
Chapter 387: The Complete Dragon Slaying Technique, the Wheel of History

Chapter 387: The Complete Dragon Slaying Technique, the Wheel of History

This was not the first time that Ming Dynasty issued national bonds. So far, Tang Shunzhi had done it once in Xuanda and Zhang Feng had done it once in Yunnan.

After two experiences, Yang Shen is no stranger to national debt.However, he always thought that it was just due to special needs during the war, and it was also a safeguard in case the war lasted too long.

But now it is actually to assist the promotion of new money?
"People like to buy land and gold and silver." Zhang Fujing has been an official since he started, and all his experiences are based on the new law. He studied more deeply, "Marriage and family inheritance, gold and silver are endless. However, as His Majesty said, money is just Because everyone thought it was good, it became money. Gold, silver, and copper were scarce, so they were made with money; treasure notes were issued in abundance, so their value was low. Nowadays, if we want to make new treasures, even if they are copper coins and silver coins of good quality, they are still of high quality. A large amount of new money has been issued to the people, and they are afraid that things will be expensive and money will be cheap, and the people will suffer."

Zhu Houcong reminded Yang Shen: "The most important thing here is data. How much money is in circulation in the Ming Dynasty today? Can Yong Xiu give an accurate figure? The Ming Dynasty's fields, workshops, factories, sea trade, and various goods a year Generally speaking, how many are in circulation? Can Yong Xiu give an accurate figure? New money can no longer be treated like treasure banknotes. From now on, only new money will be used. However, how much new money can be issued without causing prices to skyrocket? Does Yong Xiu have an idea? ?”

The purpose of issuing national bonds this time is not to temporarily raise money to support military supplies and the court's financial planning, but to kill two birds with one stone. At the same time, we must first try to collect the spare money and old money from wealthy people.

"Start with one-year and three-year terms to establish the credibility of the court, and then set up three-year, five-year and even ten-year terms." Zhu Houcong said, "Only if the old money still existing among the people has been reduced to a small enough proportion Only then can the court roughly know the total amount of private wealth based on how much new money has been issued. At the same time, based on the scale of goods circulation, it also knows within what range the total amount of new money should be controlled to stabilize prices. It’s about stabilizing people’s livelihood.”

Ming Dynasty's "finance minister" must begin to have a broader vision and more professional financial knowledge. In this class, Zhu Houcong is the teacher who does his best.

Naturally, there are still a large number of people who smuggle and evade customs and customs taxes, but at least they can no longer be as completely discredited as before. They are powerless to privately mint currency, and only print treasure banknotes indiscriminately according to the needs of the court and the emperor.

The purpose of everything is to control currency issuance and establish currency credit.

"In addition to grain taxes that cannot be exchanged for silver because farmers are extremely short of money, many taxes can be exchanged for treasure notes or old money. There is only this window period. In the future, not only will the government only recognize new money, but the people will also regard using old money as a violation. Money Law. There is no need to take care of heirlooms made by melting and casting them in a gold and silverware shop. It is a crime to use them for buying and selling."

Zhang Fujing's words were very intimidating. After all, he was "Zhang Beheaded."

Yang Shen felt that this was too strong. People used broken silver to buy and sell things in private. Is this a crime?
"Don't take it for granted." Zhu Houcong took advantage of his confusion to increase his educational efforts. "What the government wants is authority and management efficiency. When it comes to new money, prestige is more important. It has both authority and credibility. ! I only have two points to say.”

Yang Shen looked at him, and Zhu Houcong stretched out a finger: "First of all, copper is really useful, but now because there is no other way, a large amount of copper needs to be used to make money. But money is clearly meant to be recognized and used by the people. Just buy what you need. Once the prestige is established, if the technology of paper making and printing is improved, or if a cheaper formula is found in the future, why can't we use other coins or even banknotes to replace copper coins?"

"...Isn't that a treasure note?" Yang Shen had heard related discussions before, but still found it too difficult. "There are always treasure notes first, but ordinary people have not had the financial resources to see them in these years. In the future, If you see paper money, you will just think it is a new treasure banknote and you will not dare to use it."

"So we must prepare these years in advance so that everyone in the Ming Dynasty knows that the new money is trustworthy." Zhu Houcong stretched out a finger again, "Secondly, money is used to buy things. No matter how rich the Ming Dynasty is, if it only piles In the treasury, it is like someone digging a hole deep among the people. Often ten or twenty years means that there is no money to spend. As far as the court is concerned, in the past, it printed treasure banknotes when it needed money, and then the clan, officials, etc. Banknotes are used to distribute salaries, and in the end both officials and people suffer. Yongxiu, you need to think about it, what would happen if the Ming vassal states and vassal clans also believed in Ming Dynasty money, but Ming Dynasty only recognized Ming Dynasty money? "

Yang Shen had a smart mind. Once he was out of the restricted area of ​​the people of the Ming Dynasty, he suddenly became enlightened after thinking for a while, and then opened his mouth wide.

Zhu Houcong laughed: "In fact, many people went to the vassal state against the ban to buy goods with Ming Tongbao and silver treasures. The dignitaries and wealthy businessmen of that country liked Ming Dynasty money, because it was more convenient to use it to buy Ming Dynasty good things. If the new money is well promoted, credit will be improved and convenience will be enhanced. In the future, foreign caravans will come and go in many border markets, and customs clearance and settlement will only recognize the new money of the Ming Dynasty, so they will need a large amount of the new money of the Ming Dynasty. This national debt can be bought by foreign countries in the future. "

It is not necessary or appropriate to start proposing the concepts of bonds and securities right now. We only need to first lay the foundation for a more standardized and systematic monetary and fiscal policy.

Once he accepted the concepts that currency is only a general equivalent, and that currency must circulate to be converted into real value, Yang Shen immediately felt quite shocked by the future financial situation.

Then there is another major measure that is similar to the fact that national debt will pay interest: Daming Bank, as the only bank in the first phase, will promote interest-bearing storage.Not only should we establish another channel to absorb old private money, but we should also standardize the loan business.

The Song Dynasty once introduced young crop loans to stimulate agricultural production, but now the first phase of loans does not need to touch this area at all.In order to increase the income of farmers, Ming Dynasty has its own iron tools, water conservancy, seedlings and even fertilizer industry to create a relatively better environment.

As for the loan business of Daming Bank, it includes not only the temporary borrowings guaranteed by taxes from the imperial court, but also commercial entities headed by many state-owned enterprises, as well as a broader future after industry and commerce lay a solid foundation.Although it is still difficult for Da Ming Bank to achieve profit after interest is deducted from loan income in the short term, it will move in the right direction.

"The most important thing is turnover. As long as there is interest, the money will be deposited in the bank when not in use. When it is used, it is usually not taken out all at once." Zhu Houcong joked, "As for the mystery of money turnover, Yongxiu is naturally the best No stranger to it. Don’t worry, as long as there is interest, the first to take the lead in opening accounts and depositing large amounts of money are the many companies under the Assets Bureau."

Yang Shen began to pick his head to absorb more new knowledge, while Cui Yuanze had been itching for a long time.

Ming Dynasty will still have a long time to understand, get used to, and accept new money, banks, and national debt. Cui Yuan is worried about something else.

At the Marquis of Jing'an's house, Cui Yuan sadly showed Sun Jiao three treasure tickets: "Old Guo Zhang, can you tell me what will happen in the future? The portraits of Taizu, Taizong and His Majesty are actually printed on On this treasure ticket, His Majesty insists on this."

Yang Tinghe and Yang Yiqing were already standing in the Yingjie Hall. Although Gu Shilong was the Duke of the new dynasty, he was crossed out from the list submitted by the Ministry of Rites for his meritorious service in suppressing internal rebellions, and was not included in the list of statues in the Yingjie Hall. Just set up a monument and place it under Yanchi Tower.

The 79-year-old Sun Jiao is still in good spirits.

He looked at the imperial portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, and Zhu Houhuang on the treasure ticket, and let out a long sigh: "It is already uneasy to see the face of heaven without bowing."

"That's right!" Cui Yuan was confused, "You are the father-in-law of the country, and I am the consort. There is no one else here, so I will tell you the truth. This kind of courtesy and asking people to do things, if you don't have two or five taels of silver, you probably can't do it, right?" It is very appropriate to hand over such a treasure ticket, which does not reveal anything about it. But now that the emperor's edict is printed, do you think the person receiving the money will be upset when Taizu stares at him like this? "

Sun Jiao thought that it was probably because the skin all over his body was numb and itchy, as if he was about to be separated from his flesh and blood.

But he knew why Cui Yuan came to him to talk about this.

"...I will take whatever I want, and there are many ways." Sun Jiao shook his head, "Your Majesty does not want to use this to warn officials to be honest. As long as things are done well, Your Majesty will always reward you with wealth. Naturally, if someone commits a crime in the future, he will be charged with another crime."

A person lives to be 79, what hasn’t he seen?There is no good solution to corruption. This is human nature.

"Oops!" Cui Yuan was anxious, "Old Guozhang, you and I have been friends for 11 years, why do you have to avoid the important and take the easy? I'm beating my heart, but I still accept it. Since the treasure ticket has been printed, it must pass. This is passable. Yueguang, where will the majesty of the emperor be after so many years? Since it is money, or a large amount of money, traveling all over the country, how can it be carried on the road while holding a tribute? Nowadays, even the broken pieces of silver are trying to hide it. I am afraid that someone will still hide this treasure ticket under the soles of their shoes. That’s how practical it is!”

The two natural imperialists didn't understand why the emperor wanted to associate the emperor's imperial statue with the smell of pickled copper.Although it also has the advantage of being alert to crime, it also undermines the majesty of the emperor invisibly.

Just think about it, what were the methods used to hide money when going out in the past?Hidden in the crotch of the pants!
What was money like in the past?There are also those who are thrown into Jiao'e's arms from the brothel bars!
What about the future?Taizong is hidden in the crotch, and Taizong is sprinkled on the beautiful body?
Cui Yuan thought about the possibility that His Majesty would be chased and beaten by these two ancestors a hundred years later. He couldn't help but trembled and shook his head: "The emperor's majesty is getting smaller and smaller. This is not a good thing! Once the respect is lost, it will be difficult to deal with!"

"...Could it be that you want me to ask His Majesty?"

"Old Guozhang, who else could I do without you?"

"...This is something that has been agreed upon at the national policy meeting, and His Majesty the National Assembly has already approved it with his eloquent words."

"It's not too late! After all, the denomination of this treasure ticket is not small. You can just exchange it for silver coins first."

Sun Jiao sighed: "Then I'll go and ask."

He served as the Minister of Household Affairs, worked as a counselor, and was the Queen's biological father. He lived to be 79.

Facing Lao Taishan's questions, Zhu Houcong couldn't laugh or cry.

He has been giving lessons these days.There are both the boys in the Zhongyuan Hall and the new counselors in the National Policy Hall, and now they have to face the 79-year-old comrade.

Sun Jiao and Cui Yuan's concerns were simple and very real: If you don't take the imperial authority seriously, it may be inconvenient for your descendants in the future.

This incident had antecedents: the prime minister was re-established, powers were delegated, and now the treasury was unified. The emperor could only make "applications" in addition to the annual quota if he wanted to use money.

That's right, in the eyes of Sun Jiao and Cui Yuan, it is an application, not a requirement.After all, additional expenditures need to be discussed at national policy meetings.

Of course there is no problem now, you are Jiajing Niubi.The requirements you put forward must be reasonable and well-founded, and you can grasp them as well.

But what about your son and my grandson in the future?Where is your grandson?
Now you can hold on to the money bag of the Assets Bureau, and you can also hold on to the military power.

But the General Staff of the Military Affairs Council is also a civil servant. What will happen in the future?

If the clan and ministers are now willing to accept being demoted to a higher rank, will their descendants still be able to obey them in the future?
Even the status of the Supervisor of Ceremonies has been squeezed out by the Royal Study Room!
If we say that these are just to recreate the Ming Dynasty and create a prosperous era, then that's it.But even the face of the emperor and the royal family was printed on the money, and it became vulgar from then on. Why is this?

"...It turns out that Cui Yuan was talking about this in a roundabout way."

So Sun Jiao was shocked: "Your Majesty, haven't you thought about this from the bottom of your heart?"

Zhu Houcong's expression was complicated: "I really haven't thought about it."

This is a completely different thinking and concept. Zhu Houcong has actually seen too many situations where people's heads are printed on money, and he doesn't have much attachment to the sacredness of imperial power in his heart.In his opinion, there are many benefits to doing this, so why not do it?
Now being directly mentioned by Sun Jiao, he thought for a while and said: "The people no longer feel so mysterious about the Tianjia, and whether the imperial power in the future is stable or not is two different things. I tell the truth, the current central restructuring is more beneficial to the country, and it is more beneficial to the country. The emperor is indeed not as beneficial as before. Or in other words, if the emperor is mediocre, it will not cause too much harm to the country. If the emperor wants to make a difference, then the emperor's ability will be higher."

He designed a more complex system, and it will definitely be more difficult for future emperors to break it.

Under the current system, the country will gradually move towards becoming a virtual monarch in the future, with the national policy conference gradually turning into a parliament, and the prime minister and ministers of state becoming de facto monarchs.The military power, financial power, personnel power, decision-making power, and supervision system under today's system will also bring many constraints.Whether the emperor wants to break it and return to the past, or some careerists want to break it and reintegrate, they will face new and great resistance.

After all, the current system was achieved by the emperor's willingness to give up part of his imperial power.Anyone who wants to gain greater substantive imperial power will face counterattacks from others who are unwilling to have their power taken back in the future.

This is what Sun Jiao doesn't understand. His mentality is very complicated.If it weren't for the fact that his grandson was a prince, his mood would not be so complicated.

Zhu Houcong said resolutely: "There has never been a dynasty in the world that lasted for thousands of generations. If you want to inherit it for a long time, you should take some new measures. Only by giving up can you gain something. Of course, I am not unconcerned about future generations. Although it is difficult for a hero to be a hero. There are probably more mediocre people out there, but I still have a way."

"...I dare to ask for advice."

"That's nothing more than education." Zhu Houcong laughed, "Taizu once had ancestral precepts, but generations have changed, the Ming Dynasty is developing, and the internal and external situations are often different. My practical studies and dialectics are exactly what I want to teach my descendants. Future generations will understand this point and practice it, so it won’t be any worse in the end. For example, for Zai’an, I asked him to go to Yunnan just to have a look first. It will be the same for Zai’an in the future, I will let him He also visited prefectures and counties first."

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!" Sun Jiao was shocked, "The King of Yue is going to Yunnan, and I know your Majesty's intentions. But is it a small matter for the prince to leave Beijing?"

In the blink of an eye, Sun Jiao seizes the legitimate sons from the harem of this generation, and thinks of the harems of the future generations seizing the legitimate sons.When you go out, it is very easy to have an accident if nothing happens.For the sake of your position, anything can happen.

"I said, I can let Zai Yi do this. As for whether Zai Yi can and dares to let his son do this in the future, that is a matter of the future." Zhu Houcong did not take it seriously, "The prince does not know the actual practice, in the future After succeeding to the throne, I will not be able to control the government from the perspective of state affairs. It will not be so early. I still have many things to teach him before letting him go out to experience. "

"...Can your Majesty's education ensure that the princes of all generations are wise?" Sun Jiao always disagreed and frowned, "Why not change the central system again in the future when the Ming Dynasty becomes rich and powerful and the country is prosperous? At least let the prince It will be easier for me to have more power in the future."

Zhu Houcong was silent.

Unknowingly, he began to face the problem of whether his heirs could secure the throne in the future.

Everyone seems to have no doubts about his ability to recreate the Ming Dynasty. Now only the relatives who are closely connected with the imperial power are beginning to worry about the future situation.

After a while, Zhu Houcong laughed again: "Why should I be anxious, sir? I am only 27 years old."

"...I am old!"

Sun Jiao had something in his mind that he didn't know whether to say or not: Emperor Zhu, apart from the two people you printed on the treasure ticket, Taizu and Taizong, one lived to be 71 and the other lived to 65, and the others will be divided into Renzong, who is 48, and Emperor Taizong, who is 41. Xianzong, even those under forty are gone.

In terms of reign time, the Yongle reign lasted to 22nd, the Chenghua reign lasted to 23rd, and the remaining reigns lasted for more than ten years or even a few years.

Did you know that the Jiajing era name has been used for 11 years, and it is actually a middle-aged and elderly person?

But the emperor was only 27 after all. If he couldn't be cursed, he might not live to be forty. Sun Jiao could only say that he was old, and didn't care that Gu Shilong had something to say in the underworld.

People cannot feel the same way about history that has not yet happened. Zhu Houcong only felt helpless.

But can he really live longer than Daojun?Zhu Houcong could only sigh: "Forget it, I will give the abbot a few volumes to read first. I wrote them slowly over the past three years after An Bin passed away. The abbot will read them first. Come talk to me about this topic later, okay?"

Sun Jiao was puzzled, and saw that the emperor actually took out a locked box, opened it, took out five volumes of scrolls and handed them to him.

"Don't show it to others. I just wrote a draft now. In the future, the book will also be different from inside and outside. This inner edition is only for educating the prince. For the outer edition, I can only select a part and entrust it to the novel. Of."

Hearing the emperor's solemn words, Sun Jiao said: "Then please give your Majesty another book box and a lock. I will read it carefully when I return home."

"That's it." Zhu Houcong gave him the box and the key, and watched him resign and return home.

History has its own inevitable development. Zhu Houcong believed that Sun Jiao had enough experience and knowledge to understand his understanding that transcended the current era.

After all, imperial power is the product of standing at the top to seize the supreme power and wealth in the world. Sooner or later, it will have to find a new way out to adapt to the historical trends that will inevitably emerge in the future.

By the time of the Ming Dynasty, imperial power had actually reached its peak of centralization, or at least was very close to its peak.Going further up will only seize more benefits, stimulate the people who are the foundation of the empire to counterattack, and hinder the development of the country.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take the initiative to go downhill.

In his position, Zhu Houcong also had his own position and his own concerns for future generations.How could he think clearly about what to do that would be more beneficial to Ming Dynasty and this land?

To retain some room for future changes, at least let your descendants have the mindset to actively change. What is even more important is to understand why we need to change that way.

The arrangements for Zhu Zaiyan and other princes in the future may also be a way of spreading out and leaving more possibilities.

Sun Jiao returned to his house, went into the study alone, opened the box and picked up the first volume.

From that day on, the shock in his heart was no less than that of Yang Shen and Cui Yuan. It should be said that it was much greater.

This is the entire "Dragon Slaying Technique" that Zhu Houcong remembers, knows, and is familiar with.

Only after you have a thorough understanding of historical materialism can you truly see the wheel of history.

Facing the wheel of history, all the imperial power can do is hide, build roads, and try to still enjoy some benefits instead of being crushed.

But what shocked Sun Jiao was not just this, but Zhu Houcong's description, or "judgment," of the future.

For him, there is the shock of seeing Zhu Houcong's predecessor in the 21st century with water drops and two-way foils.

In the early 30s, the 79-year-old old man was watching a real science fiction epic. Atchara Kamara saw the eunuchs bringing in new glass windows. Although she did not know the word science fiction, she had this feeling.

"This is too dangerous!" Sun Ming worried, "What if I accidentally break it and get hurt?"

Zhu Houcong laughed: "This is the Forbidden Palace, the Palace of Cultivation of the Heart! Those who can afford to use this now are all high-ranking officials. I will change this place first. When the ministers who come to see me see it, they will probably use it when they go back." One use. If few people buy it, how can the glass get better and better? There is another wonderful effect. If it is double-layered and leaves some space in the middle, it will be very warm..."

It was the emperor's private time, and the concubines of the harem came to Yangxin Hall to see the renovation of the windows here.

Acharakamala only came to Beijing and entered the palace in October last year. She came here with the mentality of a family, but in the end she felt like she had entered the Grand View Garden, and her mood was often unstable.

The one with the most new objects is the backyard of the Yangxin Hall.Her favorite place to go, apart from the newly renovated volleyball court, badminton court and table tennis court in the Imperial Garden, is the backyard of Yangxin Hall.

Seeing her surprised look now, Zhu Houcong smiled at her again, so Acharakamara felt timid and lowered his head and looked aside.

"Let them pretend, Huang Jin, get the racket, you've gained some weight."

Huang Jin reluctantly picked up the badminton and racket sewn with leather and feathers, and followed the emperor, concubine and the eager prince to the imperial garden.

Developing more sports and entertainment methods to kill time and energy will be beneficial to the harmony of Zhu Houcong's harem, as well as the physical health of the emperor himself and the princes and princesses.

Zhu Houcong still couldn't understand Sun Jiao's eyes?He doubted that he would live past forty!
Of course, Zhu Houcon also admired him for being able to give himself a sister-in-law at the age of 70.

Sports and entertainment activities involving the emperor were the favorite of the harem concubines. Now that it is spring, it is more suitable to visit the park for entertainment.

Among the warblers and swallows, Zhu Houcong is very happy and combines work and rest.

He can't blame people for being nostalgic for the imperial power, so it's normal for some people to feel incomprehensible about him appropriately weakening the imperial power.

In the spring, His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty finally decided on the situation in Jiaozhi, and Weng Wanda set out south with the supreme authority of the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

At least for now, the imperial power of His Majesty Zhu Houcong, the Emperor of Heaven, is extremely powerful and majestic as a mountain.

At this moment, for Jiaozhi, the Ming Dynasty is a concrete historical wheel.

(End of this chapter)

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