
Chapter 364

Chapter 364

Ordinary people far away from the capital only knew some information at this time, but the officials in the capital were shaken and uneasy because of another incident.

Zhu Houcong himself never expected that such a change would happen. Now he is in the Qingning Palace, and the palace is full of sorrow.

"Wake up, the Queen Mother is awake."

Hearing the sound inside, Zhu Houcong stood up and went to Empress Dowager Jiang's bedroom with Sun Ming.

And just as he walked in, he heard Empress Dowager Jiang crying heartbreakingly.

"Mother, I would like to express my condolences. It is important to take care of yourself..."

Zhu Houcong could only say this, after all, the person who just died of illness was his biological sister.

After hearing his words, Empress Dowager Jiang said loudly in the turmoil of grief: "If you hadn't sent Chengye to Jiangxi back then, how could she have been so depressed? If she hadn't been mentally damaged, how could she have given birth to a child? Isn’t it better? Pity my grandson..."

Zhu Houcong could only smile bitterly, stand firm and endure the punishment.

Does it have anything to do with this?He wasn't sure either.

After Yu Chengye returned to Beijing, his sister's mood was actually very good, and it looked quite sweet.But, are you sure that's not what she does in front of others?

Zhu Houcong didn't know that his sister had passed away earlier.She got married in the second year of Jiajing and passed away in the fourth year of Jiajing, only twenty years old.

Her death was generally due to physical reasons, especially reasons related to conception and childbirth.

Now her son-in-law is Yu Chengye, who was not conceived until the seventh year of Jiajing by accident, and gave birth to a son last year, but this year she still did not escape the catastrophe.

The Empress Dowager Jiang is now extremely sad, so naturally she doesn't care about other things, and she just randomly attributes the reason to Zhu Houcong who separated her and her husband in two places shortly after they were newly married.

Not only that, she also vented the rest of her dissatisfaction.

"Zaiyuan is not yet nine years old! You asked him to go all the way to Yunnan again. If there are three long and two shortcomings, how do you want me to live? Is there any mission that must be done by him as a child? He only has national affairs in his eyes, and he is always struggling. ,toss……"

Sun Ming looked at Zhu Houcong with worried eyes.

Although the emperor's face was smiling bitterly, it was only a bitter smile.

Zhu Houcong knew what he was doing, and he would not be shaken by it.His transformation of the Ming Dynasty and his arrangements for the future are destined to endure these incomprehensions.

Now I can only be taught a lesson by my mother first, and letting her vent her emotions can easily relieve her grief.

The eldest princess Yongfu died young at the age of 25. The Ministry of Rites had just finished the funeral of Yang Yiqing and was busy with the funeral of the eldest princess Yongfu.

Isn't the reason why all the officials are in turmoil and unrest because the emperor was "moody" last year due to the death of Concubine An?Now that a few words from the palace have come out, the Queen Mother still intends to blame the Emperor, and it is difficult to predict what the Emperor's reaction will be.

It's just that at this moment, they don't know about another situation.

From the Yang family in Xindu County, Chengdu Prefecture, Yang Tinghe also leaned weakly on the soft pillow and read in a weak and trembling voice.

"... Fu Wei... Your Majesty... with the posture of a sage... following... the way of a sage... to open... all ages..."

As he read, he recalled the scene when he gave the emperor a sutra feast for the first time.

At that time, he hoped that the emperor would accept "the teachings of saints", "the elimination of heresy", and "the restoration of ancient peace".

Ten years.

After Yang Tinghe finished reading the end of his suicide note, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

It has been more than ten years since he ascended the throne in the 16th year of Zhengde to May of the [-]th year of Jiajing.

Ming Dynasty has irreversibly embarked on a new path. Regardless of his original unwillingness, Yang Tinghe has become one of the pioneers of this new path.

I don’t know why, but after I left the court and relaxed my mind, I actually aged faster.

Yang Tinghe thought of the old guy Liang Chu again. He slipped away quickly, but he enjoyed a few more years of happiness.

I feel that the vitality is gradually passing away, maybe it is not far away, just in the past two days.

He thought of his son again.

Seeing that his brother stopped writing, Yang Tinghe spoke again: "Tell...you to repair...to abide by the new system...you don't have to learn from me...to keep filial piety..."

Now that you have embarked on a new road, let's end it.

He stared blankly at the curtains on the top of the bed, and suddenly saw himself in high spirits when he was a nineteen-year-old Jinshi.

In this life, it is worthwhile to be the emperor's master, the chief assistant, and be awarded the title of Taifu while still alive.

It was the young emperor who insisted on being granted the title of Three Dukes while he was still alive. At first, he had no good intentions, then he wanted to lay out new laws, and then... he was sincerely paying respect to him.

Ying Ning entered the temple. With the things she had written for more than a year after leaving her official position and returning home, she should be able to enter.

He didn't know when he would see the emperor whom he could never see through again, so he waited with Ying Ning for now, so he probably wouldn't be lonely...

The emperor's benevolent nature and his unconventional approach to promoting talents seemed to have aged those important ministers.

On the fifth day of June in the ninth year of Jiajing's reign, the news of Yang Tinghe's death, his suicide note, and his works were delivered to Beijing, and the big bell in the bell tower rang nine more times.

Zhu Houcong looked at his suicide note and writings in the royal study, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten slightly.

Just as he felt when he first came to the throne, everything is a human connection mixed with ideals, beliefs and interests.

Yang Tinghe was once his greatest enemy back then, but later became the leader of his new party to implement the new law by mistake.Now, Yang Tinghe found that the emperor had a firm momentum to go forward, and "betrayed" too many things that he insisted on during the Zhengde Dynasty.

"Practice Collection".

His life experience, the intrigues in official circles, government affairs and people's livelihood, and border disputes he had seen were all reanalyzed by him using practical studies and dialectics. He just wanted to prove one point: the new study was better and closer to the road than the previous official study.

And in the suicide note, after all, it was Yang Tinghe himself who publicly asked to establish the crown prince and open the Zhanshi Mansion.There are many profound meanings, but there is only one superficial reason: the emperor is young, in good health, and has many children in this life.Now that the center is undergoing major changes, it is advisable to fix the East Palace as soon as possible to avoid unrest in the hearts of the people in the future.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this was another gamble that Yang Tinghe made before his death, to create another emperor master for the Yang family - wasn't Yang Shen already a guest of the prince?
After Yang Shen learned the news, he naturally set off at night to return to his hometown.

However, everyone who participated in the national policy meeting already knew that Yang Shen would not follow his father's example of fully observing filial piety, but would only trade the sun for the moon to keep the love.

He only needs to go once and once.

Unfilial?In the three volumes of "Collection of Practice", the Yang family asked to establish a prince and retain the favor. The attitude shown by the Yang family was to stand firmly on the side of the emperor and on the side of the new learning.

Yan Song stood in the royal study and looked at the emperor's moist eyes, feeling emotional in his heart.

At that time, he was also Yang Tinghe's disciple.Later, he opposed Yang Tinghe.Later, they all became loyal ministers of the new law.


Zhu Houcong finally spoke, and Yan Song and others were stunned.

"Yang Gongtinghe gave gifts to the Grand Master and the Marquis of Jingning, sacrifices and burials, the posthumous title of Wenzheng, and the entry of the divine master into the temple. Yang Gong strongly advocated for me to succeed the great unification, presided over the trial implementation of new laws, and promoted actions. He made great contributions to the new dynasty. His son used Xiu was granted the title of Jingning Bo, and was granted the title of Shaobao to the Crown Prince. He was also granted the title of Bachelor of Zuo Chunfang. The head of the Yang family was promoted to the middle rank of Commander-in-Chief, and entered the Sichuan Xiangxian Academy." Yan Song was greatly shocked.

Not only because of this favor, but also because of the great bachelor Zuo Chunfang.

The Ming Dynasty is about to establish a prince.

But the purpose is not over yet.

"Since the Ming Dynasty, heroes have emerged in large numbers. For ten years, there have been countless heroes. The Wufeng Building was changed into the Hall of Heroes, and steles were carved for heroes of civil and military affairs. To protect the emperor's power and encourage future generations."

"...I accept the decree! Your Majesty is wise! Since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, you have stabilized the country and the people, opened up borders and defended the territory, and the heroes of the Ming Dynasty have nothing to do with it! I know that your Majesty's heavenly grace is so vast, and he will bless our Ming Dynasty for thousands of generations! The descendants of the future generations dare not to follow the example of the forefathers. ?Long live your Majesty! Long live! Long live!"

Not everyone can enter the temple, where the offerings of incense and royal blood food are the highest treatment.

But now there is a Hall of Heroes located on the Meridian Gate.From then on, the life achievements of the heroes will be written on the stone tablets, which will be erected under the Yanchi Tower outside the Meridian Gate.

Their statues are even erected in the Hall of Heroes.

Every time civil and military officials enter and leave the Meridian Gate, they can see their stone tablets and think of their achievements.

When you pass through the gate, there will be their statues above your head. They will always stand at the south gate of the Forbidden City, guarding the emperor and inspiring the subsequent generations of civil and military ministers.

The Hall of Heroes and the Ancestral Temple, the posthumous name in this life, must be entered into one, right?

Yan Song thought of Lingyan Pavilion, but above these five gates, the current Wufeng Tower is as big as it is, and there are thirteen verandahs on the left and right Yanchi Towers. Is it enough for a lot?

This matter fell on the head of Yan Song, who is now the Minister of Rites.

In the past, he compiled "Da Ming Zhong Yu Jian", now, he will preside over the evaluation of which heroes are eligible to enter the Hall of Heroes.

A major event that will leave a name in history!
The most important thing is that His Majesty has obviously been planning such a solution for a long time.

Now, with the passing of Yang Tinghe and these three volumes of "Collection of Practices", we need to reorganize the merits and demerits of the civil servants and military generals of the Ming Dynasty. This is to sort out the standards and change the thinking of the officials and the people of the world.

What kind of thing can you do to be worthy of the title of hero after your death, to be able to sit high in the Hall of Heroes and overlook those who come after you?

This matter will last for a long time. Yan Song understands that this is not just a matter to be discussed at the Ministry of Rites or the National Policy Conference, but to be discussed through "Ming Pao"!
For such a major event, how can the life achievements of the person finally selected be announced to the world without being published in the Ming Pao?Without clear retribution, how can the officials and people of the world know right from wrong and know what to do?

The edict issued from the imperial study room was then drafted and passed through the State Council Palace and the Sixth Science and Technology Commission.

All day long, the officials working inside and outside the Forbidden City all looked towards the Meridian Gate.

Soon, there will be a deeper meaning there.

At this moment, there is another big event.

From His Majesty's title increase to Yang Shen - although it seems to be due to the legacy of Yang Tinghe's death - it has already conveyed the emperor's attitude towards Yang Tinghe's request to establish a prince: Yes!

The time has come to the ninth year of Jiajing, and the new dynasty will finally have a prince.

In the short term, the prince is still young, and it is just a matter of who will be the emperor's master and who will be the ministers of the East Palace.But in a few years, the court structure will be completely different.

That was probably after someone also became the general manager and left the position of general manager.

Is it the death of the eldest princess or the constant passing of old ministers in the past few years that makes His Majesty feel that it is time to consider these things?Even though he is still only 24 years old.

But destiny is unpredictable, who can say for sure?
Zhu Houcong knew that he would probably live for a long time, but he no longer cultivated immortality or took elixirs, so who could say for sure?

Yan Song didn't know that he would live to be over 80, but now he has a different life, who can say for sure?
"Who can say for sure..." Sitting in the royal study, Zhu Houcong was in a trance and muttered to himself.

After being scolded by his mother, he thought about the young face in this world who was closely related to him by blood, thought about An Bin and his son who had never cried to him, and thought about Yang Tinghe, Yang Yiqing, and Liang Chu all these years. The scenes between , Wei Bin, Xu Guangzuo, Gu Shilong and others with him made me truly feel that a stage of my life had passed.

It also happened to be that a transitional stage of the Ming Dynasty had passed.

The young Tang Shunzhi has been sent to the three sides of Shaanxi by him, and the National Policy Hall has officially entered its fifth year.In addition to Southern Zhili, the provincial capitals, prefectures and counties of Ming Dynasty already have a new system, and the enterprises under the Huangming Assets Bureau are clumsily trying to lay a more solid foundation for industry and commerce in Ming Dynasty in accordance with his requirements.

The news came back that I had accepted the Yellow Sect and was trying to find ways to preach on the grasslands in order to "mobilize the masses" in the future.Over in Jiaozhi, Zhang Boring was trying his best to help Ruan Gan find a descendant of the Li family.The envoys sent to Turpan and Uzbekistan are staying in Xining, waiting for replies from the more complicated Western Regions and Tibet.Korea, Duoyan, and Ryukyu have already welcomed the Ming Dynasty's diplomatic envoys, and Japan is still fighting back and forth.

After that it was a new era.

The Ming Dynasty must move forward resolutely in the general trend of the new law, and it took Zhu Houcong ten years to actively plan for what he wanted to do when he took this high position.

"In a time of great strife, countries frequently fight against each other. The strong will become stronger, and the weak will perish..."

Huang Jin heard the emperor muttering to himself again, and then the emperor's eyes gradually stopped being in a trance, and became more determined.

After Zhu Houcong finished reading the line he remembered, he came out of the emotional shock of Yang Tinghe's death.

It is true that we have not yet reached the so-called age of great strife, but after all, the sails of the West are already flying, and the loom on an island is urging people to fence the land for sheep.When the gears of the Industrial Revolution began to turn, there would be no mercy for any weakling who would enter the forest of the world as the connections between different continents strengthened.

All preparations are for the future.

The establishment of a prince is not only for the stability of the unification and the future of the government, but also for inheritance.

Zhu Houcong stood up and said, "Go to the Zhongyuan Hall and talk about geography today."

"Yes, the servant is going to prepare the map..."

The emperor walked towards the central round hall, where there were the royal family and empresses.

Yan Song has returned to the Ministry of Rites, he is too busy.He gave up the opportunity to enter the Palace of State Affairs and stayed in the Ministry of Rites. The implementation of new learning and the new academic system is his constant main line of work, but there is also a steady stream of etiquette work to be done.

It's just that he was a little curious, Yang Yiqing had the eldest son of the emperor to attend his funeral, so what about Yang Tinghe?
At this moment, after traveling through mountains and rivers, Yang Yiqing's coffin has not yet returned home.

The best way is probably to let the emperor's eldest son see off Yang Yiqing and then transfer from Yunnan to Sichuan.

In that case, Yang Tinghe would have to stop for a long time.If Yang Tinghe didn't rest in peace, Yang Shen couldn't just come back.

Yang Shen might not be able to come back for a while... Yan Song's eyes suddenly condensed.

He won't be able to come back for a while, but is there a Shangshu in the household department now?How chaotic would it be down there if no one made the decision?

Yan Song continued to take a breath of cold air - it has not yet been decided whether the Huaiyang Chief Envoy will be established in southern Zhili. The three provinces in the south and Beijing will continue to collect grain and tax directly from the Ministry of Household Affairs in Beijing this year.If the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs is taking a temporary leave of absence, Zhang Fujing, who is in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs, is not a good person...

"...It was fun to watch."

Yan Song thought for a while and took time out of his busy schedule to write a letter home.

With your Majesty's trust, Mr. Yan now has great influence in Fenyi's hometown, and his influence in the court is equally huge.

He has many close relatives and friends, and now of course he has to remind them in a subtle way: the new law is to enrich the country, and it requires more money.

Don't be beheaded by a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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