
Chapter 396 Who will lead the way?

Chapter 396 Who will lead the way?

"Tang Yingde! How could he do this!"

Since the memorial could be delivered to Zhangjiakou, it was naturally delivered to the capital.

In the National Policy Hall in the winter moon, Zhu Zaiyi sat on a chair prepared for him, his eyes widened as he watched his teacher Yang get angry.

Although Yang Shen is just a minister of the Ministry of Finance and Taxation, everyone in the National Policy Palace now understands his explosion.

From last year to this year, when did the fighting stop?
"Now it's good. Except for Liaodong, Jizhou and Jingying stayed behind. The remaining seven towns, the main force of Jizhou, Jingying, and even the navy are all fighting, and they are all out of the field!" Yang Shen There were indeed a lot of white hairs on his head. He looked at Zhang Fujing and felt extremely depressed. "The imperial commander and the Northern Expedition Army have to spend this winter in Kaiping. How can we safely support the food and salary for the extermination of the Taolu Military resources?”

The pressure is just too much.

Xia Yan also understood him very well, but Xia Yan had to say: "Tang Yingde's judgment is right, this is an eternal opportunity! The Beibei has always lived in no fixed place, coming and going like the wind. Now, after finally catching up with the internal fighting among the Beibei, Tumo Te and the Khan Court will fight decisively in the Chahar area. The Ordos tribe intends to preserve its strength and reap the benefits. The isolated households of Yongshebu have been eliminated. No one expected that I would be so decisive that the situation would change like this. Even though I was prepared It’s not complete yet, but it has to be accomplished in one battle.”

Whether he was standing as the general staff of the Military Affairs Council or considering the Ming Dynasty, Xia Yan had to say this.

He looked at Yang Shen: "The war has begun, and we have to endure all the hardships. Before leaving the capital, the important logistics and the internal affairs of the Ming Dynasty were entrusted to you and me. Yong Xiu, His Highness the Crown Prince, in person , it’s better to settle down first and discuss food and grass matters.”

Zhang Fujing also nodded: "The victory of this battle no longer depends on how the soldiers on the front line fight to the death, but on how the food and grass are transported in time. At this time, the morale of the military and the people at home and abroad must not be chaotic. To eliminate the troubles of the Northern Captives, the Ming Dynasty will What a big deal is this? The top and bottom should work together to deal with the country's worries! The first thing is, the Hetao and the location of the marching army, food and grass cannot be delayed. New food is being collected, and old food should be shipped first."

The Prime Minister and Minister of State expressed their position, and Yang Shen could only report the situation helplessly.

The treasury has been unified, no matter whether the figures are accurate or not, he at least has a Ming Dynasty account book here.He also knows the grain stored in the grain storage account and the transportation capacity of the transit line, river transportation bureau, and shipping bureau.

What needs to be done now is to make overall arrangements.

Things were discussed one by one. Since the prince Zhu Zaiyi had the title of supervising the country, he should listen.

In the harem, Sun Ming was not only worried about her son's performance, but also worried about the safety of her husband who was far away from the Great Wall. She was also worried about Sun Jiao's condition.

Already over eighty, the chances of Sun Jiao surviving this winter are getting smaller and smaller.

Over at Ming Bao Xing, since Yu Dayou sent troops first, every issue will publish the latest progress of the war.

Now, the emperor has left the border wall, Kaiping has returned to the Ming Dynasty, Yongxiebu, one of the [-] northern captive households, has been basically expelled, and Tumote was beaten last year and fled to the north to rebel against the Khan. , it is a foregone conclusion that all the land south of the Yellow River will be taken over from the Hetao.

For the people of the Ming Dynasty, there must be such internal propaganda to let them understand that the Ming Dynasty is winning now to avoid the danger from the north.Only in this way can the huge financial pressure brought by the war and some special control measures after the emperor left Beijing be understood and supported.

"If you don't increase the tax temporarily, you can only spend money to buy it. You must have money and someone willing to sell!" Yang Shen said while the National Policy Hall was still discussing, "Let me put it bluntly, Nanjing, Huaiyang, Jiangning, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Huguang are truly the capital of the country at this time! If we cannot raise enough food from Jiangnan, the front line will definitely be unsustainable!"

There was silence in the National Policy Hall.

If there are still people who miss the past, then this is the last chance.

The emperor was not in the capital, not even within the Ming Dynasty.Beilu's frantic pursuit of survival will not worry about whether the Great Tomorrow is in the enemy formation opposite.If the front line is really cut off from military supplies, will Ming Dynasty win first and then lose?Can the emperor come back?

But now, it is not enough to just pay all the grain taxes that should be paid.Even if the grain storage account had a large stockpile of grain before, there will be new grains this year that can be used as much as possible, but how fast will it be consumed in such a large-scale national war?
To ensure that food, wages and military supplies are guaranteed, there must be other sources.Whether you sell it or donate it, it's all voluntary and cannot be forced.Unless we simply be more ruthless, add temporary bonuses, and treat everyone equally.

That was not the purpose the emperor had stated before leaving.

The emperor has made it clear that no additional taxes will be imposed due to war, so they need to bear the heavy burden.

"Solve the money problem first!" Zhang Fujing made a decision again, "President Cui, the sale of treasury bonds was only in Shanxi and Shaanxi, but now it is time to expand. What I mean is that this battle is about the country, the clan, and the honor. Relatives and relatives should all do their best. Civil and military officials should naturally take on one or two things according to their ability. The same goes for Cheng Guogong and various enterprises. The private sector should also be allowed to pay a generous interest rate and get through the difficulties first."

Cui Yuan shook his head: "Money is not a problem. This year, provincial governments have opened branches, and I don't know how many bankers have come to find out. As long as they are allowed to reorganize into private banks, the reserve funds that His Majesty taught before will be able to collect tens of millions of taels."

"Absolutely not!" Zhang Fujing flatly refused. "If this ruins the overall situation of money law, it will be like drinking poison to quench thirst and abandoning the original to pursue the last. Tonight I will draft a text and explain the gist of it in the Ming Dynasty newspaper. This is not an extravagance, but a joint solution. The country is worried. After fulfilling the responsibilities of an ordinary man, he has regained the benefits of a great victory. The money borrowed by the court will be returned. If the northern troubles are eradicated, why should the Ming Dynasty worry about not being able to enrich the country?"

"...I was rude." Cui Yuan was even more worried about whether the emperor could come back safely, so he subconsciously proposed a more crude solution.

"If you pool your money together, you can make money." Yang Shen said, "The first batch of old grains will be shipped, the second batch of this year's new grains will be shipped as soon as possible, and the third batch is more critical. Your Majesty is going to Kaiping to join the generals. They will spend the winter to preserve their morale. But if spring comes next year and there is no food and grass to sustain, how can we expel the Khan Court and defeat the northern barbarians? How can we buy enough food and prevent food prices from turbulence in the provinces? "

Zhang Fujing's brows were stern: "Who dares to think of confiscating their homes and annihilating their clans at this time! With me here, they might as well take a gamble! Before His Majesty returns to Beijing in triumph, I, the Chief Assistant, will come to kill you! If the killing causes trouble, , I will bear it with all my strength! No matter what, as long as this battle is won and His Majesty returns in triumph, who among the evil spirits and demons can escape?"

"If you shirk the lack of food, buy national debt, pay the food tax, and then donate some more, how can the general assistant kill him?" Yang Shen disagreed. "The key is to not only buy enough food, but also to make the two capitals The people of 16 provinces believe that the surplus food will not prevent them from surviving this winter or next year!"

"One persuasion, two temptations, three inspections, four inspections!" Zhang Fujing showed his strong character, "The first two batches of food have to be delivered, so there is still time. Three months, people who take the initiative without knowing the righteousness, still don't listen. If you don't respond to the advice, then go patrol and investigate! You should know that it has been ten years since the new law was put into effect! You and I, who are high in the temple, are all dead ministers of the new law! At this time, if there is still a small family Those who forget about the country's worries are enemies of His Majesty, enemies of you and me, and enemies of the people of the world!"

Zhang Fujing finished speaking sonorously, and then looked at Qiu Luan, who had returned to the capital to take over Guo Xun's temporary command and stayed in the capital camp: "Marquis of Xianning, what do you say to Duke Wei?"

The young Qiu Luan has never had the opportunity to perform meritorious service, and the opportunities in the future will naturally become less and less, so now may be the last chance: "The three major camps in Beijing and Zhenwu Camp in Nanjing will all act according to His Majesty's orders!"

Yang Shen's eyes darkened. Could this be the internal and external blossoming?
Only Zhang Fujing did not hesitate: "We must continue to rebel against it! How much grain will be produced in the next year and how much money will be in the Ming Dynasty are known to the officials and gentry in the world. It is not a question of whether they can buy it or not, or whether the people believe it. It’s a matter of whether you can do it and whether you dare to do it! In this battle, if your majesty can win decisively against Saibei, it will also be a new method that will defeat the Ming Dynasty. From now on, no one dares to take chances! Such an unworldly king and such a single-minded minister , what can’t be done?”

Zhu Houcong made Zhang Fujing soar to the sky from his humble beginnings. Now, it is time for him to repay his kindness.

The decisive victory of the new law on the level of people's hearts is also connected with it.

This is not wrong. If Zhu Houcong really succeeds and achieves incomparable achievements, what kind of credit is it if it is not the result of new methods and new learning?

If it succeeds, he will definitely be the emperor of the ages. There will be no internal or external troubles that can shake him in the Ming Dynasty, or even leave his legacy for at least several generations.

And under such a special situation of fighting on multiple fronts, all on the scale of a national war, who can still stabilize the country and keep food and wages, then he is naturally a meritorious and good minister through the ages.

The young Zhu Zaiyi watched this national policy meeting blankly, feeling in ignorance the prestige established by his father.

Many years later, he could gradually understand its meaning.For him, that was an unattainable level.


Now, the person who caused all this is being scolded.

"You are a traitor and a traitor, and you will be the eternal sinner of the grassland! You traitors, the descendants of the cowardly Xue Army, have you forgotten your oath to be loyal to the most noble bloodline of Genghis Khan?"

The equally young Dalaiha was so frightened that his face turned pale. There was another person who cursed him. He was an elder of ten thousand households in Chahar and the most loyal minister of the Khan Court.

There is no tent next to it, this is a battlefield on a snowy field.

Horses and prairie warriors who died in the battle were everywhere, and Ida, who had pursued me, had more than 2000 horses left.Not only his original subordinates, but also some Otok leaders from Chahar Ten Thousand Households who had surrendered to him.

This isn't the end, it's just the beginning, and it hasn't even officially started yet.

I got off my horse, walked up to them and calmly stretched out my hand: "Seal."

For more than two months, he has been attacking crazily since he defeated Huslesaihan's troops at the first stop.

The sudden, unannounced, and clan-wide rebellion not only failed to respond well enough to the Chahar households, but also failed to come to the aid of the Khalkha households.What's more, even if they want to come to help, there are still ten thousand households of Wuliangha who already have deep hatred to hold them back.

In fact, it’s just one ten thousand household versus one ten thousand household.

In other words, more than [-] households versus more than half [-] households.

Hearing what I said, the veteran of the Khan Court sneered: "You are a traitor and a sinner, but you are worthy of receiving the seal of the Lord of the Khan Court? Haven't you met the Yongxiebu people who escaped from the south? Because of you, one of the [-] households designated by Dayan Khan has disappeared, disappearing into the hands of the Han!"

Ida pulled out the golden knife, slit his throat smoothly, reached out to the other person, and still said calmly: "Seal." The man just raised his head proudly.

I answered as he wished, and simply reached out to Da Laisun again. He didn't speak, but just stared at his nephew condescendingly.

Young Da Laisun looked at his cousin with his whole body trembling, and said tremblingly: "I...I didn't..."

So Anda directly drew the blade across, as if the person in front of him was not a direct descendant of Genghis Khan who also had the blood of the Golden Family, his kin, and the legitimate head of the Khan Court.

"...you devil...devil..."

Anda's unhesitating movements and the consistent calmness on his face made the other fugitives from the Khan's Court collapse.

How could a courtier be so calm and cruel to the end after rebelling, without caring at all about his reputation or whether he could conquer other tribes in the future?

An Da's heart is as cold as the wind and snow here, and he no longer clings to anything.

He only knew that it was a matter of life and death with Daming.In such a situation, he could not have the slightest hesitation or scruple.

Yongshebu has disappeared, he naturally knows it.

But those who are still alive just want to live.Even if they hate me, they still hope that someone can lead them to survive.

Only a strong leader can lead them to survive at such a time.

The remnants of Yongxiebu who had already seen the power of the Ming Dynasty were more likely to be persuaded by Anda.

"The Changshengtian is above, and I have a clear conscience." An Da finally looked at them, "My grandson is dead. If you surrender to me, I will still regard you as my tribe. If you don't surrender, then you will return to the embrace of the Changshengtian. , wait for me to be judged in the future. With the seal and surrender, I will be a little more relaxed. No, it is just a little harder. And I, no matter how difficult it is, will continue. No one can lead Changshengtian except me. The people can survive this catastrophe brought by the Han people."

He still spoke calmly and with absolute conviction.

When he expressed his intention to give up on me, it was so natural.

Now, it was indeed him who defeated Central Manhu, who was known as the strongest.However, less than five years have passed since the First World War in Xuanfu. In fact, the Chahar families have not recovered, and some of them are stupidly grateful to Anda for saving their lives and do not agree with the Chahar family. The words of some old people.

Bodie was dead, and Bodie couldn't show up to reprimand them: That was An Da's intention. He could have acted according to the original plan after conquering Yutailing!
The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, now I can indeed say this.

After Dayan Khan, the tribes of the grasslands were actually divided in the past few decades. It turned out that Bodi actually had the power of about two thousand households. Although the right wing was equivalent to that, the two brothers had their own thoughts.

Now, Gunbilik is left by Anda to deal with the Ming Dynasty, Yongxiebu has disappeared, and Anda owns one and a half.If Wu Liangha stood with him, he could probably have nearly three in no time.

When Sun fell on the snow, the blood in his throat continued to melt the snow next to him, drawing a strange pattern.

"You have torn the Khan court into pieces. Why do you say you have a clear conscience?"

An Da frowned, and then said indifferently: "Since I have cried and questioned, I just don't want to die. Since I am ready to live, then live well, find the answer by yourself, see the answer by yourself. Let me ask again, Yin Did Xi take it away, or did he hide it?"

Time was running out and he wasn't going to waste any more.

The disappearance of Yongshebu or the army that Gunbilik is about to face are within Anda's judgment.

Now he has received the news that two situations occurred at the same time.

This is a good thing for Anda.

No matter how strong the Ming Dynasty was, it could not be strong enough to destroy Gunbilik and attack him thousands of miles north of the Great Wall in the same winter.

Choosing the turn of spring and summer to migrate the whole family was to end the war with the Khan's court before winter.

There is no city here. If the Ming army is stupid enough to come at this time, I am not afraid.

However, he only has one winter left.

The truly cruel war happens after the snow melts.

The whole year ended in migration and fighting. Even if he could conquer Chahar, Khalkha, Ulyanha and the remnants of Yongxiebu without any recuperation, how could he survive the Ming army's northern expedition that was bound to come next year? Win?
No need to win next year.

Leading the army back to where the Khan Court was, Ida ordered: "Man Shou Tu, take the three surrendered Chahar tribes to the place where the Barbarian Jurchens and Jianzhou Jurchens are. I want their slaves, arrowheads, horses, and cattle. Sheep. Others took the warriors to the tents where various tribes set up for the winter, conveying the will of Tuxie Tuchechen Khan, the lord of the Khan Court, and asking them to send elders to the Khan tent. Why do all this need to be done, and how can it be done? As long as I survive, I will tell them why I am worthy of trust and should be relied upon! Those who do not want to submit will be defeated first. Remember, those who want to live will always want to live."

The wind and snow in winter will cover the mud and freeze the rivers. Many tribes in the bitter cold land have prepared as much supplies as possible for the winter. I will first turn some of my attention to the savage Jurchen and Jian who are not far from Chahar. State Jurchen territory.

The Ming Dynasty inflicted suffering on Mongolia, and the Khan court first inflicted suffering on the Jurchens.

The most important thing is to survive.

And following Anda's order, Ma Fang could not stop.

In several battles, he also made many meritorious deeds and became a trustworthy leader of a cavalry squad.

Now, he wants to conquer more small tribes, and even help conquer the entire Khalkha.

Ma Fang was very excited, which meant that he might know the location of the winter camps of the entire left-wing tribe.

The snow is still falling, the weather is getting colder, and the fighting on the grassland will not stop.

In the entire north of the Ming Dynasty, the most peaceful area is now only the original Beipingdusi area.

Now, Zhu Houcong's imperial chariot is moving slowly from the north of Zhangjiakou to the northeast, and its destination is Kaiping, the headquarters of the old Kaiping Guards and the former capital of the Great Yuan Dynasty.

Chahar is actually not far away, and Kaiping is actually equivalent to the current northernmost line.

Chahar's grazing land was located in the north and northwest of the grassland that would later be called Xilin Gol.

The range of Khalkha's pastoral areas will be the future core area of ​​Outer Mongolia.As for Ulyankha, they are all close to Lake Baikal.

Being so close, Zhu Houcong moved easily.

He knew that Anda would not attack south unwisely, and Ming Dynasty would not continue to advance north in winter.

But Xilin Gol Prairie will not run away, nor will Fengzhou Beach and Hetao.

If the Beibei really abandoned these southernmost and best grasslands, what would the Ming Dynasty lose?
But I am a person who can give up Fengzhou Beach. Naturally, he is very likely to give up Xilin Gol Prairie.

Let’s live through the hard times first and wait for the opportunity in the future.

Zhu Houcong, who was sitting in the car, was still a little melancholy thinking about this: the Duoyan tribe had been huddled in the Chengde area for too long, and they could not lead the way.

Since I have made such a choice, I obviously will not easily confront Daming again.

Facing the enemies running around in the vast desert north, is there any good way to find them?
The champion Hou's merits last a long time, firstly because of the lightning cavalry who relied on fighting, and secondly because of the servants who led the way.

The Ming Dynasty's strongest combat force is not the cavalry. The Ming Dynasty has been shrinking for too long and lacks servants who are familiar with the grassland to lead the way.

(End of this chapter)

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