
Chapter 388 Answer: I gave up Fengzhou Beach

Chapter 388 Answer: I gave up Fengzhou Beach
Weng Wanda had to wait until late March to arrive in Guangdong. Although the emperor's order was much faster, it also needed to arrive at Cat Ba Island at the end of March or even early April - there was no express delivery system after going to sea.

From the Spring Festival to now, Yan Shifan and Wang Xueyi are in tension.

Will Mo Dengyong take risks?
The Ming Dynasty could make him an envoy, but Mo's new dynasty could only occupy half of the original Jiaozhi.Although it was the more prosperous Yuebei, it had to give up the three prefectures in the north and the southern part of Jiaozhi. This was not what Mo Dengyong expected.

And now, Zhao Jun is leading the main force of the navy to the south to pursue the barbarian bandits who were not in Qinghua that day and escaped.On Cat Ba Island, only three warships worth [-] materials were left as a precaution.

Zhu Houcong's decree had not yet arrived at Cat Ba Island, and Yan Shifan was enjoying his misery: "It must be very lively in the capital now, right? I don't know who won the top prize in the new subject."

With the General Examination in February and the Palace Examination in March, the capital was naturally lively. Yan Shifan could only imagine it.

Wang Xueyi could only worry: "There's no news from Shenglong yet?"

Although he is the envoy, no wonder he asked this.Among the staff of the propaganda embassy, ​​it is the guardsmen who control the communication channels with the intelligence network established by the foreign inspection factory.

Now, the two of them need to see if Mo Dengyong ends the encirclement and suppression of Ruan Gan and let Ruan Gan take Li Weining to Cat Ba Island to participate in the Cochin Affairs Negotiation Conference.

This means that he does not accept Ming's opinion on how to deal with the current situation in Cochin.

Although the general policy of the Ming Dynasty has long been set, we must go through the process of petitioning His Majesty for the Holy Judgment, and we must not be too hasty.On the one hand, it was to show that Ming Dynasty had no intention of interfering in Cochin's internal affairs before, and on the other hand, it was to allow Mo Dengyong and Ruan Gan sufficient time to react.

The current situation is very clear: Mo Dengyong’s enemy has become Ming Dynasty.

It was the Ming Dynasty that set out the conditions for his canonization: he could only be canonized as an envoy, and he was only allowed to occupy half of Jiaozhi, and he had to be sincere in surrendering the three palaces of Lang Son and Cat Ba Island to obtain the canonization.

Although the Ming Dynasty did not participate in the war on the surface, it first allowed him to quell the war in Jiaozhi. This not only prevented the Ming Dynasty but also stepped up efforts to suppress the rebellion, which resulted in the emptiness in the south. Then, a group of Western barbarian mercenaries happened to appear.In the end, it was the Ming Dynasty King who helped the people of Jiaozhi drive away the foreign enemies.

It was the Ming Dynasty that still thought of the old respect of the Li family and its responsibility as the suzerain of the vassal state, and wanted to give the south of Thanh Hoa to the Li family to have a place to settle down.

Daming is helping Ruan Gan, but Daming is Mo Dengyong's enemy. Can he be willing to give in?
It stands to reason that Yan Shifan and Wang Xueyi should have been confident that Qu Zhinan and Chen Bing were north of the Three Prefectures of Langshan and Zhao Jun's warships were patrolling the Jiaozhi Sea.

However, since the Spring Festival, Jiaozhi has entered a very tense state of martial law. There is very little news that can be spread, and there is no news about Mok Dengyong from Thanglong.

At this moment, around Sheng Long, there is actually a bloody suppression operation.

In the past half year, Mo Dengyong has become much more haggard.

Especially since I heard about the attack on Thanh Hoa in the twelfth lunar month of last year.

In the first month of the first month, after Nguyen Van Thai sent back Ming Dynasty’s new message from Cat Ba Island, Mok Dengyong stayed in the palace in Thang Long City without sleeping for three days and three nights, and finally made a decision.

Now in the palace, his son Mo Dengying was kneeling in front of him.

Neither of them spoke.

After a while, the general of their Mo family, Grand Master Lin Guogong Mo Guozhen, walked in from outside the hall, carrying three cloth packages in his hand.

The bottoms of these cloth wraps were dripping with blood.Under normal circumstances, you should take care of it and don't pollute the floor of this hall, but where can you care so much now?
"Your Majesty, the minister is here to return!"

Mordengying looked at the three heads in the opened package. Everyone was staring blankly, either in horror or anger.

Mo Dengyong just looked at it silently, and then said: "How many are left?"

"Back to Your Majesty, there are six more families. In three more days, the matter will be completed."

"Okay, you've worked hard."

"Thank you for your hard work. Please retire!"

After Mo Guojie left the hall, Mo Dengyong stood up slowly, walked to the three heads and looked down.

Mo Dengying saw his father's expression gradually change, his eyes gradually turning red, and finally he shed tears.

"You have to remember." Mo Dengyong said, "Don't keep anyone who is too loyal to Jiaozhi or too close to the Ming Dynasty. Those who can stay must be loyal to you and not embarrass yourself. At least in the Ming Dynasty. This must be done before the emperor dies, before the evidence comes to us that his son is insane, and before the Ming Dynasty himself gets into trouble!"

The hero of the generation seemed to be entrusting him with something, and Morden Ying cried out in fear: "Father..."

"I won't die yet, I'm just going to take on this infamy and give up my seat to you!" Mo Dengyong said sadly, "It's okay, people like Li Yi, many people still think about Li Chao. , drive them to the south. In this case, there will be no rebels in the family. Take a good rest and wait! If Ruan Gan is still unwilling, then cry to the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. You must love the people like sons and let them remember the Mo family. That's good. You have to be frugal and let the people know that the taxes they pay are to pay the tribute to the Ming Dynasty..."

Mo Dengyong is not preparing to take a desperate risk. A hero like him who can successfully usurp the government can see through many things.

Even if he were not the current Zhu Houcong, facing the Ming Dynasty under the rule of Daojun, he finally chose to give back some of the land occupied by Jiaozhi, presented the household registration list, and changed it to the canonization of the Metropolitan Commander. In the end, he only occupied the north of Jiaozhi. .

Nowadays, the pressure is even greater, so it can only be for the long term.

But he is also old, and he is just worried that his son and grandson will not know what to do in the future.

Seeing his son's uneasy expression, Mo Dengyong could only let out a long sigh.

What a misfortune to meet such a powerful neighbor to the north and have such an emperor...

Among those who had the same feeling as Mo Dengyong was An Da.

After a winter, the snow on the grassland has almost melted away, and the grass is sprouting.

He waited for the news and said softly: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Gunbilik said that the Qinghai side and the remnants of Oara in the west still need to be sorted out, and they cannot take care of the Tumut side.Besides, although the southerners are a bit more difficult to deal with than in previous years, how can you let them fight outside the wall?
Called Sun, he said that the Chahar tribe suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, and now they could not make the decision for him, so they would hastily march south again.

Some generals of the Chahar tribe who had received his "life-saving grace" in the past said: The Great Khan was also kind to them...

Anda, who was only 25 years old, said "Okay" and then looked at the generals and ministers in front of him.

"Among the descendants of Dayan Khan, I am the only one who still remembers that the people of Changshengtian have only one real enemy, and that is the Han people. Now the leaders of each tribe do not have the strength, talent, and ability to make the other party surrender. nothing!"

"They don't obey me either! Although I am also a descendant of Genghis Khan, because I was not born to inherit the position of Great Khan, and because I am young, they don't obey me either!"

Ida clenched his fists, his eyes full of resentment: "If I surrender to Jinong and the Khan Court, and listen to them, who can make good use of me? Who can push back the momentum of the Han people?"

"No! Khan, no one is more brave, more talented, and more prestigious than you!" Man Shoutu shouted excitedly, "I messed up. Khan just said that the Han people had been prepared for this. After a battle, the situation became clearer. Who can be more thoughtful than you? Khan, since you can’t wait any longer, just do it!”

Ida was silent for a while, and said quietly: "I originally wanted to do my best to recuperate in Fengzhou Beach, and use the Yellow Sect to gradually unite the hearts of the people on the grassland. I want to use the Tumote tribe as the foundation to one day join our former army. However, Jinong is wary of my brother, and the Great Khan is wary of my uncle. They have no ambitions, do not help me, and suppress our Tumut tribe. Now, only our Tumut tribe has to bear the consequences of the Han people Attack." "The emperor of the Han people understands the power of Khan better than they all."

Amid their anger, Anda stared at them: "For the sake of the Tumote tribe, and for the sake of all the people of Changshengtian, I want to give up Fengzhou Beach!"

"I want to give up Fengzhoutan and let Ordos and Yongxiebu clearly realize what kind of Ming Dynasty has become!"

"I want to become the Lord of the Khan Court and come again to save my people!"

"If we want to succeed, we can only mobilize our entire clan to attack them unprepared and put them to death before surviving!"

"With shackles and suspicion, how can we become victors?"

"I don't want that false reputation! I, you, want to be the winner! Standing in the palace built by the Han people in Dadu in the future, you are the real heroes of the grassland!"

Under An Da's constant instigation, "kill" was shouted out in the camp.

"We are in the far south! Our cattle, sheep and horses can be fed first." An Da took out his saber and cut his palm, "Then we will kill the whole family to the Khan's court!"

The sound of the knife being unsheathed was endless.

The Tumut tribe closest to Datong was the first and most profound to feel the blade of Ming Senhan. After three months of reflection and discussion, there was only one way left in front of them.

Only by becoming the true king of the grassland can the Tumut tribe and the people on the grassland not eventually perish.

The only one who can lead them through this road is their current king.

In the spring of the 11th year of Jiajing, just a little while after the battle of Tucheng, Anda finally decided to abandon Fengzhou Beach.

After he sheds his blood, whether he will be a sinner or a hero in the future depends on whether he can succeed.

The Tumut tribe is preparing to migrate to the northeast. Countless small tribes must have been wiped out under the Ming Dynasty's march northward.They will definitely hate me first, and the grassland tribes will definitely face a bigger Ming Dynasty.

However, the soul of the grassland has not been lost, and the grassland will surely gather together under the banner of Anda.

At this moment, I firmly believe this.

Sun was just a young boy back then, and Gunbilik was already old.

One day at the end of March, an exhausted man leaned on his horse and arrived at Tucheng, which was once again a little bigger.

His appearance and clothing are no different from those of a Tatar.

But under the arrows and gun barrels of the defenders, he slipped away and took out a sign with difficulty: "Military... Military Information... I want to see... see the General Soldier..."

Yu Dayou, who had been granted the title of Han Haibo, was already ranked under Li Quanli and was the commander-in-chief of Datong Town.

The other person was not here. It took the Tucheng garrison some time to realize that it was the waist badge of the Foreign Inspectorate, and then he quickly reported to Datong.

If there was any military information, the man refused to tell.

Until he was sent to Datong and met Yu Dayou, he still refused to say anything.Just because, at Yu Dayou's level, he is qualified enough to know who is the person in charge of Xuanda University in the Northern Territory of the Foreign Inspection Factory.

When this person was also found, he learned a piece of news that shocked him extremely, and then quickly spread it to the capital as quickly as possible.

Be in a hurry!

How to make a decision, he is not qualified, and neither are Yu Dayou and Li Quanli. This is a matter that affects the whole body.

What he could tell Yu Dayou and Li Quanli was to prepare for the expedition first.

But where to fight, or even whether to go out to fight, we have to wait for His Majesty and the military affairs meeting to decide.

On the third day of April, the news reached the capital.

Zhu Houcong walked around in the imperial study, waiting for Xia Yan, Zhang Fujing, and Yang Shen to come over.

After walking a few steps, he looked at the map again.

Not long after, Xia Yan and others finally arrived here.

"Even if we only order the Xuan cavalry to come out of the border wall, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop the Anda family, and they will be more likely to be defeated." Zhu Houcong first expressed his judgment, "They haven't set off yet, but I'm afraid it will happen within this month. It must not have led the Ming Dynasty to pursue him. This is the only way he can go. I didn’t expect him to be so desperate!"

What the Foreign Inspectorate Factory desperately sent back was the unusual behavior of the Tumote Department.

After sacrificing the two of them, they worked hard to find out, and basically pieced together the news that only the top leaders of the Tumote Department knew so far: Anda decided to abandon Fengzhou Beach, go directly to the Khan Court, and seize the Khan position with the whole clan.

"Since the Foreign Inspectorate sacrificed two people to obtain the information, I must have known it." Xia Yan said without hesitation, "Although his trip to the north was like a tiger entering the deep forest, he was in such a hurry that there was no time to intercept him. They. Your Majesty, I think that we should wait for him to go north, and just march and naturalize first. Let him and the Khan Court be killed first, and their vitality will be seriously injured. This is a good opportunity to make a comeback!"

Yang Shen just wanted to wail, but he had to admit that when this opportunity came, shouldn't Ming desperately seize it?

Money and food!

This time it is not just a push of tens of miles north. If this opportunity is seized, it is possible to force the Tatars back to the area around the Khan Court.

Such a huge operation can only be decided by the imperial court based on the situation of military strength, food and grass conditions, and the situation brought about by the new pasture vacuum period outside the border wall.

It even included whether to capture Guihua first or wait for Gunbilik to pass by first and disperse his troops.

Li Quanli and Yu Dayou did not wait for the military order quickly, which made it even more obvious that this move was huge and they needed to find the strategy that was most beneficial to Ming Dynasty.

In late April, the Ming Dynasty's sealing ship slowly sailed into the harbor of Cat Ba Island, while Zhao Jun's navy was waiting for the Guangdong Coastal Defense Road and Huangmingji Sea Trade at Hunguo Island, southeast of Donghai City at the southernmost tip of Cochin. The sailing warships came to meet up and prepare to send troops to Malacca.

On the grassland, Anda looked to the southeast under the big banner, and then waved his scimitar toward the northeast: "Bring out camp!"

The history of the north and south of the Ming Dynasty officially turned a corner this spring.

(End of this chapter)

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