
Chapter 377: Confronting Jiaozhi, the picture shows the difference

Chapter 377: Confronting Jiaozhi, the picture shows the difference
Going to be an official in the border areas of the Ming Dynasty was almost like exile for many people.

Going to a feudal country to serve as an official, and not just going there and coming back as an envoy, is a real exile.

Wang Xueyi felt that he was exiled. Yan Shifan was also exiled to Jiaozhi with him.

Is it still alive?
Mr. Yan can no longer take the martial arts examination!

Now that the envoys and guards to go to Jiaozhi have been decided, they will enter the palace together first.

This was Yan Shifan's first time entering the Forbidden City, and he felt both excited and anxious.

His father walked in front, with Wang Xueyi in the middle, so Yan Shifan could secretly look at the scenery of the Forbidden City with his one eye.

Only Wang Xueyi walked between Yan Song and his son, always feeling like a knife-like look behind him, and a mountain-like back in front of him that made him breathless.

When I arrived at the Imperial Study Room, I waited.

"Uncle Da Zong, wait a moment. Your Majesty is at the Assets Bureau."

The person who greeted them was He Qin, the newly promoted eunuch in charge of Qianqing Palace after Wei Bin, Zhang Yong and other older eunuchs left.Now, he also works as an internal affairs department, which relieves Huang Jin from pressure.

Now that there is Yangxin Palace, although Qianqing Palace is still important, it is more like the assistant of the eunuch Huang Jin who is in charge of Yangxin Palace.

No matter how many other errands Huang Jin had, Huang Jin's most important title was still that of royal eunuch.No matter Zhang Zuo is in charge of the Li Jian, Mai Fu is in charge of the Royal Horse Jian, and Zhang Zuo is in charge of the Internal Officials Jian, everyone knows that Huang Jin is the closest and most trusted minister around His Majesty.

Yan Song did not dare to neglect He Qin. After receiving the courtesy, he sat quietly, closed his eyes and waited for the emperor to come.

At the Huangming Asset Management Bureau, Zhang Lun was sweating again and kept pleading guilty.

"Previously, all the vassal kings asked me to ask you. Now that we have the best of both worlds with the proceeds from ticket sales and lottery sales being donated to almshouses and disaster relief funds, I agreed." Zhu Houcong said with a cold face, "Now it's better, just a Jiaozhi envoy I am always accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Etiquette when I travel, so I know how to make money with the handicaps they set up!"

Zhang Lun was exhausted mentally and physically: "My ministers are not able to control me well..."

"It's not that you don't control well, but you have long lost your energy and refuse to control. On one side are the vassal kings and on the other are the dignitaries in the capital. You can't offend them all just because your loyal emperor uses things." After Zhu Houcong said something that frightened Zhang Lun But he waved his hand, "I don't blame you for being in trouble, I'm just very disappointed. If you don't want to control them, don't you even want to control your own son? He will still be the person who will take your title in the future. You let me How can I use him with confidence in the future?"

Zhang Lun was about to cry but had no tears. How many times had his son made the emperor more and more unfavorable because of some bad things?

"In the first battle in Outer Yunnan, you were in the capital and Zhu Feng was in Yunnan. This matter was handled effectively." Zhu Houcong paused and said, "There are still half a year to hand over a better-managed assets bureau to Zhu Feng. Let's go with Chengye. Next, concentrate on teaching your son a good lesson. When you go back, tell him that because of your achievements in the past six years and outside Yunnan, he could have directly attacked and made a duke. Now, Yan Shifan has been sent to Jiaozhi to serve as a soldier. , he can only claim the title of one marquis by then."

Zhang Lun suddenly trembled and burst into tears: "Your Majesty, I will go back and kill this little beast right now!"

Kill him, Zhang Lun has other sons.With such determination, can he make all these years of hard work go to waste and still keep his position as Duke?
Yu Chengye immediately knelt down and interceded for Zhang Lun: "Your Majesty, the British Duke has been thinking very hard for more than two years, and it is understandable that he has neglected to discipline the prince. Please calm down and be accommodating..."

Seeing the emperor's slight hesitation, Zhang Lun immediately looked at Yu Chengye gratefully.

"...Hey, I also have high hopes for you and other honorable ministers, so I blame you especially hard." Zhu Houcong took a long sigh, "What nonsense did you say to kill him? It seems that I am just trying to make use of the topic."

"I don't dare! I have no faith in Your Majesty, and I don't know how to teach my son..."

Zhang Lun is not young anymore. He can only do it this year. He has long known this.Therefore, the emperor said that there was still half a year left, so it was not considered a punishment for him.

However, because his son participated in cheating and profiting from the lottery at the big venue, the emperor took back Zhang Lun's son who had saved Zhang Lun due to his meritorious service without being demoted. That was the biggest punishment.

"Since Chengye said so, I will change the punishment." Zhu Houxuan looked at Zhang Lun, "After I go back, you have to tell him how I wanted to punish him in anger today! Now, I will punish him first by representing the assets. The Bureau will go to the Jinke Fertilizer Plant! In three years, I will personally test him to see how many villages he has visited and how many people's hardships he has seen."

"I must teach this little beast a lesson!" Zhang Lun received the letter and kept thanking him. "Although the Assets Bureau does not hold a large share in the fertilizer factory, your Majesty's ardent expectations for it are no less than those of other enterprises. Your Majesty Allowing him to go there is actually a cultivation heart, and I am grateful..."

"It's good that you know." Zhu Houcong said leisurely, "Your great-grandfather and great-grandfather made great contributions to the Ming Dynasty. I really hope that your Zhang family will still produce many heroes, and I hope that he can find his way back."

Zhang Lun was ashamed.

Among the many ministers of the Ming Dynasty, it was not that the emperor had not given him the opportunity to serve in the British public affairs.It's just that at that time, I gave up the idea of ​​joining the army and making meritorious service. I was unable to assist His Majesty in running these many enterprises, which was also a sign of insufficient ability.

That's all. After all, he is still loyal and willing to do things.But the son was so incompetent, and every time he committed a crime, he really couldn't hold his head high in front of the emperor.

Zhu Houcong then drove back to Yangxin Hall. Zhang Lun wiped away his sweat and tears before solemnly saluting Yu Chengye: "My consort, I will never forget your great kindness!"

Yu Chengye smiled bitterly and shook his head, then whispered: "Old Duke, you were also in fear just now and didn't understand it clearly."

"...How do you say this? Please give me some advice!" Zhang Lun was stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly asked for advice humbly.

"The son of the eldest uncle was driven to Jiaozhi, and in anger he wanted to demote the prince's title. Your Majesty does not really want to punish the old prince." Yu Chengye paused, "The news still has to get out. After returning home, the prince will still suffer a little. The pain of flesh and blood is good. The envoy from Jiaozhi broke into me that day. In addition to the son of Da Zongbo and his son, there was also the Crown Prince of De."

Zhang Lun thought thoughtfully: "... Your Majesty is trying to knock on the palaces of the princes?"

Yu Chengye nodded: "Now that the kings are in Beijing, they still don't understand His Majesty's Tianen intentions. Most of the princes' heirs have no intention of going to school. They just want to make money, but they don't want to follow the right path. It has been Jiajing for ten years. Is it possible for Your Majesty to do so? Are they still wary of the vassal king? Just as the companies need to understand why your majesty set this up, the kings also need to understand that your majesty is not imprisoning them in the capital, but to enable the clan to have talented people and serve the country, at least not for Your Majesty is causing trouble."

Yu Chengye, who was born as a Jinshi, saw it much more clearly: "The son of your son and the eldest uncle are so heavily blamed. How will Prince De handle himself? Although His Majesty has not issued an edict to reprimand them, they must be uneasy. Taking advantage of this matter, the Assets Bureau The enterprises below can once again rectify their atmosphere, and the kings, the old prince and the eldest uncle should also take the opportunity to let them change their minds."

Zhang Lun suddenly understood. No wonder the emperor first asked him to hand over an asset bureau that was better managed.

After solemnly thanking Yu Chengye again, Zhang Lun also sighed silently in his heart: There is too much difference in ability, not only his son, but also himself.

I am ashamed of my ancestors...


In the Yangxin Hall, Zhu Houcong finally saw Yan Shifan himself.

"I told you to go to Jiaozhi as a guard, and you still went to Lu Bing to complain and beg for mercy?"

As soon as the emperor spoke, Wang Xueyi trembled: If Yan Shifan went to complain and plead, he would naturally not want to go.And the emperor asked him so, so naturally he had to go.

In that case, on the way to Jiaozhi and after we go to Jiaozhi, will Wang Xueyi have good fruits to eat?
Listen to the familiar tone between the emperor and Yan Shifan, listen to his friendship with Lu's consort, and look at his secretive father of the minister.

Sin ah...

Yan Shifan pursed his lips and said, "I got into trouble in the past. Your Majesty cared about me and sent me to the Jinyi Health School. Since then, I have been thinking about learning my skills day and night and serving your Majesty loyally in the future. Now, Prince Consort Lu no longer misses the old friendship. Naturally, I want to talk to him for reasoning. All I want is to work with him on His Majesty’s behalf. Even though I am going to Cochin now to do business, I still hope to stay with His Majesty like him. We made an appointment ten years ago. Yes, I want to be His Majesty’s right-hand man!”

"Yan Shifan!" Yan Song heard the words and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense! Your Majesty forgives me, I have neglected discipline in my previous official position..."

Zhu Houcong laughed when he heard this: "You dare to say that. Judging from today's Ming Dynasty, neither of you can do this right-hand man."

"I and Brother Lu are not so arrogant as to think that they are qualified to serve as General Auxiliary and General Staff. Your Majesty is a scholar of heaven and man, and has unparalleled sage. In the minds of Chen and Brother Lu, you have three heads and six arms, so I dare to boast." "You guy. …”

Zhu Houcong was amused by him again. It seemed that Yan Song had also inherited a lot of his flattery skills.

Seeing such an atmosphere in the Imperial Study Room, Wang Xueyi was already numb.

Ten years ago, when he was still a little kid, the emperor specially asked him to go to school and become brothers with His Majesty's breast-brother?

I am really obsessed with it...

"Let's get back to business."

Zhu Houcong stopped smiling, and Yan Shifan suddenly turned serious from his flattering smile.This kid clearly knew that going to Jiaozhi was not a bad thing, but he still deliberately went to Lu Bing to complain, just to leave a deep impression in his mind, right?Maybe he also hoped that he would feel a little bit indebted to him - after all, he was the one who allowed him to be an undercover agent so that he could get inside evidence of the lords and dignitaries secretly making money.

No matter what he thinks, Zhu Houcong only adheres to one principle: give him a chance to see, use him when he is good, and remove him if he is not good.

"Wang Xueyi, I asked you to go to Jiaozhi by name, not to punish you."

The emperor's words made Wang Xueyi want to cry. Is it true?But His Majesty's tone was gentle.

After being frightened for several days, Wang Xueyi felt warm for the first time: "Chen...chen..."

"Ruan Wentai thinks you have a weakness. It is a good thing that you went to Jiaozhi." Zhu Houcong said, "Just after this incident, you should not underestimate Jiaozhi. Then Mo Dengyong is a heroic figure, and Ruan Wentai can be sent to Beijing by him. , he is also a well-rounded person. Ruan Wentai knows exactly why you two went to Jiaozhi. After you go, you will both be the ones who need to perform meritorious service and repay the court, right? "

"What your Majesty said is true. Then...how should I act?"

"Naturally, the attitude is still ambiguous, but now the words are a little clearer." Zhu Houxuan looked at Yan Shifan, "I can bestow the title on whom the people of Jiaozhi support. Mo Dengyong wants to be granted the title, and you want to make meritorious deeds, then let Mo Dengyong comes up with a solution. Jiaozhi must have the support of the people, and I must be able to justifiably appoint a minister who usurped the government."

"Your Majesty, this may be extremely difficult..."

Wang Xueyi feels that the two are contradictory.Is there any public aspiration in Jiaozhi?Unless the Li family is completely wiped out, the Mo family has been working hard for several years.But it sounds like they have made meritorious deeds in just a few years of their tenure. The emperor clearly stated that he was a usurper, so how could he be canonized?

"What's so difficult about this!" Yan Shifan said, "Your Majesty, do you mean to let Mo Dengyong understand the situation? As a usurper, he cannot be a real ruler unless he follows suit. Out of Yunnan, join the Ming Dynasty and become a propaganda envoy?"

Wang Xueyi couldn't help but blinked.

It turns out that the people’s aspirations refer to their aspirations for the Ming Dynasty?If the emperor canonizes only an envoy, it would be a compromise.

Zhu Houcong looked at Yan Song first, and saw Yan Song solemnly say: "I have always understood the importance."

He meant that the details of the court's plan for Jiaozhi were not told to Yan Shifan, although it was no secret that the court had thoughts about Jiaozhi.

"Wang Xueyi, Yan Shifan, the battle in Outer Yunnan is over, and it's time for Jiaozhi to achieve its stage goal." Zhu Houcong became serious, "Whether you can make achievements here depends on how you two cooperate. I want to forgive the mountains and the mountains. The three prefectures of Jiang and Xin'an will be returned to Guangxi, and the Yuntun ports will be used as border market strongholds for the Ming Dynasty's Southeast Asian trade. I also want the Li family to occupy the south of Qinghua, so that the north and south of Jiaozhi will be regarded as the suzerain of the Ming Dynasty just like in outer Yunnan. Mo Chao I would like to present the list of land and soil to serve as the official official of the Ming Dynasty. The Li Dynasty can still be a country, and I will live up to my duty to support the orthodoxy."

The picture clearly shows the emperor's clear attitude towards Jiaozhi.

As for how to operate, it depends on how the two of them conduct diplomatic mediation according to the situation after they go there.All in all, the Ming Dynasty always had the advantage of active mediation as the suzerain state.

"Wonderful! If Mo Dengyong refuses, then naturally the Li clan will send troops to suppress the rebellion! If Mo Dengyong agrees, the Li clan has already declined and now controls half of the mountains and rivers, and the Ming Dynasty will be extremely benevolent to them. The north of Jiaozhi was originally the homeland of the Ming Dynasty and was transformed into a royal king. The south is much worse." Yan Shifan was eager to give it a try, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely get this done when I go to Jiaozhi!"

"Can it be done well? Several important things cannot be done properly. The grievances between the two of you and the grievances between you and Ruan Wentai can all be used." Zhu Houcong looked at Yan Song, "Weizhong, since I have spoken out , you should explain to them carefully how to behave here."

"I obey the decree!" Yan Song said to them solemnly, "The situation in Jiaozhi requires external help and understanding of the inside story. After so many years..."

In the Forbidden City, the emperor and his ministers began to plot against Jiaozhi.

In the capital, the British prince Zhang Rong was beaten with a whip by his father until he was bleeding and escaped from the house, putting on a lot of drama.

The officials inquired about it for a while, and then they found out why such a thing happened.

As if like a clarion call, the preliminary struggle surrounding the major national policy conference at the end of the year has begun to warm up.

In short, there is a clue about the social atmosphere issues involved in the opening of the competition, the transfer of interests, and the tutoring issues of honorable ministers and powerful ministers. Finally, there are other things involved that involve some important ministers who have the opportunity to compete for high positions.

Yan Song, the Minister of Rites, a popular candidate for the new minister of state, took the initiative to request that his son involved in the incident be sent to Jiaozhi in order to avoid affecting his future.In this case, Yan Song is still holding on to him, so Yan Song is not easy to mess with.

But even Yan Song could only bid farewell to his son and leave Beijing with tears. Is it possible for others to easily avoid this storm?
Zhu Houcong was used to watching this kind of movement in the court.

Inevitably, there are only so many places, so there will be competition.The way of fighting is to impeach each other by exposing each other's faults in the process of holding office and in the control of relatives. This is a good thing for the emperor.

In the end, whether it is through envoys or selecting talents, we cannot expect that the national policy meeting or even the State Palace will be a clear pool.

On the contrary, because of this turmoil, all the kings came forward to apologize in uneasiness. The emperor was so gracious and issued an edict: During the Mid-Autumn Festival, all the kings in the Qianqing Palace will have a family banquet.

There is still more than a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival. In Babaidadian, Gao Shangxian and Qu Zhinan’s next stop is Laos.

From Laos, they will first send a team to Lin'an Prefecture, and then go to Cheche, Mubang, Myanmar, Dewu La, Dagu La, and finally return to Mengmi Prefecture from Mengyang to end this trip. A visit to various departments in Yunnan.

In this team, there is a white elephant, which is the sacred elephant they dedicated to express their surrender.

In the team, there is also a flower bridge with an extremely exotic style.In the Thai land of Babaidaidian, only the royal family could ride elephants or sedan chairs when traveling.

In the sedan chair, Acharakamala sat upright with a cold expression.

Her name means mysterious lotus.The lotus flower is a symbol of purity and beauty.

Acharakamara remembered her grandmother's instructions and her brother's instructions.

She was not willing to be used as an exchange to persuade His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to borrow some kind of powerful cannon from [-] Dadian to wipe out the inevitable Ayutthaya.

However, she was also more afraid that after her grandmother passed away, those people would get rid of her brother and tarnish her own sanctity.

Compared with the arrangement that his brother originally planned to marry a general in his 40s, Atchara Kamara felt that this might be better.

Stay away from the disputes there. Even if you go to a distant and unfamiliar place, you will only spend this life paying respect to the Buddha.

She is very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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