
Chapter 398 Reunion by the Yellow River

Chapter 398 Reunion by the Yellow River
In the most extreme situations, people often burst out with extraordinary potential.

The Ming army was like this, and so were the Mongols.

The matter has come to this, and we must fight for our lives.

Zhu Qi, who had already lost more than half of his body, did not collapse because they knew they could not run away.The Mongols had more troops, but they were already more tired and fewer.

Therefore, they knew that their only chance to survive had come: to defeat the Mongols with the [-] tough men brought by Yan Chunsheng.

The same is true for the Mongols.

"Don't be afraid of them! Defeat them as quickly as possible before we can leave. We can't wait for their reinforcements from the west to come!"

The abilities of Yan Chunsheng and the people he brought were frightening. He said that he was the one who shot Bodi to death with arrows, and the Mongols believed him.The cavalry that was chasing them suddenly had Yan Chunsheng and the others as their core, which further proved that Yan Chunsheng was an extraordinary person.

And they came from the west. Tens of thousands of tribesmen from the north of the Yellow River in Ordos gathered there. Why did they come here so easily?
Therefore, another sentence Yan Chunsheng said seems to be credible: those who blocked the Ming army in the far west and those who connected with the main force of Jinong in the middle are all finished.Now, it was their turn to move to the east river to intercept the Ming army in the east.

Even if we can only escape, we can't let others hang by their tails.Apart from annihilating them, there is no way to allow the tribe's old, weak, women and children to move north safely and be overtaken more slowly.

"Don't save arrows!"

No matter how skilled they are, they still don't have a shield, right?

After some instructions, another cavalry leader was ready to lead the tribal cavalry to rush over and throw a hail of arrows.

Then I just felt a cold light flying in front of my eyes, and then I felt severe pain in my face, and finally I became ignorant.

Yan Chunsheng held an incomparably strong bow in his hand, drew an arrow again, and shouted: "Marquis Funing, there is no need to protect our brothers, beware of them, old, young, women, and children escaping in one fell swoop!"

Zhu Qi felt his scalp numb when he heard this: Are you serious?

If such a large tribal migration team really wants to disperse in a hurry, how can it be stopped.

And isn’t it bad to escape in defeat?To escape is to win!
But now Zhu Qi chose to listen to Yan Chunsheng's words. He turned around and saw that he was looking for the leader who gave orders to shoot arrows. He felt that he was simply a demon.

The "specialty" of the special operations battalion is that they have sufficient physical strength and skills to lay the groundwork, and they can also ensure a high success rate in implementing tactics.

The current tactic is to attack the heart.

The only five cannons were not used to attack the cavalry, and the remaining masters prioritized the leaders to shoot arrows, and Yan Chunsheng asked Zhu Qi to make a gesture to intercept their escape.

Coupled with Yan Chunsheng's rhetoric: "You stupid people, don't you even know that you were betrayed by Gunbilik? Nearly 10 people in the west have already migrated and set up camps. Why are you the only ones still walking slowly on the road? ? In the past, thousands of cavalry and large tribes of [-] to [-] people would have been attractive enough to Ming Dynasty. But what he did not expect was that Ming Dynasty would completely take back the Hetao this time! If you surrender now, you can still help Ming Dynasty in the future. Graze and continue living in this richer pasture!”

He shouted out the Mongolian language he had learned, but Yan Chunsheng didn't stop at all.

But his voice echoed nearby and was heard by many people.

After chasing Zhu Qi for nearly two hours, there were actually more than [-] Taolu cavalry here.

But now, the leaders of these more than 4000 cavalry are being killed continuously.After the special operations battalion arrived, the battle damage ratio on both sides quickly developed to an outrageous level.

Everyone in the special operations battalion knows that now is what the boss calls the "critical moment."In addition to bows and arrows, don’t skimp on firearms.

They cooperated in small groups, with one or two holding bows and arrows to point out those in the distance, and one or two holding blunderbuss to kill those nearby.If there is a gathering, just a few grenades carried by each person will be thrown out.

Yan Chunsheng shouted again: "I promise that I can run for the first time, so I can only keep running! Follow him to the territory of Khalkha, can you have a pasture? Go to the territory of Uliangha, can you endure the cold there? Really? The Ming Dynasty can accommodate the three tribes of Duoyan, so it can tolerate you! Will you surrender?"

At this moment, there were really more than a thousand people surrounding 3 people.

People often act blindly when they are in the most frightened situations.

Maybe the fake news that thousands of households in Ordos have been basically wiped out is too shocking, maybe it’s too outrageous that their generals kept falling off their horses after Yan Chunsheng was born, and the remaining cavalry just blindly followed their fighting instincts, but lost their spirit. and direction.

The old, young, women, and children huddled together in a large group were like lambs, and Zhu Qi and the others turned into a herding horse team, forcing them to squeeze into the center of the circle.

In fact, there were many cattle and sheep in the large migration team.

The Tiger Crouching Cannon changed its direction and angle, and the soldiers of the special operations battalion who had not yet dismounted turned their horses to form a charging arrow, but first galloped northwest, and then began to turn to the west.

There were only 300 people left beside Yan Chunsheng, and more than a hundred people had dismounted and would not move again.

Yan Chunsheng walked forward with his bow in hand, looking at the more than 3000 Mongolian cavalry on the opposite side who were reorganizing.

He kept walking, five of his guards following him.

As his footsteps approached, the Mongolian cavalry became somewhat commotion.But now, they no longer have a commander with a high enough status who can convince everyone.Therefore, this kind of commotion seems very blind. I don't know whether I should rush over or escape.

Yan Chunsheng thought they could probably hear it, so he spoke again: "You can escape, but can your tribesmen escape? You have escaped. On the ice and snow grassland, without the cattle and sheep accumulated by the tribe, can you survive? Choose. Give birth to a new clan leader, select the most beautiful girl in the clan like the Duoyan tribe, and submit to the Ming Dynasty from then on, so that you can survive on the grassland without the Khan Court!"

He raised his arms, opened his bow, and fired the arrow in one go, and an arrow landed very accurately just two steps in front of the horse's hooves of the outermost member of the Mongolian cavalry. The nearby horses were so startled that they neighed and pushed back and to the side. step.

"The descendants do not kill!"

After Yan Chunsheng finished shouting, the five people behind him, as well as the more than two hundred people behind him, as well as the special operations battalion cavalry who had already rounded a corner and gained accelerating distance and rushed over, all roared in unison.

"The descendants do not kill!"

Zhu Qi felt different over there, because none of them spoke Mongolian.Now that Yan Chunsheng was shouting continuously, and now they were shouting something vigorously, Zhu Qineng could roughly guess what it meant.

So he just shouted: "The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

Being able to communicate in a foreign language, physical communication coupled with verbal communication finally allowed Yan Chunsheng to achieve incredible results and truly achieve unimaginable feats.

After losing most of the capable young bosses, the remaining 3000 or so headless knights felt desperate.

Ordos is gone, Anda has rebelled, and the tens of thousands of households in the central government must be bleeding like rivers now, and the grasslands are no longer the grasslands of the past.

Last winter, the Han people were able to occupy the city of Anda.

This year, so many of them came to Hetao that Jinong had to dispatch all the tribes north of the Yellow River to divide them into three routes: east, middle and west to help them escape northward.And the few remaining leaders know that this is not the end yet.

After Jinong brought his main force to the north of the Yellow River, cattle and sheep from all tribes gathered in this area. How could that be possible?

Next, their original plan was to continue going north, first cross the Yin Mountains and annex Khalkha, and then reprimand Anda, and become the new Khan of the Khan Court after the battles between Tumut and Chahar.The Loop can't stay any longer.

But these two or three generations of them all grew up in Hetao.The aquatic plants here are indeed much better than those in the north of Yinshan Mountain.

The special operations battalion cavalry finally approached, and finally someone took the lead and dropped the bow in his hand and the quiver of arrows on his back.

Yan Chunsheng raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Stop! Don't shoot the arrow!"

So the well-trained cavalry of the special operations battalion stopped more than [-] steps away from them, and changed from a charging position to a vigilance position.

Zhu Qi watched dumbfoundedly from a distance as the more than three thousand riders dropped their weapons and dismounted one after another.

At this moment, he fell into deep self-questioning.If it weren't for the fact that this title was passed down from my ancestors, what kind of trash would I be in front of people like Tang Shunzhi, Yu Dayou, Yan Chunsheng, and Li Jin?
A long time later, when the special warfare battalion received so many war horses and the more than [-] young men returned to their tribesmen, and Yan Chunsheng took him to a farther place, Zhu Qi further confirmed his garbage.

Yan Chunsheng said solemnly: "I deceived them! About eighty miles to the southwest, there are at least 8 captives there, most of whom are old, young, women and children. I only brought 600 people with me, and I can't eat!"

Only then did Zhu Qi realize that he was brave and resourceful.

"We can't let the Tatars here know about it now, and we can't kill them all. If they keep killing people, people will go away, and the news will leak out, the next step will be difficult. Mr. Marquis, get them all to Liang first. On the other side of the city, camp outside the city. Now there are horses, cattle and sheep. Take your brothers, eat and drink well, and let's go and capture those 8 people!"

Zhu Qi's heart was pounding: "I divided 2000 people, and I'm heading over there. They are all cavalry. They separated just the day before yesterday. I told them to move slowly. The news from Datong has been cut off and they haven't come yet. "

"Maybe there are some Tatar sentries in this area. I'll send someone there." Yan Chunsheng thought for a moment and then said, "Master Marquis, for the two thousand soldiers you assigned, find them first and let them go north. We have to Eat and drink enough, bring some dry food, and prepare more bows and arrows."

"Okay! I'll send someone to look for him right now. Now that the Tatars here have surrendered, this area is no longer dangerous." Zhu Qi spent the rest of his life rediscovering the joy of hugging Wang Shouren's thigh in the Xuan Mansion, "It's them There are many people, so if we let them go to Liangcheng, nothing will go wrong, right?"

"I'll take care of this matter. Lord Marquis can just prevent anyone else from getting into trouble!"

After Yan Chunsheng exchanged the latest situation with him, he turned around and headed there.

At this moment, the situation changes.Now that they had disarmed them, even though they were outnumbered, they could only hope that the Han general who killed Bodi would keep his promise.If they really broke their promise and wanted to kill them, they would have no choice but to break up and run for their lives.There are so many people, so many can always escape.

Yan Chunsheng had no intention of actually killing them, it was just the first step.

Arriving outside their temporary camp consisting of a car formation, Yan Chunsheng waited quietly for their elders to come out.

After a long time, several old men and three young men came out together and knelt down on the snow first under the gaze of the Ming army.

"You are not from the same tribe." Yan Chunsheng said, "I have also killed the lord of Haraqin."

There was another new news, and they felt their hearts tremble.Haraqin is on the other side of Yongxiebu. Why does this general appear from the west?

"From the vicinity of Kaiping, my general swept all the way along the north of Yinshan Mountain to the west, and then to the south of Yinshan Mountain." Yan Chunsheng boasted half-truths and half-false lies while creating pressure, "To survive on the grassland, you have killed many people over the years. Han people, now we are avenging the large-scale invasion of the Khan's court back then. If you still hold grudges, Yongshebu, who has completely disappeared, is an example!"

"Brave General Zhebie, we dare not..."

Yan Chunsheng was delighted to receive the title without changing his expression: "Don't worry, I will do what I say, general. The woman donated by the Duoyan Tribunal is now your Majesty's concubine. From now on, it is a big deal for you to become a subject of the Ming Dynasty." Good news. Now, first of all, let me, the general, believe in your sincere surrender. Next, I, the general, do not need to drive the young men of your clan to work for the Ming Dynasty, so first, collect your war horses, bows and arrows, and scimitars. From now on, You don’t need this anymore!”

He paused and said in a cold voice: "If you don't want to, then I don't mind killing you completely. If you plan to rely on the large number of people and be lucky enough to escape from here, you can try it."

"...We don't dare." The Mongolian elder said with a bitter smile.

General Zhebie, who had extraordinary archery skills, and the hundreds of Zhebie men under his command who were almost equal to each other, may indeed not be able to kill everyone, but they had the ability to choose who to shoot first.

At least they who have been elected to negotiate with the Han people will definitely not survive.

When Yan Chunsheng used his own coercion to pull out all the horses from them, this group of Mongolian tribes completely lost the possibility of a quick escape.

After all the weapons they had left in the tribe were confiscated, even a decent resistance could not be organized.

There must still be some retained, and Yan Chunsheng also knows this.

But then, he just stayed here, eating their sheep and living in their divided tents.

Three days later, the first batch of Ming troops finally arrived.

Seeing that the people came from the east, some Mongolians probably realized that thousands of households in Ordos were probably not destroyed.According to what the Han general said, the Han army should come faster from the west.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

The special operations battalion is used as scouts and messengers, and their capabilities are stronger than others.Now that the safety of this area was clear, the infantry under Commander Zhu Qi from the direction of Datong accelerated their march and arrived one after another.

There is no need to worry too much about food. For such a large Mongolian tribe, the cattle and sheep they brought over will be enough to replenish the food for a while.

Next, the Ming army regrouped here.

Of the 600 people in the special operations battalion, there were seven casualties among the casualties that day, as well as dozens of injured soldiers.

Yan Chunsheng had 5000 direct descendants, and Zhu Qi took [-] cavalry and [-] infantry who came from behind. In addition to the people who came here from the direction of Datong, [-] people had to be left behind to escort these Tatars to Liangcheng.

They re-selected good horsemen and used Tatar horses. Now there was a cavalry of 3000 people, plus [-] infantry, heading west.

Seeing this situation, it is obvious that the battle in the west is not over yet.

Whether the Mongols regret it or not, Yan Chunsheng doesn’t need to worry about it.After missing the first few days, the Ming army, which had already known the news, arrived, and more people came behind. They could no longer escape.

The horses are gone, and the bows and arrows and scimitars are gone.

A deputy general in Datong was responsible for commanding everything here. He watched with awe and envy as Yan Chunsheng and Zhu Qi led the army to leave, knowing that he would not be able to earn that great contribution with the general.

However, Zhen'an Bo has told us that His Majesty wants to conquer the grassland, and this coalition of ethnic groups that was the first to surrender is a perfect example.In order to make them willing to surrender, Zhen Anbo has promised them to donate beautiful girls and imitate the grace of Duoyan Sanbu. If he does this well, he will also have merit.

To the west, Yan Chunsheng took the military talisman that Zhu Qi gave him and said solemnly: "Master Marquis, there are too many Tatars there. We must kill as many as we can first. I will take 2000 people with you. The two thousand sent over first must stop them from escaping to the north. The east side will be handed over to the Marquis. It is only a few dozen miles away, so we must go all out. Kill them. There are cattle, sheep and dried meat there, so there is no need to worry. Food and fodder! The Tatars who may have marched across the river from the east should be given to the brothers who moved behind. It is impossible for Gunbilik himself to take the risk and cross the river from the east."

"Don't worry, General Yan! At dawn in two days, we will definitely start a war here!"

"Okay! Let's meet again by the Yellow River!"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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