
Chapter 372 Phobia of the Ming Dynasty having sufficient firepower

Chapter 372 Phobia of the Ming Dynasty having sufficient firepower

Yang Shen was not the first important minister to hold different views on the imperial court's use of troops in the southwest. Zhu Houcong was already used to this.

Strictly speaking, since the Great War was declared in the sixth year of Jiajing, the Ming Dynasty has actually been recuperating for three years. Although there are still some invasions and expulsions from the three western borders every year, in fact, they are only at the usual intensity.

In the blink of an eye, it is actually another year of change.The important ministers have different opinions on many major events, not only because this year is unusual, but also because they have to compete for some important positions.

What is unusual about this year?
The creation of two new ministries, the re-division of provincial administrative regions across the country, and the unification of new money and finance are major events.

During the Spring Festival, Zhu Houcong did not care about this for the time being. It would be a matter of discussing and finalizing the draft again after the new year.

Now he is accompanying Jia Xiao first.

Among them, there is a special person: Alfonso.

After living in the capital for so many years, Alfonso is already a qualified minister, especially since his daughter Carolina also became pregnant, gave birth to a son, and named her during the emperor's last round of "pacifying the harem". After Zhu Zaiyi.

In the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, Alfonso visited his grandson and waited in the imperial study room to hear what the emperor had to say after leaving him behind.

Zhu Houcong got straight to the point: "You have become my county prince, and Carolina has also given birth to a prince. After staying in the Ming Dynasty for several years, you should be loyal to me only, right?"

"My loyalty is unquestionable, Your Majesty the Emperor."

"My operations in Nanyang have already begun." Zhu Houxuan said, "The Nanyang Navy has been preparing in Dongguan for more than a year, and now a lot of warships have been built. You are good at naval warfare, and you have led many students at Huangming University. Young student. After the New Year, I am going to send you out."

"Operation in Nanyang?" Alfonso's heart moved, "Your Majesty, are you going to start conquering the ocean?"

"Preparation period." Zhu Houcong shook his head, "Since you were defeated, Portugal seems to have temporarily given up the opportunity to continue to seek trade to the north. Now, it is the Cochin people who serve as middlemen, traveling between the Ming Dynasty and Nanyang. This time , I want you to do something."

"Please decree your majesty!"

Alfonso's words and conversation were already in order, and Zhu Houcong smiled and said: "After the New Year, you go to Zhejiang first. Since they cut off trade with Japan, they only dare to smuggle secretly with some wealthy coastal families. In recent years, After successive investigations, we also arrested some people, and their contributions were also used in the construction of Shuangyu Port. You go to Zhejiang, take some prisoners who have become submissive, and pretend to be your crew. "

"Pretend?" Alfonso didn't quite understand, "Didn't you ask me to serve in the navy?"

"There's no rush." ​​Zhu Houcong continued, "I'll tell you a made-up story first..."

This idea was inspired by Zhu Houcong's report from Huang Mingji.

Unexpectedly, Huang Mingji actually came into contact with Wang Zhi, and Wang Zhi was indeed very courageous. He actually wanted to use a chicken to lay eggs and use the escort warship of Huang Mingji Maritime Trading Company to complete his primitive accumulation.

But Wang Zhi is the face of Ming Dynasty after all, so it is not a good thing to do this.

Alfonso is different. He is a native of the old Portuguese banner with good roots and a bright future.

"The Ming Dynasty is thousands of miles away from Malacca. You never left the capital after you entered the capital. Very few people know your current identity." Zhu Houcong said, "You arrived in Japan by chance after your defeat, and you also arrived in the Ming Dynasty. After several years of struggling with the reforms, he opened up trade routes. When he returned to Malacca, the first was to have a new status and be responsible for the trade to the north. The second was to cover the intelligence network for the Foreign Inspectorate there. The third was to It was to encourage the Governor-General of India to dispatch warships and generals to take advantage of the civil strife in Cochin to open up new colonies."

Alfonso looked at him blankly.

Zhu Houcong said calmly: "I know it's not easy, but for Zai Xi, you have to do it."

"I don't understand..."

"Today I will explain this matter to you clearly. Don't worry, I have plans..."

Throughout the ninth year of Jiajing, Zhu Houcong had too much time to make many preparations.

Trade with Japan has been cut off for many years. In order to mint new coins this year, although the imperial court has been storing silver for several years, it will also need a steady stream of silver in the future.You can't just come in and lose control. Therefore, while cracking down on smuggling, you are actually inspecting and cultivating obedient private maritime merchants.

Now, there are sufficient conditions for Alfonso to go back with full harvest.

The Ming Dynasty intervened in the situation in Outer Yunnan, and then intervened in the situation in Jiaozhi, all for the sake of local orthodoxy.

When the news reaches Malacca, the Malacca royal family will definitely request the Ming Dynasty to send troops again.And if Alfonso incited the Portuguese to send troops to Cochin, and the Ming Dynasty defeated a lot of their effective forces in one battle, and with Alfonso as an internal agent, there would be hope of controlling the Malacca Strait in one fell swoop.

After that, it is a matter of holding on, and there will be a steady stream of benefits from sea trade.

Huang Mingji searched for rubber trees in Nanyang for several years but could not find them. Zhu Houcong thought about it, but he was afraid that just like some crops, they were not found in all tropical regions.The exchange of products between the East and the West still requires trade.No matter how great the Ming Dynasty is, it is impossible to conquer the world under today's technical conditions.

The Nanyang and Oriental islands are island chains when they are at a disadvantage, and they are border walls when they are advantageous.When the Great Maritime Wall is built, the strategic depth of the future maritime era will be broader.

I spent a day solving Alfonso's doubts. At this moment in Taiyuan City, several local wealthy businessmen were gathering during the Chinese New Year.

"I didn't expect that the national debt that year was so valuable. This time, the national debt in Yunnan was purchased at the beginning of last year, and the benefits came." The head of the Wang family said happily, "The national debt in Fujian The fleets of the three companies have been found to be secretly smuggling to Japan year after year. The license plates were taken away, thanks to the intercession of Tang Dutai and Wu Dinghou, and they were given to us. There is a big event at the moment, and we, the Shanxi merchant gang, have to work hard to solve it..."

All they knew was that the imperial court allowed their family to go to Japan.Although you don’t have to give struvite, the tax will be higher, and they only accept money.

But even so, it is a unique and special passage.

Instead, the head of the Majia family said: "We don't have much accumulation at sea, so we still need to use people from the coast. Now, we need to find a few families and get married."

"This matter is easy to handle! Not only South Zhili, Zhejiang, and Fujian, but also Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan must also pay attention. After this battle, Yunnan will also open border markets! The gems, ivory, and food over there... …”

“It’s very mountainous over there, I’m afraid we’ll have to use horses to carry the goods.”

"What are you afraid of horses? Save some in the Liaodong border market, and Yunnan horses will do..."

The Great War of Xuanda had a considerable impact on the northern border town at the time, but it also gave rise to opportunities later on.

The southwest war has not officially started yet, but they are preparing for new opportunities.

In the 13 provinces of the two capitals, from the fifth year of Jiajing to the tenth year of Jiajing, preparations for the five-year inspection will begin.

After several rounds of deliberation at last year's national policy conference, it was announced to the whole country that it would not draw up prefectures and counties, nor draft government cabinets, nor take charge of provincial affairs, nor participate in policies.In addition to temporary selection due to business reasons, all officials in the Ming Dynasty reported on their duties every year, took small exams for three years, and inspected for five years.

Everyone is well aware that this year's inspection is firstly to prepare for the division of provincial-level administrative regions, and secondly, to determine whether officials who are interested in official careers can embark on a new and correct promotion path.Beginning in the 11th year of Jiajing, the government reform that had been going on for several years in the Ming Dynasty should have stabilized.

It is like this every time. When the interests of some people are involved, the future of many people is always involved.How to choose, natural differentiation.Even if you are willing to struggle for a while, you will find that too many people have duplicitous intentions and struggle is in vain.

The Grand Procuratorate was only a matter for the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Yang Shen had a strong sense of responsibility, but he only felt that Ming Dynasty was always taking a dangerous path.

It's fine if everything goes well, but what if something goes wrong?For example, what if the war in the southwest is unfavorable, or if the northern barbarians take the opportunity to invade the border areas and create more burdens?

For this reason, after the meeting at Wangri on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he finished lecturing the prince-to-be and then went to Yangxin Hall to inquire about the matter. He asked about the northern borders.

"...I am very pleased that you are worried about national affairs. The Northerners must be on guard at all times. How could I not have expected that they would have found out the news about the southwest, and what would they have thought about it? I have been flirting with people from Tibet, and Tibet is far away. Yunnan is very close, so I should probably do something about it."

Yang Shen's face was full of worry, this was what he was afraid of.

"After I returned to Beijing a year ago, I found out a group of subordinate officials who were lucky enough to directly conquer the Jiangnan grain tax last year. The Huguang grain tax was transferred to Guizhou and entered the palace, and the same was true for Sichuan. The national grain inventory is really not much..."

"Don't be so nervous." Zhu Houcong sighed, "I set up the grain storage account so early. After the kings come to the capital, all the fields given to them will be managed by the grain reserve account."

"...How much grain is stored in the grain storage number?" Yang Shen didn't like the feeling that as the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, he had no way of knowing the actual amount of grain stored in the Ming Dynasty.

"Last year, the new grain has not been put into the warehouse, and I am also waiting for the amount. In short, the grain warehouses in various places are built on the land given by the kings in the past. This is the grain supply network I have prepared for future military use or disaster relief." Zhu Houcong. He didn't hide anything from him, "Huang Jin, bring last year's report to Yong Xiu for a look."

"The slaves obey the order."

After a while, Yang Shen saw something, and it was full of pictures and texts.

On the map, the shape of the granary formed the word "feng" in the Ming Dynasty.From top to bottom, the central axis is the original King Dai, King Jin, King Shen, and King Zheng...

To the north of the Yellow River, from west to east, there are King Su, King Qing, King Han, King Zhao, and King Lu...

Further south, the same is true.It is true that most of the vassal kings who were originally entrusted to various places in the Ming Dynasty were located in places with convenient transportation.

In this way, if the grain storage company really built granaries in various places because of the land granted by Huangzhuang and the vassal king, it would indeed almost cover the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty.

Yang Shen looked at the figures of grain storage in each granary last year and looked up at the emperor with complicated eyes.

"After the major national policy meeting at the end of this year, the national treasury was unified and established, and it will become a regular practice in the future. The grain storage number will be reported every year to record the amount of grain stored."

It's just a matter of filing. If there is demand, the purchase process will naturally still have to be carried out. It is nothing more than doing things for His Majesty, so the procedures and settlement can be done slowly.

In any case, the emperor has soldiers and food, and the Huangming Asset Bureau has money.

"I understand."

Yang Shen really understood now. Why was he afraid of instability?If there are still some people who refuse to accept their fate because of the split of Southern Zhili, the emperor will only be happy to replenish the treasury of stolen goods and penalties to continue to supplement his family wealth for future expeditions to the north and south.

Before leaving, Yang Shen still asked: "Your Majesty, if the troubles in the north are gone and Yunnan is at peace, will there still be conquests in the east and west?"

"...A warlike warrior will lead to death? I know that."

Zhu Houcong has a bit of PTSD towards him. He tortured Yang Tinghe in the past, and now he retaliates.

But he also knew that Yang Shen was now the head of the household department, and he was fulfilling his duties.

So Zhu Houcong only said: "Just remember one thing, I will not fight endlessly for the sake of some false reputation of opening up territories. I will not engage in loss-making business."

Yang Shen sighed and resigned: "I will teach His Highness the Crown Prince carefully."

It was as if the donkey's lips were not the horse's mouth, but Zhu Houcong could only watch him leave speechlessly.

It means: You are stubborn and I can’t persuade you.Your son, I have to teach him to be a benevolent king who cherishes the people's power, and to take good care of himself in the future.

There is a kind of loyalty that looks forward to the early death of His Majesty the Emperor and the good and stable development of the Ming Dynasty.

"...I am still alive."

Zhu Houcong muttered, and then his thoughts drifted to the northwest.

After deciding to use troops in the southwest, orders were sent to Wang Shouren, Tang Shunzhi and others.

If there is any movement in Beilu, they probably won't wait until autumn this year.

They also have to consider whether the horse will be fat after the winter. If they just hope that the north and the south will create pressure on Ming Dynasty, and hope that Ming Dynasty will undergo a major change of leadership and political district changes this year, what will happen internally? Change, that would be disappointing.

Entering the temple, the Hall of Heroes, two more ministers, a few more governors... and the money and food saved in the past three years, and the generals from many provinces who have been recruited under the general army.

Is there anyone in Ming Dynasty who is not afraid of death? Just take a step forward.

Small actions do not harm the overall situation, but a dull knife has been cutting flesh for many years.

It has been ten years since Jiajing, and times have changed.

Daming, who had been gentle for many years, began to take the initiative to show his fangs.

Not counting the six years of Jiajing, it was the Northern Lu who invaded the border areas on a large scale - even though they were lured.

Now the first person to have his teeth bared is the chieftain from Outer Yunnan.

Before the end of the first lunar month, on the 26th, three armies took the initiative to attack in the southwest border.

It is said that you should not raise troops in the first month, otherwise it will be a bad omen.But does Zhu Houcon believe this?A counterexample is given on the backhand: According to historical records, on the 26th day of the first month of Guisi, King Wu raised his army from Zhou Dynasty.On the 26th day of the second month of Guihai, the Zhou division deployed in Muye.The next day, the attack was immediately victorious. In the dark, Zhou occupied the capital of Shang, and King Zhou of Yin burned himself to death.

You see, King Wu of Zhou sent out troops in the first month, and the battle was completed in one month and one day.

Isn't this a good sign?
In Yunnan, Mu Shaoxun commanded the troops and sat in Yongchang together with Wu Wending.

In front of them, Qu Zhinan led his troops to attack Jiangtou City held by Meng Yang, Ji Wei led his troops to attack Meng Mi from his residence, and Tang Shaozong set out from Hanlong Pass to invade Mu Bang's territory.

"The Duke has said it! His Majesty said that King Wu will be victorious and change the government in January. This battle has brought so many guns and cannons, don't be stingy! Fight quickly and capture the city of Ava within a month!"

There are vast flat pools on both sides of the Jinsha River, and in front of Qu Zhinan there seems to be an earl waving: General, come quickly.

At the rear of Meng Yang's army formation, Silun was a little panicked when he saw the people in the front of the elephant formation turning their backs on their backs.

According to the words passed down from our ancestors, the Ming Dynasty's fire cannons are indeed powerful, but they are not to this extent, right?

How could such a big blunderbuss be transported so easily?

The generals of the Third Division, who were already lagging behind many versions, felt the huge shock from the Ming armies' active learning of Yuanyang Formation field tactics and new guns and artillery.

The Tiger Crouching Cannon is easy to transport and can fire continuously.

Bird cannons have a longer range and are more accurate.

Silun felt that he was well prepared. After all, in the twelfth lunar month before the Chinese New Year, Ming Dynasty ordered him to go to Kunming to plead guilty.

But the Ming Dynasty did not talk about martial ethics.

We've obviously been preparing for a fight, so why do we have so many mediation dramas ahead?
He did misjudge.In the previous two or three years, Ming Dynasty seemed indifferent to the changes in the situation outside Yunnan.

Then suddenly he was well prepared and came for a "sneak attack".

Why do they have so much firepower?

Mu Shaoxun had never fought such a comfortable battle, and the trust the emperor gave him in the Mu family made him excited from the bottom of his bones.

"Wu Dutai, if it were so easy, we could wipe out Outer Yunnan!" Reports from the front continued to come back. Seeing the speed of the front's advance, Mu Shaoxun couldn't restrain his excitement.

Wu Wending shook his head repeatedly: "Your Majesty has an edict, this is called a lightning war. Unleash the firepower, quickly capture the city of Ava, and use the power to make an agreement to still use the chieftains to govern outer Yunnan. This is the magnanimity of the king. It is easy to sweep out outer Yunnan, but it is difficult to control the barbarians. . Remember, the general strategy is to open the market for trade and gain real profits! If you want to develop culture and education again, do it slowly!"

"Yes, yes, I lost my composure."

Even if the emperor really wants to let the Mu family assist His Royal Highness the King of Yue to occupy the entire outer Yunnan, he cannot show his eagerness.

Take it easy.

In the south of Ava City, Mang Ruiti has also sent troops.

The Taungyu Burmese people gave him great support, which was due to his bravery in daring to rush to Pegu Guan'er.

But no matter how ambitious Ren Mangruiti was, he couldn't help but be in a trance when he heard the news from the sentry from the north. At the same time, he had a huge fear of the combat power and firepower of the Ming army.

Are they really helping themselves to rehabilitate their country?
 I've been too busy these past two days. I'm afraid I won't have time to make up for the update today.

(End of this chapter)

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