
Chapter 354 Veteran, New Minister; Imperial Power, Prime Minister's Power

Chapter 354 Veteran, New Minister; Imperial Power, Prime Minister's Power

The logic of this sentence needs to be carefully considered.

Zhu Houcong understood what he meant.

The new generation of important ministers of the Ming Dynasty came to the forefront. Although many of them were promoted by Zhu Houcong, they were no better controlled than Yang Ting and this group of people.

The status of Yang Ting and these veterans is already high enough, and the factions, positions, and political opinions in the court are very clear.Zhu Houcong gave them both kindness and power while breaking the old pattern. He trusted them and at the same time gave them a posthumous reputation, as well as the benefits brought by letting them participate in the new pattern and the formulation of new rules as the first batch.

But there is no other reason why Xinchen is not easy to control. It is easier for Zhu Houcong to break the old structure and old rules. Is it easy to break the new structure and new rules set by himself?
People like Zhang Fujing and Yan Song grew up under these new structures and rules.Their strength and interests will grow together with it.

Zhu Houcong's trust and tolerance to veterans is certainly out of his mind, but why is it not out of governance needs, and he needs to rely heavily on them for the time being?

And this point will become more obvious after Zhang Fujing and Yan Song occupy high positions for more than ten years.It is the simplest truth that one person cannot manage a huge empire.Especially now that Zhu Houcong is delegating power, how can he know that after many years, he will not develop into an emperor and be subject to his ministers institutionally?How can it be guaranteed that there will not be a level where a certain person cannot be replaced, cannot be done, and if he does it, he will smash the new magic pot created by Zhu Houcong himself?

Just like this time, can Zhu Houcong overthrow Xun Chen's greed for money at will?Just beat it.

This is just the beginning.

Zhu Houcong set up the Palace of State Affairs and the Prime Minister and Minister of State, emphasizing the country before the king everywhere. Yang Tinghe, who has been in Nanjing for the past three years, has thought a lot.

Now, he pointed it out by borrowing the establishment of the prince.

Why are the two issues of establishing a crown prince and Sun Jiao being old brought up together?That is the problem of supervising the country.

You are a master who likes to conquer in person, and now the national policy meeting is discussing the reintroduction, I am afraid that there will be another comeback in the future.

If there is a personal conquest by the royal driver, and when Sun Jiao dies, who will have the right status to sit in the capital again?Before, Sun Jiao only attended the national policy meeting and worked with Cui Yuan and others to control the safety of the capital, but the ministers would think about what kind of problems they were in whatever position they were in.

The unspoken question between the two is actually: If you hang out, the National Policy Conference and the State Affairs Hall can govern Daming well, so what is the significance of the existence of the throne and legal system?

Naturally, Yang Tinghe didn't have the thinking and the guts to think that the emperor didn't need to have it. He just felt that this was the most important hidden danger of Daming today.

Even if you are only 23, you should consider this issue.

The prince is an introduction.According to common sense, Zhu Houcong is still so young, Yang Tinghe's proposal to establish a prince is a bit taboo from the perspective of history.

Proposing the establishment of a prince has always involved the division and continuation of monarchy.

Once you have a prince, you will naturally have a circle of courtiers to help cultivate the prince and surround him.Among this group of ministers, there must be those who hold high positions and have outstanding reputations, as well as young ministers who can accompany the prince as he grows up and quickly seize power after the prince succeeds to the throne.

If the emperor wants to train the prince, he also needs to release some power, so that the prince can try to deal with it when he gets older.

The temptation of imperial power will breed too many problems, which have happened many times in history.

But now, Daming's situation is different.

The real problem for Yang Tinghe is: imperial power and prime minister power, this generation of imperial power and the next generation of imperial power, the contradiction between them, you have to start thinking about it.

To put it bluntly, swords and guns have no eyes.Yu Jia's personal conquest, last time it was Bodie who died on the battlefield, what about next time?

Even if you have always been blessed by God and protected by your servants, but after a hundred years, if your son thinks that you have weakened some of the monarchy and made him feel very bad, Ming Dynasty will have another bloody storm, and everything will be overthrown and restarted.

Zhu Houcong saluted Yang Tinghe solemnly: "I would like to be taught! I will definitely think about these issues carefully."

Yang Tinghe's eyes moistened and he left the table to pay homage: "Your Majesty's talent and diligence are rare in history. I am relieved."

Seeing the emperor's reaction, he knew that the emperor understood.

He is more mature, calmer and sharper than he was more than eight years ago.

After being helped up by Zhu Houcong himself, he smiled and said to the others: "The big guy has returned to his hometown, runs a school, and takes good care of himself. If he is buried in the soil one day later, he will be able to see how prosperous the Ming Dynasty will be."

"What the Master said is absolutely true!"

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the tense atmosphere caused by Yang Tinghe's rash invitation to establish the crown prince gradually subsided, and laughter resumed.

After they left, Zhu Houcong came to Qianqing Palace, Zhu Zaiqi was already asleep, and Sun Ming was pregnant again.

This year is not like last year when he had to prepare for the declaration of war. Zhu Houcong felt more relaxed.In the harem, including Sun Ming, a total of three people are pregnant this year, and among them, Concubine Duan and Concubine An are going to give birth after the new year.

Yang Tinghe's invitation to establish a prince is also to remind Zhu Houcong to consider the inevitable disturbances in the harem.

Zhu Houcong talked to Sun Ming for a while, and then went to Concubine Jing, Zhang Qinghe.

The daughter Zhang Qinghe gave birth to him was also fast asleep. After Zhu Houcong became a sage after being used in Zhang Qinghe's bed, he couldn't help but continue to quietly think about the future.

With his historical knowledge and accumulated political literacy, he is naturally very clear about the possibility of a bloody storm that Yang Tinghe reminded him of.

No one is willing to hand over power. If he continues with his current thinking, after the Ming Dynasty begins to take shape on the basis of industry and commerce, his descendants will have to face the new class's hand extending to power.

Those were his Zhu Houcong's descendants, the descendants born in this world in a real and intimate way just like this.

Zhu Houcong sighed softly: I'm afraid this is a more difficult problem to solve than what I said.

Zhang Qinghe asked softly: "Your Majesty, is there something unhappy in your heart? But I am not serving you well?"

"No, you are great." Zhu Houcong came back to his senses, kissed her gently, and then looked at her beautiful and mature face, who was only in her early 20s.

For Zhang Qinghe, the mother in the harem is most precious to her son.She gave birth to a daughter, and it would naturally become more and more difficult for her to be in the palace after many years.

Look, now there are young and beautiful women from foreign races, and Zhu Houcong is only in her early twenties.When he is 50 or [-] years old, there will probably still be a steady stream of them in the palace, right?
How many children will he have in such a long time?

The country is the most important thing, and the future of Daming and China is the most important thing. He should restrain his desires and family affection.In that case, it would be another kind of cruelty to him, his women and children.

Contradictions do indeed exist across the board.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, Zhu Houcong has been unable to sleep.

Until he figured out one thing: the tide of history is vast, and many things are unavoidable.

Perhaps his descendants also need a new book of ancestral teachings.

Let's put our hopes in education for the solution of this matter.


The first day of December, New Day.

Before dawn in the morning, Zhang Fujing got up early.


His three sons had also gotten up and knelt down in the flower hall outside his father's bedroom. Their eyes were bright and their mouths were full of joy: "Sons meet their father."

"...What are you doing?" Although Zhang Fujing reprimanded him, there was a smile on his lips, "Boss is so lucky to be working at Ming Pao. Since you two get up early, you might as well go to study."

"Today is the day when the father takes state affairs to court, how can the sons not congratulate him?"

Although they had known for a long time that their father would be in the Palace of State Affairs, today was different.

Zhang Fujing set his sights on the new official uniforms, which were neatly placed on several plates.

The new state affairs, from Yipin.The Prime Minister, the Minister of State, and those who have worked in the new state for nine years are all genuine Yipin.

It took Zhang Fujing just over eight years to become the first-rank Minister of State from the time he was hired as a senior official in the Six-Pin Guanzheng and Household Department in high school.

He solemnly lectured: "As a father, I owe everything to your majesty's trust! From now on, the three of you must remember not to act recklessly. Do you understand?"

"Follow your father's teachings!"

Zhang Fujing then softened his expression and laughed.

After wearing this suit of clothes, he was one of the top officials among the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

The official uniform seems to release invisible pressure, and Zhang Fujing, who once dared to kill corrupt officials, is even more confident.

It's time for him to flex his muscles!

In Fei's mansion, Fei Hong has been wearing his official uniform for three years.

His son Fei Maoxian was not so excited, even a little helpless.

Fei Hong couldn't help laughing: "Your Majesty has already said that a virtuous person does not avoid relatives. There will be an exam next year, so you can take the exam yourself. The syllabus and examination system have been changed. Even if you want to take care of you as a father, you can't."

Three years and three years, three years and three years.

Cousin Fei Maozhong was the No. 16 scholar in the [-]th year of Zhengde, so he had to avoid suspicion in the second year of Jiajing—even if he was just an ordinary Jinshi, people would accuse Qianshan Fei that he might have something inside.

Three years later, his own father became the first Prime Minister and Minister of State of the Ming Dynasty. Fei Maoxian still had to avoid suspicion, and Fei Hong explicitly prohibited him from taking the exam.

Now three years have passed, and his father failed to ask for resignation. Fei Maoxian sighed: "Since Xu Jiusi can take high school subjects, my son should be an official with a family background. Starting from the seventh or eighth grade, if you have merit , so as not to damage my father's reputation. It will be more and more difficult to be the chief minister for six years."

Fei Hong looked at him with emotion, and finally said: "I have indeed grown up."

This second session will of course be more difficult.

Apart from Zhang Zilin and Wang Xian, who are the people who have joined the State Council?
Mao Ji was in the cabinet back then, and now he is back. He has both seniority and age, but he is in excellent health.

Chen Jiuchou took the position of Zhang Lun who had become an official. The bigger reason was that he was familiar with the three sides. This time, he had an important division of labor, such as the leading military department of the State Affairs Palace.

Wu Tingju served as the Minister of the Transfer Department, and then went to Guangdong as the Governor.He is the one who naturally stands with Zhang Fujing, the newcomer to the Palace of State Affairs.

After Wang Qiong, Yang Tan, and Li Nai all retired, some "turbid current" practitioners who hadn't dealt with Yang Tinghe, Jiang Mian, Mao Ji, and Zhang Zilin very well would all surround Zhang Fujing.

Because anyone with a discerning eye knows that Zhang Fujing is here to take over Fei Hong's class.This session is a transitional session, where the old brings the new.

So, it's really getting harder and harder, and my son has eyesight.

Fei Hong silently warned himself: If I don’t leave after three years, I will be a dog.

Then, I was ready to go to today's court meeting.

At today's court meeting, the new ministers of state, the new batch of 13 provinces in the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty, governors of the nine borders, and other counselors whose positions have changed will all have new identities.

At the same time, the major national policies for the next three years will also be announced.

For the next three years, the major national policy is very simple: comprehensively and deeply promote the new law to enrich the country, extensively and meticulously promote new learning, culture and education, actively invest in the exploration of military and civilian technology, and steadily and pragmatically reform the military system and diplomacy.

In a word: Do not seek war abroad, focus on making the country rich and strong, cultivating talents and innovating at home.

At the same time, an important message will be released at the court meeting: According to needs, in another three years, the current six ministries of the Ming Dynasty will be reorganized and two more ministries will be added, and two more ministers of state will be added.In other words - more opportunities.

So Fei Hong warned himself again: In three years, I will have to deal with eight state affairs. If I don't leave, I will be a dog.

Yang Shen, the new Minister of the Household Department, is asking his father: "How does the son handle it?"

Yang Tinghe stared at his son.

Eight years later, he is different.Now that he is in his 40s, he has learned to be humble, and the words he asks are also very good.

"I don't know how much food was spent in last year's battle." Yang Tinghe said, "This measure is to save money and food for the future northern expedition, but not to let the common people and gentry and rich households complain. In addition, the Ministry of Households has to prepare new The Tongbao and Yinbao are of great importance, involving not only some official positions and officials, but also localities and enterprises. For many things, Zhang Maogong is in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so you should discuss with him more."

"My son understands. Then my son will go out now."

"Go." Yang Tinghe nodded, and looked at his son Shi Li, who was wearing a second-rank official uniform, with a smile, and turned to leave.

Letting his son be the Minister of Household Affairs, led by Zhang Fujing, is another level of care for the Yang family by His Majesty.

Standing with Zhang Fujing, Yang Shen will be able to stand firm within ten years as long as he makes no big mistakes.

Xia Yan is also preparing to go out. Although he was disappointed for a while before, he has adjusted now.

It was because Shang Shuyan was the first to be praised and promoted by the emperor for his military skills. Now that he is sent from Zhejiang to serve as governor of the three sides, it can be considered that he can really make contributions in border affairs.

It's just that at present, he doesn't know much about the governors of the three towns who are about to help him and the unified supervisors sent by the household department to the three sides.

Mao Bowen was changed from governor of Liaodong to governor of Gansu.The governors of the other two towns, one is Zhang Jing, who, as the head of the Sixth Division and the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, only governors one town in Ningxia, he is very important.As for Fei Maozhong, the governor of Yansui, Xia Yan went south very early, and had very little contact with Fei Hong's nephew.Zeng Mi, the governor, was only a Jinshi in the fifth year of Jiajing.

Fortunately, after attending this court meeting, he will set off with these people.

You can always get a glimpse of their talents and temperament.

In any case, the three sides are headed by Xia Yan, the second-rank official with the title of Minister of the Ministry of War.

It's still not bright yet, and all the ministers outside Chengtian Gate are ordering their orders.

The important ministers who had already confirmed their positions were thinking about their next three years, but because of their movement, the fourth and fifth grades and below behind the train were even more concerned about the next selection.

Yang Shen didn't look sideways, Yan Song, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Zhang En, who had been transferred from the Ministry of Households to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, were talking in a low voice. Not far behind Zhang En was Huang Zuo, who had been transferred from the right servant of the Nanjing Ministry of Officials to the left servant of the Beijing Ministry of Officials.

After the three-way drum sounded, Huang Zuo took a deep breath looking at the Chengtian Gate that was slowly opening in front of him.

He is back again.

For more than eight years, under the promotion of the emperor, the group of new ministers in the 16th year of Zhengde ascended to high positions one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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