
Chapter 389 Northern Expedition!The emperor marched to the north!

Chapter 389 Northern Expedition!The emperor marched to the north!
I answer that if he succeeds in defeating the fragile left wing with this move, he will regain the strategic initiative against the Ming Dynasty.

To end the Ming Dynasty's troubles in the north, can Gunbilik, the right-wing leader who is currently the strongest on paper, ignore it?

Ida ran away, and the Ming Dynasty was beyond its reach. The best choice was to defeat Gunbilik at a nearby location, then retake Qinghai.This requires a lot of time, enough for Anda to conquer the left wing without any worries, and then take over the [-] households in Ordos and Yongxiebu who are bound to be defeated in his mind.

As for places further north that are more bitter and cold, then what are you afraid of?
Next, as long as they do not go south and instead target the savage Jurchens and other tribes, the Ming army will either not bother to march north, or they can only sit back and watch Anda recuperate.

In this process, Zhu Houcong might have died.

"There are also the Duoyan Tribunals." After resigning as Governor of Xuanda, Wang Shouren lived in Beijing as a staff member of the Military Affairs Council. "Can the border market be opened? It is still open. The Duoyan Tribunals will exchange the Ming Dynasty goods for future use." Are you selling it to me! If you don't open it, Anda will encroach on the three parts of Duoyan, and the Ming Dynasty will not care about it? If you want to control it, you need to reset Wanquan and Daning Dusi. Thousands of miles north, build cities and transport food, manpower and military resources, Ida Zai It's much easier to loot than to go inside the side wall."

Yang Shen's heart was pounding and he looked at the emperor worriedly.

Zhu Houcong has been thinking about this for a month. Even when his son Zhu Zai'an, the king of Yue, returned to the capital after being away from the capital for more than a year, he didn't bother to meet more.

Now Xia Yan and Wang Shouren have differences on their strategy towards the north.

Xia Yan believed that even though the Tumote tribe could not move fast with women, children, tents, and all the cattle, sheep, and horses, the Ming army could not move fast when it went deep into the grasslands and could not stop them.Therefore, it is better to use all our strength to defeat Ordos and Yongxiebu while neither Anda nor the Khan Court can come to help.

Wang Shouren believed that once the Ming Dynasty regained control of a large area of ​​land outside the border walls, it would be impossible not to re-cast a number of cities and fortresses to control these lands and compress Anda's living space.And if Anda swallows up the remnants of the left and right wings, although the overall strength of the Meng Yuan Dynasty will drop a lot, Anda will have more available troops.After that, he plundered the northern part of the Ming Dynasty where there was no border wall and border defense system. The Ming Dynasty's grain, grass and military supplies had to be guarded against thieves for thousands of days.

Therefore, instead of retaliating first, it is better to go straight to the main battlefield of Khan Court.Once the Khan Court collapses and Anda's plot fails, Gunbilik will have nothing to worry about.

"Going further north from Tucheng and returning to Guanshan, and restoring the Xuande Guard and Guanshan Guard, we can suppress the eastern aid from Ordos. In this way, we can only build Liangcheng, Zhuozi, and Zhuozi between Guanshan and Datong. With the four cities of Jining and Xinghe, and supplemented by forts such as Tucheng and Maoerzhuang, the food route from Datong to Guanshan will be more than [-] miles away. If Gunbilik can occupy Fengzhou Beach, he will definitely not dare to do so. If he is willing to take risks and help from the east, he can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

Wang Shouren continued to persuade Zhu Houcong: "At this time, first wipe out Yongshebu, and then press on Chahar. When I have finished the battle with the Khan Court and am at my weakest, I can defeat him in one battle. In this way Later, Anda had no choice but to flee westward, and then he and Gunbilik fought for pasture. After losing the battle, he moved a long distance westward. Anda could not conquer the tribes with advantage internally, and could not defeat Ordos with force externally. I’m afraid it will give Gunbilik an advantage.”

He didn't need to say more, so why should Gunbilik worry more?He himself is older and far less talented than An Da.

Xia Yan shook his head repeatedly: "Knowing that the main force of the Ming Dynasty is marching north to conquer Chahar, why can't Gunbilik go around from the north of Guanshan in the name of King Qin? When the battle between Wang Shi and Anda is in full swing, he will sit back and reap the benefits! Besides, Traveling thousands of miles north to conquer the Khan's court, the Ming Dynasty was not ready yet."

Wang Shouren told the reason that made Yang Shen beat the drum in his heart: "This is an eternal opportunity, and the whole country is fighting for it. The three sides, Datong and Shanxi, will naturally have the tendency to set up border walls to make Gunbilik dare not act rashly. The elite troops of the Third Battalion, Xuanda, and Jiliao should attack the Khan Court directly. If the Duoyan Tribes do not want to repeat what happened last year, they should also send troops as the vanguard."

From the bottom of his heart, Yang Shen agreed with Wang Shouren's view.

But judging from his family's financial situation, Yang Shen was too worried about the food, salary and logistical pressure caused by dispatching such a [-]-level army, and the main direction was to march thousands of miles north.

Zhu Houcong was still thinking carefully, his brows furrowed.

Judging from the time, Gunbilik must have noticed the departure of the Tumut tribe at this time, and the small tribe in the northernmost part of Yongshebu must have also seen the formation of the Tumut tribe migrating to the northeast.

The war in Chahar will start in July or August at the latest.

On the Ming side, although the military affairs meeting was still discussing, the shipment of grain and grass from the grain storage number and other warehouses of the imperial court had already been arranged.In terms of preparation and mobilization, it will also take until July or August at the earliest to launch a Northern Expedition of that scale.

I was indeed decisive and resolute, and came out at a very good time.

If the Ming Dynasty wanted to directly pursue Anda and reap the benefits, it would have to be another fierce battle with the Meng Yuan in the depths of the grasslands farther north in the cold winter.For many years, no Ming army had penetrated that far. The place was unfamiliar to them, so Wang Shouren's proposal was equally bold.

Xia Yan's suggestion is more practical, but in the future, An Da will be more passive when facing An Da who has passed the most dangerous moment.

As long as he is willing to stay in Mobei, Zhu Houcong can only be like Zhu Di, and it is difficult to achieve full success despite repeated northern expeditions.After all, Anda has given up on Fengzhoutan, and he can move around.

Nowadays, without the Sky Eye, if I were to play hide-and-seek with Daming on the prairie, Daming wouldn’t have many good options.

The Ming army's firepower was stronger, but the Ming army, which relied more on firearms units, was even less able to match the mobility of the cavalry.

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. At this time, only Zhu Houcong can make the decision himself.

It's time to make a decision.

He looked at Wang Shouren and Xia Yan: "You have missed one thing, and that's me."

Wang Shouren's heart moved and he looked at the emperor.

Zhu Houcong stood up: "There is no need to divide our troops to seize Guanshan and Liangcheng. When I arrive in Taiyuan, Gunbilik will not dare to move!"

Xia Yan knew the emperor's decision and remained silent.

The last time the emperor went to Xuanfu, Bodi died in Luohan ditch.

This time the emperor went to Taiyuan, it was a strategic deception against Gunbilik.As long as the news reaches the Hetao, Gunbilik will not dare to leave easily, let alone abandon the defense directly.

Yang Shenze was delighted: In this case, the Western Front would only have to pretend to make big moves, but would not actually send troops.

"A little half a year is enough. Send a message to the Marquis of Xiangcheng, Hanhai Bo, and Zhen'an Bo. First, use the power of propaganda to go out of Zhangbei and drive Yong Xiebu away. Send a message to the Marquis of Wuding and the commander-in-chief of Jiliao to train the generals. Soldier, prepare to send troops. Tell the three tribes of Duoyan that if they want Yongshebu's pasture, they should send troops as soon as possible to block Yongshebu's escape to the north. Once the success is achieved, while Anda is at war with the Khan Court, the scouts will go north and set fire to the wasteland. Let me make this winter even more difficult!"

For the places newly recaptured last year such as Baotucheng, Maotai and Maoerzhuang, Xuanda has the most sufficient food, grass and military supplies, and now has the highest morale.

Zhu Houcong looked at Zhang Fujing and Yang Shen: "Xuanda will send troops now, and we can try our best to support two months of military supplies. It depends on you how to provide logistical support. I will go to Taiyuan first, and when the good news comes, I will drive to Zhangzhou. In the north, the complex affairs were handed over to Funing Hou and Jingbian Bo, but Gunbilik was still unable to come to the rescue. As I was driving the Northern Expedition and did not advance, I could not retreat immediately, and I did not dare to risk the attack easily. .”

He said categorically: "I will spend this winter with the soldiers in Mobei! Let Anda's horses, cattle and sheep be short of hay and lose fat. When the spring warms next year, we can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

Yang Shen understood. It only made the pressure in the current few months slightly less, but this pressure will continue until the end of next year.

The majesty of the emperor's personal expedition was first used to suppress Gunbilik from leaving the Hetao, and then was used to encourage the soldiers of the Northern Expedition to persist in Mobei for a whole winter, so that Anda also took action against rats.

The real decisive battle with Anda will be in the spring and summer of next year.

The emperor once again went on a personal expedition, and this time he was going to do it quickly.

After deciding, Lu Bing quickly and nervously moved.

Yan Chunsheng, Zhen'an Bo, was excited and quickly prepared a special operations camp and set off for Xuanfu as quickly as possible.

In the palace, Zhu Houcong still had things to arrange.

This time, he would be gone for a long time.

The Ming Dynasty already had a prince, so he came to supervise the country in the name of the prince.The actual important task was still entrusted to six important people: Sun Jiao, Cui Yuan, Wang Shouren, Yang Shen, Zhang Zuo, and Mai Fu.

After Guo Xun left with the main force of the three major battalions, Mai Fu and Qiu Luan, who was transferred back, jointly took charge of the remaining three major battalions.

Guo Xun also started to inject chicken blood. This time it was really his chance to make a great contribution to the public.

He had just resigned from the post of General Soldier in Datong. After all, he had made great achievements in Datong and had battlefield experience.

Since the sixth year of Jiajing, there have been so many more princes in the Ming Dynasty.Now it is time to march north to conquer the Khan's Court. If it is wiped out in one battle, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities for meritorious service in the future. The generals in the Beijing camp can't wait to leave as soon as possible.

It’s the Northern Expedition, it’s the imperial army’s Northern Expedition!

Just as the emperor was preparing to go to Taiyuan, and Li Quanli and Yu Dayou had just received clear military orders, a fleet arrived at Catba Island on the sea east of Anxing City in Cozhi.

Mo Dengyong stood on the bow of the ship, silently looking at the crude port in front of him.

It seems simple, but it was built only after Tian Rucheng came a few years ago.In a short period of time, this place has begun to take shape.There is no doubt that this is all the work of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Mingji Sea Trade Company.

The most important thing is that now there is a huge sealing boat here.

On the deck at the front of the boat, Weng Wanda stood against the wind, quietly looking down at the fleet in the distance. "Lord Li, General Ruan, your majesty has been extremely benevolent and righteous to your Li clan. Now that Mo Dengyong has come to attend the meeting in person, I hope you will stop making bad words and arguing. If there is no help from the Ming Dynasty King, can you destroy it? He? If you want the Ming Dynasty to help, how can you afford the military supplies for the king's southern expedition? The three palaces of Lang Son belong to the Ming Dynasty. Don't use the land and people as compensation, and think about destroying the Mo Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty has no intention The people in the fields here just hope that the feudal country will be peaceful and the people will no longer worry about war disasters."

"...The imperial envoy can rest assured that the foreign ministers understand."

Ruan Gan was not qualified to make irresponsible remarks. Without the help of the Ming Dynasty, he himself was not confident that he could recover half of the country, although his son-in-law actually did the same later.

And Li Weining, the puppet, is even more submissive.

Behind Weng Wanda, Yan Shifan glanced around with one eye, and then noticed Wang Xueyi greeting Mo Dengyong below and guiding him to board the ship.

"Master Weng, please wait in the cabin?"

He reminded Weng Wanda, his tone still respectful.

In any case, this Weng Wanda is also second only to Li Mo in the medical field. Now he is the fourth-ranking director of the Nanyang Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has been ordered by the emperor to patrol Nanyang in a boat.

Cochin was just his first stop.

There are cabins on the Fengzhou that are like palaces. At this moment, in the cabin on the deck, the venue has been arranged.

After Weng Wanda walked in, he took the main seat without hesitation.

On both sides of him were subordinate officials holding several imperial edicts, imperial seals, and talismans.

There were voices and footsteps on the gangway outside, and Weng Wanda sat upright.

When Mo Dengyong entered the cabin, the first thing he saw was Weng Wanda sitting there in a red robe, and the imperial edict behind him.

"The foreign minister wishes to greet His Majesty, Long live Your Majesty! Long live! Long live your Majesty!"

Seeing Mo Dengyong's behavior with his own eyes, Ruan Gan couldn't help but feel complicated.

Since Mo Dengyong is meeting in a prosperous manner, it is natural that all the Ruan Wentai and others he brought with him will be like this.

"Holy greetings. Master Mo, please get up and take your seat."

On one side was Li Chao, who only came with Li Weining and Ruan Ganweng's son-in-law, and on the other side was Mo Chao, who came with six people.

Weng Wanda looked at them and said slowly: "Jiaozhi has been fighting for several years, and now it is time to come to an end. You all surrender wholeheartedly, please keep sealing."

Mo Dengyong and Ruan Gan were silent, and Weng Wanda ignored them: "In the past, Jiaozhi was the chief envoy of the Ming Dynasty. When the Li Dynasty was first established, the Ming Dynasty canonized Li Li as the lord of the country. Unexpectedly, within a hundred years, civil strife broke out in Jiaozhi. Since Jiajing Since the first year of the Ming Dynasty, many old ministers of the Li Dynasty have sought refuge in the Ming Dynasty, and many have asked for the appointment of the Chief Envoy of Jiaozhi, hoping that the Ming Dynasty will declare the king again. Now, His Majesty only hopes that the Heavenly Dynasty, the vassal country and the vassal clan can communicate with each other. , close friendship.”

"The matter has come to this. If the Ming Dynasty just sits back and does nothing, how long will your two families continue to fight? Why do the people of Jiaozhi deserve it? Your Majesty is so kind as the sea and cannot bear to see the lives of Jiaozhi in ruins, so he has sent me south to mediate the dispute between your two families."

After saying that, he waved his hand and asked someone to spread out a new map in front of them.

"With this as a boundary, stop fighting and let each of us live in peace with his people. Your Majesty said: It will take ten or twenty years to wield swords and spears. Even if one side wins in the end, Jiaozhi will definitely have ten rooms and nine empty houses, with corpses lying across it. Ye. Your Majesty knows that you are all unwilling, so why not show your talents and govern the land and bring peace to the people. Over time, you will naturally be able to see clearly what the people want. What do you think?"

"...Your Majesty is wise. The foreign minister reported that the Li family has exhausted its power, and it is true. If it were not for the Li family's rebellious behavior and nepotism, and the complaints from the officials and the people, how could the foreign minister be helpless in controlling the affairs of Cochin? Now, the foreign minister only hopes that the people of Cochin can live and work in peace and contentment, but Ruan Gan and others are greedy for power and are bent on restoration. If the hearts of the people of Cochin are still towards the Li Dynasty, why can they only run away with their heads in their hands? The imperial envoy Mingjian."

Ruan Gan wanted to speak immediately, but Weng Wanda frowned: "There is no need to say these words anymore. Since you think so, then listen to my official announcement."

Mo Dengyong looked at the dazzling line on the map again, lowered his head and left his seat: "Foreign Minister Mo Dengyong listens to the order."

Weng Wanda stood up, received the first imperial edict, and began to read Zhu Houcong's edict to the two kneeling kings.

Regardless of the high-sounding words, the meaning is very simple: rule by delimitation. The Ming Dynasty still regarded Jiaozhi as a family and only set up an embassy on Cat Ba Island.One of the two families was the Xuanwei envoy to the north of Jiaozhi, and the other was the Xuanwei envoy to the south of Jiaozhi. They were both able to do business and communicate with the Ming Dynasty.The effectiveness of the Jiaozhi two families in governing the land and bringing peace to the people will be reported every year by the Jiaozhi diplomatic envoys.

"...If anyone starts a war recklessly again, I will hear the report and I will definitely judge him and punish him. If he has a counter-intention, refuses to obey the instructions of the Ming Dynasty, and cannot bring peace to the people and work in peace and prosperity, it will be difficult for him to be appointed as the envoy of Jiaozhi. I will eliminate them myself. Based on the results of governing the land and bringing peace to the people, I will observe the people's aspirations. This is the foundation for you to regard the people as the most important thing for hundreds of years. I can also make the country's lord again and forever form a clan-vassal relationship. I admire this!"

Mo Dengyong was shocked, but he could only express his gratitude first.

He stared at the floor with endless hatred in his eyes.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty harbored evil intentions and wanted to incite the north and south of Cochin to fight openly and secretly.Which side is at the beginning of the war and can't they do more secretly?Today we will admonish this one, and tomorrow we will punish that one. The north and south of Jiaozhi must be wary of both the Ming Dynasty and each other. How can they still have the energy to govern the land and bring peace to the people?

He didn't know if that idiot Ruan Gan could see through this, but he knew that the Ming Dynasty's purpose of "still treating Jiaozhi as a family" and "preparing to canonize the country as the leader in the future" seemed to be benevolent, but in fact it was very insidious.

The standard lies with Ming Dynasty!

Then, Weng Wanda took out the certificate of credence and asked both of them to check it and sign it.

This is a "truce agreement", but it is not a real "truce agreement".The civil war in Jiaozhi is not over, but it has changed from a confrontation between the two armies to a competition to see who can better "govern the land and bring peace to the people."

The five-year meeting, using the bait of canonizing the sole king, allowed the north and south of Jiaozhi to fight openly and secretly.

Among them, there is an important evaluation point such as "banditry".

"Foreign Minister, I have something to report." Mo Dengyong gritted his teeth, "Foreign Minister is not a person who is greedy for power and position, and he is willing to abdicate. Please, Your Majesty, please confer my son Mo Dengying as the envoy of Jiaozhibei Xuanwei, to show that Jiaozhibei Xuanwei. Determined to stop war, educate people, and calm the people!"

Weng Wanda looked at him deeply and said, "I will report this to Your Majesty."

Behind the scenes, Mo Dengyong will naturally do more things that are not easily noticed, but that does not harm the overall situation.

Ming's strength is decisive.

As for the Mo family who massacred the Li family, it would be difficult for them to coexist with each other unless they were willing to die and destroy their clan.

Originally it was still one country, but now it has become two chieftains. The chieftains are the "family of the world".

Weng Wanda doesn't care what they do, he just presides over the negotiation meeting step by step.

While the history of Cochin is being changed here, news from the north is also on its way to the south.

The Emperor of Heaven once again went on a personal expedition, and this time he mobilized vigorously in Ming Pao.

With many victories over the Northern invaders, the imperial court calculated the accounts with the officials and the people: if the Northern invaders were gone, how much food and wages would be saved in the border areas in the Ming Dynasty in the future.

The people of the Ming Dynasty may not understand these accounts, but they did not increase taxes, and that is enough.

These accounts were told by Zhang Fujing, the Prime Minister and Minister of State, to the officials: I, Mr. Zhang, have just taken up this position, and now is a special war period when Ming Dynasty must seize the eternal opportunity and eliminate the Northern Troubles in one fell swoop.

Who wants to hold me back from decapitating Zhang?

Since it has been published in Ming Pao, Jiaozhi will naturally know about it.

They knew that the Ming Dynasty was temporarily unable to make a large-scale attack in the south. What would happen?
Mo Dengyong only learned of the news later, including the news that the Ming Dynasty sent troops to recapture Tucheng at the end of last year and the beginning of this year - these were all publicized as morale-boosting news at this time.

He remembered the smiling one-eyed Yan Shifan he had seen on Fengzhou, and finally realized that he had been deceived by him.

At that time last year, even if the Ming Dynasty had spare power, it would also launch a large-scale offensive on the Jiaozhi land route!Sending some warships over was already their limit!

It's a pity that he has already used the seal on the certificate of credence and received the canonization of the Ming Dynasty.

If you do anything else, it will be what the Emperor of Heaven calls "rebellion."

Should we take advantage of the fact that the Ming Dynasty is unable to take care of it and take advantage of Ruan Gan to move to Thanh Hoa, which is even more difficult to defend, and do the opposite?
(End of this chapter)

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