
Chapter 392 Tang Shunzhi’s chess game

Chapter 392 Tang Shunzhi’s chess game
Taiyuan City is located on the east bank of the Fen River. Based on Taiyuan City in the Northern Song Dynasty, it also included the Black Dragon Pond area in the north and the east and northeast sides. The perimeter was expanded from the original 24 miles to [-] miles in one fell swoop, and the city wall was included. Bricks.

The original Jin Palace was located in the expanded area, northeast of Taiyuan City.Going inward from the Dadong Gate is the capital city of Prince Jin's Mansion.The streets surrounding the Jin Palace are all named "Xiao Qiang".

There is a saying from ancient times to the present, which is that trouble arises from Xiao Qiang.In the beginning, the city walls were called Xiao Walls.Later, when there was a city in the city, the walls of the inner city or palace city were called Xiao Qiang, which was different from the Xiao Qiang of the outer city.

Now that the direct descendants of the King of Jin have moved to the capital, the Palace of the King of Jin has been transformed into Shanxi University.

"Xinghua Ridge..." Zhu Houcong heard a familiar name and looked towards the small garden southeast of Prince Jin's Mansion.

In his memory, this seemed to be the name of a district in Taiyuan in the future. Unexpectedly, he heard this word after Yang Bo's introduction.

Yang Bo is from Shanxi, and he took part in the provincial examination and stayed in Taiyuan for a long time.

"The majestic beauty crowns all vassals, this is what people often mentioned when talking about the beauty of the palaces and palaces of the Prince of Jin." Yang Bo said, "Xinghua Ridge in the Prince of Jin's Palace is one of the most beautiful scenery in Taiyuan."

"It's too late then." Zhu Houcong smiled and turned his eyes from the east to the north, "Let's go without delaying the teachers and students of Shanxi University. During these days when I was stationed in Taiyuan, the guards only guarded the harem, not the officials. People are coming in through the Xihua Gate."

The Jin Palace is very large, almost like a miniature version of the Forbidden City.It also has Donghua Gate and Xihua Gate, leading to Taiyuan City outside.The direction from Xihua Gate to Donghua Gate separates the front half and back half of the palace like a street.To the east of the inner east gate of this "harem" is the original martial arts arena of the palace.

Of course, that happened during the Hongwu period when the Jin Palace was first built. At that time, the palace still had guards.

Now, the martial arts arena in the eastern half of the palace has been transformed first into the offices of the palace's administrative offices, and then into classrooms and residences for students of Shanxi University.

Although nominally the entire Jin Palace belongs to Shanxi University, the original architectural regulations for the core palace of Jin Palace were there after all.Therefore, except for the palace city in the eastern half of the palace, Shanxi University only uses some side halls, wing rooms, and huts in the "former dynasty" of the palace for professors to live and work, while the main hall and some side halls of the former dynasty are used as libraries. ,classroom.

As for the harem area, it was originally the residence of the prince, prince, princess and others, but now it has always been empty.

Renovation would be very expensive, and no one would dare to use it for private purposes unless it was renovated.The location of the main hall in the former dynasty, being able to use it as a library and a large classroom was already considered a privilege by the emperor.

Zhu Houcong was the emperor, so he had to go through the main entrance when he came in.

Many people came to welcome him. The scholars who were studying in Shanxi University looked at Yang Bo, who was from Shanxi Jieyuan a few years ago, accompanying him. They were all envious and enthusiastic.

I heard that when His Majesty comes here, in addition to handling military and state affairs, he will also often give lectures to them. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Zhu Houcong arrived at the second half of the palace, and Lu Bing and Zhang Bi began to get busy.Lu Bing went to arrange the guards, while Zhang Bi and others arranged a temporary office space in the southwest corner of the "harem" beside Xihua Gate.

The main hall complex of the "harem" with the highest regulations was naturally the place where the emperor temporarily lived.

Zhu Houcong first met with the officials of Shanxi Province and Taiyuan Prefecture, as well as the Jin vassal clan who were not qualified and did not need to go to Beijing with the King of Jin. After Huang Jin walked around behind and came back, he waited for Zhu Houcong to finish the due process first. program.

After the princes and clan members of the Jin vassal had also left, leaving only He Tang, the governor of Shanxi, and Zhu Qi, the chief military officer of Taiyuan Town, Huang Jin went to Zhu Houcong and reported a few words in a low voice.

Zhu Houcong frowned and looked at the two of them: "I am here for the military situation in the border town. My orders to you are to be simple. Why are you so extravagant and have so many maids?"

Zhu Qi did not speak, but He Tang said respectfully: "Your Majesty is driving in Taiyuan and has been staying here for a long time. How can it be too simple? Your Majesty left Beijing with few servants, and no female officials were arranged to accompany him. I invited you, Mr. Zhang allowed me to prepare it myself. Firstly, I did not transfer any money, and secondly, I did not disturb the people. These living items were all borrowed from the virtuous families of Taiyuan Township. I will return them to you after Your Majesty returns to Beijing. These maids are also ladies from various families. Being able to serve His Majesty is what they want."

"...Mao Gong is sure?"

Zhu Houcong was stunned for a moment, but these trivial matters did not require him, the emperor, to personally nod.

"Exactly. I couldn't imitate Mr. Zhang's approach in Shandong in the past, and I was afraid of offending others. Fortunately, the Xiang Mu Sheng En was awarded the title and ranked in the Xiang Xian Yuan at all levels, and they all enthusiastically repaid the emperor's kindness. Your Majesty is afraid that the ministers and others will be extravagant and wasteful and disturb the people, so I am so merciful and sage, so the ministers are always grateful and dare not harm the people."

Zhu Houcong remembered Zhang Fujing's old story of auctioning off his used things to make money, and could only shake his head and was too lazy to worry about it anymore.

Whether he enjoys it or not is secondary. He really doesn't want to bring a big burden to the local people because of his long-term tour.The places we are going to this time are all border areas, and it is already more difficult for the people here.

Whether what he said is true or not, let Lu Bing make an unannounced visit later.

The content Huang Jin reported to him could make Zhu Houcong say the word "extravagant", which shows that their preparations were somewhat exaggerated.

After letting He Tang go about his business, Zhu Houcong smiled and asked Zhu Qi: "Xuanda and the other three parties are moving, but you have to greet and protect them first. Are you unwilling to do so?"

"I made a big mistake in the first place. I am here today only because of your majesty's generosity. How can I be unwilling to bear the important responsibility of your majesty stationed in Taiyuan to protect you?"

"Okay, if it weren't for the merits of the assassin and the companion in the expedition, I would only remember the hard work of the escort in my heart and never give a reward."

What Zhu Houcong said was true. For example, Lu Bing's escort, just staying by Zhu Houcong's side, was not as rewarding as Li Quanli, who participated in the battle of Luohangou.

Zhu Qi hurriedly expressed his loyalty, but Zhu Houcong said to him, "I have entered Taiyuan City. You can arrange for a capable general and leave some people behind, and let Lu Bing control them all. You can go to Piantou Pass and let's When you come to Taiyuan Town, I will give you a chance to make contributions. This guy Tang Yingde is young and energetic, and he has already made many generals on the three sides come out of the border wall. I know that he will not ruin the overall situation, but if he turns his head to change the direction, he will not be able to do anything. Too much pressure, if Gunbilik wants to bring down the arrogance of the three west sides, then Yang Yongxiu will have to jump."

"I accept the decree!" Zhu Qi was overjoyed.In this case, it is not only the merit of escorting the emperor, but also the merit of sending troops to fight, and it is also a great favor for giving his confidants a chance to dangle in front of the emperor.

Zhu Houcong arranged for him and then called Zhang Bi, Zheng Xiao, Yang Bo and Gao Gong.

"Now that the three sides have been dispatched, if Gunbilik really comes to fight, food and grass will be a big problem." Zhu Houcong said that Yang Shende hesitated because of the possible consequences of Tang Shunzhi's order to "provoke" outside the border wall. "What's the new news in the capital today?"

"Once we go back, I'm afraid it will take three to four days for a comprehensive reply from the capital." Zhang Bi looked a little unhappy, "Your Majesty, Tang Dutai's sudden intrusion may ruin the overall situation. Your Majesty should reprimand him and order They are not allowed to advance rashly. If they are attacked by the bandits, the priority is to return to the border wall and stick to it. Nowadays, the main direction for the transportation of grain and grass is to declare the general direction. The return of grain and grass will have to wait until the new grain is harvested this year and the transportation arrives. Shaanxi and Shanxi will have to work together with Xuanda next year to complete their work in one battle!"

"His idea has been analyzed in detail to me, and I think it is acceptable." Zhu Houcong did not listen to Zhang Bi's suggestion and just said, "It will take three or four days for the news about Mao Gong, Gong Jin, and Yong Xiu to arrive. Now that the Yingde side has moved, it is not consuming food, pay, and military supplies at the usual rate. There is a difference here, but it is not big. Now that we have arrived in Taiyuan, we might as well think of a way together to prevent Yongxiu from being overwhelmed. "

"Isn't the difference big?" Zhang Bi didn't understand. "Your Majesty, from Gansu to Yansui, new camps were set up in Qinghai and west of Helan Mountain, and hundreds of miles of frontier troops came out of the border wall. When there is a war, food and grass cannot be cut off. .”

"If I say it's not big, it means it's not big." Zhu Houcong emphasized again, "Ying De is using a trick, and the fewer people who know about it, the more miraculous it will be. After receiving his request a few days ago, I was right, and then I I just want Gongjin and the others to discuss it and give me an answer. On the premise of ensuring that the general direction is needed, let’s see how much room is available and how much time it will take to transfer it.”

Everyone could only feel the emperor's trust in Tang Shunzhi.

According to the original plan, arriving at Taiyuan was enough to make Gunbilik nervous.As for Xisanbian and Taiyuan Town, they only had to pretend to assemble their troops and prepare for the expedition. In fact, they still operated according to the usual food and salary plan.

But Tang Shunzhi's current approach made it possible for a war to break out on the Western Front.Even if there is no war this time and the grain and grass are only transported a few miles outside the border wall, the additional burden will not be small.

With such behavior, it is quite normal to impeach him for "taking advantage of others' behavior."However, Tang Shunzhi directly received the emperor's approval, and the emperor approved it before making a decision without comprehensive consideration at the military affairs meeting.

It would be strange if Yang Shen didn't jump.

Seeing that they were silent, Zhu Houcong spoke again: "Water from afar cannot quench your thirst. Although the difference is not big, it is best to raise funds nearby. You might as well make it clear that I am driving in Taiyuan, and it is also within Yingde's consideration. It doesn't matter if it's a provocation. No matter whether I am greedy for merit, since I have arrived in the northwest, there is no reason to retreat, right? Ying De's move is not for greed of merit, but actually to coerce the wealthy households in the border areas. There are no eggs left intact under the overturned nest, and the east and west are advancing together. I will take charge of it. In the northwest, should my subjects help me relieve my worries and plan for my own wealth?"

Zhang Bi sighed: "Why be so anxious..."

"It's not urgent." Zhu Houcong emphasized again, "Back then, it was Ying De who was raising national debts in Xuanda, and he was just repeating his old tricks. But this time, if the Loop is taken back, the gains will be comparable to those of just holding on to Xuanda. Much more. The fertile fields are thousands of miles away, and the Tatars can only be used to herd horses and sheep. If they are given to the people of the Ming Dynasty, they will be used to fill the granaries! After the war in the north was eliminated, it will be impossible to kill the Tatars. In the future, those who are loose The small tribes also have endless benefits from the border market."

Yang Bo understood clearly: "Your Majesty, do you want me to complete the matter of arbitrating national debt from Shanxi and Shaanxi while I am in Taiyuan?"

"That's right." Zhu Houcong said with a smile, "There is this basis. This group of businessmen in Shanxi bought it back then. What they gained was the interest, which later became the license for the Zhejiang Shipping Company to go to sea, and the business license for the Yunnan border market. And this time, there will be fertile farmland in the Hetao in the future! After the Hetao is taken back, in addition to retaining some pastures to breed war horses, a large number of Han people should move to and cultivate the land. Someone needs to take the lead in doing these things."

Tang Shunzhi not only considered how to maintain a stable economic foundation and Han population base after the complex, but also used this action to draw Gunbilik's attention.

At present, he really needs the balance of food urgently, and it must be refined food.

In Guyuan, Tang Shunzhi, who had received the emperor's reply, now called Mao Bowen, Zhang Jing, Fei Maozhong, and Zeng Mian here. "How many sesame biscuits, dry rice, fried noodles, and dried meat are prepared in the three towns now?"

There are several types of marching rations among the Ming army.If you are not far away, there are perforated sesame cakes, which are crispy and salty.If you are relatively far away, there is dry rice, which can be eaten by soaking it in hot water.The fried noodles cooked directly with flour are more convenient to carry and less likely to spoil.Although the taste is much worse, it is very suitable for long-distance marches when food transportation is difficult.

When Tang Shunzhi asked about this, they naturally reported the number first.The three sides on the west side have been making preparations for retrieval. For the military rations that will be needed when marching out of the fortress in the future, the amount of preparations is much larger than before.

After hearing this, Tang Shunzhi said: "Gather them all and transport them to Yinchuan."

The four people were shocked when they heard the sound: "All shipped to Yinchuan?"

What is that for?Which troop should we take with us? How far will it go? How long will it take?

"Yes!" Tang Shunzhi said decisively, "After returning, do this in secret, and at the same time prepare new dry food. Don't worry about food, just make most of the prepared food into dry food first, it will be replenished immediately. In addition, , and as mentioned before, as soon as Gunbilik's men and horses come over, the Yansui side will retreat to the side wall. If they turn to attack Ningxia again, they will go out again."

Zhang Jing was thoughtful.

Mao Bowen looked at Zhang Jing, thinking that he, the governor of Ningxia, would probably face unprecedented pressure. After all, Tang Shunzhi wanted to make a fuss from Ningxia, which was closest to the Taolu base camp.

But what exactly this article is, Tang Shunzhi has not said yet.

What everyone knows is that Tang Shunzhi emphasized during his previous deployment that the frontier troops on the Yansui front line must move in and out to contain the main force of the Ordos Department south of the river.

In the end, Tang Shunzhi only said: "After today's explanation, I will go to Zhenyuan Pass. Everyone, you have been coming to the border for more than three years. If we win this battle, Taige will be in front. Let's work together to do it!"

Tang Shunzhi is the youngest, but he is the most energetic.

And when they heard that he was going to Zhenyuan Pass in the northernmost part of Ningxia Town, they knew that this guy was going to fight.

Of course, regardless of his official position and strategy, his martial arts skills alone give him a fighting chance.

Although the arrows on the battlefield are unreasonable.


Maowusu means "no good water" in Mongolian.

In this area surrounded by big bends in the shape of the Yellow River, there used to be good mountains and rivers, but now it is dominated by sandy land.Thousands of years ago, Helian Bobo built Tongwan City in the hinterland of this area. Now Tongwan City is not far to the north of Jing County, Yansui Town, Ming Dynasty.

The Wuding River, a tributary of the Yellow River, was called Shuoshui and Sheyanshui in ancient times. When it was still full of green trees, there was no name Mu Us.Now, it flows through the southeastern area of ​​Mu Us Sandy Land, draws an arc-shaped river channel, and then merges into the Yellow River from the southeast.

After receiving Gunbilik's order, the Ordos cavalry gathered near the three tributaries to the north of the Wuding River. Now they can only let their horses eat the few wild grasses here.

Fortunately it's not autumn yet.

They were responsible for attacking the Ming army at Jingbian in Yansui Town and the border wall in the direction of Hengshan.

Crossing the Yellow River is not easy.Coming from the Houduo area on the north side of the Yellow River, they could only use the muddy sheepskins to be blown with air and tied tightly to make rafts or wooden rafts, or even just tied to the body.

Le Nang crosses the river. Over the years, the Ordos tribe has slowly recuperated and grown in the south of the Yellow River.

But now they don't care about reinforcements or anything, because since they got the Hetao during the Hongzhi period, the lord of Ordos Ten Thousand Households and the right-wing Jinong have been stationed here.Otherwise, why would the Ming army insist on defending south of Mu Usu?

In the future, the land to the north and east of Mu Us Sandy Land will even be named Ordos Plateau.

But now, the pressure is on Gombrick.

The first thing he knew was that Yansui's Ming army had left the border wall. After all, it was not too far from his tent and he could know it without crossing the Yellow River.

Later, news came from further west. To the northwest of Helan Mountain, outside Zhenyuan Pass, the Han people actually began to set up camps there.

Now he is under great psychological pressure.

"Jinong, I'm afraid their plan is to attack the north of the river from the west of the river! If the Ming army from Datong encircles the river from the east and captures Fengzhou Beach, we will be trapped south of the river!"

Gunbilik was furious: "The Babai Chamber is enshrined here! The Ordos tribe is the guardian of the spiritual tent. Do you want me to abandon the grassland south of the river and flee back to the north in front of Genghis Khan's spiritual tent?"

After Genghis Khan died, the grassland people built eight white spiritual tents to commemorate him. These spiritual tents were called the Babai Chamber.After Dayan Khan unified the grassland, he used the Babai Chamber as a symbol and set it up on the right wing.The name Ordos means "Guardian of the Spiritual Tent".

The Babai Chamber is now enshrined in Wang Aizhao south of the river, and it is a symbol.The center of the Ordos tribe is located south of the river, which is also a symbol of control over this grassland.

Its movement to the south is a symbol that Jinong is stronger and can continue to oppress the Ming Dynasty.It moved back to the north of the river, so what does that count?
"Attack! Drive the Ming army back to the city wall first! To the north of the river, guard the east and west sides as I said before! If the Han people want to build a fort outside Helan Mountain, let them build it first. What are they afraid of? If they Regardless of Yansui, we will attack! Attack, the more we bluff here, the more we have to attack!"

From the north and south of the Wuding River to Yulin and Shenmu further northeast, the Sentinel Cavalry of the Ming Dynasty and the Ordos Tribe took the lead in meeting each other, and the war was about to break out.

The sentries returned to their respective camps. Many of the border generals in Yansui Town suppressed their thoughts and simply gave orders: "Bring out the camp and return to the border wall!"

The military information was quickly passed along the border wall. Tang Shunzhi, who was heading from Guyuan to Zhenyuan Pass, received the report and gave a new order: "Lingzhou and Ningxia defenders, get out of the border wall!"

Like a chess player, he mobilized the border troops of Ningxia Town on the east bank of the Yellow River to build the border wall.

At this time, Xia Yan, Zhang Fujing, Yang Shen and others in the capital were also discussing the strategy presented by the West Third Side.

"This really doesn't count as how much more food, salary and military resources will be used." Xia Yan sighed, "Tang Yingde is worthy of being an unparalleled talent who won the first prize in science and technology. Today is different from the past. As long as the Ming Dynasty dares to play tricks on the captives, they will have to take action. Deal with it. The veteran generals are wary of the power of the Beibei in the past, and I'm afraid they don't have the heart to play like this. A natural chasm in the Yellow River, and the burden of trapping the Babai room, let's see how Gunbilik chooses."

Yang Shen has many white hairs on his head.

"Even if we sell the treasury bonds first, the court will still have to pay them back in the future, and we will have to pay more!"

Zhang Fujing chuckled lightly: "If we really succeed in one fell swoop, the military pay saved in the three areas of the West, Taiyuan Town, and Xuanda will be enough!"

At present, in the Xisanbian Border Area and Taiyuan Town, we only know that after the Taolu reacted, the Ming army retracted within the border wall.

The situation is precarious!

On the Hetao side, Gunbilik stepped into Tang Shunzhi's chess game.

On the grassland where the Chahar tribe is stationed, Ma Fang is galloping.

There wasn't a fight over there, but there was a real fight here.

"Suddenly hot! Suddenly hot!"

Ma Fang shouted like them, using only his two feet to control the horse under his feet, and using both hands to draw the bow and arrow.

He was brave enough to kill the Tartars!

(End of this chapter)

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