Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 178 Jane, Consultation

Chapter 178 Jane, Consultation
The school cafeteria has a water tap, which is also connected to a separate underground reservoir. This is why Li Dingguo took them to the cafeteria alone after he rescued them.

Although there is a shortage of food these days, there is no shortage of water. People like Wen Yaner, Zhang Nana, and Deng Yu clean themselves every day and maintain hygiene.

Wen Yan'er, who walked up to Li Ming, was like this, with long fluttering hair, neat clothes, and a glamorous charm.

Like Teacher Zhang Nana, she desperately wanted to leave this lifeless place.

"Senior, I'm still a virgin. I had a boyfriend once before, and we held hands at most, but we broke up when I was a freshman. I have been busy joining the organization for the past two years, and I haven't talked about it since I studied. in love."

Wen Yan'er naturally knew what the strong man in front of him and Teacher Zhang Nana were doing down there just now, and she could even see clearly the movements between Teacher Deng Yu and him just now.

Both Teacher Zhang Nana and Teacher Deng Yu are beauties who are not inferior to her in appearance and temperament. Although they are older than her, they both have their own styles and charms.

Wen Yan'er knows where her advantage is over them, and she also knows what she has to pay to live the stable life she wants in this era, and she also knows that there is no shortage of powerful men like the senior in front of her at this time. women's.

Just in case, I don't want to make him look impatient, so Wen Yan'er directly stated her own advantages in the first sentence, so as not to cause impatience and be chased away before the advantages are brought into play.

A flower like her should not be dimmed here.

When Wen Yaner spoke, her eyes were observing Li Ming's expression, and Li Ming's reaction made her very happy.

He just stood up.

"Senior, I want to leave here, I want to live in peace, can you...can you help me?"

Sensing this man's joy over her virginity, Wen Yan'er couldn't help feeling shyer in her heart, feeling his fiery eyes, she couldn't help lowering her head, and said shyly.

Li Ming almost couldn't hold back and hugged the delicate body of the goddess school girl, and pressed it against him.

Fortunately, he knew that at this time the opponent was already his own fish on the board, and he was on the dominant side, so he restrained himself from this impulse.

Hearing the other party's words of refusal and welcome at this moment, Li Ming still didn't understand what the school girl meant.

Wen Yan'er's face is very plump, not skinny, not fat at all, and not as pointed and long as the face of an Internet celebrity, but that kind of plump beauty, with a distinctive personality.

Her eyes are very beautiful, a pair of almond eyes with a gentle water color, the swan neck below is slender and white, the collarbone is crystal clear, tall and her legs are long.

A slim school belle.

Although he knew that he was in the dominant position, Li Ming couldn't help but take a step closer to her.

"Are you really a virgin?"

Li Ming looked at Wen Yan'er, couldn't help but speak with fiery eyes, and kept looking between her legs.

Wen Yan'er stood with her legs close together, the gap between them was really small, almost none at all!

Hearing Li Ming's words, Wen Yan'er opened her mouth quickly, but she was too embarrassed to prove her truth, she just looked at him closely, her exquisite and beautiful face was very calm, but she was a little embarrassed.

It's as if you tell the goddess that you are a virgin, there are always some things that are hard to say...

Li Ming also knew how much determination and effort it would take for a girl to say this, so he didn't ask any more, but looked at her with bright eyes, which made Wen Yan'er a little embarrassed.

"There are nine people in my car besides me, seven of them are my wife, one is teacher Zhang Nana who just got on the car, and two are the daughter and mother of my second woman."

Li Ming looked at the girl, stopped asking Wen Yan'er, but told the situation directly: "My woman, everyone will be cared for by me. I don't dare to say that I am too full, but I am full of food and drink. A safe and secure life must be guaranteed.”

"My women are the most comfortable and comfortable among all the supernatural beings I know. You can ask them about this. I want to go back to my hometown this time, but it's not just my own hometown. Take a look, and then I will go back to the places my wives want to visit one by one."

"If they have close relatives still alive, I will take them all over and take care of them. I will support every woman in whatever she wants to do."

"Among my women, there are electrical engineers, doctors, women who don't know anything, and young girls, but I treat them all equally, only two women who are very meaningful in my life get some special favors. "

"I sleep with the two of them every day. Of course, not necessarily every day, but when there are no special circumstances, I will always sleep with them."

"Other than that, they are treated the same as any other woman."

From Li Ming's first sentence, Wen Yan'er raised her delicate and beautiful face and looked at Li Ming seriously. After she finished speaking, Li Ming looked at her and asked with a smile: "What do you think of me? If it's still suitable, then you can follow me, and wherever I go in the future, I will take you there."

A simple summary of Li Ming's words has one meaning: explain the words, do you want to be my woman.

If such words were put before the doomsday, people would definitely be regarded as idiots, and even Wen Yan'er would turn around and leave without paying any attention.

But now... Wen Yan'er is listening carefully and thinking seriously.

Although in fact, she didn't have to think about it at all, there was only one answer.

But in this case, she still couldn't help struggling.

"I... can I live in and observe for two days first, and then decide, if this is really the case, then I can..."

Wen Yan'er blushed as she spoke, and she lowered her head slightly, only thinking that this matter was completely deceitful. If she agreed, wouldn't it be the same as putting a piece of fat in the wolf's mouth, which is different from directly agreeing? What's the difference.

But she said it seriously, and Li Ming... also seriously agreed.

"Okay, my modified RV can sleep eighteen people, and now you only have eleven, you can choose a bed at will, and if you feel good about it, you can really be my woman, then you and I will be a family. "

Li Ming smiled, and he suddenly leaned forward, his fiery breath pressed against Wen Yan'er's ear: "When you are almost done with the investigation, baby, wash yourself for nothing, then lie on my bed and sleep in my bed, understand ."

Li Ming's breathing was too hot, Wen Yan'er only felt the roots of her ears go soft, her head was almost blank, she just nodded subconsciously, her face was completely red, including her tender white ears.

"Come on baby, I'll take you back to the car first."

Li Ming saw the goddess school girl's obedient appearance like a little sheep, after all, she couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to gather Wen Yan'er's messy strands of hair back.

During the process, Wen Yan'er's body began to tremble as her fingertips brushed her skin. She just kept nodding her head. When Li Ming brought her back, she quickly said that she still had daily necessities, and Li Ming brought her back with her. She went back to pick it up, and helped her carry the heavy objects, and then led Wen Yan'er to her RV amidst the envious looks of everyone.

Back in the RV, the girls were still chatting with their new sister, Zhang Nana. In a blink of an eye, they saw her husband bring another girl with bright eyes and bright teeth to come in.

Still carrying the package.

"Ah, I almost forgot that I haven't brought my luggage yet."

Looking at Wen Yan'er's package, Zhang Nana suddenly remembered that her daily necessities were still left in the gathering place, so she couldn't help but patted her head and said.

Zhang Nana's words dispelled the feeling of bewilderment at first, and all the girls greeted her with smiles and packed Wen Yan'er's luggage together with Li Ming.

Wen Yan'er was also a little overwhelmed, but fortunately she was relieved that the teacher Zhang Nana she was familiar with was also here, and seeing how she got along with these women, she could tell that the atmosphere was very good. Feel a little more at ease.

As a senior woman, Zhang Yuan took the initiative to find a way to talk to her: "Husband, who is this younger sister, and I won't introduce her."

"Her name is Wen Yan'er. She is my school girl. She is suffering in the gathering place. How can a girl who has never been in a relationship endure such hardships, so I took her in."

Li Ming responded with a smile: "From today on, she will be living here, we will talk about when she wants to leave."

"Ah, my sister has never been in love."

Zhang Yuan exclaimed suddenly, and couldn't help but said to Wen Yan'er strangely.

"There was once, but it was just holding hands and chatting on Penguin."

Wen Yan'er spoke a little embarrassedly.

"What is this? This is not considered to be in love. Now my husband has found a treasure. A girl who has never been in love is so wonderful. He should cherish it."

Zhang Yuan spoke full of praise, with a smile on her face, she glanced at Xu Yunyun beside her and said in her heart, I'm afraid there will be one more treasured object like this.

"That's okay, you stay here with Yan'er to clean up first, and I will take Zhang Nana back to salute and clean up her first."

Seeing that they got along well, Li Ming smiled, and then said something to them, and took Teacher Zhang Nana back to the second floor of the cafeteria to pack her luggage.

When they reached the second floor, Deng Yu found a chance for Zhang Nana to go to the toilet and whispered to her for a long time, and then came out after Li Ming finished packing, and then Li Ming sent Zhang Nana's things back to the RV before getting off I saw the slim and beautiful Deng Yu in jeans waiting outside.

"Student Li Ming~"

Seeing Li Ming coming out, Deng Yu pursed his lips, watching him and said in a numb voice.

Is this what you want? ?up?

"Teacher Deng Yu, I now have eight wives."

Li Ming thought for a while, walked up to the woman who was not particularly important to him, although he was a little moved, and said to her seriously: "I don't want too many wives, if you want to follow me, you can only do it in the Staying in the car as a helper with daily labor."

"Would you be happy not to know that?"

There are more than a dozen people living in a caravan, and the daily cleaning and cooking are also a lot of pressure. It is a bit tiring for only one person to do it.

Deng Yu is beautiful, and there is also the fate of meeting before the doomsday, and it is not bad to help with housework in the car—— Zhang Nana also mentioned these things to him when he sent Zhang Nana back to the car. Not bad.

"Happy, happy!"

There was no reason for Deng Yu not to be happy, as long as he could seize this opportunity, doing some housework was nothing, he immediately nodded his jade head excitedly, and looked at him as brightly as silk.

Deng Yu's waist is very thin, which is consistent with her slender figure.

Tall, slender and plump at the same time, it is the key to whether women who are no longer as young as girls look good.

"In that case, then..."



Women with this sign are often very popular with men, no matter what age!

Deng Yu is a standard symbol type woman, which makes people very happy.

But after the joy, it is a pity that there is no special effect like Zhao Mei.

I don't have too many regrets. Zhao Mei's situation is one in a million. It would be strange if you can see it with just any woman.

Besides, Deng Yu majored in finance, so he might be able to play a special role at any time. After Li Ming finished dealing with her, he took her to pack up all the salutes and let her live in his RV.

For the time being, it can only be regarded as the role of a maid and cook.

Afterwards, Li Ming thought of Wen Yaner, the female school girl, who couldn't help but went back to the second floor of the cafeteria, and asked the first question: "Are there any girls?"

(End of this chapter)

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