
Chapter 397 The special operations camp is so terrifying

Chapter 397 The special operations camp is so terrifying

When Tang Shunzhi first arrived at the Three Sides, the numbers on the roster showed that the Three Sides should have more than 20 troops.

After such a long period of time, there are actually more than [-] soldiers on the three sides capable of fighting.

This time, [-] people from Gansu Province stayed behind, which shocked Turpan in the west and Qinghai in the south. Nearly [-] people were left behind in Yansui and Ningxia to avoid problems in the border areas.At this moment, the biggest movement of the army was sweeping from the border wall to the south of the Yellow River where the Yellow River is surrounded by several bends. The total number of troops was nearly [-].

The real expedition was about 8000 people led by Tang Shunzhi himself, in addition to the [-] elite soldiers who had already set off.

More than [-] people in Datong committed suicide at Hukou and Tucheng and marched towards Guanshan and Guihua. The Taiyuan Town army led by Zhu Qi had more than [-] cavalry in the vanguard and more than [-] infantry behind them.

When the pioneer elite cavalry rushed along the east side of the Yellow River to the ancient ferry at the mouth of Junzijin, they immediately encountered resistance.

"They are actually defending here! If we want to send a message to Tang Dutai, I'm afraid the Tatars are planning to cross north from here!"

Zhu Qi did not act rashly, it was purely cavalry versus cavalry. He did not dare to bet that his 4000 men could just defeat the Tatar cavalry over there.

Now that they have encountered this group of nearly five thousand elite cavalry, it means that the other party is determined to cross the river here.

This is the lower reaches of the Yellow River in the Hetao area, and there are already signs of freezing.

You have to wait for the infantry from behind to arrive, then the artillery bombardment will be effective.

Zhu Qi faced off here for two days, using binoculars to spy on his subordinates on the other side of the Yellow River but still found nothing.

On the third day, the Hetao Tartar cavalry suddenly galloped north and disappeared from Zhu Qi's sight.

Now, the road to the west along the north bank of the Yellow River has been opened, but Zhu Qi is a little confused.

Is it true that as Tang Shunzhi judged, the Tatars wanted to cross north further west?Why did the Luqi retreat north?
He has been delayed here for three days. If he wants to rush over, Zhu Qi can only rely on these cavalry to go west.Did the Japanese troops retreating north to let them pass and then take the back route?
"Hang over and see where they are hiding! Go west, slower!"

Zhu Qi could not delay any longer, so he had to send out his sentry cavalry first, while the main force maintained a safer rhythm.

Don't forget what happened two days ago.

"Go to Tang Dutai and send the message again. Junzijin here is a scam!"

He gritted his teeth. Tang Shunzhi was in the west. The news would have to go around a long way, and the round trip would probably take more than ten days.

This time is different from a few years ago. The advice Wang Shouren gave him made Zhu Qi's goal very clear.

Tang Shunzhi was a little younger. Although he had judged it before, Zhu Qi misjudged it after seeing the lasso cavalry.

Of course, there is no difference, the nearly five thousand riders are always there.Their purpose was clearly to delay the Taiyuan army in the direction of Piantou Pass for several days.If Zhu Qi insists on breaking through, he will have to stay here for several days and lose his troops.

Now that the cavalry has disappeared, although Zhu Qi has not lost any men, the road ahead seems more unpredictable.

On the third day, they only marched less than forty miles westward, which was very slow for a pure cavalry vanguard.

Then in the evening, the sentry came back.

"Master Hou... there are so many Tatars, I'm afraid there are [-]..."

"What?" Zhu Qi's expression changed, "Where is it?"

"It's more than 70 miles to the north." The little leader of the Sentinel Cavalry had complicated eyes. "It's always moving. Lord Marquis, at least several tribes are migrating to the west together!"

Zhu Qi was shocked: "Migrate?"

Migrating westward, where are the [-] Tatars in the northeast of here?Doesn't that mean that the Taolu were not prepared to defend the Fengzhou Beach originally occupied by Anda?

"There are many Lele carts, piled high with things, including old people, young women, and children. Lord Marquis, what should I do?"

Zhu Qi's face looked uncertain.

The migrating grassland tribes were naturally very vulnerable, but they had at least nearly five thousand riders to protect them along the way.Moreover, such an act of escaping is really going to end before your eyes. Among the tens of thousands of people from several tribes united together, there must be more than ten thousand who can fight to the death.

If Zhu Qi wanted to keep them, he might not be able to catch up with the main force of the Taoist troops crossing north.

Now it seems that Gunbilik will not only give up the south of the Yellow River, but also give up Fengzhou Beach.

The tribes that had originally migrated over and wanted to occupy Fengzhou Beach had to form a joint cavalry to take the risk and delay the Ming army to buy time for their tribes to migrate.

"Where is Liangcheng?" Zhu Qi asked someone else, "Is there any news?"

"not yet……"

The two places are not that far apart now. Zhu Qi's face turned pale: "They must have sent a lot of people to rob and kill the messengers along the way! A decision must be made. No matter what, we cannot let the migrating captives harass us as we head west." Road. Send an order to the infantry behind to speed up the march. Divide into two thousand riders and advance along the north bank of the Yellow River to explore the road. The rest of the people, follow my general to the north and tell them to slow down!"

At this moment, how nice would it be to get the message across quickly?
Zhu Qi didn't know what the situation was like on Tang Shunzhi's side, nor where Yan Chunsheng was, nor what the progress of the generals in the direction of Datong was.

But they are mainly infantry and cannot be very fast.If you go too deep, the problem of food and grass will be huge.

Risks must be taken to prevent these small tribes from reaching their intended positions.Tens of thousands of captives, including soldiers, supplies, and civilian power, will probably establish a strong enough defense line on the north bank where the Tatars plan to cross north.Once the main force of the Taolu forces successfully crosses north, their strength will be greatly increased and they will not be able to easily achieve the goal of defeating them at half-crossing.

In three days, Zhu Qi's vanguard cavalry would be forced to fight against tens of thousands of migrating Taolu tribesmen with two thousand cavalry.The opponent's soldiers are at least five thousand.

He made such a decision, unaware that the captive cavalry who disappeared in the early morning returned to the main force and changed horses, and then divided 4000 people into a circle from the west.He not only explored the way forward, but also interspersed between Zhu Qi's two separate groups of cavalry.

After this cautious march by both sides, it was already the morning of the fifth day.

Zhu Qi saw the migrating Taolu on the opposite side. From several miles away, the Taolu convoy could not be seen in the telescope at a glance.Although the Taolu who had re-tied the Lele car were now in a bit of panic, there were also many cavalry quickly gathering on the south wing of the convoy.

"No! Lord Marquis, many people don't have bows in their hands!"

"So what if I didn't take it!" Zhu Qi also saw it. He handed the binoculars to the guard and put it away, and took out his knife. "We've fallen into a trap! Now, we can't retreat. Use their method. Let's chop off their tails." Let’s see if they can save us! Send a few teams of people to the east to explore the situation in the direction of Datong! If they have already occupied Liangcheng, they don’t have to send so many troops to guard it, because all the Tatars are already here!”

Sure enough, the cavalry guarding the tribe on the opposite side, regardless of whether they had bows or not, after seeing the Ming cavalry appearing on the hill to the south, were already ready to rush over together.

They have few bows but many men.

And when Zhu Qi, who was barely experienced in many battles, saw this situation, he naturally knew that a trap might appear behind him.

Isn’t this what the Mongols are good at?
If you go southwest to join up with your other cavalry, you will be outflanked.Now only by directly attacking this huge migrating tribe can we attract the Taolu, who are interspersed with separate troops, and they can only abandon the Ming cavalry that continues to drive west.

This is the tribe they escorted all the way, and their families are all here!

"Come on!"

Zhu Qi no longer needed to hesitate. Even if there were dozens of captives in front of him, he could only choose to deal with them.

Who told him not to make a decisive decision a few days ago and try to defeat the Taolu cavalry head-on?

If they win, there will be a victory that can kill tens of thousands of Taolu, and the Taolu's plan to connect the North Crossing from the northeast will naturally come to nothing.

He was the one who got himself into this situation.

He couldn't run away now.If they escape, the remaining two thousand cavalry and eight thousand infantry leaving Piantou Pass in the direction of Datong will be in danger.

It turns out that in this area at the core of Anda, a fierce battle broke out between the Ordos tribe and the Ming army.

Even though it cannot be said that the entire population is a soldier, everyone from the nomadic tribes, ranging from half-year-old children to active old men, can now participate in defense and counterattack.

Zhu Qi took the lead and penetrated the tail of the entire migrating tribe, and those who tried to cut them off were the cavalry who stayed here and were equal in number to them.

Not long after the Ming army left the hilltop where they were, horns sounded, and cavalry twice their size appeared, following in pursuit.

Several clans with a size of more than [-] united and provided a total of [-] fine cavalry. They all knew that if this Ming army cavalry was left here, the road ahead would be truly safe.

When Zhu Qi just decided to divide his troops, Tang Shunzhi didn't know what happened here. He had just arrived at Dengkou.

But he was also very shocked, because the number of captives in Dengkou exceeded Tang Shunzhi's judgment.

Could it be that the population of Ordos's tens of thousands of households has increased to this extent in these years?

The [-] generals he led personally were required to carry baggage and artillery.The march has reached this point on November [-]th.

Judging from the telescope, the Taolu garrison around Dengkou must have exceeded [-].Even if most of them are civilians, the number of elite soldiers must be [-].

Gunbilik's side is the main force!There are ten thousand households in Ordos, and the total military strength should only be fifty or sixty thousand.You know, the total strength of Mongolia's left and right wings should only be 40 to 300.The total population of all grassland tribes combined is only about [-] million.

Thousands of households in Ordos have occupied Hetao for many years, and with a force of fifty to sixty thousand, it is already a quite powerful force.There are only about half of Anda's subordinates, but Anda himself is stronger.

Now, there are so many Taoist prisoners here in Dengkou, and there are as many as [-] cavalry equipped with bows and horses. Could it be that all the Taoist prisoners from the north of the Yellow River are here?
Impossible, if he doesn't defend the east side, he will be beaten no matter where he crosses the river!

Tang Shunzhi quickly thought about something clearly and issued the first order without hesitation.

"Send an order to Gansu Town to send [-] troops to take back Qinghai! Gunbilik must have transferred all the Qinghai tribes back from Turpan!"

There is only one possibility.

The situation in the grassland has changed drastically. Why do we have to divide our troops and continue to occupy Qinghai?It is the best policy to unite our troops and then raise the flag to attack with great righteousness. After the war, I should sit back and reap the benefits.

Then came the orders one after another.

"Try to find Zhang Futai and ask them to go to Dengkou and cross to the east of Dengkou!"

"Call Yansui Town, don't be too cautious. The Luolu are very determined to cross to the north, and the defenses on the west are so strict. We must cross the river early to gather troops, and we must try our best to bite them!"

"Drum roll, attack!"

Soldiers are expensive and fast. Although the enemy is outnumbered, Tang Shunzhi knows that he must break through the Dengkou defense line as soon as possible.

No wonder they still had to build so many rafts despite choosing to cross north in winter. The Taolu cavalry might have to cross the ice from the mouth of the river and dig out the retreat of Zhu Qi's army.However, their old, weak, women and children were able to cross the river calmly under the defensive constraints of the eastern and western fronts.

Having occupied the Hetao for so long, they have long known the temper of this section of the Yellow River.

Following Tang Shunzhi's order, artillery fire rang out in the northwest corner of the Hetao in winter.

There is no city wall in Dengkou, and the Ming army has no stronghold to rely on.

Here, it is pure wild battle.

Tang Shunzhi stood in the mandarin duck formation in front of the artillery position with his long gun pointed out, quietly watching the approaching Taolu cavalry.

After the artillery fire and arrows, there were still black masses of horses approaching. The sound of arrows leaving the strings was heard from the opposite side, and they gathered together like a swarm of bees.


"Guns!" "Breaking sabers!"

Soon, it was the first round of a deadly battle.

In this land by the Yellow River, blood should have frozen quickly in winter.

However, with so many men and horses, so much artillery fire, and the hoofs of the horses crushing the snow, the blood from the dead and wounded soldiers and horses gradually gathered and flowed into the Yellow River from the low-lying areas.

The Yellow River here has not yet begun to freeze. The turbid Yellow River is not affected by these blood stains and still flows northward firmly.

Further north, Yan Chunsheng seemed to be punching the air with his fists.

“What the hell, where are the Tatars?”

After searching for several days, we did not encounter a single tribe.

Where did the Tatars in the Hetao north of the Yellow River go to spend the winter?

"General, this is really extraordinary!" Daha from the Duoyan tribe vowed, "This location is really the best place to spend the winter. No one has been found in many such locations. They must have moved away!"

After receiving the new order to enter the Hetao through the pass of Yinshan Mountain, Yan Chunsheng found nothing for so many days.

Now that Daha said this, he had to think.

"Where can we move? Don't we need the Loop? Isn't Gunbilik still south of the Yellow River? Follow my answer and go east, preparing to fight for the throne with the whole family?"

Daha means that it is very possible: go west, there is no future.There are still remnants of Oara there, and the water and grass are not as fertile as those to the east and north.Since ancient times, the core of the grassland tribes has not been further west.

"...But Tang Dutai asked me to meet Zhang Futai." Yan Chunsheng was a little hesitant.

"General, Tang Dutai probably didn't expect that Gunbilik wouldn't even want the Loop. Looking at the situation, Zhang Futai doesn't need the general to come to his aid. Tang Dutai can successfully join him by himself." Shut his eyes. Very bright, "Go east, with the strength of the general's command, the pursuit will be fastest."

If Gunbilik doesn't even want the Loop, then some tribesmen from the three parts of Duoyan Mountain can move to such a fertile south of the Yinshan Mountains for grazing in the future, right?

Yan Chunsheng gritted his teeth: "If we don't find the Tatar tribe, we won't be able to find food since we moved. We must be on guard on both sides. Lao Min, you take 200 people and the Duoyan tribe to find Zhang Futai. The remaining People, follow me to the east to explore!"

Going deep into the hinterland is like entering a deserted land, which Yan Chunsheng did not expect.

Leaving the Yinshan Mountains where hunting was easier in winter, in this endless flat Hetao, one had to find a way to support war by fighting.

Not even a small tribe camping for the winter could be found, and Yan Chunsheng's men were becoming increasingly hungry and thirsty.

Now, he and Daha concluded that Gunbilik didn't even want the Loop anymore.

Although there are people from his special operations battalion who are spreading out for reconnaissance, Dengkou is more than two hundred miles away after all, so there is no need to conduct reconnaissance that far.

So he didn't know that Tang Shunzhi's attack had entered its second day, that Zhu Qi had led his troops to the north to intercept him, and that the captives were trying to steal Zhu Qi's retreat.

The total size of the special operations battalion is not large, and nearly half of the people cannot be separated for investigation.

Fortunately, they are all highly skilled and courageous, so they can march in a hurry.

After joining the branches of the Duoyan tribe and starting to "migrate westward", they no longer lacked horses.All the way to the northern foot of Yin Mountain, several small tribes were wiped out along the way and more were captured.

When Yan Chunsheng took only 600 people and spent less than half a day to explore more than a hundred miles east, he finally saw an endless tent in one place.

"...Fuck, how many people are here?"

Yan Chunsheng thought about it and realized that even if his 600 people used up all their arrows and projectiles, they would still not be able to kill even one or two adults here.

"Boss, are all the trappers here?"

In the entire Hetao area, the total population of Ordos's tens of thousands of households scattered across the north and south of the Yellow River should be around 30.

And now, the huge camp they spied from a distance was probably home to [-] to [-] people.

Yan Chunsheng felt that he could replace 2 or [-] people. That was because he found that most of the people here were old, weak, women and children, and the number of soldiers who could actually protect them was probably less than [-].

"This is not all the Taolu, but it should be most of the north of the Yellow River. Damn it, the Taolu in the south should be preparing to cross the river from here. The Taolu have not left yet. They dare to concentrate like this, and they have no intention of staying here for a long time. .There must be people guarding the east and west sides!"

Yan Chunsheng made another judgment: "We have gone so far east, and we must continue to fight east as soon as possible. If they want to escape to the east, they can be blocked there. There is Uncle Jingbian to the west, so we don't need to worry about it!"

During his years of training in the special operations camp in the capital, Yan Chunsheng knew very well the judgment of the important officials in the capital on Tang Shunzhi's abilities.

And now he has arrived here and obtained important information.

The Taolu had concentrated almost all their strength together, so they had no intention of continuing to defend the Hetao.Such a huge force, no matter which direction it breaks through, cannot be easily blocked by just one side.

There must be a better way, and the best place for the decisive battle is here, by the Yellow River.

"Let's go! They are all old, weak, women and children, and there are only a few thousand elite soldiers. It's easy to handle! They didn't expect us to come from the north, and the troops must be divided to guard the east and west sides. It's just that there are too few of us. We must at least help Datong and Taiyuan. The soldiers have cleared the east side and lured them over to occupy this place! Be quick!"

Yan Chunsheng, a mere 600 people, spied on this information and quickly took advantage of the special operations battalion and continued to head east quickly.

This time, there was no saving.

The horses were fed before setting off, and all the hay carried by the horses that were accompanying them were also fed. Yan Chunsheng just wanted to find the main force of the Ming army and the main defensive force in the east as soon as possible.

When he arrived at the south of Fengzhou Beach, he saw Zhu Qi being chased by nearly ten thousand Tatars, but still circling non-stop to contain them.

"...Is that... the general flag of Marquis Funing?" Yan Chunsheng said in shock after confirming it through the telescope, "He has already lost?"

Don't blame him for thinking so, because Zhu Qi doesn't have enough Qianqi around him.As far as the eye could see, there were no other Ming troops.

"How to do?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? There are far fewer Tatars here, not even half as many as there in the southwest." Yan Chunsheng put away the telescope and took out his bow, "Everyone shouted, rush over and let Marquis Funing hear!"

Zhu Qi, who had been fighting hard for nearly two hours, almost collapsed.

If it weren't for the Lu Qi who chased him later and needed to return to the formation to change horses, he wouldn't be able to hold on now.

But the opponent can change horses, but he can't.

If it weren't for the current ice and snow, no one would be able to raise the horse's speed to the fastest speed, and the horses of his generals would not be able to support it now.

If I continue, I really won’t be able to hold on anymore.Even though his subordinates are elite soldiers who are good at equestrian skills, they really don't have much experience in such high-intensity cavalry battles on the winter grasslands.

He began to regret a series of decisions. It turned out that the gap between him and people like Wang Shouren, Tang Shunzhi, and Yu Dayou was really big.

The promise to the emperor now seems a bit ridiculous. Tang Shunzhi should have listened. The cavalry should protect the infantry, and all the way along the north bank of the Yellow River, just determine the place where the prisoners would cross the river, and fight steadily.

In despair, the only option is to die in battle to avoid dishonoring the reputation of our ancestors.

Anyway, I can't escape.

However, there was a shout and the sound of horse hooves from the west.

The sound was not loud, and both warring parties looked over there in astonishment.

Zhu Qi glanced hastily and felt a chill in his heart, because they were all riding horses and wearing Tatar clothes.

But then, he caught a glimpse of the general's flag.Although I couldn't see clearly, I could hear their shouts faintly: "The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

Authentic Chinese accent.

Taolu was shocked because only a few hundred people came.

They can be sure that they are not friendly forces, so there are only a few hundred people, so what's the use?

However, Zhu Qi's subordinates were overjoyed: "Master Marquis, it's Zhen'an Bo!"

Zhu Qi knew that he might have been a little dizzy, so his eyesight was not as good as that of his subordinates.

Now he was also in high spirits: "You read that right? It's a special operations camp?"


"He's saved! He's saved!" Zhu Qi shouted with all his strength, "Lean over, come over!"

The special operations battalion is here, and your life will be saved!

How could someone of Zhu Qi's level not know about the special operations camp?How could one not know Yan Chunsheng’s abilities?
The Taolu didn't know that they only separated a thousand-man team to intercept Yan Chunsheng and others who were coming.The others speeded up to surround Zhu Qi.

When it comes to horse warfare, how can they be afraid of the Ming army?
Then Yan Chunsheng, who was leading the way, shouted in a familiar voice: "The camps in the southwest, your camps of nearly 10 people, have been wiped out by us! The person who shot Bodi to death is me! Daming Zhenan Uncle arrived first, and the heavenly soldiers arrived soon after! Kill!"

Accompanying his shouts are his unparalleled skills in bow and archery.

The words are false, but the skills are true.

Zhu Qi burst into tears when he saw the leader of the thousand-man team fall off his horse.

Regardless, he took it seriously.

Although the credit is gone, this life is saved.

The special operations camp is so terrifying!Tang Shunzhi is so terrifying!
Did nearly 10 people die in World War I?

On November 11, the 21th year of Jiajing, ten days after Zhu Houcong came out of the border wall, the encounter that broke out south of Fengzhou Beach was always found by later historians to be incredible.

How could it be such a coincidence that there were a total of [-] and [-] Northern barbarians before and after the Ming army? How could they be so strong?

At this moment, Yan Chunsheng established his power with one arrow, and the animals in the special operations camp shouted in unison: "Wonderful feat! Wonderful feat!"

Their boss was facing 600 to [-] Tatars, and said that with [-] of them, they could replace [-]% to [-]% of the Tatars.

At the same time, the guard cavalry of the Taolu tribe, who had been walked by Zhu Qi for nearly two hours, felt the outrageous combat power after encountering only [-] new animals from the special operations battalion.

Especially after they got close, about a hundred people dismounted and produced five squatting cannons from the horses carrying supplies.


They actually bombarded Lele's convoy and turned a blind eye to other cavalry.

The question is, in the face of the Mongolian cavalry who wanted to rush them and disperse them, why did everyone in this group of Ming troops protecting them miss their arrows, and no one of the cavalry could get closer than thirty steps?

(End of this chapter)

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