
Chapter 362 The first hero of the Jiajing Dynasty to enter the temple

Chapter 362 The first hero of the Jiajing Dynasty to enter the temple
It was not suitable for Zhu Houcong to visit Yang Yiqing's condition in person. The emperor looked at the disease, and it meant to see him for the last time.

But you can send someone.

When Huang Jin came back, the news he brought was clear: he felt like he was running out of gas.

"It seems that Zhang Fujing's petition has made him worry too much during this period." Zhu Houcong said softly, and then asked, "Does General Staff Yang have anything to say to me?"

"Yes!" Huang Jin immediately replied, "General Counselor Yang said: Since Your Majesty has made an exception and made Tang Shunzhi the governor of Xuanda, he should be allowed to perform meritorious service as soon as possible. If Tang Shunzhi goes to the three sides, I will not invade Xuanda."

Zhu Houcong's eyes flashed: "Let Tang Shunzhi go to the three sides? How can he convince the public?"

"Although I didn't ask this, General Staff Yang said that he is Uncle Jingbian. If your Majesty is not afraid of his great achievements in the future, then you don't have to spend years to polish off such a peerless talent."

Zhu Houcong was silent.

Yang Yiqing even said the words "Master of High Gong Zhen", and it was indeed as if he was giving his last words.

Unparalleled talent?Zhu Houcong naturally knew Tang Shunzhi's abilities, but he didn't expect Yang Yiqing to think so highly of him.

During the battle of Xuanda, Tang Shunzhi always stayed in Huailai and did not have many outstanding points.Perhaps only people like Yang Yiqing know how difficult it was for Tang Shunzhi to serve as the governor of Xuanda at such an age and to straighten out everything in the rear area at that time.

You know, the war situation was constantly changing at that time, and Wang Xian could only go to the west to take care of the affairs of Datong and the army west of Xuanfu.During the process of escorting the army and surrounding the east rear of Xuan Mansion to kill Bodi, Tang Shunzhi was essentially responsible for the logistics support.

The only way to succeed Xia Yan is to succeed Xia Yan. Tang Shunzhi, who is only 24 years old, may rise to an incredible level due to his merit in the future, and he can be called the master of great merit.

But the 24-year-old Trilateral Governor, even though he has the title of Jingbian Bo, can he really suppress the powerful ministers and generals under him?In Xuanda, he only assisted Wang Xian. At that time, he was defeated in a superficial battle, and he was no longer responsible for food and salary.

"Did Chief Counselor Yang elaborate on why Tang Shunzhi went to Sanbian, and I answered that he would not invade Xuanda?"

"The servant asked this. General Staff Yang said that when Tang Shunzhi went to the three sides, Gunbilik must have thought that he could not convince the people and the three sides were unstable, so he invaded the three sides. I replied that I would only sit back and enjoy the gains, and watch Gunbilik suffer. .”

Zhu Houcong felt a headache.

Of course it was, and even he was worried about it.There were champions in ancient times, but that does not mean that young people cannot achieve extraordinary feats.However, Huo Qubing was a pure military general, while Tang Shunzhi was a civil servant. The more suitable position was to be in command and control the overall situation.

Times have changed to this day, and the processes of military orders and government orders have become several times more complicated.The system of civil and military affairs, internal ministers overseeing the army, food and grass support...

Although Tang Shunzhi passed the imperial examination and became the governor of Xuanda, it was enough to arouse jealousy.If he gets promoted again, wouldn't that completely break the current rules for official selection and promotion?
In order to allow people like Tang Shunzhi and Yu Dayou to have an earlier opportunity to display their talents, Zhu Houcong worked hard to open a system of education and martial arts examinations, but he could only give them a special exception when they were first awarded the title.

If the exception becomes the rule, it will be chaotic.

The emperor was thinking, while Huang Jin just stood aside quietly.

After a long time, Zhu Houcong paused while tapping his fingers slowly on the imperial desk. His expression was a little stunned and a little surprised.

Yang Yiqing's suggestion has more than that.

Unusual promotion is in conflict with the routine of climbing up step by step.

The establishment of the State Council and the Prime Minister with real power will bring about great changes in the officialdom in the future.But as long as the emperor still exists, no matter what position the officials can hold, it will always be the same two words: holy family.

This appointment... is actually a reminder to the ruling and opposition parties, right?

Faced with the current undercurrent arising from the proposal to split Southern Zhili, this appointment can clearly imply to the government and the public that the emperor's will is the greatest.

But this will was not directly given to the splitting of Nanzhili, but to the military affairs side.

Among civil servants, how many people would try to get this holy favor and get an exceptional opportunity?Especially the younger generation of officials.

How much does the existence of the Nanjing Six Ministries have to do with them?They are still young, and their expectations for their future are not in Nanjing, but in Beijing.

Zhu Houcong's eyes flashed with brilliance: It also included Yang Yiqing's own grace behind his back.

Those who serve the emperor's will will naturally receive supreme honor!


In March of Yangchun, the first formal discussion on the proposal to establish the Huaiyang Chief Envoy was finally held in the National Policy Hall.

The emperor did not attend, and Jiang Rubi, the chief of the royal study, could sit at the table of the national policy meeting.

There was an empty seat at the table, and that seat belonged to Yang Yiqing.

This does not hinder discussion of the issue.

As the proposer, Zhang Fujing naturally explained the reasons first.

Yan Song sat there, focusing mainly on Fei Hong.

Fei Hong's expression showed nothing, but Yan Song saw that some people were eager to give a try and were ready to refute.

For some reason, Yan Song suddenly missed the beginning of this national policy meeting.

At that time, there were even fewer people qualified to sit here.

Now, every time he attends a national policy meeting, Yan Song must be mentally prepared in advance to deal with the arguments from so many people.

It's so tiring and annoying.

The emperor is not here today, which makes it even more obvious that the emperor's attitude is the most important.

Since everyone knew that the emperor would not express his position today, they would naturally argue even more fiercely.

There is indeed an element of gambling involved, but who knows what the emperor's final decision will be?Zhang Fujing was a Xinfa general whom the emperor had great trust in. Since his petition had been suppressed for more than two months before being discussed, it proved that the emperor had serious concerns and that the petition was not authorized by the emperor.

So it will be noisier today.

Yan Song was only prepared to say something when it was his turn and he had to speak.Of course, he would only say some upright words and focus on the problems that existed in Jiangnan.No matter what, it is always good to help His Majesty get more benefits from Jiangnan.

So when it was his turn, Yan Song spoke slowly: "I was born in Jiangxi and served as governor of Zhejiang. There is no need to say much about the prosperity of Jiangnan. However, your Majesty's greatest concern is how to make the country rich. This is how we have a new law. . Since the fifth year of Jiajing, all provinces have gradually implemented the new law. Even though Northern Zhili does not have various departments like other provinces, all prefectures and counties have changed the new system. Only Southern Zhili still maintains the old system."

After he pointed out this fact, he changed the topic: "Now that I am the Minister of Rites, I will only talk about Jiangnan culture and education. I think all the counselors must have their own understanding of the wonderfulness of the new learning. Each province has three schools: large, medium and small. Zhili is the slowest, why? The examination syllabus has been changed, and the academic system has been changed. The poets and calligraphers in South Zhili are resisting in every possible way. Children from poor families have more paths, but they have fewer paths. Is the new school just coming out now? How many years has it been? , resting on their laurels. Last year’s general examination, the number of Zhili people in Zhongnan and Zhili who were elected as deputy candidates was significantly lower than before, which is clear evidence."

Everyone else was pondering Yan Song's words and knew that this issue touched on some fundamentals.

The results of the eight-year general examination in Jiajing were indeed a stimulus to Southern Zhili.Coupled with the direct recruitment of the Ministry of Household Affairs in Beijing, the Jiangnan officials and gentry saw the crisis in the future.

"Your Majesty's ambition is beyond the reach of all the wise emperors of the past dynasties. Only then can you have the National Policy Conference and the State Affairs Hall. It is just a trivial matter whether or not there is a Huaiyang Chief Envoy. The officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River have lagged behind the other provinces. Do you know whether you want to change or not? It is important to be willing to change. Jiangnan, which is directly under the direct control of Jiangnan, is the Jiangnan of the Ming Dynasty!"

A heavy sentence resounded in the National Policy Palace, and Yan Song finally said: "This new law can make Guangdong become increasingly wealthy and produce talents in large numbers, and Jiangnan should benefit even more. It is also a new system for all the kings to be present here to discuss national policies. Your Majesty's trust is high. You all know why Zhang Guowen asked for the appointment of the Huaiyang Chief Envoy. Therefore, I think that if there is no Huaiyang Chief Envoy, the officials in Jiangnan will be able to adapt to the general trend. It is a great thing to resolve the internal and external troubles of the Ming Dynasty, protect the peace of Jiangnan, and make Jiangnan increasingly prosperous and prosperous in culture and education!"

He lightly said that Zhang Fujing's proposal was not a big deal, but whether Jiang Nan changed his mind would be a big deal. He avoided expressing his position on the current acute issue, but also pointed to the essence of the issue, such as an issue that the Minister of Rites should be concerned about.

Fei Hong and Zhang Fujing took a deep look at Yan Song: He had the opportunity to enter the State Palace, but he declined the recommendation of many people during the general election the year before last.

This guy has more profound plans.

Now he also interpreted something from the emperor's non-appearance. Regarding the problem of Southern Zhili, the emperor currently only wants to gain actual benefits.

Yan Song, who sat in the position of the Minister of Rites, made a fuss about culture and education. After this attitude spread to Southern Zhili, people in Southern Zhili had to consider a problem: the Minister of Rites praised the new learning, so he disliked the scholars from Jiangnan for the new learning. At the next general examination, will there be fewer people from South Zhili who can pass the Jinshi exam?
If they no longer put so much emphasis on their profound knowledge of the Four Books and Five Classics, those poets and calligraphers in Jiangnan will naturally break away from the old forces that are now vaguely united - there are still many people who think that the knowledge of sages has long been on the road, and now the new learning misinterprets the classics of.Why do modern people not have to be inferior to the ancients? How much do they hope that everything can return to the situation ten years ago?
But that was just a timid hope at the end, hoping that there would be some changes, hoping that His Majesty could deeply understand why Nanjing is the capital of the country.

Now the Minister of Rites said from the perspective of culture and education: To conform to the general trend, Jiangnan is not the Jiangnan of Nanzhili, but the Jiangnan of the Ming Dynasty.

Is he threatening Jiangnan with Prince Jiangnan's future scientific career?

Mao Ji, who was also sitting in the hall, remembered what His Majesty said in anger when he was killing officials in the southeast: If the case is not solved, there will be no examinations in Southern Zhili and the two provinces for ten years!
Yan Song still remembered this sentence, and he was sure that the emperor was biased against the officials and gentry in Jiangnan.

In this case, why can't this be brought out as a threat now?It is no longer the 16th year of Zhengde, and the emperor's position is as stable as Mount Tai...

"Uncle Da Zong's words are serious. Jiangnan is naturally the Jiangnan of the Ming Dynasty..."

Someone just spoke in the silence, and suddenly heard the muffled sound of bells coming from the west.

They glanced at the clock in the National Policy Palace in confusion, and saw that it wasn't even the top of the hour.

Then, the bells rang continuously, and the counselors suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, and looked at the empty chair.

This has been a custom since the death of Dingguo Duke Xu Guangzuo. When an important minister passed away, the bell tower in Huangming University rang nine bells to express mourning.

After Xu Guangzuo, only Gu Shilong had enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Fei Hongsurong stood up slowly: "I'm afraid Sannangong is gone. Let's stop here today. It's time to see him off."

There is a huge wave in everyone's heart. Has the General Staff of the Military Affairs Council passed away or died in office? Who will be next?
But this matter is not within the scope of discussion at the national policy meeting.Who will serve as the general staff of the Military Affairs Council depends entirely on the emperor's decision, because it involves military power.

Now, this crucial position is still held by civil servants based on the idea of ​​using civil servants to control military power.Although he is only a staff officer in name, he has become more and more important, responsible for daily military discipline, military preparations, battle training, and wartime troop deployment decisions.

Yang Yiqing was seriously ill. Wang Xian and even Chen Jiuchou, who had been thinking about this matter for several days, felt moved, and then hid the trace of desire in their eyes.

The position of the general manager is far away from them, but the position of the general staff is very close to them.

In the capital, the sound of bells cannot travel very far. After all, the new bell tower outside the capital outside Zhengyangmen is still under construction, and there will be a bigger bell there in the future.In this way, there are old bell and drum towers in the north of the inner city on the central axis, and there are also new bell towers in the outer city to facilitate the larger number of Beijing officials and citizens in the future.

But now the people in the inner city heard the nine bells and knew that a very prominent minister had passed away.

The news had to be spread to the palace before the bell was ordered to be rung, so the news that Yang Yiqing's house was already in a state of silence naturally soon became known to more people.

And some people moved on to the next topic.

"It is said that after the public consort enjoys the Ancestral Temple, some of the heroes of the new dynasty will surely enter the temple in the future. Mr. Yang Ge is still alive, so naturally there will be no meeting. Now that General Staff Yang has passed away, there are still many people who are planning to declare a great battle to kill the Tatar Khan. I don’t know if I can enter the temple with my merits in this world.”

"It's hard to say. Didn't the Duke of Jingguo say the same thing when he passed away? For His Majesty, he put down the Huguang Rebellion. In the first battle, he was promoted from a marquis to a duke, which set a precedent for being granted the title of Duke again. In the end, there was no such honor, and his son was only granted the title of Marquis of Jingguo. "

"That was the unparalleled feat of killing the Tatar Khan!"

"But now, aren't the three sides invaded every year? The Tatars just died in a big sweat, but they are not dead..."

As the Minister of Rites, Yan Song is of course busy.With Yang Yiqing's status, it is natural that His Majesty bestow the funeral and sacrifices, and the imperial court is responsible for Yang Yiqing's funeral expenses and bestows grace and honor.Correspondingly, there will be no shortage of posthumous titles, posthumous official positions, and favors.

What specifications are reached depends on the emperor's attitude.

It's not like he didn't think about Yang Yiqing's possibility of entering the temple like others, but he always felt that Yang Yiqing might be a little bit short.

In terms of planning, it can be regarded as collective wisdom at that time. It started as the emperor's bold idea, and several people in the middle praised the drawing and perfected the details. Later, it was the fighter opportunity created by Wang Shouren's control of Duoyan and the three guards as the war situation continued to change.

In terms of combat, it was Yu Dayou and Guo Xun who first resisted the possible ravages caused by the captives in Datong. In the Battle of Luohangou, Li Jin, Fu Duo, Yan Chunsheng, Li Quanli, Zhu Qi and others fought to the death.

When describing his merits, Yang Yiqing declined many promotions because he believed that he did not have much merit and was only what the general staff should do.

But when they arrived at the Yang Mansion and were arranging the preliminary matters for the funeral in the name of the Ministry of Rites, the imperial edict from the palace arrived.

"The Emperor is entrusted by heaven, and the edict reads: I suddenly heard that Duke Yang Taibao passed away, and the Ming Dynasty lost a pillar. I am deeply saddened. Yang Qing is knowledgeable and good at adapting to changes. He is especially good at border affairs. His virtue and talent are unparalleled. When you enter the dynasty, you will serve the country all your life. All the dynasties have meritorious service. For more than four years, the general staff has devoted themselves to the country and forgotten the family. With my sudden death, I have lost my humerus and lost a good teacher. The Ministry of Rites has given sacrifices and discussed posthumous titles, and the Ministry of Works has given burials in order to express my condolences. Yang Qing Ying Ning As a posthumous gift to the Grand Tutor and Uncle Anning, the Lord of Gods will enter the temple and wait for me to feast on blood together for a thousand years. His son Shao Fang will be granted the title of Duke of Anning County. I admire this."

Yang Yiqing's only son was not very talented and did not serve as an official.

Now that I heard the imperial edict, I couldn't help but burst into tears, crying and giving thanks.

Yan Song watched all this blankly, his heart pounding.

During the Jiajing Dynasty, there was the first meritorious official to enter the Imperial Ancestral Temple!
(End of this chapter)

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