
Chapter 355 The Emperor Must Have a Strong Heart

Chapter 355 The Emperor Must Have a Strong Heart
"Compared to Guangdong, Cochin is too hot."

In the midsummer season, a young official dressed in the fifth-rank official uniform of the Ming Dynasty kept wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, but he could not disturb his dignity and majesty.

"Envoy Tian Qin, be patient, it's hotter than Guangdong here. I heard that even in the twelfth lunar month, you can wear unlined clothes. Otherwise, why would Champa rice be cropped three times a year?" A middle-aged man with a soft voice responded to him. eunuch.

"Hmph, it's been almost half a month, it seems that Mo Dengyong is really guilty."

The eunuch called the imperial envoy was Tian Rucheng, a Jinshi in the fifth year of Jiajing.Now, as a doctor of the Ministry of Rites, he was ordered to serve as the envoy of the Jiaozhi Propaganda Envoy.

Of course, Cochin is special.Throughout February and March.Tian Rucheng and other people who were selected as propaganda envoys, embassy administrators, and bodyguards entered the palace to receive "training" from the emperor. Their four leaders of the Jiaozhi diplomatic envoys, namely, three civil servants and one military officer, even participated in two military affairs meetings. A secret meeting attended by staff officers.

Tian Rucheng was well aware of the dangers of this trip, but he witnessed that Zhang Fujing, who had been in Zhengde for 16 years, was enshrined in the Palace of State Affairs for more than eight years because of his trust in the emperor, so he still wanted to take this opportunity.

Now the person he is talking to is Yuan Hongmao, the leader of the guards under his command.Although there are only 50 guards in Yiqi, the guards of the embassy have official titles of hundreds of households.Yuan Hongmao, who was sent to Jiaozhi, was even more complicated, as he was the official post of Deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei.The 50 people under him should not be underestimated.

When Tian Rucheng said this, he was actually reconfirming to Yuan Hongmao his next safety.

Yuan Hongmao's answer was simple: "He dare not make mistakes."

"...I don't think he would dare." Tian Rucheng concealed his unease, "It is nothing more than discussing with his subordinates how to explain to me, Da Ming, and to test whether we can get the title of Da Ming and treat us better. If we are willing, this The Xuanjiao embassy will be opened immediately. Even if you sternly accuse him of being a usurper, do you really dare to disrespect Daming and cause internal and external difficulties?"

Yuan Hongmao looked at him and stopped talking.

You think so clearly, why are you blushing?
Oh, it's too hot in here.

"Eunuch Peng, don't pay attention to these things. The news that the envoy came to Anxing City, Eunuch Peng has already left?"

"Don't worry, the imperial envoy, let's not say that the rich merchants of Cochin, who have been cooperating with our maritime trade company for many years, are the news that the embassy has entered the city, and spread the news by ourselves. Not only that, but the main purpose of setting up the embassy is to manage the sea. The matter of trade has also spread."

"Eunuch Lao Peng is here." Tian Rucheng saluted him with a smile, "Next, let's see how the intercourse will behave."

In Shenglong City, west of Anxing City, Mo Dengyong was wearing a dragon robe and sitting on his throne.

Among the countries or tribes closest to the Ming Dynasty, except Uzang, which has its own religious traditions, Jiaozhi and Goryeo all have a strong influence of Chinese culture.

The canonization of the Great Ming Emperor is even an important part of helping them strengthen their legal system.There are both canonization and natural obedience.Similarly, learning Chinese etiquette and wearing Chinese clothes is something that only people with status and status can do here.

Looking at the news from Anxing City, Mo Dengyong's expression was unpredictable.

The imperial envoys of the Ming Dynasty did carry their credentials, including the seal of the emperor, the seal of the Palace of State Affairs, and the seal of the Ministry of Rites, but the credentials were not for him, but for the lord Li Shi.

More than a year since he formally accepted the "abdication", Mo Dengyong has been busy suppressing civil strife and eliminating the remnants of the Li clan. Minister Mo Shi has the power to manage state affairs.At the same time, he declared that Mo was supported by the officials and the people, and asked the Ming court to canonize him as King Annan.

Now, the envoy has arrived ahead of schedule.

Supported by all ministers?People support it?It's not that far yet. Who knows if the envoy will hear any gossip in Anxing City?

It's not good to keep them under house arrest there, and forbid them to contact with all kinds of people.

Even if you can take this risk, the maritime trade company that has now monopolized the trade from Guangzhou to here...

Mo Dengyong raised his head and looked around his civil and military ministers, and said slowly: "I can't go on, what do you think should be done?"

How could he not know that many of these people were doing business with that sea trade company.

"Your Majesty, I think it's good for the angel to arrive. It's already a fact that the Li family is extinct. Now that the angel came here to set up a diplomatic embassy, ​​it just happens to treat him with courtesy. I think the angel came to Annan from a long distance, It is also to make meritorious deeds. What is the purpose of setting up the diplomatic embassy of Ming Dynasty? If this envoy can make a mission, he should also want to return to Daming as soon as possible, and there will be other promotions."

"Greet him well and ask him to give you some good words. It would be even better if His Majesty the Emperor of Ming canonize His Majesty as King Annan!"

"That's right, no matter what he heard or saw, didn't the Ming court listen to what he said? Your Majesty, this is a good opportunity!"


The hall was noisy for a while, and Mo Dengyong couldn't help but concentrate on thinking.

There are still remnants who are resisting. If the new dynasty is canonized by the Ming Dynasty, these ministers who follow him will feel much more at ease.

"I heard that the imperial envoy of the Ming Dynasty is only 27 years old?" Mo Dengyong asked.

"Exactly! Your Majesty, beauties, wine, gold and silver treasures can always win him over."

Mo Dengyong looked at another military official: "Your family is doing business with Daming. The news that came back last year is correct, right?"

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely true! The Great Khan of Dayuan really died in Daming the year before last."

Mordenyong remained silent.

He is a qualified politician, but Dayuan is too far away from him, so he doesn't need to pay too much attention to the internal situation of Dayuan.From his point of view, it was because of the military power of the Great Ming Dynasty that it overwhelmed the Great Yuan who had been bullying them before.

He knows Daming better.

Now Daming has allowed the people to go to sea to do business again, and now they have even sent envoys.According to the content of the letter of credence relayed by An Xingcheng's subordinates, the establishment of this diplomatic embassy is to spread all over the clans of the Ming Dynasty.

It seems that after martial arts, the emperor of Ming Dynasty should also start to enjoy the feeling of all nations coming to court.

After weighing the pros and cons, Mo Dengyong still couldn't suppress his own desire for the title of Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

"Arrangements will be made, the roads will be cleared along the way, ten miles and one pavilion will welcome the imperial envoys to Beijing!"


To the west of Fengzhou Beach on the grassland, more than two thousand tired cavalry climbed up the gentle slope, and finally saw the camp on the east.

"I'm back! I'm back!"

In this exhausted cavalry team, there were cheers one after another.

The quick horse went to report the news first, and the rest returned home as fast as an arrow.

On the hillside to the north of their road, Ma Fang held his small bow in his hand, and rode his tamed wild horse, looking over there from a distance.

Last year he saw [-] horsemen leaving here to go west, but now less than half have returned.

They have been gone for nearly a year. Where did they go?Why didn't I see him brought back and captured?

After a while, there was a whistling sound from the direction of the sweat tent, and Ma Fang saw the big banner moving.

His heart trembled: I replied that I came to greet you.

I Da was riding on a horse. After seeing a big man galloping fast from the west under the guard of several people, he dismounted first.

After walking forward quickly, he opened his arms and said in a choked voice: "My dear brother, you are finally back!"

The visitor also got off his horse, but he touched his chest and saluted first, and said loudly: "The great Tuxie Tuchechen Khan, you are not ashamed to be bald!"

"Well done! Well done!" Anda helped him up, patted his shoulders with both hands, and looked at the 2000-odd subordinates left, and said with tears in his eyes, "You are all good men. !”

"Khan! He didn't lose so many brothers!" Man said proudly, "There are still 1000 people left there. Labuk accepted them. I hope they will continue to stay there to graze and help him guard the new land. pasture!"

"Good! Good! Good!" I replied overjoyed, "Brothers' blood will not be shed in vain. Let's go, eat well, drink well, sing and dance today!"

He sent people as the main force to help Gunbilik capture Qinghai, but he said he didn't want it there.However, Tumotebu Erlang, who is good at fighting, has not conquered the heart of his third brother who is the lord of Wushenbu?

Although Rabbock is now Gonbilik's man, sooner or later he will be his Alta man.

When I returned to the Khan Tent, he first introduced a new distinguished guest to Manshoutu: "This is the holy monk Rinzeng Gonpo who came from Tubo, and he is also the learned Tsorampa. I have been consulting with the holy monk for several months. Now, I have taken refuge in Buddhism."

The monk, wearing a yellow hat, bowed to Man Shou Bald first upon hearing the words.

I Da excitedly said to Renzeng Gonpo: "Since the full body has returned safely, Qinghai is already a piece of pure land. Turpan believes in the Crescent Sect from the deserts of the Western Regions. If we capture the valley north of the Qilian Mountains in the future , Buddhism must have countless believers in the entire grassland!"

Renzeng Gonpo's eyes were bright, but he only spoke in praise of Alta's unrivaled martial arts, and he didn't express any vulgar opinions on his suggestion of capturing Gansu Town in Ming Dynasty.

In the sweat tent, Shi Tianjue suppressed the uneasiness in his eyes and looked at Alda, who suddenly believed in Buddhism, and Rigzin Gonpo.

Ever since Manshoutu suffered a defeat in Shuozhou, the situation on the grassland has changed so rapidly in the past two or three years.

Now, Shi Tianjue didn't feel left out, but he was ordered by I Da to only take care of the caravan of Tumote's department going east to do business with Duoyan's department.

It is said that it is in charge, but it is just a shopkeeper who comes out.Not only to prevent being cheated, but also to try to recruit more Han Chinese from the east.

In Xuanfu Datong to the south, the number of Han people who fled to the border suddenly became less and less in the past two years.

But when he wanted to plunder, he found that many places on the side wall began to have the kind of mandarin ducks that had cost Gonbilik a lot of manpower the year before last.

Anda did not order another easy plunder of the Ming Dynasty. Last year, the main action was to capture Qinghai and drive away Yibi La.

This year...it won't be like this year, right?He seems to be busy making his tribal herdsmen also believe in the Buddhism that came from Tubo.

Fengzhoutan became lively because of these warriors returning home, but this excitement has nothing to do with Shi Tianjue.

The next day, he set off for Daning with a brother-in-law of Alda, leading a long team of horses, including a lot of cattle and sheep.

On the other side of Daning, in the Xuanjiao embassy of Duoyan Sanbu in Chengde, Zhao Shichun, the Xuanjiao envoy, was also a Jinshi in the fifth year of Jiajing.

Now, in his embassy, ​​Huadang's son Boge is waiting there in person.

Zhao Shichun sat aside and said with a smile: "Don't worry, my son, my wife is just checking to see if Gong Nu is healthy. The Guangning border market has opened, as long as Duoyan Sanbu is sincere and friendly to Daming, this Gong Nu can't sacrifice Dedication is actually not important."

Bearing in mind his father's teachings, Boge said earnestly: "Your Majesty is magnanimous. He doesn't care about the fact that the Duoyan tribe helped the Khan court in desperation the year before last. He even allowed me to donate only one daughter to the three tribes. How can you be negligent? Tana is not from Everyone, I am worried that if you don't understand etiquette, you won't be able to get into the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor."

Zhao Shichun smiled noncommittally.

It was a woman dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor, and Zhao Shichun had avoided seeing her before.But his wife who was worried and followed him to the side wall secretly told him that she was indeed extremely beautiful.

That's no wonder, it took nearly ten months to select the people.

Of course, does His Majesty want any beauties?In fact, as Zhao Shichun said, it doesn't matter whether you can win His Majesty's favor or not.

He said to Boge: "As for the difficulties that your Majesty has raised with me some time ago, I have prepared a brief report to Your Majesty. There are indeed some places on both sides of the Luan River and the Liaohe River that are more suitable for reclamation into fertile farmland. I believe it will be It won't take long for several agricultural and engineering students to be entrusted here. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. I also ask the prince to report to your Majesty when he returns home. You can choose good people first and then learn their skills well. This envoy will definitely come here. Do not interfere in the internal affairs of the three tribes."

"Thanks to the imperial envoy, I will definitely tell the truth."

To the left of the mouth of the Liaohe River to the southeast of them is the Acropolis where the Right Tunwei of Guangning is located.

Tunwei, as the name suggests, is still based on Tuntian.

To the east of Youtunwei is a large concave bay.

This bay is an important estuary of the Liaodong water system that flows into the three waterways of the Liaohe River, the Taizi River, and the Hun River.Because three rivers flow into it, the river is now called the Sancha River.

A large part of the Liaodong side wall is recessed at the entrance of the three rivers of the Sancha River.The Liao River flows backwards outside the side wall before it joins the Sancha River.The Sancha River is adjacent to the east side of the side wall, which is called Niuzhuang Station.To its southeast is the so-called Haicheng County of Liaodong Haizhouwei.

As Liaodong opened a border market between Zhenjingbao and Baituchangguan in the north of Guangning, two places in the current Liaodong soon prospered.

One is Jinzhou, which must be passed by the land route to Liaodong via Shanhaiguan, and the other is Niuzhuangyi and Haicheng County, which can be reached by sea via the Sancha River.

Now, a fleet of ships has come to the riverside wharf outside Niuzhuang Station.

Xue Han, the son of Xue Lun, Marquis of Yangwu, stood at the bow of the boat, looking to the northwest with a worried look.

"It's so close to the border wall. If the Tatars invade the border, wouldn't it be dangerous here?"

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. Beyond the wall here is the Liaohe River, full of swamps, which is not convenient for the Tartar cavalry to gallop. Besides, in the north, along the side wall, Dongsheng, Changning, Chang'an, and Changsheng are even more There is a fort in thirty miles, and a village in ten miles. It is reasonable for the side wall not to enclose the Liaohe and Puhe rivers."

Xue Han nodded: "Having said that, once the Liaodong Frontier City opened, this place is still more dangerous. Now the Liaodong Branch of the Tongyi Bureau regards Niuzhuang Station as an important point, and it has also begun to cooperate with our Shipping Bureau. After five years, this place will be rich. Since it is rich, it is hard to guarantee that the Tartars will not covet it."

"...Your Majesty, our Shipping Bureau is only responsible for transporting grain and grass and doing business. These matters will be shared by various officials in the imperial court."

Xue Han didn't speak any more, instead he thought that if there was an accident here, the navy would actually have a lot to do...

Although Xue Han was very reluctant to go to the Shipping Bureau at the beginning, Xue Han never left Xue Lun's letter teaching, and now he has adapted to it.

Especially the big investigation that started at the end of last year, Xue Han still has some fears when he thinks about it now.

When Zhejiang opened its sea, how important was the Shipping Bureau?Fortunately, the benefits of opening up the sea are too great, and other companies are greedy, and all of them have partnered with some large private households, and they want to reach out to the bowls of Huang Mingji Maritime Trade Co., Ltd. and the Maritime Bureau.

Speaking of this, Yan Song and Xia Yan have to be mentioned.The two governors-general of Zhejiang Province are people with lofty aspirations, and they better understand His Majesty's intention of agreeing to open the sea.

Under the leadership of the president of the Maritime Bureau, Ma Cheng, this guy who had made a lot of money through Caojun Shandong before did not dare to be greedy anymore. And the three things of Beizhili Hailiang Road have been done well.

As a result, the Maritime Bureau became the cleanest company in the inventory at the end of last year.

Xue Han is currently in charge of the northern branch of Zhigu in the Maritime Bureau, and he has more than a dozen warships under his command for escort.

Now, he naturally pondered the pros and cons of the military deployment here.

Outside the mouth of Xifeng, the horse team and carriages arrived at the pass.

Knowing that it was Duoyan's three beauties dedicated to His Majesty, after passing the customs inspection, this team was let in.

The curtain in the carriage was slightly opened, revealing a curious eye.

Tana, who was born in the Fuyu tribe, lived on the grasslands beside the Liao River since she was a child. Now she has seen the majestic Great Wall pass and the heavily armored Ming army.

In a few days, she will go to the capital city of Daming, which is said to be home to millions of people, to be the woman of the son of the Ming Dynasty.

Thinking of the requests and requests from the three old patriarchs, Tana couldn't help biting her lips.

But would the Ming emperor who defeated the Great Khan on the battlefield really favor a prairie girl who could only herd horses and herd sheep?
In the capital city, Yang Bo, the new scout, walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and first bowed to the two seniors: "Chief Jiang, Bachelor Wang."

"Wei Yue is here." Jiang Rubi smiled, "Your Majesty is at the Zhongyuan Hall, let's take a look at the memorials sent by the Minister of General Affairs and the Hall of State Affairs."


The first chief, Yan Song, was a member of one party after he left Beijing, and the third chief, Gu Dingchen, was the governor of a town in Liaodong.

The second chief, Yang Shen, was the magistrate of Guangzhou after leaving Beijing, but he is now the secretary of the household department.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Imperial Study Room, people thought that it would be an important department that would replace the Supervisor of Rituals.So far, in fact, it's quite embarrassing.

On the one hand, after the establishment of the State Palace, many things no longer need to wait for imperial approval.On the other hand, many matters that require imperial approval are first discussed by many important ministers, and secondly...who is such a person as Your Majesty, how much do you need the chief of the imperial study and the two accompanying bachelors to help them make decisions?
However, you can't deny that the Chief of the Royal Study Room is too fragrant: Judging from the official positions behind several people who have sat in this position, this position was first able to attend national policy meetings from the very beginning, and later, he could directly attend national policy meetings based on his actual power and official position.

Yang Bo didn't dare to be negligent, and after sitting down, he looked at the memorial carefully.

Although the emperor can make his own decisions, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not ask them what to test them.

As for His Majesty in the Central Palace... Yang Bo now knows what the Central Palace is for, so he was distracted for a while.

To be honest, I really want to see how the emperor teaches those little children.

On the north side of the Zhongyuan Hall, Sun Ming had just given birth to a son, Concubine Duan gave birth to a daughter, and Concubine An...

"Sister Concubine Shu, is Your Majesty feeling better?"

Wen Suyun pursed her lips, and then said: "Your Majesty is probably still a little unhappy. I want to make him laugh, but he is always in a trance, and then he went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to concentrate on state affairs."

Sun Ming let out a long sigh: "It's a pity that Concubine An's fortune is poor..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Qingping again: "Concubine Xian, you have known His Majesty for many years, let's explain more if you have the opportunity."

Lin Qingping's eyes were only on the Central Round Hall not far away. After hearing this, she nodded first, and then said: "Queen, it is inevitable for Your Majesty to be sad. But there are rumors in the palace that Sister An Bin was influenced by that beauty. It is these rumors that are important to women. If your Majesty hears this, I am afraid he will be unhappy."

Sun Ming nodded solemnly, and then a stern expression appeared on his eyebrows: "If you don't expect that person to come to express your happiness, I'd rather chew the roots of these tongues!"

Wen Suyun suddenly said: "Ah! get out of class is over, they came out!"

As soon as the words fell, several people looked over there.

Between the Kunning Palace and the Zhongyuan Hall, within the walls and under the cloud platform, many children between the ages of five and six to eight or nine rushed out quickly.

Sun Ming looked for Zhu Zai'an, who was one of the youngest, and Lin Qingping naturally looked for Zhu Zai'an.

In front of them was the smaller princess who was being held by the palace maid, and she rushed over there with a baby voice and shouted crisply: "Brother Huang! Brother Huang! Concubine mother, I want to play too!"

Zhang Qinghe only whispered: "Don't mess around."

The harem concubines watched the chattering scene over there, and then saw the emperor walking on the cloud platform over there and shouting: "Guo Shouqian, take them to practice."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Guo Xun's son is the squad leader. In this special elementary school composed of princes, clan members and children of Xunchen, gymnastics between classes began.

Zhu Houcong looked at the children bouncing around below, his eyes were in a trance again.

At the beginning of the year, Anpin had a dystocia during childbirth, and the final result was disastrous.

Throughout the spring, Zhu Houcong would think of this incident from time to time.

Only by spending more time dealing with state affairs can we relieve our mood.

After coming to this world for so long, he also began to experience birth, old age, sickness and death related to him.

The person beside my pillow died, giving birth to a son whom I had not seen for several months...

"Your Majesty! The drill is over!"

When he came back to his senses, Zhu Houcong nodded with a smile: "Play for a while, and then go back and do the math problems when the iron bell rings."

So the children ran to the other side where there were swings, slides, and a basket to play.

Zhu Houcong slowly walked towards Kunning Palace.

"In October, the provincial army teams will compete for the championship. How about going to see them together? Let's relax."

Hearing Zhu Houcong's words, Wen Suyun's eyes lit up immediately: "Okay!"

"... I heard that there are a lot of people, will the concubines go too?" Sun Ming asked.

"Don't you want to go?" Zhu Houcong asked with a smile.

Sun Ming smiled softly: "Of course I want to take a look."

He mentioned relaxation, who needs relaxation, but not necessarily.

After talking to them and teasing the five princesses and princes, Zhu Houcong walked towards the Yangxin Palace.

Sun Ming stood up: "Okay, don't let them go crazy, so as not to get hurt. Let's go back and do the math problems first."

The queen is dead, and the children's happy time is over - who made her the director and principal of this "Royal Kindergarten and Primary School"?

In comparison, His Majesty is more interesting and can tell many interesting stories.

When Zhu Houcong arrived at the imperial study, Jiang Rubi and others stood up to see him.

Then Jiang Rubi said solemnly: "Your Majesty, Huguang is in a hurry. The sky is dry for more than three months, and many crops have dried up. I am afraid that many harvests will be lost."

(End of this chapter)

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