
Chapter 420

Chapter 420
In the previous Goryeo Dynasty, Seoul was only one of the three minor capitals and became the capital intermittently.

It was only after Li Chenggui founded the Joseon Dynasty that it became the capital.He carried out extensive construction work here, built palaces, ancestral temples, shrines, two classes of government offices, and roads. He officially moved the capital here and changed Hanyang to Seoul.

It’s winter in Seoul in November, and it’s always cold here.

Old Jin An was in a good mood.The son returned to the throne and brought back three great achievements.

First, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has written and ink evidence, and the mistakes of the Korean clan must be corrected when the "Da Ming Huidian" is rebuilt.The second is to open a border market in Jiulian City to expand trade volume.The third is to allow North Korea to select five people to study in the Ming Dynasty every three years. This is very important for Jin Anlao to gain the support of the Shilin faction.

Li Yi was overjoyed, and both Jin Anlao and Jin Qi were praised.

Then when he returned to his mansion, Jin Qi's words shocked Mr. Jin An. His spine suddenly went cold, and the charcoal fire in the house could not dispel the cold.

Is the Great Tomorrow eyeing North Korea?
This sentence outlines a picture: The emperor of Ming Dynasty, who uprooted the entire right wing of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty in one fell swoop and forced Anda to rebel and seize the throne of Khan to escape the war, was like a god sitting on a huge throne high in the sky. He was indifferent. And is the contemptuous and bellicose gaze cast on North Korea?
"Why do you say that?" Jin Anlao immediately asked, "Why didn't you remind the king in the palace?"

"It's your son's judgment!" Jin Qi replied hastily, "How dare you say that to the king?"

He was much more frank with Jin Anlao than with Li, and introduced in detail every question, sequence, and reaction that Zhu Houcong asked when he met them.

Including what he said to Lee.

Jin Qi finally said: "My son was in Beijing and met the grandson of Mo Dengyong, the usurper of the Si Mo Dynasty in the North of Jiaozhi. He also met Zheng Jian, the son-in-law of Ruan Gan, the important minister of the Li Dynasty in the Xuanwei of the South of Jiaozhi. Father, Jiaozhi That’s an example!”

The Jin family has been a family of officials and top scholars in North Korea for generations.

Not to mention Jin An’s fifth generation ancestor, Jin Tao, became a Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty at the end of the Goryeo Dynasty. Jin An’s great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather Jin, and father were all officials in the court, and his uncle is now an official in the Li Yi Dynasty. Pass.

Not only was Jin Anlao himself the number one scholar in North Korea, but his father, uncle, father-in-law, and brother-in-law were all number one scholars in North Korea.

Logically speaking, given his origins as a scholar, Jin An should have been a scholar.However, although North Korea is small, the power struggle is more complicated.After the Ji Mao Shi Disaster, Princess Xiaohui, born to Queen Zhang Jing, married Jin Anlao's son and Jin Qi's younger brother. Jin Anlao had a relationship with the prince's son, whose biological mother was also Queen Zhangjing.

Later, he was even more isolated as the crown prince, and only if he came out could he support the East Palace. Finally, he came back four years ago and served as the general magistrate of Seoul Prefecture.

At this time, Jin Anlao served as the official official, which was the official position in charge of personnel power in the Korean officialdom. It can be regarded as the official official before the Ming Dynasty.

Jin Anlao is actively operating the Prime Minister's Office and has become the right-hand member of the North Korean parliamentary government.

Born and raised in such a family, Jin Qi is obviously not a simple person.

Not only him, but also his younger brother and his sister-in-law, Princess Xiaohui, have done a lot for Jin Anlao's comeback.

Now, both his younger brother and Princess Xiaohui died of illness in the year when Jin An came back. Jin Qi was worried: "The queen is pregnant. If a prince is born, Brother Xiao Yin will definitely compete with Brother Dayin and his father. If he gives birth to a prince, he will definitely compete with Brother Dayin and his father." She is a princess. Xiao Yin brothers know that the queen treats the prince very poorly, and they will never sit still and wait for death. Now that the Ming Emperor appreciates Hai'an Jun and keeps him temporarily in the Ming Dynasty, the Shilin faction will definitely find ways to support Hai'an Jun if they want to bring down their father and relatives. "

Jin An had a solemn look on his face and nodded slowly.

Jin Qi's analysis was very reasonable. He, Jin An, regarded himself as an assistant to the East Palace. For the time being, he not only had the help of the crown prince's biological uncle, but also had some connections with the Shilin sect.

If the current Queen Wen Ding was not pregnant, then she would also stand on her side.Regardless of whether she is relatively indifferent to the prince, she is still a queen and mother in name.

But now, Queen Wen Ding is pregnant.

Facing the turbulent situation, Jin Qi said: "The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was fully aware of the situation in North Korea. The battle for the crown prince was imminent. The king was suspicious of his father's power. The Shilin faction was waiting for the opportunity, and his relatives were also fighting for power. And what about the Ming Dynasty? Father, that envoy and the Ming caravan are all unusual! Lord Fucheng was deposed and sentenced to death. This was a big deal. It is not surprising that the Ming Emperor knew about it. But he must also know that the queen is pregnant, otherwise he would not Leaving Mr. Hai'an behind and saying things like 'a great disaster for human relations'!"

Jin Anlao slowly picked up the cup and wanted to take a sip of hot tea.

After moistening his mouth and tongue and warming his spleen and stomach, he said solemnly: "In the past dynasties, when the Central Plains dynasty was strong, they would always make plans to come here. But except for a thousand years ago, which dynasty or generation could really swallow this place?"

"What if, like Jiaozhi, the two kings of the north and south were enthroned separately due to the dispute between the crown prince?" Jin Qi first mentioned a possibility and then another fact, "The day before the Ming Emperor's Longevity Ceremony, there was a military parade and awards. The four princes Ah! Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty has a strong military force, and the civil servants and generals are eager for credit. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is even more ambitious, and his intention to expand the territory is unconcealed. The favors of Zhengyuan, Border Market, and Studying have also greatly paralyzed North Korea, Collect information and cultivate traitorous ideas!”

Jin Anlao stared at his son and asked slowly: "Then you only discuss it with your father first. What do you think we should do?"

"My son doesn't know." Jin Qi's expression was bitter, "My son is in the Ming Dynasty. On the way back and forth, in the capital, in these three months, I only saw that the Ming Dynasty is too powerful now. Anyway, the king is the old one who has won the honor." Then, in order to consolidate power, it took more than ten years to use the Shilin faction to suppress the old powerful officials of Xun. Now, the national power of Ming Dynasty is strong, while the officials and generals of North Korea are weak. "

He raised his head and looked at his father: "Can father still make friends with me? If so, how much more will the king be wary of my father? How much more will the Shilin sect be wary of my father?"

"...I am supporting the East Palace, there is no way out."

Jin Anlao agreed with his son's judgment about the Ming Dynasty, but what would the Ming Dynasty do?

He could only analyze his situation first, and then continued: "The king is afraid that I am anxious to help the prince and force him to meditate, but the princes and princes all have their own ideas, so I can only move forward and take control of the government first. Until then , the king will be worried that I have greater authority, and the queen has given birth, and it has been decided whether it is a boy or a girl. If a prince is born, the father and Dayin have already discussed it, and they should ask the king to depose the queen to avoid instability as the heir apparent. "

Jin Qi was shocked: "Deposed Queen?"

Elder Jin An sighed: "There is no other way. If a prince is really born, the queen, Xiao Yin brothers and the Shilin sect will definitely join forces. If we are evenly matched, the king may be uneasy and may rely on Zhongxunjiu again to attack in one fell swoop. Kill us."

Only then did Jin Qi realize that the real situation was so dangerous.

In the final analysis, Li Yi does not have very strong skills. He has always just relied on some people in turn, weakened the old ones, and then used newer forces to weaken the current ones.

First, they relied on Zhongxunjiu to secure his position after many positions, and then they relied on Zhongxunjiu's faction to weaken Xunjiu.After the Shilin faction became too strong, they relied on Xun Jiu again to cause disasters for the scholars.

Until now, it was Jin Anlao who relied on his relatives, who had the dual identity of a national relative and a scholar, to continue to weaken the Xunjiu faction and the Shilin faction in the name of protecting the prince.

As things go on, the power struggle between North Korea and China becomes complicated, and North Korea becomes increasingly weak.

To this day, he still cannot firmly control the government.

Jin Qi recalled his experience in the Ming Dynasty and felt that the Ming Dynasty emperor who was not yet 30 years old was too powerful to be true.The important ministers of the Ming Dynasty, no matter what position they held or how powerful they were, had to be obedient in front of the emperor.

Seeing that his son was silent, Mr. Jin An asked solemnly: "My father told you this secret plan first. Naturally, you have made some calculations along the way. If the Ming Dynasty is really eyeing North Korea, Yi Ming's opinion , what should our Jin family do?"

Jin Qi knelt down and said sadly: "If Ming Dynasty hadn't been watching, my father would not have had any luck with this plan!"

Jin Anlao was not angry, he knew that his son was telling the truth.

Unless Li Yi is willing to meditate and let Prince Wang ascend the throne soon, in that case Prince Wang can still be grateful for his kindness.As long as Mr. Jin An doesn't go too far, he needs to rely on Mr. Jin An and Dayin at least temporarily to secure the throne.

But is Li Yi willing to practice Zen?Of course he refused.In this case, they will definitely find a way to weaken the power of the East Palace.

Jin Anlao was the first to bear the brunt, and there was really no chance of a fluke.

Now that he heard what Jin Qi said, Mr. Jin An was silent for a moment and lowered his voice: "Could it be that you want to persuade your father to follow Mo Dengyong's example?"

Jin Qi kowtowed repeatedly but said nothing.

Jin Anlao drank hot tea in sips, and spoke after a long time: "And you drew a clear line with your father, killed your relatives for righteousness, and turned to the Shilin faction to support Lord Hai'an? If the Ming Dynasty wants to carry out the Jiaozhi plan in North Korea, Then you can be canonized as your father, and you will assist Lord Hai'an? If the Ming Dynasty wants to help Lord Hai'an regain North Korea, will you be the hero and the Jin family will not be cut off?"

Mo Dengyong was a minister who usurped the throne, but he was finally recognized by the Ming Dynasty.

Knowing that a son is like a father, Jin Anlao revealed his son's plan.

"...Don't be in a hurry, wait a little longer, at least until the queen gives birth to a child." Old Jin An stood up tremblingly, "Don't be in a hurry..." In the palace of North Korea, Queen Wen Ding was almost in front of Brother Xiaoyin. The fetus was raised under full protection.

If you give birth to a prince, you must work hard to protect the child every day.

Because brother Xiao Yin made it very clear: if Yin Ren is appointed, strong men will cause harm, so he should be careful to avoid disaster.

The leader of North Korea, Li Yi, was still having fun in the palace.

He already likes to have fun, and now that Jin Qi has brought back good news, he has even more reason to have fun.

He also liked miscellaneous arts, and many strange people and magicians who were familiar with Feng Shui, geography and fortune were summoned to the palace by him.

In terms of balancing the power and private life of courtiers, he can be called a low-profile version of Jiajing.

But the ranks are not at the same level, so he often places his hope on fate.

Now he asked the warlock Zhao Lun, whom he trusted very much: "Today there are many good news, please tell me again, can the queen give birth to another son?"

He hoped it was a son.

Of course Li Yi does not lack sons. What he lacks is sons who can intensify conflicts under the current circumstances and give him another reason to replace a group of important ministers.

Li Yi was also very happy that the Emperor of Heaven admired his other son.

He is not happy because his son is appreciated by others, but because this son will also bring some changes to the government.

At this time, Li's letter back to North Korea was still on the way.

But Li Yi had already made arrangements for the remaining members of the Shilin faction to select five people to send to the Ming Dynasty.

The people they choose, Jin Anlao, Yin Ren, Yin Yuanheng and others, will definitely have different opinions, and they will fight again.

As for the border market... we can follow the example of the Ming Emperor and use his ministers to do business.Give them benefits and have money. If they really face their forced palace, Xun Jiu can also use it again.

Zhao Lun calculated a hexagram, and then congratulated Li Yi: "As shown in the hexagram, your majesty is destined to have an heir. I congratulate your majesty!"

"Okay! Come here and give me ten Ming Dynasty silver coins!"

Jin Qi is still very good. In addition to the treasure tickets rewarded by the Ming emperor, many of the exquisite silver coins and Tongbao from the Ming Dynasty were also brought back and dedicated to Li Yi.

In addition to treasure tickets, these new money are used for rewards, which is Li Yi's latest pleasure today.

Zhao Lun thanked him happily, and Li Yi felt comfortable all over.

In Seoul, Gong Yongqing's daily life is also very chic.

In other words, if you can't go back after a long time, it's better to live a happier life.

He was already talented in literature, and he was very popular during the examination, but why was Tang Shunzhi in the same department?
Now in Seoul, he is getting more and more admiration and compliments from North Korean scholars.

These people are contradictory. On the one hand, they care about their family and country very much, but on the other hand, they also want to rely on Ming Dynasty to help them control the government.

The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty valued literature and education, and the leader of Korea gave them the important task of selecting scholar Lin Junjie to study in the Ming Dynasty. Today they organized a literary meeting and invited Gong Yongqing to criticize their articles and test their knowledge.

At the same time, they were also thinking: Ming Dynasty has changed a lot in recent years, and the reason may be the new learning advocated by His Majesty the Emperor.

The Korean Scholars also studied Neo-Confucianism, but they did not understand the new learning.

They think Gong Yongqing understands.

Gong Yongqing only knew a little bit, but it was also his job to promote Ming culture and education.

Even if he only knew a little bit, Gong Yongqing still had a high level of competence at the cultural gathering.

"Practical studies and dialectics are profound and profound. When I go to Nanjing Imperial College, I should focus on studying Neo-Confucianism first." Gong Yongqing smiled, "It should be noted that this practical studies also draws on the best of Neo-Confucianism, new learning, and hundreds of schools of thought, including natural principles, physics, and human principles. There are endless mysteries, so you have to proceed step by step.”

With his distinguished status as the imperial envoy of the Ming Dynasty, Gong Yongqing was aloof in Korea.

Even the leader of North Korea cannot disrespect him.To disrespect the Ming Dynasty's diplomatic envoys is to disrespect the Ming Dynasty.

The literary meeting continued, and all the Korean scholars who were qualified to be selected were excited.

Although the Shilin sect is declining now, under this situation, if they can have the experience of returning to China after studying in the Ming Dynasty, they will all be able to join the core of the Shilin sect in the future.

By then, it is a foreseeable prospect that our noble daughters will marry and important ministers in the court will rely on them.

During the dinner, Liang Yuan, now a backbone member of the Shilin faction and serving in Si Xianfu, continued to test Gong Yongqing's attitude.

Gong Yongqing just said righteously: "My envoy came to Korea only for the purpose of vassal-vassal exchanges, border trade, and to support Korean culture and education. Now that Your Majesty can grant permission for Korean scholars to go to study as a rule, it means that Korean culture and education have begun to achieve results and have a reputation. Datian listens. How can I get involved in the situation of the Korean Dynasty? According to my opinion, you, the monarch and his ministers, should be open and honest, and have a good discussion. The scholars of Korea have had great disasters before, and they have also forgotten their duties as monarchs and ministers, and want to use Taiwan to remonstrate. How disrespectful is this to the monarchy?”

"I heard that our country has even set up a national policy conference and a state affairs hall. His Majesty the emperor is unparalleled in his sage and wisdom, and his Majesty has no suspicion. Those who are in the position of counselor, senior assistant, and have made meritorious service to the country all die well and are praised by celebrities after their death." Liang Yuan's There was a lot of envy in his tone, "The atmosphere of the Celestial Empire is extremely difficult in this country. How can we, the scholars, be disloyal and disrespectful? The envoy has been in Korea for several years. You should know that the shortcomings of the government in this country are actually due to the jealousy between the monarch and his ministers. Too much."

"Liang Sixian, isn't it appropriate to say this to me?" Gong Yongqing looked at him strangely, "This is disrespectful again. As a minister, how can you belittle your superior?"

"How is it wise to worship Taoism, rectify people's hearts, educate sages, and promote governance?" Liang Yuan lamented, "Removing the bureaucracy, setting up virtuous departments, honoring Confucian temples, and eliminating false honors are all good governance. Just because of Xiao Xiao's mischief , coated the leaves with honey and said, "The walking zodiac sign is the king." It flowed into the imperial ditch and entered the palace, attracting insects and ants to eat. The king believed the slander and thought that the chief minister had a disloyal heart. Ji Mao's scholars are in trouble, and our scholars are in trouble. Is there any intention of using Taiwan to remonstrate and control the monarchy?"

What he was talking about was the incident that caused Li Yi to be furious when Zhao Guangzu, the leader of the Shilin sect, ended up saying, "Those who are stooges are as treacherous as the arrogant, and they may be like Song Zu's yellow robe."

Comparing him to Wang Mang, Dong Zhuo, and Song Taizu, the influence of the Celestial Dynasty in North Korea is pervasive, and allusions are easy to use and everyone understands them.

Liang Yuan kept talking, but what he wanted to emphasize was that the Shilin faction was innocent and loyal to the country, but the monarch was unable to do anything.

Gong Yongqing could only lament: "It is indeed a tragedy for the Confucian sect."

This is the common language between him and the Shilin faction, and it is also the reason why the Shilin faction wants to win the support of Ming Dynasty through him.

"Nowadays, the Shangguo is powerful all over the world, and its civil and martial arts are as far ahead as the Han and Tang Dynasties." Liang Yuan flattered, "All scholars admire this remote place. It's just that the scholars went to the Ming Dynasty to study, and they just bought the Shangguo classics and came back to study. , is not enough to satisfy my thirst for enlightenment among Korean scholars. I wonder if the envoy can submit a report to His Majesty the Emperor to send great scholars to Korea to give lectures? Korean scholars must burn incense and bathe to welcome the sages of the above country!"

"Lecture?" Gong Yongqing looked at him.

If the Ming Dynasty attaches great importance to Korean culture and education, then the Shilin sect will become more powerful, right?
So Gong Yongqing smiled and said: "Liang Sixian, although I am not a great scholar, your Majesty has ordered me to serve as Korea's envoy to promote diplomacy. I have the intention of promoting culture and education, helping the vassal country to prosper and govern the country, and making the people of the vassal country live and work in peace and contentment. Your Majesty has the intention to protect the vassal country. , It’s just that the vassal state has its own imperial lord, and this kind of grace needs to be requested by your lord, so that is justifiable.”

What else could Liang Yuan say?
After Gong Yongqing finished attending the cultural conference and returned to the diplomatic embassy, ​​his drunken appearance disappeared.

He picked up his pen as usual and wrote the reports that were required to be sent back to the Ming Dynasty regularly.

The scholars of Korea have not been the ruler of the country for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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