
Chapter 391 How refreshing is it to be a hero?

Chapter 391 How refreshing is it to be a hero?

If you are not a professional, you probably don’t know that Zhu Yuanzhang always paid attention to transportation during his life of conquering the world.

Before the country was unified, roads were being repaired and inns were being set up in the territory he occupied.After the Ming Dynasty was officially established, we continued to fight and cultivate wherever we went.

In the second year of Hongwu, Chang Yuchun conquered Kaiping and built eight post stations. The fourth post in the east connected with Daning, and the fourth post in the west connected with Dushi.In the 15th year of Hongwu's reign, Fu Youde, Lan Yu, and Mu Ying pacified Yunnan. They "ordered the Dongchuan, Wusa, and Mangbu tribes to send mails to Yunnan, and to build roads, each of which was ten feet wide, and to build a post every sixty miles away."

"Your Majesty is now renovating the straight roads, galloping roads, and post roads in the world. If you can succeed, it will be easier to control the enemies on the border. This will be the foundation of eternity."

In the post station outside Zhending Mansion, Gao Gong patted the dragon's butt cautiously.

Zhu Houcong looked at him: "You are very familiar with these."

"... When I went to Yunnan to study, I read more business and travel magazines to avoid getting into trouble." Gao Gong continued to talk about his understanding of the Ming Dynasty's land and water routes, because the emperor seemed to be testing him.

Although they started chatting on the way, as an emperor, how could he not know the many transportation arteries of the Ming Dynasty?
After the imperial examination of Jinke, Gao Gong got the Jinshi as expected and ranked first.His fate also took a turn, and he was admitted to the imperial study. Now many courtiers knew that the emperor had high expectations for him.

According to the new regulations, the best promotion path for new scholars has become to first be appointed to the sixth science committee of the seventh rank, and then receive a huge amount of information to improve their understanding of officialdom and civil affairs while making suggestions.Then he was released to the outside world, and he almost became a sixth-grade county magistrate, and a better one became a full-grade sixth-grade county magistrate.

Later, he will be transferred to the Metropolitan Procuratorate. In this way, he will have experience in science and grassroots administration, and he will be able to look for opportunities. If he is better, he will try to be a fourth-grade prefect, and if he is almost, he will go to the first prefecture from the second or third grade. To start with the trumpet, you may first pass by the doctor and chief minister of the Eight Departments and dance.

In the first appointment, compared with being the Sixth Science and Technology Committee, I was given a better position in Shizhong where I could write strategies and express myself from time to time and make friends with colleagues in the capital. Naturally, I would be a companion in the Imperial Study Room.

Gao Gong was first admitted to the imperial study, and this time he was accompanied directly. He was already a shining "supernova".Before many dignitaries in the capital could recruit him as their son-in-law, the emperor took him away from the capital.

At this moment, Gao Gong could express himself and express his opinions in front of Zhu Houcong.

"Of the eight main post roads starting from Beijing, the two that go directly to Jinan and Taiyuan are the shortest. The other six, which are now to be built according to the new regulations, pass through Baoding and Zhending, followed by Shunde Prefecture. Henan passes through Zhangde , Weihui, Kaifeng, Runing, and then to Wuchang and Yuezhou. I heard that it only went as far as Changsha. I heard that more than [-] million taels of silver have been spent in three years."

"Do you think it's worth it?" Zhu Houcong asked casually.

"I followed your majesty out of the capital to Zhending, and the journey was smooth. The speed of the escort army's march and the speed of traveling to and from the post were [-]% faster than what I read in the "Report on Water and Land Journeys". This is a saving of nearly [-] yuan. Half of the time. This will be beneficial in the long run. You can't just look at how much money you spend now. Nowadays, Yunnan has also opened border markets. In addition to the troubles in the north, the roads and inns to the north also need to be repaired. I know that although Uncle Jingning I am often miserable, but I don’t feel that I am unable to do what I want. I think I can afford it, and this is all the result of the new method.”

Zhu Houcong smiled when he heard him talk about Yang Shen, who was often frowning.

"Let's rest for now. If we go west tomorrow, it will be the old post road, not as flat as this."

The main post road from Beijing to Taiyuan goes from Zhendingfu to the west.

Zhu Houcong chose to go through this road instead of going around Xuanda, and he also wanted to see the new "highway" built in the Ming Dynasty.

The distance from Beijing to Guangdong, Guangxi, and Yunnan is too long. Improving transportation efficiency and strengthening governance capabilities. In the future, this complete "Beijing-Guangzhou Line" will be the core for Ming Dynasty to gather strength.The Ming Dynasty cannot have only one canal as its water transportation lifeline. The land routes from north to south must also be opened up with stronger transshipment capabilities, so that central China, south China, and southwest China can more quickly and intuitively feel the existence of Beijing.

Although the first phase will take eight years and cost more than [-] million taels to build just as far as Changsha, it will certainly be worth it.

Gao Gong was not stupid. For the measures that had been decided by the emperor and the National Policy Council and were already being implemented, he only had to answer the question of the need to repair the measures, and at the same time praise the emperor and his ministers for their ability to govern the country.It can even be done at a cost of 500 million taels a year, and it was done despite the wars in Southwest China and Northern Saipan in the past few years. It can be seen that the new method of enriching the country has been effective.

After resigning, Gao Gong was still sleepy, so he went to Yang Bo, who was also accompanying him, for advice.

He was not only a senior reading companion in the imperial study room, but also a good friend of Gao Gong's acquaintance in Yunnan.He served as county magistrate in Kunming for more than a year and established several schools assigned to him by the emperor. Yang Bo then accompanied the King of Yue back to Beijing.Now his official rank has not changed, but he has been appointed as the General Secretary. This time he will be responsible for the memorials sent here from the imperial court.

The General Affairs Department and the Imperial Study Room have a good relationship that needs to be coordinated.

In Yang Bo's room, there was also Zheng Xiao, who passed the exam with Tang Shunzhi in the past.He was at the Military Affairs Council and was responsible for liaising with military information received from the Military Affairs Council and reported to the emperor.

When the royal driver travels, the young people are mainly composed of these three people and Lu Bing, who is responsible for guarding. There are also a few right ministers from the eight tribes in the prime of life, and the leader is the state minister who has been ranked in the State Palace and receives gifts and ministers. Minister Zhang Bi.

Zhang Bi also had seniority. He had served as chief in the imperial study, was a fellow countryman of the emperor, and had served as governor of Liaodong.Now that he has received the gift and handed it over to the ministers, and the imperial chariot has personally brought him with him, it can be seen that the emperor's will is very determined this time, and there must be some important ceremonial matter to be done.

Yujia has just arrived at Zhending Mansion and has not yet left Hebei Province, but Yujia has already left Beijing after all.

Over in Taiyuan, Taiyuan Town Chief Military Officer Zhu Qi and the Governor of Shanxi were making preparations with great fanfare.The emperor will stay in Taiyuan for at least three months, how can they not be interested?
The most important thing is that the news needs to reach the Hetao side.

Although the private market is banned now, it only means that the generals will not dare to do this again.However, among the people, desperate businessmen will never stop making secrets, and they can still detect some superficial movements in the border towns of Ming Dynasty.

The emperor was about to go to Taiyuan, and sentries from three sides were dispatched, and some border troops from the guard posts were mobilized. This information was summarized to Gunbilik, which only made him shocked and annoyed.

The last time Emperor Da Ming went on a personal expedition, he asked Bo Di to stay in Xuan Mansion. This time, he went to Taiyuan. What does that mean?
Taiyuan is located in the middle, bordered by Gansu, Ningxia, and Yansui to the west, and Datong and Xuanfu to the northeast.

However, some news has spread from the east of the Hetao. Ming troops have appeared in the territories of Tumut and Yongxiebu.

I replied that the guy ran away, and Gunbilik would naturally not let go of Fengzhou Beach in the eastern part of the Hetao Plain. He had just digested a large piece of pasture, but he was also temporarily wary of the Ming army still stationed in Tucheng. Go further east.

Knowing what I was going to do in the desperate attempt to go to Chahar, Gunbilik had already planned to go around the north side of Yinshan Mountain through the two passes of Yinshan Mountain after the horses were fattened, preparing to be the fisherman.

But it seems that Daming wants to seize the opportunity and expel him first.

"Jinong! We can't wait for them to defeat Yongxiebu. Now, they are obviously fighting over there. The Han emperor's coming here must be just a bluff to delay time. When they defeat Yongxiebu, the army will return to the west. Yongxiebu will not be able to help us contain the Ming army. If they block the entrance to the northeast, and the armies of Gansu and Ningxia block the entrance to the west, we will have no choice but to go north except for fighting to the death."

"The north of Yinshan Mountain is the Gobi Desert and Jinong. It's not easy to spend the winter there!"

Gunbilik hesitated.

He was a right-wing Jinon, and Yoncheb now also belongs to the right wing.Due to emotions and reasons, he should go to the rescue now even for the safety of the Ordos Department.

"When the emperor of the Han Dynasty arrived in Taiyuan, he first cleaned up Yongxiebu. What if he wanted to divert the tiger away from the mountain? They deliberately only defended Tucheng and did not even capture Liangcheng. It looked like they were trying to lure us to divide our troops to rescue them first. Besides, you Forgot? If the Han people want to attack, how can they wait until winter is approaching?"

Gunbilik expressed his thoughts and shook his head: "With Anda gone, Fengzhou Beach is the place that must be captured and defended. It was Anda who gave up there and let Yongxiebu and I A nail got stuck in the middle. If you want to blame it, blame Anda, that boy suddenly went crazy! Now the emperor of the Han people is going to Taiyuan. If they capture this place, all the pastures on the right wing will be destroyed. People are still there, and the pastures We can take it back! Fengzhou Beach is not small, and the cattle, sheep and horses of our Ordos tribe can’t eat all the grass on it.”

"Send people to Yongxiebu and tell them that they have just moved west and join forces! Take back the Tucheng first and drive the Han people back within the city walls. They can also get their own pastures back."

Gunbilik had his own calculations and abandoned Yongxiebu where he was stationed in the pasture. After arriving here, he could only rely on others and completely became a part of his Ordos tribe.

The situation on the grassland is already changing. No matter what the outcome of the battle between Anda and the left wing will be, he must have stronger power.

And the Hetao is really a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, so we can’t throw it away!
The news of the sudden disappearance of the Haraqin tribe had not yet come, but the tribes below Yongxie Buwanhu learned the news earlier.

Nearly four thousand of the Kalaqin tribesmen who were suddenly blasted from the center by the Ming army while they were sleeping finally escaped that night.Some of them went to find their own people who were grazing on water and grass, and they became a smaller force.Some went to other tribes, hoping to stay together for warmth.

But they also brought panic.

An incredibly powerful Ming army became their nightmare.All of them have extraordinary skills, and the warriors who claim to be the ones who killed Bodi with their own hands are like demons. They can come to the Karaqin tribe's camp where the security has been strengthened without anyone noticing. What if they continue to go north?

The grassland is vast, and different people are making different choices.

Yan Chunsheng continued to stay in the territory of the Kalaqin tribe, waiting for the people from the Duoyan tribe to come over.

During this time, he had changed into the attire of a prairie man, as had the generals under his command.

The surviving women and children of the Haraqin tribe not only helped them restore some defensive preparations during this period, but also helped them prepare for the transition.

Grassland tribes have always lived in pursuit of water and grass.Although there is a grazing land, the pastures in different areas still need to be recuperated.Their migration is called "Chunwa, Xiagang, Qiuping, Dongyang". This kind of migration is called transition.

The so-called spring depression means that in spring, you should choose a low-lying place to avoid wind and sand, and the pasture melts snow early, or has surface and underground water sources. Low-lying places often have sufficient water sources and the pasture turns green early.

Xiagang means that you should choose to camp on hills in summer. There is wind on the hills, it is relatively cool, the grass grows vigorously, there are few mosquitoes and flies, and there is no need to worry about rain.

In Qiuping, you should choose to set up yurts on the flat ground in autumn. The climate on the flat ground is suitable, and the flat grassland on the mountainside, foothills, and river banks is more luxuriant.Dongyang said that in winter, you should choose a sunny place to build a yurt, which is convenient for heating and has a higher temperature, which is conducive to livestock spending the winter.

In order to migrate, vehicles must be prepared, yurts must be dismantled, and cattle, sheep, and horses must be prepared.

After the people from the Duoyan tribe arrive, the special operations camp will disguise itself as a small tribe that is migrating due to the war.

They were "scared away" by themselves.

The leader of the Duoyan tribe who came here was Daha.

Now his nephew is the leader of the Duoyan tribe, but he has been sent to complete this dangerous task.

This piece of grassland in the Kalaqin tribe belongs to the families assigned to Daha, but Daha cannot enjoy it in peace.

When he saw Yan Chunsheng, he was already a little stunned, because if he didn't know who Yan Chunsheng was, he would have thought that he was in another grassland tribe.

Yan Chunsheng was not satisfied yet: "You are more familiar with the grassland tribes. Let's see how my brothers dress up. In addition, as an elder, there are many people who know you on the grassland, right? You need to change Change your appearance.”

"...General Yan, don't worry, I will give you more careful instructions. Our Duoyan tribe has always dealt with the Yongxiebu tribes, and there are several small tribes that we are familiar with. If you pretend to be them, their names, ages, and tribe stories, I have prepared these elders. If we meet other tribes, and we come forward, General Yan will have warriors from the tribes under his command, and we will give you some names. The other thing is the accent..."

"Don't worry, it's still early, and there will be plenty of time along the way. If something goes wrong, we will fight or kill you. Even if you only use bows and arrows, you are not afraid. Anyway, the grassland is not peaceful now, so many tribes are migrating. Fighting over turf is nothing new."

"...That's what the general said."

While Daha was helping Yan Chunsheng disguise himself as a grassland tribe and move westward, the battle report from the special operations battalion had also been sent back to Xuanda University, and then continued to Taiyuan and the capital.

Zhu Houcong was still walking on the road, and Tang Shunzhi got the latest battle report.

"Instruct Gansu Town to follow the previous deployment and set up a stronghold across Datong Mountain. Ningxia Town to set up a stronghold out of Helan Mountain. Yansui Town to go from Hengshan to Shenmu and five miles out of the border wall! Should Taolu guard the south of the Yellow River? Let’s see what’s going on first!”

The Yellow River is a natural barrier to the south of Erdos.

The entire Hetao can be divided into Western Tao, Back Tao and Front Tao.Xitao, where Ningxia Town is located, is actually still in the hands of the Ming Dynasty.The first one is the Fengzhou Beach area that I have already given up on.Nowadays, Ming Dynasty has intervened in a small part, and Gunbilik controls all the back sets and most of the front sets.

The complex that Ming Dynasty was talking about this time was to regain the complete Hetao, with Yinshan Mountain as a barrier to the north.

The emperor has not yet arrived in Taiyuan, but there are signs of attack on the three western sides.

Under pressure, will Gunbilik prepare to shrink back to the core area of ​​​​the Loop first, or will he also fully defend the south side of the Yellow River?
The Ming army also appeared south of Datong Mountain in Qinghai. Does Gunbilik care about it?

What Tang Shunzhi wanted to see was Gunbilik's reaction. From this reaction, he could also know how much attention Gunbilik paid to the south.

In this case, Yan Chunsheng, who has completed the first step, can make his subsequent plans smoother.

The special operations battalion with less than a thousand people had to move thousands of miles to cut off the Ordos tribe's retreat to the Yinshan Mountains. They needed time to "migrate."

Li Quanli, who commanded the army as the commander-in-chief of the Xuanda Border Region, only became furious when he learned about Yan Chunsheng's contribution.

"Before autumn, I will return to Kaiping!"

Only people like him and Tang Shunzhi knew that the main direction of the imperial army's personal expedition this time was not Hetao, but the Khan Court and Chahar!
Repeating is just a strategic result that should be achieved incidentally.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Ming Dynasty decided to finish his work in one battle this time, making Beilu unable to stand up from now on and not giving me any chance.

If His Majesty later wants to spend the winter in Kaiping, how can he not ensure the safety here?

How could he only let Yan Chunsheng be the most beautiful?

In the battle of Luohangou, the late Marquis of Chicheng Li Jin became famous together with Yan Chunsheng!

At this time, Anda finally moved to the southwest of the Chahar grassland with his family members, old and young.

"Wuliangha should be ready, right?"

He asked, looking to the northeast.

In the past, he helped Bodi conquer Wu Liangha, and he was Wu Liangha's enemy.

But today, he has another path to take, and Wu Liangha can also be a friend.

"Don't worry, Khan, they can't abandon the promise given to them by the Khan."

Anda nodded. Throughout the spring, he was actively contacting these matters before making the final decision.

In other words, he made the final decision when he was confident.

"Pass the order and place your order here." An Da said calmly, "Recuperate for three days, and then the army will go out!"

Even though General Chahar, who was rescued by him at the time, replied that the Khan Court had given him a lot, the sentries under their command had already seen his banner and tribe, and the northeast direction was still calm, indicating that they had made a decision. The choice was made.

They were the ones who had truly experienced that battle. They knew better than anyone else that the grassland now needed a more powerful Khan.

Only by following Anda can we have a future.

Call that boy Sun and those old and stupid elders, they don't deserve it!

I gave up Fengzhou Beach, and also gave up the royal way of gradually accumulating prestige and reputation.

But now he found that it was so comfortable without those burdens.Being a hero is so refreshing!
In other words, this is how it should be on the grassland. The weak will eat the strong, and the winner will be the king and the loser will be the loser.Before interests and huge threats, people of insight are more eager for heroes who can lead them to defend and expand their interests.

He withdrew his gaze and asked again: "My brother, is he shrinking over there?"

"The sentries in the southeast encountered the fleeing Karaqin tribe. The Yongxiebu side is now hell."

Ida was silent for a moment and walked steadily towards his tent: "The Emperor of the Han only has eyes for me, so let him come."

Ma Fang is also in this huge army of Tumut tribes. The order has been sent and he is also actively making preparations.

It doesn't matter this time, this time it's about killing the Tatars.

He doesn't quite understand the big gains and losses yet. He knows that if Anda wins, it will definitely be better for Anda.

But he also knew that it would be better for Ming Dynasty if more Tatars died.

Besides, what if he made a lot of contributions in this battle and gained my trust?

On the grassland in summer, different people make different choices.

Their choices together determine the future of the grassland.

Gunbilik made a courageous choice: "Do you think I can be bullied? Drive the Han people back and give their emperor a meeting gift!"

 Running around during the holidays, I will make up for what I owe later.

(End of this chapter)

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