
Chapter 342 The Lord of Beiyuan Must Stay Here!

Chapter 342 The Lord of Beiyuan Must Stay Here!
Guo Xun will not be able to enjoy this hot mouthful of great work, who knows if I will go back and come back, and then go in and plunder from Datong while the Ming army is catching big fish?
Now Guo Xun survived a catastrophe and became addicted to meritorious service, so he yelled at me.

Bodie didn't scold me and answered.

Tired of cursing.

The problem at hand is more serious, and I say the timing is too good to withdraw.

For this point, Zhu Qi, who was struggling to support Longmen, also had experience.

"Master Hou, if the Tartars from Gubeikou come from Fengning, how can we hold on for so long?"

Zhu Qi can't control so much anymore, he surrounded Bei Yuan Da Khan and hoped to catch him, what kind of credit is that?

"They will definitely come!" Zhu Qi gritted his teeth and said, "So we must guard!"

In the current situation, the fastest way for Bodie to get out of danger is to attack the Longmen Office together with his subordinates outside Gubeikou, and get out of the side wall from here.

Wait for the Gubeikou side to climb over the mountains to protect the grain road on the dam before going out through Dushikou?Couldn't the Daming Longmen Guards and Zhangjiakou Fort's army move along the side wall faster to get there?

Coincidentally, this area is Yanshan Mountain. Although Bodi's army has more than four legs per capita, how fast can Bodie's army climb up the mountain?The Tartars from Gubeikou are also closer to Longmen!
Zhu Qi felt that he had stood at the crossroads of fate: "Sihai Governance and Yanqing Prefecture's armies must be coming at full speed! Great achievements are just around the corner! Hold on!"

At this moment, Tang Shunzhi also rushed to Xuanfu, after all, the food road in the direction of Huailai was already safe.

Commander He Xun's pacesetter battalion previously defended Zhangjiakou Fort and suffered some losses.But now faced with such meritorious service, everyone is also red-eyed, asking to enter Yanshan with those three thousand strong craftsmen for reinforcements and encirclement.

How can Fu Duo, the chief soldier of Xuanfu, stay out of the matter?The army had already set out from Longmenwei, and before the commander-in-chief, he retreated to Longmenwei and reinforced those frontier troops who had gone out of the side wall.

Zhang Tong, who went out of the side wall to raise food and grass for the frontier army that intercepted the Alta army in the previous plan, moved from Baimiaotan to the east of Zhangbei to the dam at the fastest speed, and first explored the area on the dam. movement.

Zhu Houcong, Yang Yiqing, Tang Shunzhi, Wang Xian who returned to Xuanfu and others studied and judged the subsequent changes in the situation.

"Taolu suffered more than [-] deaths and injuries in this battle, and gained very little. I answered one part. The loss was finally in the battle of Yutailing, with more than [-] casualties, but there were quite a lot of gains afterwards." Wang Xian said seriously, " If Bodi dies or is captured, I'm sure he'll be the king. When he dominates the grassland, it will be another Dayan Khan!"

Contrary to Zhu Houcong's expectation, the important ministers of the border town are now advocating that Bodi be released back to the grassland.

"This battle is such a big commotion. How can I convince the crowd with my withdrawal of troops and trapping Bodi in Yanshan? Besides, Bodi has an eldest son who is eight years old, so no matter what, this position cannot fall on my head." Tang Shunzhi retorted.

"Gunbi Rick, the lord of Taolu, is his own elder brother. Although the loss this time is great, I can't blame him. The defeat of Taolu was the result of the defenders of Datong West Road. Although Marquis Wu Ding went to Jingping, he defeated Taolu. At that time, there were no other armies from Datong. Because of this, the prestige of Gunbilik will plummet even more." Yang Yiqing checked the Hetao area, Xuanfu, and the Chahar tribe just north of Jizhou In the area, "As for trapping Bodi in Yanshan..."

He expressed another set of rhetoric for the "winner" of Alda:

Yutailing defeated the Ming army, broke the fort in one day, and conquered two cities in two days. There were at least [-] troops on the front line of Xuanfu and more than [-] permanent backup reinforcements in Huailai.

It can be said that he bears the most pressure.But Gonbilik was defeated by a mere weak Datong West Road, and Bodi himself had to dawdle in the west foot of Yanshan Mountain, hoping to use Longmen Acropolis to consume the strength of the Tumed Department again. I heard that the Ordos Department was defeated. , Worried that the Datong reinforcements would come to Xuanfu again, what's wrong with him retreating?
It's Bodie who is the master of the Khan court, the layout is too small!

It was he who launched the southern expedition in the name of Khan Ting, and I answered that he could contain the main force of the Ming army. Why didn't he, Bodi, quickly raid Yanqing Prefecture or the south of Xuanfu?
As long as the Emperor Ming retreated, the defeat was over.

Given that the Ming army in Datong had already defeated Gonbilik and could take over the retreat of Tumed's troops from Datong at any time, I asked why they couldn't withdraw?

"According to what Qing and others said, it would be more beneficial for Daming to capture Bodi and return him to the grassland?"

"Naturally. Whether Bodi dies or is captured, Beiyuan will establish a new leader. I answer that naturally he cannot win the position of Khan immediately. Instead, the new leader of Beiyuan must rely on the right wing to resist my Ming Dynasty." Yang Yiqing, these old politicians analyzed from the perspective of political needs In this war, "if Bodie returns, even though he has a defeat, he is still the leader of the Northern Yuan. The right wing is already strong, and the left wing needs to support him to compete with the right wing. I can't use it. The new leader of the Northern Yuan needs to first Time to overwhelm the left wing and continue to invade the border without a threat from the back."

Zhu Houcong was thinking.

In his mind, the main goal of this battle plan is Al Da, and this Al Da's great talent and strategy pose a great threat to Daming.

It takes time to transmit news on the battlefield, and Alda, who is further to the west, will know the news a day or two in advance.

In just one or two days, Bodie was trapped in Yanshan.

It's still a period when An Dao's strength is not strong, but he has adapted to the situation in this battle and occupied the most favorable position.

After this battle, Yang Yiqing and the others also admitted that I Da was a greater threat to Daming than Bodie.But now, they suggested to put Bodie back and let them internalize first.

If Bodie isn't dead, then Ida's "winner" rhetoric is untenable, at least Bodie will definitely hate Ida.

"Xuan Dabian Town needs several years to reform the old evils and train the new army!" Yang Yiqing continued, "If Bodi dies, the first thing for the new Northern Yuan master is not to deal with the right wing, but to subdue the left wing, and even rely heavily on the right wing to subdue the left wing. This situation is more beneficial to me. Although I don’t have the name of a profuse sweat, I have the real name of a profuse sweat. In this way, I Dao will not give Daming Bianzhen a chance to breathe.”

It's kind of like opening champagne at halftime, Bodie is still alive and kicking after all.

But after all, the general direction of this matter has been determined: I Da has retreated completely, and Bodie is at best only to return in a complete defeat and lose all prestige.

The pattern on the grassland must be rewritten because of this, and Daming also needs to have a new response.

The monarchs and ministers discussed for a while, and found that the most likely trend on the grassland would be the unstoppable rise of Al Da: the Northern Yuan Khan Court, which enshrined the young master, would have to rely more on the right-wing [-] households to resist the Ming Dynasty.And the [-] right-wing households will also be headed by I Da.Just wait for the further expansion of Alta's power, and Alta, who also has the blood of the Jin family, is likely to become another Dayan Khan, the eight-year-old son of Bodi, but it is too late to have a son.

Yang Yiqing and the others felt that Daming had won great victories for two consecutive years, and all that was missing was time.

Originally, I wanted to reach that height step by step, and I couldn't do it in more than ten years, at least it was difficult to do it when Bodie was still alive.

But if Bodie died, it would be different.I answer that you don't need to become a great Khan in name, but actually become the most powerful person in Beiyuan, and even mobilize the power of Beiyuan Khan court in exchange for nominally submitting to the Lord of Beiyuan.

What can the powerful ministers of the Chahar Khan court bring a young master?Just stay where you are and enjoy.

So with Bodie dead, Da Ming won't have time to strengthen the strength of the border town.

This time, even though it had been planned for a long time, the actual victory was quite a fluke.From next time on, I will not do this again, but play what the prairie cavalry is best at: coming and going like the wind, looting assets, and improving strength.

The border town has been at war for years, how can it reform?

Under the persuasion of Yang Yiqing and others, Zhu Houcong finally raised his head: "No! The Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty must stay here!"


War has always been a continuation of politics, but politics is the art of how to achieve ruling order, and the most effective rule is always based on the hearts of the people.

Now in the border town, the people's heart is the heart of the generals to win meritorious service, and it is the heart of the people of the border town to trust the border army to defeat the Tartars and defend them.

For Zhu Houcong, this popular feeling is the heart of his subjects who have made great achievements, established unprecedented prestige, and shocked the Ming Dynasty inside and outside after his personal conquest.

As for my answer not to give Daming a chance to breathe, there are more solutions.

The imperial driver moved to the Longmen Guard, and the emperor took another step closer to the frontier, and he was already at the side wall.

Fu Duo moved to Pine Tree Fort, and Li Quanli advanced from Chang'an Station to Sanchakou Fort.Orders are being issued one after another, and the order everyone has received is: First, deploy all your strength to defend the side wall, to prevent the Tatars from fleeing from the weak points of the side wall outside the side wall such as Longmensuo and Dushikou.

Now, Bodie's sweat tent is set up in Chicheng.Thirty miles to the east of here is the Longmen Institute where fierce battles are raging.Going north along the Longmen River for a hundred miles is the Dushikou leading to the dam.About sixty miles to the southwest is Longmenweicheng.Located between Longmenweicheng and Chi Castle is Sanchakou Fort.

The sentry returned to the camp to report: "From Chang'an of the Han people to Xuanfu and Zhangjiakou, their army is encircling here. The total number is no less than 2. The emperor of the Han is also coming here."

Bodie's face was darker than the night at the moment: the Han emperor who humiliated his childishness but was younger than him.

He regretted it a little bit, if he had rushed out of Yanshan Mountain earlier and forced the Han emperor to retreat south, maybe I Da, who was in the wind, would have attacked with all his strength.

But when they came in from Dushikou and Longmen, they didn't meet any decent resistance.

The Ming army gave up the western foot of Yanshan Mountain so easily, but Bodie was actually a lot more cautious, so that the marching speed was even slower.

Now it is more obvious: this seems to be just a trap to lure him into this Yanshan.

Bodie didn't really believe that Gunbilik had lost so badly in the west of Datong. He only knew that Gunbilik was defeated first, and then Alta withdrew.

Collude with the Han people and frame the Great Khan!
"What's going on at Dushikou?"

"...Suddenly, a thousand and five elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty appeared and took back Dushikou."

Bodie clenched his fists tightly: there is no such thing as an elite that suddenly appears, this is a pre-arranged trap!
At least what I said was that he would go all the way from Yutailing to Longmenwei as soon as possible, and stop after he took down Yutailing and Wanquan Youwei within two days!
Bodie didn't know that the 500 people were originally planning to cross the mountains, take the grain and grass that Zhang Tong raised outside the side wall, and then cut off the retreat route of Ida.

When Alta withdrew, the Daming Dun sentry army was able to immediately spread to a farther place outside the side wall, found them, and issued a new order.

"Khan, find a place to get out from the side wall!" A general persuaded, "You are the master of Dayuan, you can't stay here!"

At this moment, Beiyuan is still using the country name established by Kublai Khan.The so-called Mongolia is also the Mongolian Khanate of the Yuan Dynasty.In the mind of the lord of the Great Yuan, there used to be many khanates in the Great Yuan, including the former land of the Han people south of the Great Wall.

Bodie yelled loudly: "Find a side wall and go out. What about the slaves and goods harvested here? Isn't it easier to march on an unfamiliar route? What about the safety of the army?"

The number of troops determines that it is faster and safer to go out from the old route that is better and easier to walk.

It is also more in line with the identity of the Lord of Beiyuan.

That is to break through the enemy's castle and return with a full load, instead of fleeing in a hurry.

"Khan, if you hesitate any longer, it will be too late! They can quickly surround every wall on the Great Wall. The Han people are like cattle and sheep, there are too many of them!"

In fact, the cavalry seldom attacked when they came in. Basically, they found a low and broken city wall and climbed in quickly.

The same goes for walking.

It's just that it's different this time, this time it's Bodie's deliberate move to improve his prestige.After spending so much money and bringing so many people, could it be that the dignified Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty came to be a thief?
Even Al Da stormed Yutai Ridge and Gunbilik broke Ying'en Castle and entered Daming.

In history, in the reality of this moment, Bodi is a level below Alda, so now he is wasting precious time under the weight of Khan's idol baggage.

The Great Wall of Ming Dynasty is indeed broken in many places, but compared to the rugged paths in the mountains, the Great Wall is now performing its important military function: troop mobilization.

Defenses were still being strengthened in the northwest of Xuanfu, but mobile forces such as Li Jin, He Quan'an, and Yan Chunsheng, along with reinforcements from the Four Seas Administration in Yanqingzhou outside Juyongguan and even Jizhou, were encircling the Great Wall from east to west.

In the mountains at the western foot of Yanshan Mountain, the armies of Commanders Li Quanli and Fu Duo surrounded Chicheng from the direction of Chang'an Station and Longmenwei respectively.

The march in the mountains is shorter, but much slower.

Zhu Houcong has arrived at Longmenweicheng.If you want to destroy Longmenweicheng, you must either destroy two Great Walls, or break Zhangjiakou Fort and come from the south of the Great Wall from the west.

The plan that Bodi and Alta discussed at the beginning was that Alta would break through the fortresses on the north side of the Xuan Mansion first, and attack the Longmen Guard City from west to east.And Bo Di personally led the army, attacking from the west foot of Yanshan Mountain, causing Daming to lose control of the north wall of Xuan Mansion in one fell swoop.

If the strategy is achieved, both Xuanfu and Datong must give up.The right wing is close to here, and it will gain actual benefits; apart from the benefits obtained by sending troops to plunder, Bodie can also greatly increase his prestige and subdue the ministries.

Now I answer that I have retreated, and the Longmen Guard is safe.

Even so, when the imperial driver arrived at Longmenwei, Fu Duo's troops and the [-] troops left behind as escorts could not go too deep, but they all set up camp in the mountains to the east of Longmenwei—the battle line had been pushed to a distance of [-] miles from Chicheng. Sanchakou Fort is still being compressed inside.

"I thought Bodie would take the road and run away. Now that's the situation, why does he still have to go out from Longmen Office or Dushikou?"

It has been more than ten days since I Da withdrew to the present.The time has come to November, and the chasing and intercepting troops from all walks of life are in place, and now it is really called impenetrable: no matter how insignificant the side wall piers are, there are at least 30 to [-] people more than the original allocation.Once encountering an enemy, nearby friendly troops can quickly come to reinforce.

Wang Xian gave him the answer: "Once the border wall cannot be obtained, Chicheng will be abandoned first, and all the troops and horses can only be trapped on the mountain. It is dangerous to stay in Chicheng, but the food and grass and the previously robbed goods can still be defended against the fort. .Besides the side wall, there are still Khan Ting's relatives coming to help. If you hold on for a month, there may be a turning point to turn defeat into victory. If you flee north here, the defeat will be complete, and the master of the Northern Yuan Dynasty will not be able to bear the burden."

Zhu Houcong understood it, just like if he withdrew south after his imperial conquest, it would be a success or failure.This principle is the same for the Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

Since this battle has started, there is always one side that will lose more miserably.

This time, luck is on Daming's side, and there is an ambitious and talented Al Da under the command of the Lord of Bei Yuan.

"In addition to the reinforcements from the Chahar Division in Gubeikou, besides the Longmen Institute, is there any reinforcements coming?" Zhu Houcong made up his mind, "Then at least it will have to wait until after the middle of the month, right?"

"Your Majesty, if you want to keep Bodi here, you have to attack as soon as possible while the Tartars are not good at defending the city."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Defend the side wall, and the west, south, and north armies have advanced five miles to Chicheng, ready to attack the city. Order Fu Ninghou, don't be greedy for meritorious deeds and send troops to Chicheng. If he guards the Longmen on the East Road, it will be useless." Great work!"

The opportunity was left to Li Quanli, to Fu Duo, to He Xun, and to these generals who were in the Xuanfu.

This battle was a battle in which the morale of the Ming army was unprecedentedly high.

Although the encirclement is not dense, it is enough, and the fish in the circle are too big.

No matter how fierce the battle was, the general of the Ming army knew that it would be very difficult to meet such a good opportunity again in this life.Such an opportunity cannot be grasped, and it will be even more difficult to have any sense of existence in the eyes of the emperor in the future.

At this moment, Li Quanli, who had been holding back for so long, finally let his Beijing camp, including the three thousand strong men disguised as craftsmen led by He Xun, unleash the strongest firepower they could use.

In Red Castle, Bodie finally regretted not being able to let go of Khan's airs at the beginning, and found a weak place on the side wall to break through.

Right now, he still has one last chance under his command.

"Khan, rush out from between Muma Fort and Zhen'an Fort! Yunzhou Fort can't last long!"

To the north of Chi Castle, there is a road leading to Pine Tree Fort next to Longmen River to get out of the side wall, but this road is now blocked by Fu Duo's army, and they are attacking the cloud that guards the key points of the water and land roads. state fort.

The Mongolian army really has only one way out to the northeast, and it seems relatively weak at present.

"... Don't waste your horsepower, the Han people won't be able to catch up!" Bodie finally gave the order, "Burn the Chi Castle, and after leaving, burn the mountains here all the way to stop the pursuers!"

That night, the west foot of Yanshan Mountain was full of flames.

The snow had not yet fallen, and the forests in the mountains were dry. Zhu Houcong looked at the red night sky in the northeast from the Longmen Guard, and clenched his fists tightly.

Set fire to the mountain, this can't let Bodie sit in prison?
Bodie, who was going to block the Ming army behind him with ruined walls and dry mountain fires after winter, would soon regret this decision-it seemed wrong again.

They walked north along the east bank of Longmen River Valley from the north of Chi Castle.After reaching the southeast of Yunzhou Fort, we are going to walk the valley in the northeast, protruding from Zhen'an Fort.

Yes, when leaving, you still have to go out from a side wall fort.It's just that this Zhen'an Fort is the furthest away from reinforcements from the east and west directions of the Ming army.From Yunzhou Fort to Zhen'an Fort, the average width of the valley in the middle is more than one mile, which is more convenient for cavalry to march.

Zhen'an Fort is also located in this valley, with mountains on the north and south sides.Attacking Zhen'an Fort, there is no risk of being beaten down by the Ming army.

However, it was not the Ming army who beat them condescendingly, but the mountain fire.

As we all know, northerly winds prevail in winter in the north, but that is roughly the case in a wide space and time period.

But the mountains have their own microclimate, and most of the troops marching in the mountains are in the valleys.

Although the fire blocked the pace of Li Quanli's troops, Fu Duo's troops farther north were not greatly affected.

On the contrary, the fire spread much faster than people could possibly.The mountain airflow caused by wildfires is disordered and faster.

Once a mountain fire occurs, it blows from the valley to the hillside during the day.At night, it will blow from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley-with thick smoke.

The soldiers choked and the horses were in chaos.

Li Quanli and He Xun couldn't catch up in front of the mountain fire, so they could only curse.

But does that make Bodie slip?

They only brought a thousand and five elite each, and took the risk to chase after them.

Fu Duo's soldiers had just captured Yunchuan Fort, and now they could only look at the flames and sigh.

"General, on the windward slope, the mountain fire probably won't burn down at night. If you can get around Tuogou, you can kill it through Majiayao!"

"Really? Do you know the way?"

"Know it!" Juhuo was in front, and no fisherman could bear it. "The humble job has been guarded in Maoeryu and Zhen'anbao, and the road here is very familiar!"

"Call out [-] veterans, hurry up! Order Songshu Fort, Dushi Fort, and the four forts along the road to replace Dushi Fort. Dushi Fort, Banbidian Fort, and Maoeryu Fort are all rushed to Zhen'an Fort. Be sure to take the Tartars out. Stay within the side walls!"

The nearly [-] riders gathered by Bodie are still crowded in the valley leading from Zhen'an Fort to Yunchuan, braving the wind blown by the falling mountain fire.

On Zhen'an Fort, the fire in the pier was also blazing, but in fact there was no need for it to warn - the mountain fire in the southwest was the biggest warning.

Outside the Dragon Gate, the reinforcements from the Chahar Department from Gubeikou galloped across the mountains to the northwest overnight, and the sound of horseshoes woke Zhu Qi, Marquis of Funing.

"Big Sima!" He looked at Wang Shouren eagerly.

After deliberating for a while, Wang Shouren laughed: "Marquis Zhu, lead three thousand soldiers, I am here. Your Majesty, I will also speak for Marquis Zhu. The military situation is like a fire, so don't wait."

Zhu Qi was overjoyed, and immediately cupped his fists: "Thank you for your kindness!"

In the sleepless night, the mountain fire illuminates the western foot of Yanshan Mountain.

It was no longer a matter of worrying about how many people would be left behind in a quick march at night. Every soldier of the Ming Dynasty was worried that the big fish would break through the net and really escape.

Coincidentally, Li Jin, He Quan'an, and Yan Chunsheng were the first to receive new orders to rush to this area to reinforce the side wall forces after I Da withdrew.

Now that they saw such a big commotion, they rushed to Zhen'an Fort in time.

Li Jin's whole body was trembling with excitement: I didn't get blocked to answer, but Bei Yuan sweated profusely!

Do you know how long I have been holding back in the wilderness?

(End of this chapter)

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