
Chapter 371: Going militarily?

Chapter 371: Going militarily?

Zhu Houcong did not know that Yang Shen was preparing to return to Beijing with new opinions. He was looking at the thank you form that Zhu Zaiyang had returned from Yunnan.

Every half month, the son will send back a letter.

Now, his little head doesn't know what he understands.

Zhu Houcong was not sure whether he understood it or not, but Yang Bo was not stupid. He submitted that he would not interfere with His Royal Highness the King of Yue's studies. He had invited a leader in etiquette in the seventh year of the Jiajing Rural Examination in Henan Province to teach His Highness the King of Yue the etiquette when he was busy with official duties.

So it was surprising that he found traces of Gao Gong.

His father, Gao Shangxian, is currently serving as the chief envoy of Yunnan Province.

What Yang Bo meant was that he not only asked His Highness the King of Yue to teach rituals, but also actively prepared for him to assist and educate people in the southwest in the future - otherwise, why use a person who has not yet won the Jinshi to teach rituals?Are there fewer people who govern the Book of Rites?
However, Yang Bo may have underestimated Gao Gong...

After reading Zhu Zaiyan's thank you note and Yang Bo's secret memorial, Zhu Houcong carefully looked at what Wu Wending, Mu Shaoxun, Zhu Feng and others presented.

It has to be said that as they have devoted more attention to Outer Yunnan in Yunnan in the past six months, Zhu Houcong has a more detailed understanding of the situation there.

Due to various considerations, they also presented the contents that they had not reported before, including the burning of the post station the year before last and the murder of Cao Yi, a native official Qianhu, including the latest news about Gao Shangxian's visit to find out the situation, and the ordering soldiers to be killed. The robbery, murder and death of two people.

At this moment, on the Yunnan side, the three divisions of Mengyang, Mubang, and Mengmi, as well as Mang Buxin and Mang Ruiti, are probably sending envoys to Kunming.

From their perspective, the Ming Dynasty wanted to demonstrate the majesty of the kingdom and mediate the matter.

But Yunnan is anxiously waiting for Zhu Houcong and the Military Affairs Council to make a tactical decision on this matter: when will they send troops?Who to hit?

A beating is definitely necessary.Don’t fight, but rely on your mouth to show your dignity?

What's more, the imperial court has a longer-term strategy for the southwest.

But how?
During the Zhengtong period, Wang Ji, Minister of the Ministry of War, was the governor of military affairs and led three expeditions to Luchuan.The first time, it was called an army of 15.The second time, there were also fifty thousand.The third time, it was another 15.It took eight years before the Luchuan Dynasty was dismantled, and Meng Yang's troops were ordered not to cross the Jinsha River from now on.

At this moment, Ming Dynasty naturally does not want to have another "war to destroy the country".

"Inform Wuying Palace that the military affairs meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss how to resolve the dispute between the three Xuan and Six Lieutenants of Yunnan."

Zhu Houcong and the two general staff officers of the Military Affairs Conference already had a general strategy for the southwest, but now tactical decisions depend on specific circumstances.

In the Wuying Hall, Zhu Houcong was sitting on the throne, and Xia Yan, Wang Xian and others were also there.

First of all, Jiang Rubi, as the chief of the imperial study, was giving a briefing summarizing the news to everyone.

"First, Mang Ruiti, the son of Mang Ji-year-old, the former Burmese Xuanwei envoy, is now fifteen and has extraordinary courage. He was supported by the Burmese leader and established the Dongyu Dynasty. At the moment, his power is the weakest, but he should not be underestimated. Yunnan Governor Wu Wending and the Duke of Guizhou came to report, and Mang Rui cried with joy when he saw the Ming Dynasty's order. He earnestly expressed his hope that the Ming Dynasty would help him regain Burma. From now on, please grant him a title, pay tribute, and pay tribute, and he will fulfill the righteousness of the vassal state."

“Secondly, Yunnan Chief Envoy Si Youzheng Gao Shangxian was ordered to go to Myanmar to clarify the true situation. Although there is no clear evidence, it is suspected that the man who requested the title of Burmese Xuanwei envoy was actually the son of Meng Yangxuanwei envoy Silun. "

"Thirdly, Qu Zhinan, the commander of the Tengchong Guards, sent people to send orders to Mang Rui Ti, who was robbed and killed in Dongyu territory..."

The situation was summarized one by one to let everyone understand the current situation, and everyone also formed a relatively clear picture of the south of Yunnan.

First of all, the descendants of the Luchuan Dynasty who were split up in the past took action together this time to kill King Awa, the true owner of Myanmar's Xuanwei Division, and divide the land.The newly victorious army, with high morale, occupied the fertile land in northern Myanmar.

Secondly, Mang Ruiti fled south to Dongwu, but with the support of the Burmese tribal leader, he founded the Toungoo Dynasty and was striving for revenge.

Again, the Bago dynasty in southern Myanmar further south from Taungoo has not intervened in the dispute for the time being.To the north are Mengyang, Mubang, and Mengmi divisions and most of the occupied Myanmar Xuanwei division. To the west are the Arakan Dynasty in the mountains, to the south are the Bago Dynasty, and to the east are Babai Dadian, In the car, Laos, etc.

Finally: Meng Yang, Mubang, and Meng Mi were very rude to the Ming Dynasty. They burned to death a local official Qianhu and some soldiers at the inn, and this time they robbed and killed Qu Zhinan's subordinates.

Jiang Rubi continued the introduction for nearly an hour before stopping.

Zhu Houcong then said: "I will clarify the main point first. Although most of the three propaganda and six lieutenants are in poor and poor places, they are rich in products. There are thousands of miles of fertile land in central and southern Burma, Jiaozhi Champa, and Siam. After a survey of the southwest, we will What I want is wealth. If you want to educate the tribal forest there and turn it into a royal land, it will take even a hundred years. This battle cannot be protracted. What I want is to set new rules for the three propaganda and six lieutenants, and then set up the propaganda envoys, Open markets for trade, buy their grain and goods, and educate their hearts.”

After a pause, he added: "We must have a good reputation as a righteous army, so that the leaders of the Three Xuan and Six Lieutenants will know that I do not intend to wipe out Outer Yunnan, but to help them stop fighting and share wealth. The purpose of this battle The prestige reaches the car, Laos, and even Cochin is frightened, that is the success."

After he said this, everyone in Wuying Hall fell into thinking.

In fact, from the previous information briefing and the emperor's words, everyone knew who to fight.

Combined with the situation in Jiaozhi, the imperial court wanted to take action first to make Waidian remember the power of the Ming Dynasty again at this time, and then use propaganda and appeasement methods later.

Xia Yan thought for a while and then said: "The car is connected to Babaidadian to the south, Mubang to the west and north, and Laos to the southeast. Among the outer Yunnan divisions, Mubang is in the middle, and the car is the most friendly. I think that this The battle should borrow the strength of [-] Dadian in the car, drive Mengyang back to the west of Jinsha River on the west road, drive Mubang on the east road to the south of Awa River, and set up a government in addition to Mengmi on the middle road. After that, Mengmi and Lin'an Each prefecture has a border market to provide transportation to Burma, Babaidaian, and Jiaozhi, Laos."

He had done more research on the southwest. Wang Xian's main energy was still in the north, so Wang Xian did not question this.

Wang Xian was just worried and said: "Today, Yunnan's available troops, even if the chieftains in Inner Yunnan are willing to contribute, plus the troops from Sichuan and other places to support the war, the total strength is only [-]. Outer Yunnan has not used troops for a long time, and the terrain is unknown. In this battle, we have to fight against the newly victorious troops of Meng Yang, Mu Bang, and Meng Mi. How about the strength of Mang Rui Ti?"

Xia Yan sneered and said, "Since he wants to restore the country, he will go all out. After the king's army wipes out Meng Mi, it is enough for Meng Mi to garrison and set up a mansion to contain Mu Bang and Meng Yang. Since you dare They are the ones who have harmed the Ming Dynasty officials, robbed and killed my generals, and are the usurpers of the dynasty and the remnants of Luchuan. We will only fight these three divisions in this battle! If the Eight Hundred Dadian and Cheri want to divide the Mu State, it depends on their abilities. .”

The Northern Territory entered a stalemate. Xia Yan took up the post of Chief of Military Staff with not very strong qualifications and prestige. He also made up his mind to prove himself with his achievements in the southwest.

Why do you want to get rid of Meng Mi?Not only because Meng Mi has the smallest territory among the three divisions, but also because Meng Mi has a very important place: Baojing.

It is the largest jade producing area in the southwest.

In the early years, there were disputes among the chieftains in the southwest. Although Meng Mi was weak, but wealthy, he could always suppress Meng Yang in the west and Mubang in the east by bribing the Ming Dynasty.

Now, perhaps the Chenghua, Hongzhi, and Zhengde dynasties rarely focused on the southwest. The new dynasty had previously been sorting out the internal affairs and dealing with the dangers from the north. Only then did the descendants of the Luchuan dynasty prepare to take action. Not only did they violate the three dynasties of the past, After conquering Luchuan, they agreed to attack Burma, and they dared to burn, kill, and rob the Ming envoys.

Regardless of whether Meng Mi is the leader or not, after its territory is conquered, it is the best to hold and the richest, so naturally it is it.

Someone said: "Except for Meng Mi... wouldn't it be contrary to Your Majesty's purpose of wiping out all the foreign affairs in Yunnan?"

Xia Yan disagreed: "Meng Mi didn't exist at all! During the Chenghua period, they rebelled against Mu State, and that's when Meng Mi came into being. Among the three divisions, only Meng Mi was the Anfu Division. How dare you be so bold now and participate in Usurping the orthodoxy, it is time to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys! Once the military front comes out, how can everything be the same as yesterday? If we use it to our advantage to benefit other departments, outer Yunnan will only be more grateful for His Majesty's grace!"

After that, he saluted Zhu Houcong: "I wrote to Zhang Zhichun, the right minister of the old Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs, asking about foreign affairs in Yunnan. Zhang Zhichun, a military officer in Yongchang Prefecture, Yunnan, was ranked fourth in the second class in the 20th year of Chenghua. In the sixth year of Zhengde, Zhang Zhichun still lived in the country after he became an official. Yongchang. I knew that he was well versed in Yunnan affairs, so I wrote to ask for advice. Zhang Zhichun sent his father's "Geography Summary" and also sent his father's "Nanyuan Manlu" volume "Burmese Zhonggui"."

As he spoke, he took out two volumes of books. Huang Jin quickly went to get them and gave them to Zhu Houcong.

Xia Yan continued: "Zhang Jinzhi witnessed and heard that Mengmi, Mengyang, and Mubang are actually at odds with each other. This time the three divisions usurped Burma, and allowed Mengmi to use the rich land north of Ava City. Is it a good intention? He attacked Mengmi first, and Mengyang , Mu State will not spare any effort to help. The thieves who killed thousands of Caoyi families in Mengmi, and robbed and killed the soldiers who sent orders were actually sent by Meng Mi. Meng Yang and Mu State will be happy to see what happened. Now that the military power has been demonstrated, Meng Yang and Mu Bang know that the Ming Dynasty has left room for them, so they can establish rules again!"

Zhu Houcong was looking through the two volumes and asked with some surprise: "Zhang Zhichun, who became an official at home now? He was a Jinshi for 20 years in Chenghua and is still here. How old is he?"

"Already 74 years old, he is well-known in Yunnan."

I'm 74, which is very old, and it's hard to use it anymore.Judging from the volume "Burmese Species Are Rich" written by him and the "Geographic Summary" written by his father, it seems that he is a scholarly family with a good understanding of the situation in Yunnan.

Zhu Houcong nodded slowly and asked: "Since he is a member of the military, is there anyone in the family serving in Yunnan?"

"Yes, his eldest son is currently the deputy Qianhu of Yongchang Guards."

Zhu Houcong didn't know much about the specific situation in Yunnan, and he didn't even know that Yang Shen was originally driven to Yongchang Mansion by Jiajing, and stayed there until his death at the age of 72.

Now after hearing Xia Yan's words, he said: "General Staff Xia has thought carefully about it, and the strategy is roughly the same. Let's discuss the details. The first thing is to send envoys to Kunming. What attitude should Wu Wen take and how to take charge of the three divisions? The crime will be declared and punished again."

Now that Xia Yan has become the general staff, let him worry about this matter.

Zhu Houcong was actually paying attention to other shortcomings that Zhang Zhichun vaguely noticed.

Meng Mi was prosperous because of the gems in the Baojing area. During the Hongzhi, Zhengde and even Jiajing years, Yongchang Prefecture, a gem producing area, had a "gem disaster". This was naturally the imperial court's pursuit of Yunnan gems.

How to fight this war is not a big issue. How to make Yunnan prosperous, completely integrate the chieftains of Inner Yunnan with the Han people, and make everyone in Indochina Peninsula admire the Ming Dynasty is a longer-term matter.


When the decision in Wuying Palace reached Yunnan, it was already the twelfth lunar month.

Yang Bo and Zhu Zai'an have returned to Kunming, and people sent by Meng Yang, Mubang, Meng Mi and Mang Buxin and Mang Ruiti have also arrived in Kunming.

The people sent by Mang Ruiti did not go to northern Burma, but bypassed Mubang from the northeast, passed through Babaidadian, Laos, and entered Inner Yunnan by car.Now, there is no need for Gao Shangxian to speak. The person who met the envoy they sent was Wu Wending.

Naturally, all kinds of old accounts are being settled here, and each one has its own reasons.

Wu Wen's rule is just a basic principle that cannot be shaken: Ming Dynasty is the suzerain, and all ministers are canonized by Ming Dynasty.Rules were set after the three expeditions to Luchuan, and there were also rules among the chieftains not to invade.In addition, since Ming Dynasty is the sect leader, what should I do with the tribute and differential silver that I have paid over the years?
At this point, they all understood that the Ming Dynasty was taking advantage of the situation and had no good intentions towards foreign affairs in Yunnan.

But in the current situation, which side Daming prefers is very important.

The envoy of Mang Ruiti naturally said that as long as Burma was recaptured, he would become a vassal and pay tribute.The divination letter must be sealed, which also means that you must pay tribute.

On the contrary, Meng Yang, Mu Bang, and Meng Mi, there is at least one thing that cannot be avoided under what Wu Wending said: they violated the rules established in the past.

That night, the envoy of the Third Division found Gao Shangxian and expressed his willingness to offer gold, silver, and precious stones. The Third Division could return the land in Myanmar it occupied, as long as the Ming Dynasty granted Mang Buxin the title of the envoy of Myanmar.And Taungoo is also a destruction of the old pattern and should not exist.

At Mu Shaoxun's house, Wu Wen Ding was concerned about the progress here: "What do the three people say?"

"I still have little hope in Yunnan." Mu Shaoxun smiled and took out three piles of paper, "I would like to join the Ming Dynasty and testify against Silun, Hanlie, and Sizhen."

Wu Wending was overjoyed: "Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll have something to say in front of the hall tomorrow! It's just that Commander Qu wants the Duke of Guizhou to show his righteousness."

"When soldiers are killed, they will be compensated. Commander Qu is not a pedantic person, and he also understands that the generals are not the culprits."

"How did you persuade them?" Wu Wending asked, "Isn't their family still in the south?"

Mu Shaoxun said calmly: "They are all young and strong men. As long as they continue to commit crimes and perform meritorious service, and I hired native officials for them, can't they no longer have a small family? We have reached this point, and we are at the end of the road. Don't you know how to adapt?"

Wu Wending nodded: "You have to work hard for Mr. Mu to make another trip. For those [-] days, let the envoys of Mang Rui Ti pass the order when they return. This time, just ask them to remember the Ming Dynasty's plan The original intention of the various divisions. Since it is orthodox, Ming Dynasty will recognize it!"

This is also an encouragement to Ruan Gan from Jiaozhi!
The Ming Dynasty will respect the orthodoxy of every vassal state and vassal clan, but the prerequisite is the orthodoxy of surrender and obedience.

The next day, when Wu Wending appeared in front of their envoys from the five directions, he sprinkled the confessions to the envoys of the Third Division with a serious face: "I asked you to tell the real culprit of Qianhu Caoyi's murder. Gao Shenzheng went there in person , Silun, Hanlie, and Sizhen actually sent people to rob and kill my Ming generals! Mang Buxin is Silun's son Sihongfa. Are you bullying the Ming Dynasty again and again? Is it difficult to distinguish between right and wrong? Then Cao Yi is the Qianhu who was given a gold and red card by His Majesty! Na Mang Jisui is also the Xuanwei envoy who was given a gold and red card by the Ming Dynasty!"

"...Master Wu, this is slander!"

"Whether it is slander or not, Silun, Hanlie, and Sizhen know it clearly! The evidence is conclusive. You dare to rob and kill even the imperial envoys of the Celestial Empire. What else do they dare not do? It seems that the Ming Dynasty has been neglecting the discipline for a long time. They I think the Ming Dynasty is weak and can be bullied. I will inform your majesty now and ask your majesty to issue an edict! Go back and tell them to go to Kunming in person to plead guilty! Otherwise, they will wait for the Ming Dynasty soldiers to catch them in person and sacrifice Cao Qianhu and die in vain. The general’s spirit is in the sky!”

After driving them away, Wu Wending put on a smile and said to the envoy sent by Mangrui Ti: "The imperial court did not deal with this matter as soon as possible. In fact, since the third division sent troops, the order was not enough to make them retreat and return to the country. Now I know that they He is so bold that he can't be subdued without a large army. It's just that the troops of the Third Division are well equipped with fine food. Although Wang Shi can teach him a lesson, once the army moves, food and grass are not a trivial matter. You can report back to Mang Rui Ti and make a decision immediately. How to adapt to the situation.”

"The foreign minister understands, the foreign minister understands..."

Wu Wenhui told him righteously that the Ming Dynasty supported orthodoxy, and at the same time said that "if" the imperial edict came down, the Ming army would directly attack the city of Ava.Afterwards, the battle line stretched. If Mang Ruiti wanted to conquer Burma, he would have to fight tooth and nail. He would also be responsible for the food and grass for the Ming army to contain Meng Yang and Mubang's troops on both sides of Meng Mi.

Seeing that Ming Dynasty's "request" for Mangrui Ti was actually able to provide such solid support by sending troops, the envoy hurriedly agreed.

After all, in this way, there is hope for "restoration".

The communication between the two sides lasted for a long time, while Meng Yang, Mubang, Meng Mi and the messenger of "Mang Bu Xin" rushed southward frantically to deliver the message.

Yang Bo, who had already assumed the post of magistrate of Kunming County, began to do two things.

The first is to work with Ming Pao Bank, which has already set up a branch here, to review and publish a "Ming Pao·Yunnan Regular Journal".

Second, start building a Yunnan Yingjie Stele Forest on the bank of Dianchi Lake, imitating the Hall of Heroes.

Among the first batch of people who wanted to show off their deeds was Cao Yi, a local official who died as an envoy to Yunnan "without fear of hardships and dangers".

On Zhu Feng's side, he called the people from the Baojin Bureau alone: ​​"Your Majesty has told the British Lord that Yunnan must not treat the border residents harshly. The money that should be paid when mining gems, silver, and copper must not be withheld. The southwest plan, this is Dian must be more and more committed to the Ming Dynasty!"

As the twelfth lunar month passed day by day, Yunnan was already actively mobilizing, but Silun and others were shocked and angry after receiving such a straightforward attitude from Ming Dynasty.

As for fear?Although there is a point, after all, they have not really faced the Ming army for a long time.

Daming was not even prepared to ask for the many gold, silver and gems he had promised before, so he was naturally prepared to ask for more.

"That's fine! Now that we've done this, we have to reckon with the fate of the Luchuan Dynasty in the past! Is Burma so easy to conquer? They couldn't conquer it back then, and they can't conquer it now!"

What Sizhen is most afraid of: "I, Meng Mi, will lead me to the front!"

"What are you afraid of? We have sent troops from both the east and west wings to drive them back to Dali! From now on, Gaoligong Mountain will be your natural danger!"

While they were discussing, the Tengchong Guards led by Qu Zhinan returned to Nanya Pass.

To the west here is Manmo and Jinsha River.

Now, Qu Zhinan is waiting for the final military order to arrive.

We have to wait and see whether they will really go to Kunming to "please bear the thorns".

In addition, new grains from Sichuan and other places are still on the way.

"Tell me, when does the rainy season start?"

He looked at one person coldly.

This man was one of the three people who were captured, and now one of them was taken to him to serve as the leader and meritorious service.

"...Back to the general, it usually starts in March and April and lasts until about October."

"Really? Two or three months is enough."

He was only responsible for Jiangtou City, which he had visited before, plus the Jinsha River Valley to the east of Gan Gao Mountain that the leader mentioned.As a result, Meng Yang's lair to the west of Gan Gao Mountain is threatened from the south.

In the Longchuan Xuanfu Division south of Tengchong, the original Luchuan home base, Pinghu Bo Ji Weimin and Lingbi Bo Tang Shaozong stationed troops in Tianma Pass and Hanlong Pass respectively, one keeping an eye on Meng Mi and the other on Mubang.

We still have to wait a moment until the soldiers in the car arrive at Menggen and threaten the east side of Mubang.Wait for Namangrui Ti to complete the mobilization of the "War of Restoration".

"Celebrate the New Year first! Han soldiers and local soldiers, all have a good New Year first, eat well, drink well, and recharge your batteries!"

In the Inner Yunnan border area where Yunnan has stronger control, the logistical supplies that have been transferred by the transportation company for several months can support them to feast together and experience the joy of the Spring Festival that the Han people cannot live without.

This is also part of culture and education.

In the capital, Yang Shen came back. He didn't have any good feelings towards Zhu Houcong, he only didn't understand him.

"Either we don't fight, or we fight it completely! The rainy season in Yunnan is muddy. As long as we can't fight quickly, we are riding a tiger and it's hard to get off! How difficult is it to transport grain and grass? It's not the behavior of a wise king to resort to military force!"

His father had just died, and Zhu Houcong didn't want to argue with him.

"Now, in order to respect the orthodoxy, His Majesty the King of Yue is used to supervise the troops in Kunming. What do you want to teach His Majesty the King of Yue?"

"Yang Yongxiu!" Zhu Houcong couldn't bear it anymore, "I know that you saw how difficult the people's livelihood was in Guangzhou, and you thought that internal affairs were the most important thing! But can your pattern be bigger? You know that if this battle is successful, Ming Dynasty can add two more Granary? If we win this battle, there won’t be much effort on the Jiaozhi side!"

"I only know that the troubles in the north are not gone, but the southwest is beyond our reach! Although the products there are rich, if they are transferred, nine out of ten will be wasted! It is better to do a good job in water conservancy and cultivate intensively in Sichuan, Huguang, Shaanxi, and Shanxi!"

"You have such big opinions, but you are still arranging things in Sichuan?"

"Your Majesty is determined, what can I do? What should be done, I will do it well. What should be said, I will also say!"

Zhu Houcong was very happy to hear this: "Okay, okay, that's good. I understand what you advised me to do. Don't delay us. Don't make the New Year's Eve any more unpleasant."

Yang Shen resigned with a straight face.

Whether or not someone can be persuaded is one thing, and whether or not they can be persuaded is another matter.

The same goes for Zhu Houcong. Whether he gives in or not is one thing, but whether he listens is another.

How does this kid know the importance of laying the foundation first and mastering an outlet in the Indian Ocean in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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