger away from the mountain; to divide the troops and adjust the food, to rearrange the city defense... The reinforcements will always be much slower. Beheading Li Jian in the name of obeying the military order is actually an act that makes the border generals hard to convince."

What else can Zhu Houcong say?
It can only show that the problems in Bianzhen for many years are almost incurable.

But this is human nature, there are more people who cherish their lives, and more people who are afraid of more serious consequences.

He sat back on the chair silently: "It seems that my previous idea was indeed bold. I won this battle by luck. I am not so confused as to believe this plan."

"It's up to man!" Yang Yiqing said solemnly, "I made up my mind and decided to give it a try because of His Majesty's words."

"Which sentence?"

"When the civil engineering changes, the monarchs and ministers will be afraid of the head and tail. Your Majesty wants to win a big victory with the imperial conquest and also boost the morale of the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty. The ministers are willing to put on the saddle and try their best!"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Dare to use your sword first when you meet an enemy, and then you can say victory. In fact, my appetite is bigger than that of Bodi and I Da. It is clear that the generals in the border town do not want to fight, and they want to change in an instant with a big victory. In short, this is also a fluke heart."

"Your Majesty drove the Xuan Mansion, the Tartars came out of their nests and remained motionless like a mountain. Only when Xuan Da is exhausted, the Tartars will suffer death and injury, and the Ming Dynasty will have the victory of defeating the enemy. Your Majesty's martial arts are already powerful enough to shake the desert." North, Wangbo Yunei."

Zhu Houcong's mood faded: "Bo Di and I Da are still there. This battle is not over yet. I am really ashamed to take credit for killing some thieves who broke in within the country."

What he saw from the details of the Battle of Jingping was danger.

According to intelligence, Gonbilik, who occupies the fertile land of Hetao, is really far from his younger brother.If this is the case, the men and horses he leads are also very likely to come and go freely in the hinterland of Datong and plunder wantonly.

With Yu Dayou's special location, even if he could defend for more than three days and killed many enemies, would he be able to pursue him again?

Guo Xun has the heart and courage to make meritorious service, but he took the risk to leave the main force with only a few soldiers.If Gunbilik killed or captured him in the south of Jingping City, the whole of Datong would be in a state of restlessness.

What kind of temple calculations, what kind of imperial conquests boosted morale... Before the fundamental problems of the border town were resolved, this was almost a dream.

It can only be said that everyone in the court is willing to help the emperor try to do it this time. At least with active planning and a bit of luck, the result is not bad.

"War..." Zhu Houcong muttered to himself.

Lu Bing looked at the emperor strangely: "Your Majesty, such a great victory has not been achieved for many years, why should you be depressed?"

"When will I finish a major event and realize that I am not eager for quick success this time?" Zhu Houcong is worried about this.

Lu Bing opened his eyes wide: "Your Majesty, you have just turned 20 years old! Young people, isn't it unusual to be eager? Let me tell you, all the courtiers are seasoned. Your Majesty is young, has plans, and dares to deal with the Tartars... ... Er... Bright Sword, how wonderful this is!"

Zhu Houcong laughed dumbfoundedly: "Aren't you young and vigorous, aren't you called a young man?"

"That's the reason!" Lu Bing nodded.

"Okay. It's a [-]-point effort and you get [-] points." Zhu Houcong looked at him, "Next time, you can achieve [-] points, [-] points, and [-] points step by step. It will delay your time." wedding date."

The subsequent development of this war fully taught Zhu Houcong a lesson.

Unlike his soul from 500 years later, Alda, who was just as young, explained to him what it means to grow up in intrigue since childhood, and what it means to be a qualified political leader.

No matter what kind of battle plan and strategic goal he originally had, after he knew the result of the Battle of Huangya Mountain, he might have another idea.When he knew the result of the Battle of Jingping, he immediately changed his mind.

The counterattack of the Xuanfu army against Yu Tailing and Wanquan Youwei hardly encountered any decent resistance, leaving only an army of more than a hundred dead.I replied that I had plundered that area long ago, and then withdrew calmly.

On the way, only Li Jin, He Quanan, Yan Chunsheng and others appeared in time.Although it caused a little trouble for the Tumed Department, saved some of the people they plundered and left behind some supplies, it also revealed to Al Da that Ming had some very special troops and weapons.

"...The strength of the Ordos Department is seriously injured. Bodi will face the counterattack of the generals of the Xuanfu, and it will not be easy to withdraw from Yanshan. On the contrary, I answer that he will be able to overcome Yutailing and Wanquan Youwei, and plunder a lot in the north of Yanghe River. The harvest. One ebbs and another, his reputation on the grassland..."

Zhu Houcong let out a long sigh: "And what did I get? I worked hard on the northern expedition, wasted food and money, and the plan was in vain."

Yang Yiqing was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Da Ming fought against the enemy from all sides. I dare to say that if Da Ming is not defeated, it is a great victory, let alone a great victory at Jingping? Although this battle cost a lot, the loss was not small, and there were many casualties, but the grassland Fighting for power will eventually begin. The power and prestige among the [-] households on the right wing will ebb and flow, the rift between Bodie and Alda will deepen, and His Majesty will win a chance to redress the old evils of the border town."

"I'm afraid Bodie won't want to fight for a long time after hearing the news." Zhu Houcong waved his hand, "Let's drive the Tartars out of Daming as soon as possible."

Two days later, the "old man" I answered gave him a real shock and a huge surprise.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Yang Yiqing rushed over in a loss of composure, "Bo'an sent Marquis Fu Ning to lead a surprise army from the side wall all the way to the northwest to seize the Longmen, and prepare to block Bodi!"

"Gubeikou has withdrawn troops?" Zhu Houcong stood up in shock.

"I don't know the details, but the news came from Four Seas. But now, as long as the thousand-five elite soldiers and Longmen guards who have left the side wall can go to block the one-stone castle again, it will be very difficult for Bodie to get out!"

"...True magic soldiers descend from the sky!" Zhu Houcong looked at Li Quanli whose eyes suddenly turned blood red, "Go! I have no worries!"

"The final commander!" Li Quanli shouted loudly before he left the house, "Prepare the horse! Prepare the horse!"

The Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty was "sold" by I Da.

Is it for sale?The situation of the battle was unfavorable. The Tumote Department was attacked by the main force of the Xuan Mansion and the escorting army of the Ming Emperor, so they had to withdraw as a last resort.

It was Bodie himself who went too deep and failed to push forward. Jizhou did not contain the Ming army.

Zhu Houcong originally thought that the game planned by the monarch and his ministers was about to end, but who knows that the situation of the battle is inexplicable. The chain reaction after Yu Dayou beat the captives on the western front turned out to be that Bo Di was trapped in Yanshan.

Now, Zhu Qi in the one stone castle is struggling to support, his eyes are full of madness.

"Six years! Six years!" he shouted loudly, "This Marquis is suppressing bandits in Guangxi and desperately fighting in Huguang, and now we are counting on this battle! The Tartars are not good at attacking cities, no matter what, I will stand up to ten Day! Da Sima said that within ten days, he will lead reinforcements to the Xuan Mansion! His Majesty and General Counselor Yang will also come to encircle him!"

The news of Zhu Qi's surprise attack on the Longmen Office reached the Xuan Mansion through the Si Hai Zhi Office on the Yanqing side wall, and at this time Wang Shouren's military situation was finally sent to the Xuan Mansion from Miyun.

[The minister made his own claim after hearing the great victory in Jingping, and had secretly discussed the matter of trade with Huadang, Duoyanwei's governor outside Gubeikou, and he promised to stand still.The captives are seriously injured, and I will definitely withdraw our troops to preserve our strength.If Bodi is trapped in Yanshan Mountain again, and the Northern Yuan Dynasty will be in chaos, I will be very hopeful to compete in the grassland.The minister has ordered Marquis Fu Ning to march from the side wall to the Longmen Office, I hope His Majesty...]

What else can Zhu Houcong say?
The Great Wall is not only a defense facility, but also a "highway" for border towns.

And Wang Shouren lived up to his great reputation, accurately judged the next trend from some information, and then made an accurate decision, and he was able to negotiate with the flowers on the wall first to ensure that there would be no major problems in Jizhou.

Now, in Yanshan Mountain, northeast of Xuanfu, there is a big fish.

Zhu Houcong soon saw the "morale" of the generals in the border town.

Everyone please fight!

Are you kidding me... What kind of civil engineering change is this?
They all want to catch an overseas student for Daming too!
(End of this chapter)

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