
Chapter 363 The tide is surging, the grace of heaven is mighty

Chapter 363 The tide is surging, the grace of heaven is mighty

Yang Yiqing's hometown is An Ning, Yunnan, and the fallen leaves have returned to their roots. A few days after the coffin was suspended in the capital, the coffins of the late Tutor, An Ningbo, and Yang Zhongxian set out to leave the capital in a grand ceremony.

But what shocked the government and the public was that the nine-year-old emperor's eldest son Zhu Zaiyu, under the protection of Uncle Lingbi, was going to Yunnan with Yang Bo, a bachelor in the royal study, to attend the funeral on the emperor's behalf.

If Mingzhi's entry into the temple has already made many people extremely envious, the treatment of being buried with the prince will make people suddenly have red eyes.

Is this the accompanying temple of the Jiajing Dynasty?
Don't tell me, in the future, Zhu Houcong's descendants will also offer blood food to the ministers accompanying him when worshiping him, but they never expected that it would start now.

In the huge team, Zhu Zaiyuan, who was actually just over eight years old, saluted Yang Bo seriously: "I have long heard that Mr. Yang has unparalleled literary talent, and he even accompanied General Yu to defeat the bandits. Zaiyuan has admired him for a long time, and has been admiring him along the way. I need to ask for more advice, sir."

Yang Bo was in a strange mood and quickly returned the greeting: "Don't dare, your highness is so complimentary. It was the right time for the meeting, and I really didn't contribute much."

The little boy Zhu Zaiyan said with a smile: "My father only asked me to follow my husband's arrangements when I go to the Duke of Guizhou's mansion. I didn't go into details about anything else. I'm afraid of missing my father's plan."

If outsiders heard these words, they would know that the eldest son of the emperor went to Yunnan not only for the funeral, but also for other important tasks.

Yang Bo solemnly said: "I have obeyed the holy orders and will do my best. Your Highness is smart. You should know that your Majesty is sending Your Highness to Yunnan this time. In fact, you want Your Highness to see and think more along the way. Your Majesty has high expectations for Your Highness. Since I I have been ordered to go with you. If your Highness has any questions along the way, I will answer them one by one."

"Then thank you in advance, Mr. Yang."

Yang Bo looked at the young eldest son of the emperor in admiration, but at the same time he was somewhat puzzled.

With the eldest son of the royal palace here, the eldest son of the emperor is naturally not destined to be a great person.But looking at His Majesty's arrangements now, it seems that he is very much interested in cultivating and training him.

Is Yunnan a stable place?Not to mention that there are still many chieftains there who are dissatisfied with the king's rule. It is not a good place just because of the bumpy road and the poor mountains and rivers.

How can this round trip be completed in a year and a half?Is Your Majesty really not worried that the eldest son of the emperor will fall ill on the road?
What's more, according to His Majesty's imperial decree, Yang Bo and the emperor's eldest son are required to live in the Duke's Mansion of Guizhou for a period of time, at least a year...

Yang Bo could only say that he was under a lot of pressure, and after answering Zhu Zaiyang's academic doubts, he went to find Uncle Lingbi.

He didn't know exactly why. The secret was aimed at the ministers sent by the Supervisor of Ceremonies to accompany him.

This descendant of Tang He, the founding hero and the new Duke of the country, had his title renewed only after His Majesty ascended the throne.Now, he is responsible for the prince's safety.

When I found him, I saw him giving instructions to his two subordinates: "Your Highness is young. You will only be taught some breathing and footwork along the way to strengthen your body. You can't do what you did in the palace!"

"Uncle, don't worry. A humble person knows the importance."

Yang Bo thoughtfully said that it had been less than a year since he had been appointed to the post of high school examination.It seems that His Majesty attaches great importance to the education of the eldest son in both civil and military fields.

The doubts in his heart grew bigger and bigger, and he could only force himself not to think about it, and began to discuss everything along the way with Lingbibo Tang Shaozong.

Yang Yiqing's funeral was of such a high standard that the Zhang family was also holding a funeral in Jingzhou Prefecture, Huguang, far ahead of their group.

Starting from Zhang Zhen, to Zhang Wenming and Zhang Baigui, everyone wore sackcloth and mourned the funeral of Zhang Cheng, who had just passed away.

Zhang Zhendu's hair has turned gray, and his father Zhang Cheng is naturally in mourning.

Six-year-old Zhang Baigui had tears in his eyes. After all, his great-grandfather had always loved him extremely.Now that he has passed away, the Zhang family suddenly incurred some debts in order to organize the funeral.

Even so, the funeral was rather shabby.Although he had a good coffin, Zhang Baigui recalled that his great-grandfather always said that he would be the chief minister in the future, and he always felt that his great-grandfather had a kind heart and a bodhisattva heart, and he should not have ended his life so hastily.

The palace of Prince Liao was gone, and the princess went to the capital with her son, who had not yet grown up.

Zhang Zhen was also very old, and he was not able to join any public security bureau as he wished. Instead, he spent his family's financial resources to buy a few acres of thin farmland when official land was sold, and became an old farmer.

Because of this, Zhang Cheng's death left the Zhang family in debt.

After Zhang Cheng was buried, Zhang Wenming walked to Zhang Zhen, whose eyes were red and looked older, and asked softly: "Father, do you really live here?"

"This is my father, so of course I have to fulfill my filial piety." Zhang Zhen looked at the hay shed on the side, "This is not far from our family's field."

"But your body bones..."

"Stop being stubborn, why do you want to go to middle school all the time? How long will it take for me to pay back the debt? Just teach Bai Gui well. In a few months, take him to the elementary school and take the exam together. ." Zhang Zhen looked at his father's tomb, paused and sighed, "This is dad's biggest wish..."

Zhang Wenming was ashamed and sad.

I have wasted half my life and never passed the examination.Now that the examination syllabus has changed, he wanted to study new subjects and arithmetic so that he could find a teaching position in the Jingzhou Prefecture Middle School that was under construction. Unfortunately, he became more and more inferior to his talent.Now it seems that primary school only teaches literacy and some simple articles. Although the salary is small, it is a suitable position for me.

It is always difficult to truly recognize yourself.

The young Zhang Baigui clenched his fists while listening to the discussion between his father and grandfather.

In She County, Huizhou Prefecture, Nanzhili, southeast of Huguang, there is also a young man in his twenties observing filial piety.

The sackcloth on him was very old, but he kept it on.

At this moment, he had just walked out of the nearby forest in the morning sunshine, carrying a pheasant and a hare in his hands.

Next to the shed where he kept his mourning, there were two young men chatting there. When they heard the movement, they looked over and then stood up with admiration on their faces.

"Brother Nao, did you enter the mountain so early?"

The young man known as Brother Nao raised the bow in his other hand to say hello, then grinned and said: "You two little bastards came early. It's not like you don't have any land at home, and you're here to mess with me. to eat and drink.”

"Brother Nao, you have wronged us. Look, Lao Liu and I brought good wine back from the county town yesterday, so we came to see you."

"Oh? Where did you get the money to buy wine? Did you two do something shameful?"

"Oh, you have wronged us again!" One of them quickly lit the fire and asked the other to wash and skin the pheasants and rabbits, saying, "The Xu family is recruiting workers in the county, and we are already preparing to go to Zhejiang with the Xu family to make money overseas. Yes. The money to buy the wine was given first to help us settle our family affairs."

Brother Nao's eyes narrowed: "Going to sea?"

"Brother Nao, after this month, your period of filial piety has also expired." The young man looked at him expectantly, "How about we go together? There are a total of six people in our nearby countryside going together, and the big guys always You are the leader. I heard that the Xu family's business in Zhejiang is already very big. With you here, the six of us will not be bullied. You are also literate and know how to calculate accounts. You will definitely be reused, and the brothers can follow. Take advantage of it."

Brother Nao was silent for a while and then asked: "How much monthly silver will the Xu family give?"

"Two coins of moon silver will take care of the food." The young man looked like he was having fun and immediately became energetic. "If you are willing to go on the ship and go to sea, you will get five coins of moon silver. If you are lucky, you will earn more, and there will be rewards. Brother Zhi, you are so capable. At least you have one tael of silver per month. Even if you spend some money, you can save several taels of silver in a year!"

It is indeed tempting to earn an acre of land in one year and a house in two or three years.

Brother Nao looked at his mother's tomb not far away. After thinking about it, he punched the young man on the shoulder: "Going to sea, that's the money you have to pay for your life! Which six? If you don't make any money, your life will be at stake." The bastard of the sea.”

"Which other six could it be? From me to the seventh, of course. Brother Nao, you are the boss, you can't ignore us, right?"

Looking at his grinning smile, Brother Nao had a smile on his face: "Let me guess, you guys have already sold me, right? I also have a share of the wine money?"

"Boss is wise!" The young man had a wooden sign in his hand and handed it over. "To be honest, the boss paid for the drinks, and we haven't sold ourselves yet. Mr. Xu Dong of the Xu family has long known the reputation of the boss. He Let me ask you. As long as you take this wooden sign, you will get one or two pieces of monthly silver. When we meet, we will decide on the errand and the monthly payment."

Brother Nazhi picked up the wooden sign and looked at it. On the front were three words: Huihaixu.On the back are two words: Wang Zong.

This is his name. People who know him well call him Brother Zhi just because of his upright temperament and righteousness.

Wang Sui sneered: "I heard that this Huizhou maritime trade company is a partnership of several companies, and there is also a share of Bao Ship Supervisor behind it. How many ships does the Xu family have?"

"I have inquired. The Xu family fleet has a total of four large ships and three small ships. Our Huizhou fleet has a total of 27 large ships and [-] small ships. Among the various maritime merchants in Ningbo, Zhejiang, Huang Ming Regardless of the companies in the Maritime Trading Company, private maritime companies, our Huizhou ranks second!"

"This is because I want to be number one and recruit troops." Wang Zuo looked at the young man and grinned after a while, "It doesn't matter, I am already alone anyway, so I just go to the sea to make a fortune. I can't watch the six of you. Go and waste your life."

"Brother Zhi is a righteous man!" The young man was overjoyed, "Old Liu, have you washed and peeled off?"

A voice faintly echoed from the small pond in the distance: "It's peeling, it's peeling!"

"Brother Nao, I'll call them all to come and bring some food and drinks."

Timeless, there was laughter and laughter in front of this shack where meat and fish were supposed to be banned and filial piety observed.Wang Sui was obviously a free and easy man and didn't care much about these etiquette and rules.

For him, his parents gave birth to him and raised him, and observing filial piety here is the proper human ethics.

But hunting mountain delicacies fills the stomach and makes the heart happy. It is also the expectation of the parents. How can one mourn all day long and become skin and bones?

In Nanjing, northeast of Huizhou, the news of Yang Yiqing's death and Mingzhi's entry into the temple has come, but there is another thing that many people are concerned about.

"Did Yan Weizhong really say that?"

In the main hall of a house, from the door to the main hall, there are countless plaques, calligraphy and paintings hanging.If you look carefully, you will see that they are all written by famous calligraphers and painters, as well as important ministers of the time.

The host and guests in the main hall were all well-dressed and meticulous in their beard and hair.

The person who asked the question was one of them. The host said solemnly: "Exactly! If it wasn't a matter of great importance and a matter in the National Policy Palace, those adults would naturally not dare to leak it. Yang Gong died suddenly, so this debate was not carried out. Go down. But who is Yan Weizhong? He was promoted by His Majesty!"

"In my opinion, it's true." Another person mused, "After all, His Majesty is not here in person."

"Have you not said anything yet? When did Jiangnan stop being the Jiangnan of the Ming Dynasty?" The speaker said with fear, "Yan Weizhong is the best at figuring out what is going on! Last year, the matter in Suzhou Prefecture was settled, but now it's been more than three months. The grain taxes from various provinces have already been shipped, but the food censor has not left yet! Zhang Fujing asked for the appointment of a Huaiyang Chief Envoy on the grounds of managing the Huanghuai River. The water patrol censor was sent down first, and then the water conservancy in the Huanghuai area was rectified. This time, only Nanzhili has a water patrol censor, and he still holds the title of Youqiandu censor!" What does the water patrol censor do?The last time, we investigated the ways in which clans, dignitaries, officials, gentry and wealthy households diverted or grabbed water for their own fields, and sorted out some local irrigation and water conservancy projects.

But this time, it was because there was a problem with the river embankment and sea embankment in Suzhou Prefecture, so they were sent again.

It is said that they are preparing to control the Huanghuai floods, but it is more likely that they went to the south of the Yangtze River!Otherwise, why bother holding the title of Yushi of Youqiandu?That’s the fourth grade!
The last water patrol censor was only in the sixth grade.

With the fourth rank and imperial order, what if this guy imitates Zhang Fuking who went to Guangdong back then?
"What did those adults say?"

"How do you say it? Now that Mr. Yang has passed away, the position of the general staff must always be occupied! At this time of year, those adults may not care about it."

"Then can't this matter be postponed? What about the gentlemen in Nanjing? What should I say?"

"Procrastination? Is it easy to delay what Zhang Fujing wants to do? Everyone in Nanjing is probably also thinking about whether there is an opportunity to fill a position as a counselor. Among the counselors at the moment, there are more people like Yan Weizhong. For this opportunity, how can Does anyone know if anyone is willing to sell Nanzhili? As long as he is listed as a consultant, what does it matter to him if the Sixth Division of Nanjing disappears in the future?"

These words were heart-wrenching, and at this moment they were all worried. It was inconvenient to deny those who had a chance in the Sixth Department of Nanjing - those people were, after all, high-ranking officials of the second rank.

At this time, a letter hurriedly came from the host's housekeeper.The host was stunned after reading it, and other guests quickly asked.

"... News came from Beijing that Duke Yang was posthumously honored as Zhongxian, and the eldest son of the emperor was sent to Yunnan for burial along with Lingbibo and Yang Bo, a bachelor in the royal study."

Everyone in the hall was silent when they heard the words.

The eldest son of the emperor, who was less than nine years old, traveled thousands of miles to bury a loyal minister on behalf of His Majesty, but he went to a dangerous place like Yunnan. What kind of honor is this?

Even those of them who have achieved fame but have not become officials can't help but be moved by it.

After a long time, the owner said solemnly: "I'm afraid that after hearing this, my brother will also write to me and admonish me. Don't take any chances and run around all day for some small tax money..."

The others were in a daze and did not answer.

Is it a small amount of tax money?Generations of rich families, with decent status, welcoming and sending off, raising children, and burdening servants, all of which are inseparable from the grain harvested in the fields and the money earned in the store.

It's already much worse than before, how far will it go?
But the treatment Yang Yiqing received after his death was really terrible.From the moment they knew the news, all civil and military officials in the world would look at the emperor eagerly.

Even in the final Jiajing Dynasty, only a few people can get this kind of honor, which is also a great motivation and stimulation.

In a word: Loyalty to His Majesty, power and position during life, fame after death, that doesn't matter.

People like Liang Chu who took away their official positions to serve the people because of their crimes have the posthumous title of Wenzhong!
What would those few adults at the national policy meeting think that they still wanted to rely on contributing to Jiangnan and making further progress?If you accidentally express your wrong attitude, can you still count on these?
However, the emperor did not express his attitude now.

Only Zhang Fujing made this suggestion, and only Yan Song said that Jiangnan was not Jiangnan in South Zhili.

They didn't know that at this moment in the Forbidden City, the interrupted national policy meeting was continuing.

This time, Zhu Houcong participated.

Since the matter of Huaiyang Chief Envoy was no longer discussed, he actually did not express his position.

He came to convey an issue that everyone was concerned about, how to arrange it.

"Xia Yan was appointed as the general staff of the Military Affairs Council, and Tang Shunzhi was appointed as the governor of the three sides. Bo'an is in Xuanda, and Xuanfu and Datong still elect one governor each as usual."

The other participants in the national policy meeting were all shocked.

How could Tang Shunzhi's virtue rise so quickly?

Zhu Houcong said again: "This is An Ning Bo's recommendation. There will eventually be a battle with the Northern Barbarians. Military affairs promote talents in various ways. In government affairs, stability is the top priority. I have come to strengthen the army, and the general assistants, state affairs ministers and other ministers have requested to do so. Prosperize the country and secure the people. Announcement to the world, the major national policy conference of the Jiajing decade has begun. Except for those who participate in national policy due to military affairs and other reasons for the smooth flow of government orders, the rest of the civil affairs recommenders do not have the qualifications to lead prefectures or provinces and will not participate in the national policy conference. and the Palace of State.”

Everyone was shocked. This new rule will not affect them, but there will be a clear threshold from now on.

The key issue is that this threshold will definitely block the hopes of those who are already good enough in Nanjing Six.Southern Zhili is not a province and does not have a governor or chief envoy.

The emperor didn't seem to express his attitude, but he seemed to have said something.

The question was thrown to them, and Zhu Houcong left.

The palace of national policy was extremely quiet, and the hope of becoming the General Staff had just been dashed. However, Wang Xian, who was in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was keenly aware of the impact this rule would have.

In terms of government affairs in Ming Dynasty, there are only two capitals and 13 provinces.

If the governor of a province is included as the governor, there are only 26 positions in total.

The days when Qingliu could keep climbing are gone forever. But if the governors of provinces other than border towns want to be able to participate in policy-making, what will they need to test their merits?It is a province's taxation, culture and education, and people's livelihood.

The key problem is that there are only 26 positions, which is too few!
From this moment on, the youngest generation of ambitious new officials must strive to start as county magistrates or county magistrates.The backbone generation, even if they are now in the fourth grade, must still become a prefect or even downgrade to become a prefect.As for the third-grade and second-grade people, how can they not be in charge of one party for a few years?
The Ming Dynasty ten years after Jiajing was a truly new era.Its tide will begin to surge from now on.

Wang Xian broke the silence and spoke slowly: "Leave aside the matter of whether to establish the Huaiyang Chief Envoy or not. Your Majesty has a decree and must inform the world. How should the system of these two capitals and 13 provinces be changed? In the future, We have to discuss how to recommend the counselors to the court."

Those who are eligible to participate in the national policy meeting include, in addition to some seats in the military and the special chief of the royal study, there are also the general affairs envoys, the general secretary of the Sixth Section, the chief of public security, the chief of taxation, etc. who were added in the expansion of seats.Their official rank and the nature of their official positions determine that they are special cases like the chief of the imperial study, and it is difficult for them to meet the qualifications to be in charge of the provincial level.

So this new rule only targets the ordinary way to enter the national policy meeting from a position like Jiu Qing.

There are also plans to add two more movies, so will there be channels like Jiuqing in the future?There are indeed many issues involved.

These questions all point to one point: the old system of dividing Ming Dynasty’s 13 provinces and the highest level of local administrative districts must be fully considered.

Chief Envoy of Huaiyang?That's just part of the overall plan.

This consideration will be protracted, but one thing is clear: Nanjing officials should not easily jump from the Nanjing Sixth Department to the Beijing Sixth Department, and then sit in the National Policy Conference or the State Council.

Correspondingly, before the final results come out, many officials in the capital who still want to consider their future career must try their best to head a government or a province first.

Therefore...if the current officials in charge of the Jiangnan prefectures do not change their minds and do their jobs well, then they should be replaced.

Heaven's grace is so great, and with the supreme favor and honor after Yang Yiqing's death, and the supreme saintly family of Tang Shunzhi who was promoted to governor after three years as an official, the silent shock in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty was already thrilling.

The imperial decree reached Huailai very quickly, Tang Shunzhi, who was still busy, couldn't help being stunned when receiving the decree.

He naturally knew what it would mean in his life to accept such an important task at his age.

Tang Shunzhi, who had lived a completely different life, now pictured the emperor's young face in his mind, and only a wave of emotion surged into his throat and eyes. He choked and said: "I accept the decree! Thank you for your kindness! Long live your Majesty! Long live! Long live your Majesty!" !”

He knew that His Majesty always thought highly of him, but His Majesty's high opinion of him was always beyond his expectation.

Governor Xuanda, he holds the title of Yushi of Youqiandu.On the three sides of the governor, he wears the title of right deputy governor.

But after serving as an official for three years, he has reached the third rank.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

Before going to Shaanxi, he had to return to Beijing to see His Majesty.

Tang Shunzhi really wanted to ask the emperor why he valued him so much.

The news reached Shuozhou. Yu Dayou was happy for him, and then he trained his troops more carefully.

Tang Shunzhi traveled to three places, but without extraordinary achievements, how could he convince the public and keep the government and the public from talking about him?

Such unparalleled feats would not be without Yu Dayou.

He was the first upright military champion in the Jiajing Dynasty!
The news spread back to Tang Shunzhi's hometown. Mr. Tang's surprises in the past few years have become more and more terrifying, and now he is even a little scared.

At the age of 24, he is a third grader. What height will he reach in this life?
What happens if the credit is too high?
"...Quickly, find someone to sell some fields and stores!"

He didn't know how to help his son. He only knew that his son would be at the forefront of the crisis in his life.The Tang family must be clean and tidy, and no one can find any faults.

Otherwise, there will be no burial place!
It was already May when the news spread to Ningbo, from officials to common people, and to the Shibosi Xingang in Shuangyu.

"My dear, I became the governor at the age of 24. Brother Nao, I am the same age as you."

"Is your kid going to bury me?"

For some reason, he insisted on changing his name to Zhi after officially becoming an accountant of Huizhou Sea Trade Company.

Looking at the waves outside Shuangyu Harbor, Wang Zhi exclaimed: "I don't know what kind of person Tang Shunzhi is. He is such a holy family! Your Majesty also has the spirit of Han Wu to reuse the champions. If I didn't take you everywhere to do chivalry and righteousness, If I study hard, I don't know if I can get a Jinshi and meet the Holy Master."

"Brother Nao, if you want to meet His Majesty now, this may be the way to go. If you make a name for yourself at sea, and then work your way up as the shopkeeper of Huang Mingji Sea Trading Company, you might have a chance."

Wang Zhi was full of pride: "That's right. Since Huizhou was cleared of land three years ago, it has been the same every year. Even on days like this, when I arrived in Ningbo, I felt that this vast sea is more in line with my temperament!"

Huizhou is full of mountains, but now there is an endless ocean in front of Wang Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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