
Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Some feudal princes only entered Beijing this year.

From the 16th year of Zhengde to the last day of the eighth year of Jiajing, the clan and relatives have received a profound nine-year education of kindness and power.

Today, Zhu Houcong sits firmly on the throne.

But among the vassal kings who had some brains, they were all shocked by the emperor's "courage".

Are you really going to move Nanzhili?

Although just as Yang Tinghe judged, they all believed that Jiangnan would not immediately set off any kind of rebellion.However, the fate of the country is unpredictable. Whenever the opportunity comes, there is no guarantee what Jiangnan, which has sufficient money and food, will do.

But at this moment, the vassal kings were all concentrated in Beijing again.

Some people can't help thinking: Is His Majesty trapping all the vassal kings in Beijing, is it also a move related to it?At least if there is a big disturbance in the future, it is impossible for Jiangnan to find a decent banner, and there is only one way to rebel.

There are many tables in Qianqing Palace, and there are also many tables in Kunning Palace.

Tana has been named a nobleman, and she is also experiencing the lively Spring Festival of the Han people.Her table is headed by Wen Suyun, entertaining some princesses.

But Wen Suyun obviously didn't care much about them. Apart from being polite, she continued to ask Tana about the life and customs on the grassland more curiously.

Empress Dowager Jiang is naturally the highest status here. Some concubines look at her, but they only think that there should be another Empress Dowager Zhang in the palace. I heard that they are only focused on worshiping Buddha in the Buddhist hall in Xiyuan...

It was already under the Jiajing Dynasty, and there were almost no traces of the Zhengde Dynasty.

Apart from the family banquet of the ceremony, Zhu Houcong went to the National Policy Hall again.It has become a custom for the most important minister of the imperial court to have such a banquet at the end of each year.

Everyone was thinking about the important event that Zhang Fujing would invite before the end of the year, but no one mentioned this topic at the banquet.

Of course, he would pay more attention to what the emperor said to some people, the expressions on his face, and whether the wine in his glass was deep or light.

But Zhu Houcong is already a mature performing artist, and no one can see the emperor's obvious attitude and tendency.

After returning to Kunning Palace and continuing to sober up for a while, Zhu Houcong asked Sun Ming, "Did your father say anything?"

After the family banquet, Sun Jiao and his wife stayed in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a while longer.

Sun Ming forced a smile: "Father is naturally a little worried, but since he has retired, he didn't say much."

Zhu Houcong nodded slightly: "In two months' time, Zaiqi will be six years old."

Sun Ming was shocked and said nothing else.

"Chinese New Year, let's not talk about this." Zhu Houcong laughed, "Come here, let's go to the Qianqing Palace to watch the New Year and watch the fireworks."

At midnight, firecrackers were fired everywhere in the capital, and there was laughter and joy.

What impact will the incident in Nanzhili have on the ordinary people in Beijing?
Nanjing is also full of firecrackers, but this year there are more families celebrating the New Year together.

Liu Zhenyuan has arrived in Nanjing again, and this night he is also watching the New Year's Eve.It was so late, and news kept coming back to him. After reading it, he just handed it to the next person to make a record.

There can't be any trouble.

But he frowned.

After His Majesty ascended the throne, although many people have skyrocketed and enjoyed the benefits of the emperor and courtiers, and there are also many people who have enjoyed the benefits of the provincial examination every year, the village sages and the county nobles, but the new blood of the new dynasty is not too much. , and they are all concentrated in very low-ranking official positions.

In addition, the entire group of officials and gentry are not as comfortable as before the Zhengde Dynasty.More officials and officials are subject to more restrictions.Under the new law, they will spit out even more.

The "graciousness" brought by the law on the treatment of officials and the "prestige" that officials and gentry have to bear taxes and servitude are now in a fragile state of balance. ".

But now it's a new phase.

The "high-level sources of income" brought about by the continuous expansion of national policy meetings and the increasing number of participating seats must be transformed into the "mid-level and high-level expenditure reduction" stage - starting from the possible abolition of Nanjing's various ministries and offices.

Not everyone can climb that high, and not everyone is so ambitious.

Many people are looking for land and are not ashamed to see anyone's talent.

Is it really necessary to do something that stimulates the civil and military nerves of half a dynasty in one go?

Throughout the first month, no one impeached Zhang Fujing.

"It seems that Zhang's reputation for beheading is scary enough."

In the imperial study room, upon hearing Zhu Houcong's ridicule, Zhang Fujing smiled awkwardly: "I don't mean that I must retaliate, but what I do according to the orders are all people who harm the country and the people."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "At the national policy meeting before, I said this again and we will discuss it later. I'm afraid I have figured it out now?"

Fei Hong said respectfully: "I have also discussed it in the Wenhua Palace. At least all the state affairs understand the intention of me and Mao Gong. Your Majesty is so wise that he understood it at that time."

"Seeing that you guys suddenly brought up this matter, and it's just around the corner of the Chinese New Year, I naturally understand it." Zhu Houcong smiled lightly, "It's just that since this matter has been brought up, it's time to start planning. Fei Qing did this Are you worried that Jiangnan officials and gentry will be hostile to the Fei family after you become an official in the future?"

Fei Hong looked upright: "Since I am the chief assistant, I should be the planner of the Ming Dynasty forever. I have a clear conscience."

"That's good." Zhu Houcong looked at Zhang Fujing again, "Where's Mao Gong? Your Zhang family doesn't have the foundation of the Fei family."

"Your Majesty is able to have today because of his trust. How dare you refuse to die?"

Zhu Houcong smiled: "Let's not talk about death for now. Take good care of your health. This matter can't be done in ten years without me truly eliminating the troubles in the north and allowing the officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River to enjoy new profits. I can't do it reluctantly. It's just that all the officials are dissatisfied. But since I have brought it up, in the past two years, let them think that I know the seriousness, and then bite the bullet and take a step back."

"Your Majesty is wise! This is exactly what I mean. After the first month, some people should no longer be shy and can't help but talk about it in public. In the national policy meeting, there will still be a debate."

"Debate, let's hold a special meeting. At that time, I will not participate."

It may be that there is such a particularity in not engaging people in the first month.But more importantly, it is not that the emperor's attitude is not clear and firm.

If you don't participate in this national policy meeting, it will appear that the emperor is very cautious about this matter.

The issue of Nanzhili and Nanjing, the pros and cons of the current situation, let them debate and discuss it at the national policy meeting, and they will always get a better result than before.

To put it bluntly, it is another proposal to lift off the roof and open a window.

Fei Hong asked Zhang Fujing to propose, and he probably would have been a peacemaker in the end.So what is he afraid of?This matter will not be done under his tenure.

Zhang Fujing really didn't care, his Zhang family had no foundation, aiming at the emperor's demands and finally accomplishing this matter was the future foundation of the Zhang family.

Zhu Houcong figured out the account years ago, so he also figured out this problem.

That being the case, the focus is naturally on how many enterprises can drive industrial and technological progress, and how to increase the economy and population of other provinces, especially the north.

After the first month, the emperor's first big move was to inspect the light and heavy industrial parks.

Zhang Lun and Yu Chengye accompanied him and were very nervous along the way.

"The diplomatic embassies in Korea, Uszang, Turpan, and Duoyan have all been set up. There are a lot of things that can be sold in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Liaodong. The expansion of the capital and the first phase of the Beijing-Guangzhou Straight Road , the management of Huanghuai, Sanggan River Reservoir, the procurement of the General Armament Department, and I have transferred so much of the burden of taxes and servitude to the wealthy households of the government, gentry, and wealthy households. I have prepared such a large market for you. How can we transfer industry and technology to it? It is your responsibility to take care of this."

"I understand, I understand..."

Zhu Houcong knew that they didn't understand it very well. After all, as the emperor now, he was a teacher, and his understanding of economics was just that.

The development of technology and industry requires a sufficient market as a stimulating driving force. He elaborated on some of the major principles he knows. The more detailed content will depend on whether a genius gradually realizes it.

In Xuanda, the war that took place in the sixth year of Jiajing caused many civilians to suffer from military disasters, and the population who fled south should not be underestimated.

However, with the adjustment of Alda's strategic path, Xuanda has been very peaceful in the past two years.In such a peaceful environment, the busy Sanggan River Reservoir construction site and the adjacent Huailai Armory Park became a stimulus.

From the fifth year of Jiajing to the sixth year of Jiajing, the land and population of the hinterland provinces were cleared, so that the official population of the Ming Dynasty was close to [-] million.All the monarchs and ministers believed that this number was actually a breakthrough. After all, there were still many people who were afraid and still lived in seclusion and fugitives.

Slightly breaking some of the past patterns of land attachment, there are many people who desperately need to find another meal to eat.The system of household registration type and road guide has not yet started to change, but now there is a policy opening, that is, enterprises, companies, and business names.

I don't know why, but those whose shares are held by Himin Assets Management Bureau are now called enterprises.Some former business gangs and commercial firms in the folk are now gradually registering in accordance with the requirements of the Commercial Law, and the folks only call them companies.The business name is still used, but it seems to exist at a lower level.

One of their obvious influences on Daming is that the employees of these enterprises, companies, and firms can carry out population migration through collective guidance.

The two major projects of the Construction Bureau in Xuanda require an unknown amount of manpower and related companies and firms to undertake them. Liaodong border cities have also brought many opportunities.Employees led by businessmen began to be called people who "walked through Xuankou" and "entered Liaodong".

At this moment, Tang Shu came to the top of the hill where he often came, overlooking the busy construction site at the foot of the hill.

He has been in Huailai for three years and has now been promoted to a doctor in the Ministry of Industry, overseeing the Sanggan River Reservoir.

Countless small black dots moved below, and beside him were two priests from the School of Engineering and the School of Mathematics of Huangming University.

There was a hint of worry on Tang Shu's face, and he asked, "It will take another three or four months at most. One is that there is not enough time to close the dragon, and the other is that this earth dam can withstand it?"

"Master Tang, why is he worrying about gains and losses at this moment?" The priest of the engineering college said with a smile, "The thread embankment and the remote embankment were built the year before last. Amalgamation is not a problem."

Even though the priests of the college have stayed here for so long, they already know a lot of things related to water conservancy, and said with a smile: "There is a sand sampling device created by Liu Zonghe. We tested it every half a month in Sanggan River. Once, I have counted many times. Although the stone dam is good, it is extremely heavy to build a large dam. After many surveys, the riverbed and rocks here cannot bear the force. This earth dam is not all soil, but also Mixed with some rocks and cement, it is very firm."

Tang Shu murmured to himself: "I hope so. After the dam is completed, we will first see what will happen to the lower reaches after restraining the water of the Sanggan River and then merging it with the Yanghe River and the Guishui River into the Yongding River. I'm afraid it will happen again. Let’s see the results in three to five years, and then see how the Guanting Reservoir is repaired.”

Now we are just trying new methods on one of the tributaries of the Yongding River. In addition to the dam blocking water, there are also three dams: the main river bed, the discharge river, one main, two auxiliary dams.

The Xieshui River is located between the main embankment, the thread embankment, and the Yao embankment, and the Huailai Ordnance Park is beyond the Yao embankment.

The Huailai Ordnance Park is located between the confluence of the Yang River and the Sanggan River. Just like the Heavy Industry Park, the Ordnance Park also relies on water conservancy, using more and more gears, crank rods and iron shafts. And so on to drive the forging hammer, blower and other machinery in the ordnance garden.

That is one of the functions of the Sanggan River Reservoir Project. Tang Shu did not forget that Liu Tianhe, the governor of the river channel, was still waiting to see the effect of several dams on the upper and lower reaches of the Yongding River to control the water flow.

Of course, Tang Shu was also looking at the south bank of the Sanggan River at the foot of the mountain, and a smile finally appeared on his lips: "If the dam can really withstand such a large amount of water, the Sanggan River will become a smooth road. Wu Dinghou led his soldiers After two winters of clear water in the upper reaches, the water will become deeper, and large ships can go directly to Shuozhou. I believe that in many years, this place will become a big town."

"If the Guanting Reservoir can really be built, it won't just be a small town? At that time, soil and rocks will inevitably be taken from here. I think Huailai County might as well be moved here. That place will be submerged."

"If this is true, the Guanting Reservoir can also become a barrier. Huailai City and the Jimingyi army guard the west, and the Yanqing army guards the east. If the Tatars want to go straight from Xuanfu to Juyong Pass, they must overcome this huge lake-like natural barrier. How easy is it to break the dam and flood the capital?"

After listening to their discussion, Tang Shu shook his head: "We can't let the Tatars have such a chance. It's better to stay outside the border wall or even eliminate the northern invasion."

To the north of Huailai Ordnance Park, less than [-] miles northwest along the Yanghe River, is Jimingyi, where the Xuanfu's reserve forces are the largest.

Since the first batch of ordnance factories in Huailai Ordnance Park were built at the end of the seventh year of Jiajing, since the second half of last year, the Ordnance Park has already produced output.

Now in this armory garden, Gu Shilong's son Gu Huan still participates in the monthly routine meeting of the armory garden.

Among the military, there are more things to do to seize love than among civil servants, not to mention that there has been a new policy that uses the sun to change the moon and seizes sentiments for things?After Gu Shilong's death, Gu Huanjiang and others were granted the title of Marquis of Jingguo.

Gu Shilong was promoted from Marquis to Duke because of his meritorious service, but his health has been getting worse and worse since then, and he has never had any other special merits to ensure that his son is also a Duke.

Now Gu Huan, with the title of Marquis of Jingguo, holds a very new official position: General Secretary of the General Armament Department under the Military Affairs Conference.

Currently trying to reform the military system, regardless of the provinces in the hinterland, in this town, there is only Gu Huan, the General Director of Armaments.

His authority is to be responsible for the procurement and distribution of armaments for the armies of Xuanda.

In addition to Governor Xuanda and the commander-in-chief of the two towns, the people he has to deal with on a daily basis are more of the directors of the factories set up by the companies in the Huailai Ordnance Park.

Today, under the auspices of Tang Shunzhi, this year's Ordnance Manufacturing Office plan and delivery and distribution schedule are determined.

This is the real part of Tang Shunzhi's mission of "concurrently managing military affairs" - spending about five years to ensure that the ordnance and equipment of the soldiers in Xuanda and Daxi towns can be updated and upgraded to a higher level.

"Benfu has already seen the plan of the sword and gun armor factories. The gunpowder factory and the gun factory should be sorted out now, right? Mr. Gu, what do you say about the Bingzhan Bureau, Military Weapons Supervision Bureau, and Baojin Bureau?"

"Safety is the top priority in the Gunpowder Factory, and the factory building has been carefully arranged. The skilled workers in the capital have already set off after the Chinese New Year, and can officially start work in April. The gun factory needs to be slower, and the four furnaces must be tested according to regulations. For the next fire, more coal and iron need to be transported and stored in case the supply is cut off after the furnace is opened, and it will have to wait until June.”

"June..." Tang Shunzhi thought for a while, and then said, "Try to make the guns needed by Shuozhou Wei and Wu Dinghou's generals before September."

"Don't worry, Futai. The department hall has also assigned tasks from the Bureau of Military Warfare and the Military Weapons Supervisor's factory in the Heavy Industry Park, so we won't miss the defense of captives this autumn and winter."

It doesn't matter how undercurrents Zhang Fujing's proposals are on the civil servant's side, the military minister is now actively planning for the next opportunity to make great contributions.

The Wuying Palace in the Forbidden City is now the seat of the Military Affairs Council. The Military Affairs Council consists of three departments: General Military Discipline, General Armament, and General War Training, each of which also occupies some side hall rooms.

The General Combat Training Department of the Military Affairs Conference does not directly manage the drills of certain guards, but is responsible for summarizing tactics and formulating training standards.

The actual power of the Five Houses is greater than in the past. After all, for a long time in the past, it has almost become a nursing home for military officers who help the Ministry of Military Affairs to conduct the first screening of the military officer selection, and specializes in forming cliques through the back door.Now, they command and train the troops, and just lead the soldiers well.

As for the Ministry of War, its actual power has been reduced a bit. There is a higher-level Military Affairs Council in terms of troop deployment and war planning, and the selection of senior generals is also in a secondary position.In addition to the new interest of managing military camps across the country in the future, the authority of the Ministry of War will probably become more and more developed in the direction of mobilizing soldiers and promoting martial arts. For example, the Ministry of War will be responsible for the competition of military teams in various provinces.

What is visible to the naked eye is that the emperor intends to give the Military Affairs Council more and more powers, but the Ministry of War dare not say anything about this: after all, the emperor has given many powers in civil affairs to the State Council and appointed a prime minister, and he wants to seize military power. More stable, this is an exchange.

Fortunately, in terms of military power, the most important general staff other than the emperor has basically been determined to form a practice of being a civil servant who is capable of writing and military, and has high morals.

There is one thing: Yang Yiqing is already very old.

If he goes, who can gain the emperor's trust to serve as the general staff?Wang Shouren, but Wang Shouren was seriously ill last year...

This was a new wave in the capital at the end of February, because Yang Yiqing was also ill.

Zhu Houcong heard the news when he returned from inspecting the light and heavy industrial parks, so he came to the Hall of Wuying by the way.

"Have you returned home? What do the imperial doctors in the nursing home say?"

Seeing that the emperor did not enter the Wuying Hall, Zhang Zuo respectfully replied at the door: "It's not good to go back to your majesty. We can only send him back to the palace first and try to recuperate him with medicine."

"That's it... let's go back to the Yangxin Palace first."

Zhu Houcong walked on the road, his pace was not fast, his brows were slightly furrowed.

Because of his arrival, some people lived longer, and some people died earlier. Zhu Houcong didn't know when all these famous and important ministers in history passed away.

What he didn't know was that Wang Shouren passed away last year in history.But last year, although Wang Shouren was seriously ill, he survived.

Zhu Houcong always felt that Wang Shouren was only in his fifties, so he should be able to succeed Yang Yiqing.

Now that Yang Yiqing is ill, the imperial doctor may say that it is not very good, but it is really bad.Yang Yiqing is already 77 years old, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to survive this test.

I said that I was eyeing it, except for Wang Shouren, Zhu Houcong had no other more trustworthy people guarding there, so even though Yang Yiqing was very old, he still served as the general staff.

Now we have to face this problem: the first minister of the Ming Dynasty's military is facing a situation of lack of support.

Of course, the truth is not so embarrassing, there is always someone who can stand up to the short ones.But what Zhu Houcong is going to do is not something that just anyone can stand up to.

When they arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Fei Hong was already waiting there.

"Are you also here for General Counselor Yang's affairs?"

"Yes." Fei Hong was worried, "If General Counselor Yang can't make it through this threshold, I fear that there will be changes in the national policy meeting."

Zhu Houcong remained silent. There were changes in the military bosses. At this moment, only Wang Shouren could temporarily replace Yang Yiqing.But Wang Shouren had already been seriously ill once, and his health was not optimistic. He could not continue to have major changes.

In this way, it will inevitably affect the Ming Dynasty's border defense strength, and the argument that Nanjing's national foundation is the most important will be more convincing.

If it wasn't for Wang Shouren, the most suitable one would be Wang Xian, after all, he has the experience of Governor Xuanda.But Wang Xian, from the minister of state to the general staff, was once again in turmoil at the top of the civil servants.

"It's my fault. If I had known that I had been so honest in the past two years, I should have let Boan take over after the class teacher returned to the court the year before last, and let Wei Gang supervise Xuanda for another three years."

Fei Hong forced a smile: "How can this be called His Majesty's fault? It can only be said that the courtiers are incompetent. After the Hetao was lost, the courtiers were as fearful of war as tigers. As a result, now that they are equipped with talents, prestige, and seniority, the court is actually incompetent." Nothing can relieve your worries at this time."

Names of people flashed through Zhu Houcong's head, and the first one to appear was Xia Yan.However, although Xia Yan already had the qualifications of governor of the three sides, he had only served for one year and had no great achievements. He might not be able to convince the public in terms of military strategy.

Xia Yan is not good enough, people like Tang Shunzhi are naturally too young.

Cui Yuan?If he were to be used, the practice of appointing civil servants capable of both civil and military affairs as the general staff would no longer exist. Cui Yuan's main status was that of a relative of the state.

"Well, in the past few years, we can only focus on domestic affairs." Zhu Houcong said after thinking about it, "If there are changes in the national policy meeting, it will be changed. It would be good to become more powerful. If General Staff Yang can't survive this level, , let Bo'an take charge temporarily and still supervise the general. The military affairs conference will set up a few more staff officers. I will take care of it first and only do a good job in armaments, battle training and other matters."

A thought flashed in Fei Hong's mind: What if Wang Shouren gets sick again this year?Could it be that this general staff position has always been vacant?
I have been waiting for a vacant position, will the governor of the border town be greedy for meritorious deeds and start a war, leading to a big war?
At the beginning of the ninth year of Jiajing, there was great turmoil in both civil and military classes.

(End of this chapter)

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