
Chapter 376 Let’s get together!Yan Shifan and Wang Zhi

Chapter 376 Let’s get together!Yan Shifan and Wang Zhi
Yanyunshe won by two goals.

Except for Wang Xueyi, everyone else in the Tianzi No. 11 box seemed to be very happy.

"Two princes, since the game is over, let's go to Deyue Tower and wait for my little brother." Yan Shifan said to Prince De and the Prince of England, but his eyes were still looking at Ruan Wentai, "My little brother, finish the things here first and then go over there. .”

Wang Xueyi also wanted to leave, but unfortunately he couldn't.

There is something to be done here, what could it be?Naturally, it was a matter of great importance, involving Yan Song's promotion and the interests of the vassal king and his ministers.

When there were only three people left in the box, Yan Shifan put away his smile, and then said coldly to Ruan Wentai: "There are masters who are bold enough to usurp the throne, and you are not bad at all."

Ruan Wentai's heart sank. The son of the Minister of Rites used the word "usurpation of the dynasty" for Mo Dengyong's succession. This was not a good signal.

Just as he was about to argue, Yan Shifan laughed mockingly again: "Even you, a mere foreign envoy, thought you had found a clue just because you were interested in making inquiries. Do you think His Majesty doesn't know?"

Ruan Wentai was choked on what he was about to say, so he changed his words and said, "I don't know what Mr. Yan means by this? Foreign minister..."

"Okay." Yan Shifan chuckled, "I studied martial arts with Prince Consort Lu when I was less than ten years old. Brother Lu is the one who will take over as the commander of the Imperial Guard. I know his skills best. Several princes have taken over together. Regarding the management rights of the grand stadium, some of the princes and important ministers have made false profits in the handicap. I want to be careful, and Your Majesty is fully aware of this. Then guess, why doesn’t His Majesty ask about these things? "

"... Foreign ministers really don't know that there is such a thing. They only heard that Mr. Yan is good at both civil and military affairs and can make good decisions..."

"Even you can easily hear these things, which means that more and more people working down there are rotten, and it's time."

When Yan Shifan said this, his one eye glanced at Wang Xueyi lightly, which made Wang Xueyi's legs become weaker and weaker.

"So for the Jiaozhi matter, you made a mistake by blaming me on this matter." Yan Shifan's lips showed a playful smile, "You are so smart."

When Ruan Wentai heard this, he no longer tried to hide it, but obediently knelt down to Yan Shifan: "The envoy of a small country has been living in a foreign country for a long time and has no way out. It is really not a deliberate plan. I am dedicated to surrendering to the country, how can a foreign minister dare to make a mistake? I hope you will take pity on me and show you a clear path."

"If outsiders see this, they will think that my master is in such a high position. I, Yan Shifan, have not yet become an official, so I have no clear path to show you."

"The young master is the son of the eldest uncle..."

Yan Shifan suddenly interrupted Ruan Wentai with a cold voice: "You didn't offend me too much just now, but now that you say this, you are really going to be an enemy of my father and son!"

Ruan Wentai's eyes were a little confused: Are the officials of the Ming Dynasty already so upright?
"Forget it, Mr. Wang, tell him how many old officials from Jiaozhi have fled to the Ming Dynasty in the past few years, and how many memorials have been submitted to ask His Majesty to make the decision."

"...Yes." Wang Xueyi hesitated for a moment, and then said to Ruan Wentai, "Your Majesty said that the Li family will pay tribute to the great tomorrow for a long time. Is it a lie? As early as the first year of Jiajing, the Li family Zhaozong fled, and his mother Zheng stayed in Shenglong once secretly sent an envoy to report Mo Dengyong's expulsion of the country's leader. In the past few years, I don't know how many old officials of the Li family fled to escape disaster..."

As an official from the Ministry of Rites who specifically dealt with Nguyen Van Tai, Wang Xueyi had a clear understanding of these causes and consequences.

Although Yan Shifan's intentions were not known at the moment, since Yan Shifan gave him a chance to express himself, Wang Xueyi naturally said it one by one.

Yan Shifan saw that Ruan Wentai's expression was uncertain after hearing this, and finally he spread his hands and said: "Originally, this is all a fight among you, and your Majesty is too lazy to take care of it. Who would have thought that a few years ago, His Majesty sent a diplomatic envoy to go there, and in the past few years, The Li family, who was still alive and kicking, was suddenly cut off? Since Mo Dengyong dared to fight and became king and defeated the bandits, he just wanted to surrender and respect the Ming Dynasty. Why should he say that the descendants of the Li family were cut off and he had no choice but to take charge? What do you think, Your Majesty? Not knowing the situation in Jiaozhi and bullying the sky, is this also called surrendering wholeheartedly?"

Ruan Wentai was speechless: Can he really be so shameless?It’s just words on the surface, but actually everyone understands it.

"To usurp the dynasty is to usurp the dynasty. Mo Dengyong is really a hero and can make the people of Jiaozhi surrender. If the Li family is really exhausted, then that's it. But now, the descendants of the Li family are still there, and there are rebellions in Jiaozhi from time to time. Mo Dengyong has repeatedly committed murders, and the Mo family's new dynasty is not popular in Jiaozhi." Yan Shifan chuckled, "You have a good idea, and you want to ask your majesty to confer the Mo family to boost your reputation. But how can your majesty be right or wrong? Regardless, canonize Mo Dengyong before he can win over the people and stabilize the country? If so, wouldn't it make everyone in the world think that His Majesty appreciates the act of usurping the dynasty and destroying the lord?"

Wang Xueyi nodded immediately: "That's exactly what it is! Ruan Wentai, let alone less than a year, the key to whether you can complete your mission in the capital is not to use these tricks! Your Majesty's succession to the vassal kings depends on the unification of France. Great! Whether the Mo family's new dynasty can govern the government and calm the people and win the hearts of the people with royal principles is the key to whether His Majesty can appoint the new master of Jiaozhi! Nowadays, the Mo family's new dynasty has cruel methods and wantonly liquidates the old officials of the Li dynasty, so that the people are full of resentment and criticism. Lianlian, if your majesty canonizes Mo Dengyong, and the vassals of our Ming vassal country follow suit, wouldn't it be chaos?"

Yan Shifan said again: "You must have heard it before. The Yunnan Outer Dian Third Division usurped the Ava Dynasty of Myanmar, and they were just fooling around. They pretended to be members of the Ava Dynasty and asked for the title. Such dishonest people usurped the orthodoxy and deceived the emperor. Your Majesty can't stand what you did. Now that the king's army has arrived, he will be destroyed in ten months! I don't know what your Majesty thinks when I see you using such methods today, but I also look down upon you, the masters and servants of the Mo family's new dynasty. .”

Nguyen Van Thai may be speechless, or he may have to bow his head under the eaves.

But today, he finally understood the key points of some problems.

When the Emperor of Heaven himself succeeded to the throne, it was a special situation. He attached great importance to the authority of the legal system.

As for Mo Dengyong's establishment of a new dynasty, no matter how whitewashed the process, he used his ministers to destroy the emperor.If the Emperor of Heaven recognizes him easily, wouldn't that be an encouragement to those who will be disobedient in the future?
What's more, since many years ago, Li's old ministers have been asking the emperor to make the decision, and now there are still Li's old ministers raising flags in Jiaozhi to rebel.

Nguyen Van Tai knew that this matter itself was difficult. Mo Dengyong said that the descendants of the Li family had been cut off, so why not give Ming a step forward?But this kind of rhetoric is now interpreted by Yan Shifan as fooling and deceiving the Emperor of Heaven.

What to do now?Do we really have to wait many years for Mo Dengyong to truly eradicate all the resisters and realize the "people's aspirations" of Jiaozhi?
No... Ruan Wentai thought for a while, then why could he stay in the Ming Dynasty's Beijing city for so long, while the Jiaozhi diplomatic envoy also stayed there?
"Young Master Yan, the king is in charge. Since this is the case, the foreign ministers will speak frankly." Ruan Wentai stood up and saluted, "If the Li Dynasty had not gone against the grain and turned against the people, I would not be able to achieve anything. Even though there is still the previous dynasty, The remnants are not willing to let their power fall by the wayside, but they will never succeed in the end. My Lord’s heart of respectful submission to the Ming Dynasty will only be stronger than that of the Li family. The Jiaozhi lineage will be easier, it’s only a matter of days. Now that my Lord has established a new dynasty, how can the country issue a seal and canonize it? Please give me some pointers."

"Didn't His Majesty have a clear edict a long time ago? Whether the Li family is really exhausted, and whether the Mo family is really what the people want and respects the Ming Dynasty, we have to wait and see the consequences." Yan Shifan stood up, "I don't have time to talk to you. You're so long-winded. Today you tried to use lottery betting to plot against me, the kings, and the distinguished ministers. You want us to help you, master and servant. You should worry about what happens next. At least you bribed the ministers of the Ming Dynasty and tried to use them to blackmail you. Ministers of the Ming Dynasty, this behavior cannot be called respectful submission to the Ming Dynasty. Having said that, Mr. Wang, it is better to send them back to the Huitong Hall."

Yan Shifan just walked away. Yan Shifan didn't care how angry Wang Xueyi behind him was that Ruan Wentai had cheated him.

After leaving the competition venue and returning to the city, he first went to find Lu Bing. After a detailed discussion, he returned home and waited there obediently.

When Yan Song returned home after his shift, he saw Yan Shifan kneeling in the courtyard, looking like he had gotten into trouble, but his expression was also magnanimous and stubborn.

"What is this? What happened?"

Yan Song first took him to the study room and then asked solemnly. "Over at the big stadium, my son made a lot of money from it, but Brother Lu asked me to sneak in!" Yan Shifan said proudly after introducing the situation, "Your Majesty has always turned a blind eye to this matter, and now Even a foreign envoy in the capital can find out the connections. It can be seen that it is time for the Yanguan Council to make a fuss about this matter. My son does not know if this matter was exposed to His Majesty before and after, and whether it will make it difficult for his father, so he simply Please excuse me first."

"...Consort Lu asked you to go, and you went? Why didn't you discuss it with dad first? How much money have you earned!"

Yan Song is so angry, do you think it will make things difficult for me?

How many people must be watching the Minister of State?
"Brother Lu said that he had requested it from his majesty first, and his majesty agreed. His son is a man who has been favored by the emperor for many years and has been in the heart of the emperor. He is also the son of the Minister of Rites. The son's identity is the most suitable, and all kings and ministers must be concerned about it. The Ministry of Rites and their son will be involved, and they will feel more and more at ease. Your Majesty will establish new rules for the behavior of the vassal king after he enters the capital. The matter only involves money, so it is best to be measured!" Yan Shifan said again, "Dad wants to It would be better if His Majesty has some control over entering the State Palace. It is also best to have control over such a trivial matter as my son!"

"..." Yan Song was speechless, "What about your own future? If you are found guilty, can you still take the martial arts examination next year?"

"Son, this is a meritorious service for His Majesty!" Yan Shifan looked loyal and loyal, "This is what happened before. If dad knows about it, he will naturally find a way!"

Yan Song thought to himself that you think highly of me.

However, did His Majesty personally approve this matter?
He thought for a while, then related what was discussed in the imperial study room today, and then gritted his teeth: "If you participate in this matter, you can avoid the death penalty, but you will never escape the crime of living! You are already a martial arts scholar, and it doesn't matter whether you pass the martial arts examination or not. Yes! Tomorrow I will send a request to His Majesty to banish you to the Laos Propaganda Embassy and serve as a little guard!"

Yan Shifan felt as if he was struck by lightning: "Dad! Why is this! I won't take the martial arts examination. It's okay for the martial arts examination to award hundreds of households, right? It turns out that I'm just a guard, and I have to go to Laos. place?"

"You know nothing!" Yan Song didn't have anything nice to say, he just felt aggrieved.

Why does Your Majesty always seem to be a little prejudiced against him, and why do you want to trick his son like this?
"What arrangements are made, it's up to dad!" Yan Song was very irritated, "If you go to Laos, you can make meritorious deeds!"

"How can I achieve meritorious service in such a ruined place? Even if I am just a small soldier, I would rather go to the three sides or follow General Yu!"

"Confused! If there is a war in the border town, how can it be a trivial matter? You went to Laos, who can underestimate you? You are safe and have a chance!" Yan Song paced back and forth, "That's it! If you go to Laos, you have important responsibilities!" You go to Prince Consort Lu and complain, and he will make it up to you."

"...Is it related to the Jiaozhi incident?"

Yan Shifan was not stupid either, although he thought of going to Laos as a bolt from the blue and could not bear the poverty.But after calming down a little, he figured it out a lot, so his mood stabilized a lot, and he was a little eager to try.

A father will never cheat his son.

"Later, you first go to Prince Consort Lu and cry. He asked you to do this. Now, of course, he has to compensate you. As for whether he will secretly entrust you with a heavy responsibility, Dad can't say for sure."

Unless absolutely necessary, Yan Song would not want to send his son to such a poor place. What if something goes wrong?

But Yan Song could see that the emperor secretly cheated his son and had a preconception about Yan Song.

Having accomplished this, you should be able to trust Yan Song to consider the emperor wholeheartedly, right?

Perhaps seeing how thorough he was in pleading guilty, His Majesty would have some other protection for Yan Song and Yan Shifan, and would not naturally deny him entry into the State Palace just because the vassal king Xun Chen might be found out at any time for collaborating to break the law and make money.

The next day, Yan Song went to the Yangxin Hall to ask for an audience.

He did not mention that the emperor approved his son to be an undercover agent. He only said that the Cochin envoy played that trick and exposed the matter, and only then did he know that his son was also involved.

"I failed to teach my son well, so I ask your Majesty to convict him! The dog is naughty, so I ask your Majesty to send him to serve as a guard at the Laos Propaganda Embassy to see what the consequences will be!"

"...Let him go to Laos?" Zhu Houchun couldn't help but laugh, and then he became thoughtful again.

Over the years, while Zhu Houcong reused Yan Song, he was also wary of the father and son becoming greedy as Yan Song rose higher and higher.

Are there any signs of this?That's still there.Fortunately for Yan Song, he still has to climb up after all, and there are many competitors.Where is Yan Shifan?I have been looked down upon by others since I was a child, but I do have talent, and I still have psychological problems.

Although Lu Bing is now there to stabilize him, Zhu Houcong himself has different standards for doing things, but Zhu Houcong is really not sure how it will develop in the future.

Now let Yan Shifan go to a place like Laos?The sky is high and the emperor is far away, who knows what trouble he will cause.

Yan Song was so ruthless, Zhu Houcong was somewhat looking forward to it.

Otherwise, let him go over there to see the trouble?Give him some goals, give him some expectations.

Zhu Houcong shook his head: "Isn't it wronging him to just be a guard? Well, Tian Rucheng has been in Jiaozhi for three years, and it's time to change him. Then Ruan Wentai is so restless here, it's time to drive him back and let Mo Deng Yong thinks carefully about what to do. Let Wang Xueyi succeed Tian Rucheng and let Yan Shifan be the guard officer."

"...I obey the order." Yan Song felt bitter. Although he was not just a guard, he actually threw him out.

He looked at the emperor a little aggrievedly, and Zhu Houcong laughed and said: "What are you worried about? Isn't this asking him to perform meritorious service? You father and son are loyal to me, I know it in my heart."

Yan Song had to retreat in seconds to advance.Now, Yan Shifan and Wang Zhi gather in Nanyang, and they don't know what interesting stories there will be in the future.

Zhu Houcong said he was looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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