
Chapter 421 Open the door, Eastern trade

Chapter 421 Open the door, Eastern trade
"How long has it been since the king and ministers of your country are jealous of each other and the people have not been loyal to the king?"

It’s already the end of the twelfth lunar month in the blink of an eye.In the Yangxin Hall, Zhu Houcong asked Li a heart-breaking question.Zhu Zaiyi looked at Li curiously, while Zhang Juzheng stood beside the prince, looking intently.

In the imperial study, Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Li Kaixian were shocked. They didn't know why the emperor would ask such a question to the son of the leader of North Korea.

Li was the most confused.

When the Emperor of Ming Dynasty summoned him, of course he would come.

As a result, I not only met the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, but also the Prince of Ming Dynasty.After the emperor asked him about his life in the capital these past few months, he suddenly asked this question.

"The foreign minister is terrified... How can your Majesty take these rumors seriously?"

Li Zi couldn't agree and said, "It's true." He suddenly fell into great fear.

Zhu Houcong burst into laughter: "Again, I asked you to stay in the Ming Dynasty to study, and then I asked you to send a great scholar to Korea to give lectures, and then there was the matter of Li Yi giving death to the common man's eldest son. Can't you see that I can be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty steadily? Unexpectedly, Ming Dynasty was used as a tool by Li Yi and various factions in North Korea. You are begging for life while they are fighting for power. What can't be said clearly? Now that the thank you letter has come and I have asked about it, how dare Tian Rucheng not say it? "

Li's legs went weak and he immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty, forgive me..."

"Family scandals should not be publicized. I understand your difficulties." Zhu Houcong sighed, "This favor to North Korea is originally a relationship between the clan and the vassal. Unexpectedly, the selection of scholars studying abroad caused such a commotion in the North Korean court. Gong Yongqing came back to me. Come, I was very moved when I saw it. There is no need to send a great scholar to North Korea to give lectures. Don't let the world think that I have the intention to interfere in the internal affairs of North Korea. Even you, since you are involved in the dispute between the crown prince of North Korea, I can't treat you differently. Otherwise, it will be helpful to you after all.”

Li was still kneeling on the ground. His heart felt cold when he heard this, and he couldn't help but plead: "Your Majesty..."

Zhu Houcong raised his hand to interrupt what he wanted to say: "I personally led the soldiers to defeat the northern captives, and the military power was great. I also settled the Jiaozhi dispute, and set up two Xuanwei divisions in the north and south, both of which were canonized as kings. I sent naval troops to drive away the Western Ocean. The barbarians helped the descendants of the Manlajia royal family to restore the country and set up the Nanyang Protectorate. During the Longevity Festival, all the vassals came to congratulate me. I reviewed the troops and awarded rewards, not just to sharpen my sword."

After a pause, Zhu Houcong said slowly: "At this time, all the vassals are in panic and are worried that the Ming Dynasty's troops will attack outwards and have the intention of opening up territories and annexing territories. This is not my intention for holding the Longevity Ceremony. "

Xu Jie lowered his head slowly: The emperor's words sounded better than his actions. Wasn't Ming Dynasty sharpening his sword?The next few years are just about training elite troops and sharpening the sword.

Li thought about what Jin Qi said to him, and couldn't help but feel anxious and didn't know what to say.

Why did the Emperor of Heaven say these things to him so bluntly?
"North Korea's request for thanks was all because I saw you speaking well that day, so I decided to keep you here. In my mind, border trade is mutually beneficial, and this is very important. As a prince, if you understand The border trade policy of the Ming Dynasty can help North Korea and the Ming Dynasty to communicate with each other after returning home."

Zhu Houcong shook his head helplessly: "Since you have been the heir apparent for many years and you are the second son of a concubine, why are the kings and ministers of North Korea still in doubt? It seems that I want to fan the flames. Therefore, this time your father petitions you to refuse both requests. .North Korea has been respectful to the Ming Dynasty for many years. Although I appreciate you, I cannot ruin the friendship between the clan and the vassal."

Li felt completely cold now: So, he must return to the country.

As expected, Zhu Houcong went on to say: "After another new year in the capital, when the weather gets warm, take my advice back to your father and tell it to your father: I only hope that North Korea will be stable, and I don't want North Korea to become chaotic, causing border trade to be blocked and communication to be cut off. . I don’t even want his future heirs to have to do it all over again, fighting with each other.”

Li was trembling. In this case, how could he dare to play in front of Li Yi?
However, Zhu Houcong said to him: "This is my private advice to him. As a son of man, you should be loyal and filial, help the prince, and admonish your father. I asked the prince to come here today to listen, just to let you know. Huiyin helps you seize the throne of crown prince? If I do this, won't my sons be uncertain in the future? If you show your intentions and wholeheartedly help your father and your brother, these few months in the Ming Dynasty will not be in vain. "

Zhu Zaiyi blinked: Is it because of this?

Li left the Forbidden City in despair. He couldn't think deeply for a moment: If the Emperor of Ming Dynasty just wanted to express his attitude and refuted Li Yi's petition, and then let Gong Yongqing state his reasons and position in an awe-inspiring manner, why would he need to give him such a heartfelt confession? ?

The vassals came to congratulate the Wanshou Ceremony. In addition to military parades and awards, the theme was indeed to open border markets and exchange what was needed.

But if he went back and relayed the advice of the Ming Emperor, saying that he had no intention of becoming the crown prince and that he must be loyal to the king and his son, would he still have a way to survive?

How could such a huge conflict between my father and the Prince's sect be resolved by expressing my feelings and giving good advice?
In the Yangxin Hall, Zhu Houcong had asked Xu Jie and others to leave.

Meeting Li is the last thing today.

After today, Xu Jie and the others will have a holiday and will celebrate the New Year soon.

Only Zhang Juzheng still stays here with Zhu Zaiyi.

Taking exams or something like that is naturally just a formality.Although Zhang Juzheng is only nine years old, his memory, expression ability and even the temperament of a well-educated young man are very rare at this age.

Zhu Houcong naturally heard Zhang Juzheng's story about the Zhang family's experiences over the years, and naturally understood that he worked harder because his family was poor since he was a child.

After being satisfied, it was Zhu Houcong who gave him a good name this time, which was another grace.

Among those who were renamed and given characters by the emperor were Zhang Cong, who is now the Prime Minister and Minister of State; and Zhang Juzheng, who is now just a companion to the prince.

But the crown prince's companion now lives in the palace of the Liao prince. He usually enters the palace with the Liao heir-king who has not yet reached the age to claim the throne of the Liao prince and adopts the son of Princess Mao of the Liao prince. Then he accompanies the prince to attend the Royal Academy. , I am about to grow up under His Majesty’s eyes.

There are four other companions to the prince, but the other four people Lu Bing found are "two literary and two martial arts", and can be called two little book boys and two little guards.Only Zhang Juzheng can be called the "chief" companion reader.

Now the two little ones have arrived at the backyard of Yangxin Hall, and the Queen and the Fourth Prince Zhu Zaiqi are also here.

Zhang Juzheng also participated in the most hard-core family banquet in the entire Ming Dynasty.

Although it's just an ordinary dinner.

"No need to be formal, you have finished eating and then go back to Prince Liao's Mansion."

Zhang Juzheng didn't change his voice, but he lowered his voice and replied cautiously: "I don't dare, kid."

"Then consider it a gift from me." Zhu Houxuan smiled and waved, "With you supervising me, I can rest assured about the prince's studies."

"...Thank you, Your Majesty Ron."

Zhang Juzheng has been living this dream-like day for more than a month.

He never expected that the emperor, who was usually so informal and amiable, actually loved him as a son.

The dining table in the Yangxin Hall was the most casual, and Sun Ming was used to it. She even asked without understanding: "What are you doing with Zai Ao when you meet the foreign minister of North Korea?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. It will be good if you remember that this happened in the future." Zhu Houcong looked at his son and said, "I also supervised the country last year and sat in on countless national policy meetings. Let him listen today, and it will also be good for him. There’s no harm, the more experiences like this, the better.”

"...Father, the King of Joseon gave his son to death?" Zhu Zaiyi was shocked in his heart.

In his eyes, although his father could be stern and serious at times, he was always kind to his children.

Zhu Zaiyi also knew that there were always many tragedies in the royal family.Although he was still young and his mother or others would not mention this to him, there were many such things in the history he studied.

But today, after hearing what was happening and witnessing the frightened and pale face of the son of the King of Joseon, Zhu Zaiyi realized something firsthand.

"This is the case, and it's not all because the leader of North Korea is cruel." Zhu Houcong glanced at Zhang Juzheng again, "There are many inside stories about North Korea. The ministers are strong but the king is weak, and Li Yi himself has no ambition and talent. That’s why such a tragedy happened.”

"...Your Majesty, don't scare the child." Sun Ming glared at Zhu Zaiyi, and then wondered why the emperor glanced at the child Zhang Juzheng before saying the second half of the sentence.

Zhang Juzheng was naturally frightened. He lowered his head to eat and pretended not to hear.

He's much sharper.The emperor obviously valued him. Zhang Juzheng knew that he had another destiny, and now he could only go on ignorantly.

There is no doubt that he accompanied the prince in reading only part of it, and the emperor also taught him together.

Zhu Houcong smiled back at Sun Ming, and then said to Zhu Zaiyi: "You can ask Zhang Bi more about what will happen next in North Korea. He leads the Ministry of Ceremony, and there is the latest news there. Treat this as a It is a long-term matter that we are concerned about, and we can draw lessons from it in the future.”

"My son remembers."

Zhu Zaiyi nodded, a haze hanging over his little heart.

I'm afraid what your father is talking about is about fighting between roommates, right?There are also battles between monarchs and ministers...

Being a prince is not as easy as it used to be when I was a child.

Now that I have decided to be the subordinate official of the East Palace, it is even more difficult.

But this is what Zhu Zaiyi must bear.If he doesn't learn well, he may not even be half as good as his father in the future.

After dinner was finished, Zhang Juzheng left, and Zhu Houcong took Sun Ming and his two sons for a walk in the direction of the Imperial Garden.

During the relaxation time, two children, one big and one small, were playing in the snow in front.

Sun Ming looked at the two children being protected by the eunuchs and maids, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

The emperor was so attentive to the prince's training, so she was naturally happy.But for the prince to care about North Korea's affairs, is it possible that with His Majesty's ability, he is still worried about the possibility of war with his colleagues in the Ming Dynasty in the future?
After being married for so many years, Zhu Houcong could easily see through Sun Ming.

He took Sun Ming's hand and said in a low voice: "Don't think too much. North Korea is a small country, but everything is unified by itself. The future of the Ming Dynasty will naturally be more complicated and complicated than that of North Korea. I see the big from the small, and I think North Korea For example, after spending several years, Zaiyi can understand some of the key points. In the tragedy of their father and son, Li Yi's temperament is very important, and the struggle for power and profit among his subjects is even more important. For my sons, I must first cultivate their temperament. Okay, if there will be some arrangements in the future, you can rest assured and don’t think of the worst. The North Korean incident is just a learning material."

The emperor no longer runs, but instead practices boxing and kicking to keep fit.And if he could hold the concubine's hand while taking a walk, it would be a very affectionate and tender thing.

Sun Ming immediately felt relieved, and then said: "The King of North Korea cannot be compared with His Majesty."

"Some time ago, I wanted to choose some princes to read with me. You heard some gossip, right?" Zhu Houcong knew that many things have their own cause and effect, "You have to understand that the more you think about the worst in everything, the easier it is for things to really turn bad. I have established the crown prince and approved the opening of the East Palace and the establishment of a government office, so you can make up your mind. The children are still young, so it is a good thing to let them be brothers and friends, and have the opportunity to spend more time together. Start talking about respect and inferiority wherever you can now , How about talking less about friendship?"

"Concubine, I remember." Sun Ming pursed her lips, "What are your Majesty's plans for New Year's Eve this year?"

Zhu Houcong smiled: "I have prepared everything that should be prepared. Do you want to watch the New Year? Last year in Mobei, I was not with you and your children. Let's pass it on tomorrow, and we will go to Qianqing Palace to welcome the New Year together." The emperor stayed in the Forbidden City. , everyone in the palace can feel at ease.

On New Year's Eve last year, although good news such as the victory in the Loop had arrived, who could really rest assured?
Now, the palace has entered the atmosphere of welcoming the New Year.

The weather was cold, so Zhu Houcong and Sun Ming only walked a short circle, then turned east from the Rijing Gate and went to the Empress Dowager Chiang for a chat.

When they returned to the Yangxin Hall, Mu Wan and Wang Qingyin, who had been summoned, were already warming up their beds.

Speaking of which, this was a habit they picked up last year when they accompanied them on the Northern Expedition.It was freezing cold, so of course the emperor had to take care of the warmth, and no one would say that the emperor was indulgent in pleasure.

He is a very diligent emperor, everyone knows this.Although there are many concubines in the harem, they have not caused any major troubles in recent years, and the courtiers will not use these to make Zhu Houcong unhappy.

In the harem, Zhu Houcong never did this to other concubines except for the initial indulgence he had with Carolina and Qu Mei.

Now there are two exceptions, Mu Wan and Wang Qingyin, and they are used to it after all.

Both of them were also banned from Jieyu.

After Zhu Houcong enjoyed the pleasure, he couldn't fall asleep for a while.In the warm and soft jade room, he remembered some arrangements made in Jiajing 13 years.

There is no need to worry about things in North Korea. Li was pulled and thrown away by him. After returning, North Korea will fight more happily after it becomes clear that there is no "foreign threat" like Ming Dynasty.

In fact, they have another foreign enemy, the Jurchens.

They are both vassals of the Ming Dynasty. Now that the Ming Dynasty is powerful, the Jurchens naturally do not dare to offend the Ming Dynasty.However, after the Duoyan Tribe surrenders, they will be able to reproduce safely under the protection of the Ming Dynasty, which will naturally compress the living space of the Jurchens who are more closely related.And I said that I robbed a Jurchen once last year, and I will naturally do it every year in the future.

Over the years, North Korea has "appealed" to the Jurchens for plundering them many times.

Let them fight first.

With today's productivity and technological level, the Ming Dynasty cannot actually control such a large amount of land.

To achieve peripheral peace many years from now, there is no other way than gradual cultural assimilation and economic bondage.

But the age of the ocean is coming, and some key outlets must be planned.

I am afraid that Zhao Jun has just received the order to return to the court. Next year, other armies will have to be downsized, but only the navy will have to increase its personnel.

Considering the risks of ocean voyage, Zhu Houcong sighed slightly: It is better to spend more time next year to build primitive steam engines, at least to get the direction.

Run through the prototype first, then find rubber and better steel, and just keep improving.

Datong is already safe, and there is coal in the Mongolian Plateau in the buffer zone...

Hearing the emperor sigh, Mu Wan asked softly: "Your Majesty, are the concubines not serving you well?"

Zhu Houcong was stunned for a moment, and then he stroked his hands slightly forcefully: "I am thinking about state affairs."

"...Your Majesty, why are you still thinking about state affairs after all this time?" Wang Qingyin said in a sweet voice, "The Ming Dynasty is prosperous now, and your Majesty is still sighing?"

When they arrived at the palace, they knew that their pair was special.They had been facing each other every night for so long, and they were no longer as cautious as before.

Zhu Houcong chuckled: "What a prosperous age..."

It was he, the powerful officials, gentry and wealthy businessmen who enjoyed warmth, warmth and warmth on such a night.

Every household in the Ming Dynasty is worried about the new year.

Just like Zhang Juzheng, before this year, every new year in his family was just to put aside worries temporarily.

However, because of Zhu Houcong, their family's life will be different this year.

Thinking of this, Zhu Houcong temporarily put aside his worries.

After all, he is changing bit by bit.

In most corners of the planet, there are not many changes this year compared to the past, and this has been the case even for hundreds or thousands of years.

At this moment, the Portuguese royal family is undergoing drastic changes.

The expeditionary fleet returned and appeared in the port of Lisbon.

But they did not come to the palace to meet him, but had a letter sent to him.

The person who wrote the letter was not Enrique, but Alfonso.

He said: He has long been the earl of the Ming Dynasty of the Eastern Empire, and his daughter is the concubine of the Eastern Emperor.The Portuguese expedition fleet has been completely wiped out, and now the prisoners who have returned are loyal to him.

Together they belonged to the Portuguese East India Company, and together with Governor Juan brought the decrees of the Emperor of the East.

Portugal needs to have a sincere attitude and pay the price for attacking Ming Dynasty.Defeating the expeditionary fleet was a necessary move to wake up the Portuguese king.

If the Ming Dynasty wanted to establish real peace with the Ming Dynasty and achieve larger-scale trade and trade, the Ming Dynasty needed the Portuguese king's letter of surrender, compensation for the defeat, and a trustworthy person to preside over Portugal's naval power and maritime trade.

If not, Count Alfonso of the Ming Dynasty will take away this fleet and completely control all Portugal's colonies outside the mainland leading to the east.

If the King of Portugal is still not awake, or wants to gather Spain and other countries to try to regain control of the shipping routes to the East and continue to extend its tentacles to the Ming Dynasty's vassal states, then starting from Portugal, Europe will once again experience the nightmare of being conquered by the Eastern Army.

The last time it was Genghis Khan and his descendants, coming from the land.

This time it was the Ming Dynasty that defeated the descendants of Genghis Khan and came from both land and sea.

Now, Alfonso, who is obviously Portuguese and represents the Ming Dynasty, has really come from the sea and "dong dong dong" at the door of Portugal.

"What a joke!"

It was almost dusk here in Lisbon when King Joao III dropped the letter in disbelief: "What on earth is going on at the port?"

"Everything is normal, my respected Majesty." His favorite said in fear, "But they have temporarily controlled the entire port, and the news to the outside world is that the expedition fleet has returned from the east with full loads, and all the goods have to wait for His Majesty the King to personally inspect , and then decide how to deal with it.”

"What about those merchant ships that went with Enrique? Didn't they report to their investors too?"

"Your Majesty, together with Alfonso, they said that the goods were trophies and not bought, so they have to wait for His Majesty to go there in person to make a decision?"

John III's face was full of uncertainty: "You want me to go there in person?"

"Your Majesty, it is already a fact that the fleet and those merchants obey his orders." The favored minister was still full of horror, "But now their external statement is different from what they said in this letter. They should want to negotiate with His Majesty. Time is running out. After dispatching the expedition fleet, other warships have now been sent to the New World and other colonies. Lisbon is very empty, with only your most loyal guard and less than ten warships parked in the military port."

"How dare you do this, actually..."

Seeing Joao III's extremely angry look, the man quickly persuaded: "Your Majesty, you must not start a fight in Lisbon, you must not! If a battle breaks out in Lisbon, the news will definitely spread. The entire Portuguese expedition fleet Destroyed, you must understand what Spain will do next!"

"The compensation demanded by the Eastern Empire is an astronomical amount of silver! An astronomical amount!"

"You must restrain your anger, please! Your Majesty, they must have been secretly discussing with those investors and big families now. If they have such strength and get their support, even a palace coup is possible! In addition to you, the Habsburg family has also been longing for the throne of Portugal!"

Winter has not passed yet, and even though the climate here is in the northwest Mediterranean and the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and the climate is warmer than that in Britain and France further north, Joao III still feels cold to the bone.

Now he regretted it and hated Enrique even more for that idiot.

"First ask, what does that damn Alfonso want? He uses different words to explain what he wants from Portugal!"

Then, there was another order: no matter what, control Enrique's family first, including their family's wealth.

Over at the port, Alfonso looked at Lisbon, which he had not seen for a long time, feeling filled with emotion and joy.

Faced with such a situation, King João, who prides himself on his talent and arrogance, should lower his noble head and come here in person, right?

"You must remember, my friends." Alfonso warned happily, "We are still loyal to the noble Majesty João. If I can get the status of Duke and the official position of Prime Minister and Minister of State, you can become the Navy The words of the marshal and general. We are still loyal ministers of Portugal and fight for the interests of Portugal. Who gave us the opportunity to completely open up the entire Eastern trade route?"

"You are right!"

There was laughter and laughter in the harbor, prostitutes were allowed in, and the soldiers had been on board the ship for a long time.

But these noble figures have clearly understood what kind of voice they have along the way, and they also understand what kind of huge interests are in front of them.

Unlike in the past where goods could only be brought back from India and the Spice Islands, this time it was about truly and thoroughly establishing the interests of the most important trade route in the East.

An endless supply of porcelain, tea, and silk!
(End of this chapter)

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