Chapter 16 Breakthrough!

Silver-gray tight-fitting short sleeves on the upper body, palm-length shorts on the lower body, and two straight white and tender legs like chopsticks under the shorts, the tight short sleeves faintly set off the figure.

In the living room, seeing Zhang Yuan appearing in such a dress, Li Ming opened his eyes.

A certain possibility came to his mind, and his heart beat violently.

"Well, what's for dinner tonight?"

Zhang Yuan closed the door, walked to Li Ming with her hands entangled, looked away with a little dodge in her eyes, and asked softly.

It seems a little embarrassed, and it seems to be implying something.

Boom, boom, boom...

As Zhang Yuan approached, a gust of fragrant wind hit, and Li Ming felt his heart beating uncontrollably, which was extremely clear.

Looking at the woman in front of him, he felt a little dry in his mouth, and raised his palm impulsively, but he took it back after seeing the dirty look.

"Huh, there are dried noodles at home, let's get some noodles, I have to eat a handful by myself, you can watch it yourself."

Li Ming let out a breath, and brought Zhang Yuan to the place where he put the wrapped noodles, where there was still half a piece of noodles for spare.

Zhang Yuan avoided looking at Li Ming, nodded, and moved her beautiful legs with light steps. She picked up two handfuls of noodles and started to get busy in the kitchen.

Li Ming watched her leave from behind, and suddenly pointed his gun at the wall, picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

This was the first time he took a bath so excited, Li Ming washed it very carefully and quickly, and when he came out wearing new clothes after drying his hair, he just heard the sound of the kitchen turning off the fire.

After a while, Zhang Yuan came in with two bowls of noodles, her long legs were dazzling, her skin was fair and tender, and she put a bowl of noodles on the table: "There are still a lot in the pot, you eat first, I will give it to my husband." Give me a bowl."

After speaking, Zhang Yuan glanced at Li Ming, lowered her head, and left with the remaining bowl.

Li Ming was stunned for a while, until he saw Zhang Yuan stepping on the slipper with tender white and red heels disappearing from his eyes, and immediately picked up the noodles and started to eat, not to mention, Zhang Yuan was also pretty tasty.

After taking two bites, Zhang Yuan walked past the door again. Li Ming looked subconsciously, his hands were empty, and he must have put the noodles back. take back.

After a while, Zhang Yuan also came out of the kitchen with a bowl of noodles, moved a stool, and sat in the living room in front of Li Ming with her legs stretched out to eat.

Li Ming glanced at her twice, seeing that she was avoiding looking at him, his heart skipped a beat, and he browsed up and down unscrupulously.

Zhang Yuan seemed to be blushing a little, and her ears were flushed. Li Ming watched and ate, and the scene was silent for a while.

Li Ming silently ate up the noodles in the bowl, and then went to the kitchen to eat more than three bowls in succession before he was full.

After the breakthrough in swordsmanship skills led to the improvement of physical fitness, Li Ming's appetite has also increased a lot in the past two days, but he found that his strength has also increased accordingly.

I guess in my heart that this is because after a wave of physical fitness growth, there should be a slow-growing aftermath. I just don’t know how long this aftermath will last, but the increase in appetite is real.

So Li Ming ate a lot these two days, and he felt full even after four bowls of noodles.

After eating, Li Ming washed up, and stretched silently to rest. While stretching, his eyes kept looking at Zhang Yuan. Zhang Yuan sat at the door for a while and finished eating. She put away her stretched legs and went for a while. He went to his own home, and then walked towards the kitchen with a pair of bowls and chopsticks in each hand.

Li Ming watched her walk from the door to the kitchen to wash the pots and dishes.

When Li Ming finished stretching his muscles and bones and sat on the bed to rest, Zhang Yuan also cleaned up the kitchen.

"Are you going to rest now?"

After cleaning up, Zhang Yuan's slender hands were stained with drops of water. Her hands were as beautiful as her waist and legs. She walked to Li Ming's room, stood inside the door and wiped it off, watching him ask tentatively.

When he asked, he looked at him vaguely, as if he was describing something.

"Well, I'm getting ready to rest. You've worked hard today and you're going to give me a massage."

Li Ming smiled slightly, his eyes seemed to fall on Zhang Yuan's body naturally, he got up and closed the door with a smile, then lay down on the bed and said.

Zhang Yuan lowered her head, did not stop Li Ming from closing the door, said in a low voice that it was okay, then walked to the bedside with her mouth pursed and pressed Li Ming's back.

After a while, after pressing the back, Li Ming turned over and pressed the front, and Zhang Yuan began to press his legs.


The feeling of massage is comfortable, Li Ming let out his breath happily, and looked at Zhang Yuan who was standing beside the bed in shorts...

His eyes looked back and forth, looking at Zhang Yuan's flushed face for a while, and looking at those straight, white and tender legs...

Zhang Yuan's massaging hands froze, and the next moment, her eyelashes trembled, and she stood stiffly by the bed for a while, just when she felt unbearable and wanted to get up and leave, she suddenly felt her body lighten and then heavy, He was pushed onto the bed at once.




I don't know how long it took, he washed up, let Zhang Yuan avoid his eyes, and left the bathroom without looking at him.

It wasn't until the white heels disappeared from sight that Li Ming lay on the bed, looked at the empty room with a smile, recalled the madness just now, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and fell asleep comfortably.

"This is the end..."


The curtains were drawn tightly, and the lights in the room were on.

Zhang Yuan returned to the room with her heart pounding. Seeing her husband staring at the phone without blinking, she pursed her lips and breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, I went to the bathroom of my own home and washed it carefully, until I felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and then walked out of the bathroom carefully.

Lying on the bed nervously, Zhang Yuan was always nervous that her husband would find out that she was strange, but it turned out that her husband had been obsessed with the game, only occasionally glanced at her, and ignored her. She was relieved, but also a little annoyed.

After thinking about it, she didn't get angry with him. What happened just now made her a little tired, and she fell asleep unconsciously while lying on the bed.


The tenth day of the end.

The sun rose as usual. Peng Zhi, who was half asleep and half awake, opened his eyes and looked. His wife had already woken up and was washing up in the room. Presumably, she was going to make breakfast for Li Ming?

'Or don't stay up late at night to play, and get up in the morning to have an extra meal? '

'Forget it, let's talk about it tonight. '

Peng Zhi thought for a while that his wife went to bed very early last night, so it's no wonder that she woke up this morning, and immediately stopped meddling, and fell asleep comfortably as soon as he thought about it.

He has to stay up late every day to play games, and sleep in the morning at least until ten o'clock in the morning. Now that the sun has just come out, it is time for sleep and rest.

When Peng Zhi was sleeping, there was the sound of running water in the bathroom, and the slim figure of a woman could be faintly seen through the door of the bathroom, obviously washing.


Zhang Yuan wiped off the water droplets on her face, turned off the faucet, tidied herself up in front of the mirror, and nodded in satisfaction.

After making sure that he was clean and refreshed, he stepped on the sandals and walked out the door.



In the early morning, Li Ming stretched his waist and sat up from the bed, only feeling that his whole body was transparent from inside to outside.

After thinking about it last night, he smiled sincerely at the corner of his mouth, feeling the unsatisfactory feeling in his heart, and looked down at the little brother who got up in the morning: "You really know the taste."

Thinking of this, Li Ming licked his lips, got up from the bed full of motivation, and then went to the bathroom to wash happily.

Just after washing, he heard footsteps. Li Ming put down the towel and looked back. Zhang Yuan, who was dressed in a short skirt, walked in with a scent of fragrance.

She was wearing a light-colored short skirt and a white top this morning, and she still looked pretty.

"What did you eat this morning?"

Zhang Yuan walked into Li Ming's room and saw that he had just finished washing, she smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth and said, but her eyes were a little embarrassed when she spoke.

What to eat
Li Ming looked at the short skirt and white blouse Zhang Yuan was wearing with fiery eyes, stepped forward to her ear, and gasped: "Eat..."


After half an hour.

Li Ming refreshed and let Zhang Yuan cook porridge and eggs, and then ate breakfast with pickles.

This feeling that he has something to do in the morning makes him very happy, and his hands are not honest when eating, but Zhang Yuan doesn't seem to feel it, letting him do whatever he wants.

It took a long time to finish breakfast like this. Zhang Yuan, who had been sitting for a long time, hurriedly got up and took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash up.

On the other hand, Li Ming let out a sigh of relief, and looked at the beauty in the kitchen with complete satisfaction in his heart. After a while, the corner of his mouth hooked up, suppressing the ripples in his heart, and continued training in the living room.

Although beauties are good, you can't be greedy for too many.

You have to work hard in training!
Stop, take, stick!

The spear roared in the living room. After washing the pots and bowls, Zhang Yuan stared at him for a while in the living room, and then returned to the room.

Li Ming didn't care about it either, he just practiced his marksmanship on his own.

Perhaps it was the transparency of his whole body that made him practice more efficiently. In less than an hour, his whole body was shaken, and his whole body's strength suddenly increased.

Marksmanship: Blocking (proficient at 57%)

Take (Proficiency 57%)

Tie (slightly reduced to 0%)

Small success with a gun!

At the same time that his physical strength increased suddenly, a strong sense of hunger surged into his mind. Luckily, Li Ming was well prepared. He immediately went to take out the can of milk powder and hot water, and began to drink bowl by bowl. Bubble.

This time, the hunger in his stomach didn't subside until he finished drinking the whole can of milk powder. Li Ming obviously felt that the strength of the parts of his body involved in piercing the gun had been greatly enhanced!

And there seems to be more memory in the body and in the heart...

Li Ming carried the gun to the living room to try it out. He stood in the living room, and a solid posture naturally spread out, followed by the spear in his hand thrusting forward along the trajectory of power.




In an instant, there were three consecutive gunshots, and Li Ming was covered in sweat, but his eyes were very bright.

"Slightly successful to the limit, three shots per second!"

Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, but he shook his head regretfully as he felt the huge energy consumed. This move cannot be used lightly, it can only be used as a killer move.

But... even without this trick.

Li Ming's eyes flashed with splendor, and he no longer stimulated the extra hidden power in his body, but stuck out the spear in his hand in an ordinary way.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, the shadow of the gun covered the area like a curtain.

His normal shooting speed is also twice as fast!
(End of this chapter)

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