Chapter 15 Worry
After a morning of training, the floor was wet with sweat flowing in the stuffy room.

While Zhang Yuan was cooking in the kitchen, Li Ming endured the beating of his heart, went to the living room to mop the floor, and then went back to the room to check what was left of him.

Three potatoes, four tomatoes, three eggs, and three catties of meat left.

There are still a lot of rice noodles, a can of milk powder and a milk powder with only the bottom of the can left, in addition to a whole box of instant noodles, a box of pickles, and a box of snacks.

Considering only the main vegetables, including Zhang Yuan and the two of them, there is enough to eat until tomorrow night.

Counting instant noodles and pickles, one more week is fine.

Just considering rice noodles, I can still eat it for more than a month.

"Putting the gun is about to break through to a small success. Both blocking the gun and holding the gun are about to enter this level. Maybe we can break through tomorrow afternoon. At that time, it depends on your physical condition. If you are in good condition, go out directly. If you are tired, rest It’s not too late to go again one day.”

After closing the refrigerator, Li Ming walked to the window, opened the curtains, squinted his eyes and looked at the zombies wandering in the square below.

He has observed many times in the past few days, and now he can notice that there are seven zombies in the square. As long as he goes out of the residential building to go to the supermarket, he will definitely bump into these seven zombies, so these seven zombies must be solved first. of.

In addition to these, the floor he is on is the fifth floor. When he walks down the stairs, he doesn't know if he will encounter zombies. That is to say, he wants to go out to get things in the supermarket. There are at least seven zombies.

This does not include the zombies that may exist in the small supermarket.

Li Ming paid attention to those zombies, which were quite different from those in movies and TV dramas. They usually looked like old people who would fall down at any time, but once they encountered creatures, they would go crazy. Their speed and strength were not inferior to normal humans at all.

"Just be careful when going down the corridor, even if there are zombies, it should be easy to deal with, as long as there is nothing wrong with these zombies, or there will be no other monsters."

Li Ming has been observing for a few days, and he has confidence in his heart. The only worry is that there will be variables.

But...he looked at the community supermarket that was separated by two residential buildings in his line of sight. Before this variable appeared, he must first solve his own survival problem first!

So, you still have to go out and kill zombies.

With a firm thought in his heart, Li Mingduo took a look twice, closed the curtains, and stepped back from the window.

There was a sound of turning off the fire in the kitchen, and Li Ming knew that Zhang Yuan must have cooked the dishes, so he stretched himself and cleared the table, and just as Zhang Yuan finished packing, he came over with the fried dishes.

The rice cooker in the room was also ready, Zhang Yuan went to serve Li Ming a bowl of rice, and then went to the kitchen to clean the pot, Li Ming was not too polite, just picked up the rice and ate it.

After he finished eating a bowl of rice, Zhang Yuan also tidied up the kitchen. Li Ming asked her to come over to eat, and he filled another bowl and ate it.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while, but she didn't object. She sat opposite Li Ming with a meal and ate, chatting casually, as if deliberately trying to skip yesterday's events.

Li Ming didn't say anything, and after finishing the meal, he handed the bowl to the kitchen, watched Zhang Yuan eat for a while, and then took the leftovers back.

Li Ming lay down on the bed, and soon fell into a deep sleep.


Half an hour at noon passed quickly in sleep, Li Ming woke up habitually, yawned and walked out the door, just in time to see Zhang Yuan in the kitchen just after washing the dishes.

By accident, Li Ming walked to the kitchen and fixed his eyes on Zhang Yuan's legs in blue jeans.

Straight, well-proportioned...

His heart moved, and he felt ruthless, and silently touched Zhang Yuan's thighs.

Zhang Yuan stopped and paused in the kitchen for two seconds, then lowered her head and wanted to leave the kitchen. There were jeans on her legs, so it didn't feel too much to be touched, but she still felt that the temperature there was different. She was a little flustered.

It's just that Li Ming was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, and when she went out, she just walked in front of Li Ming.

Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he stretched out his hand to hug her, only feeling a soft hug, and his hands wandered up and down Zhang Yuan's jeans' thighs as if possessed by magic.

"do not……"

Zhang Yuan exclaimed, Li Ming was startled, then saw Zhang Yuan hurried out of the kitchen, glanced back at him in the middle, and then hurried back to his room.

Seeing the tightly closed door of Zhang Yuan's house, Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then cursed secretly, thought for a while, and shook his head, he was overwhelmed by suppressed desire.

Insufficient food, zombie crisis, uncertain future, life is as fragile as paper, lost contact, no constraints...

In such an environment, his desire was infinitely magnified, and it was normal to do the actions just now.

Before the doomsday, many things that violated ethics and morals happened, let alone the doomsday now?

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Ming went back to the room, picked up the sword on his back, and waited closely for the next possible conflict.

If Zhang Yuan told her husband about this, then...

"It's a big deal to change places to live."

A thought flashed through his mind. To Li Ming's surprise, the other party's room was always quiet, and he sat there for half an hour without seeing any movement, so he was a little surprised.

A ridiculous thought arose in my heart: Didn't Zhang Yuan say anything?
After a pause, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly dismissed his thoughts, took out the long gun from the room, returned to the living room, inhaled and sank, and continued to practice the gun.

When the stabbing sword broke through to a small success, his body was improved under the action of mysterious power.

Then this pistol should also be improved.

The improvement of strength, coupled with the improvement of marksmanship skills, will bring him more survival reliance, so Li Ming practiced very hard.

Even though the house is very stuffy.

"Whoo, hoo~"


"Fuck, this man-machine is really difficult."

Zhang Yuan ran from the kitchen to her home in a panic, and when she looked up, she saw her husband was shaking a fan with one hand, and pointing at the phone with the other hand, not knowing what game he was playing.

"What's the matter, come back and run so fast?"

Xu was attracted by his wife's quickening footsteps, Peng Zhi raised his head to look at her, and asked with a frown.

Zhang Yuan's heart skipped a beat, but before she could speak, Peng Zhi's voice rang out.

"Could it be that Li Ming didn't want to lend it to us because he felt that there was not much to eat at home?"

Peng Zhi felt the crisis all of a sudden, put down his phone, sat there for a while, and then hurriedly said: "That's not okay, how could he not lend us something to eat if he has something to eat, how can we live without his food?"

"Wife, please work harder and try harder to get him to continue lending us food. Don't worry about him wanting us to pay it back. It will be fine if he refuses to accept the debt. Even if you want to pay him back, just give him a few radishes. He didn’t keep track of how much we ate.”

"If you ask me, the idea of ​​eating this piece is really great. He can't count how much we eat. Every time we make a meal, we eat two people here, and he eats one person on the other side. Isn't it hard money?"

"Wife, listen to me. Give him a massage after dinner at night. Doesn't he like to exercise every day? Let him have a good rest and eat as long as he can."

Without waiting for his wife to speak, Peng Zhi uttered all his worries, which made Zhang Yuan speechless.

She pursed her lips, thinking that you want to eat his food, and he wants your wife.

But seeing my husband like this, thinking about what he said...

She finally pursed her lips and nodded: "OK."

"Hey, is that right? From now on, my wife, you can still eat with him, and just give me the rest."

Peng Zhi responded happily, Zhang Yuan didn't speak, she held a cup of tea and drank water silently, slowly watching the sky outside the window darken.

After thinking about it, she got up and took off the jeans on her body, and silently found a pair of shorts to put on.


"Whoosh, hoo..."

In the living room, Li Ming stabbed the gun, stopped the gun, and took the gun. The three movements were done in one go. Then he panted heavily, letting the sweat on his body hit the ground through his clothes.

Looking in front of him, Lan Nazha's proficiency came into view.

Block (Proficiency 41%)

Take (Proficiency 41%)

Zha (Proficiency 83%)

"Huh, let's get here today, and break through the rest tomorrow morning."

Li Ming took a breath, got up, picked up the salt water and drank a few big gulps, then sat on the chair and slowly regained his lost physical strength.


The door of Peng Zhi's house opened, Li Ming turned his head to look, and Zhang Yuan came out from inside with a little evasive eyes.

Under the light, her legs, which were only wearing shorts, were white and tender.

and many more……


(End of this chapter)

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