Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 179 Considerate, sudden rainstorm!

Chapter 179 Considerate, sudden rainstorm!
There were more than 70 people on the second floor of the school cafeteria, most of them were girls, and most of the boys died in the process of searching for food.

Before the doomsday, not only the teachers but the students in the school had a starting scale of [-]... After the doomsday, they became zombies under the intrusion of unknown forces, and there were only a few people left.

No... According to the prompt on the panel, it has become a [Magic Corpse]

Even for these 70 people, survival is also very difficult. They struggled for a long time, and now the only hope finally appeared.

Zhang Nana, Wen Yan'er, and Deng Yu were taken away one after another alone. It would be a lie to say that they were not envious.

When Li Ming came here again, after asking that sentence, the whole place became quiet instantly, and a needle could be heard.

Very shameless!
What kind of stinky and shameless person must be to ask such a question in full view?

Gan Lin really wanted to denounce such shameless behavior, which was much more shameless than him, but when he took a step forward and spoke, his taste changed instantly.

"Sir, still..."

Living here for a long time, everyone has a similar prediction in their hearts about each other's situation. Gan Lin only uttered three words. He pointed to the two girls on one side and was about to point them out. The girl ran over shyly.

Gan Lin, who wanted to be a dog's leg, silently withdrew his hand, looked up at the powerful man who looked like a wild bear and tiger, but saw that the other party ignored him at all, and only looked at the two girls with interest.

"Are you all virgins?"

Li Ming looked at the two girls running over, one was wearing a jk short skirt and the other was wearing black drape wide-leg pants. They were considered slim and their faces were fair. They were not as good-looking as Wen Yaner, but they were both of a good level. , Seeing them running over on their own initiative, I couldn't help asking, my eyes sparkled slightly.

Both Run Yuyu and Mu Qingqing blushed a little. For a girl, it was too embarrassing for a girl to come forward after asking such a loud question in front of everyone.

But as long as you are not an idiot, you can understand what Li Ming said just now - as long as you are, you can leave here safely and live!

Such an opportunity is simply the deadliest temptation, they are not willing to miss it, so they held back their shame and ran out holding hands in full view of everyone.

"Well, my name is Run Yuyu, and her name is Mu Qingqing. Neither of us has ever talked about a boyfriend."

The girl in jk costume nodded actively, her ears were slightly hot, and said.

"In that case, are you willing to be my woman?"

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he said impatiently.

If it's before the end of the world, when you fall in love and get in touch with girls, you should pay attention to step by step. Like this, you will probably be regarded as an idiot.

But now, this is simply the most handsome question. As for the long-term question, as long as Li Ming thinks, it can be as long as it is!
"Then, can you protect us, give us food, and keep us alive?"

Run Yuyu pursed her lips, looked at the strong man in front of her with a calm expression and asked.

"It can't be abused yet, we can't accept any perverted behavior."

After Run Yuyu finished speaking, Mu Qingqing, who was wearing wide-leg drape pants, quickly made another request. She was afraid that she would not have the chance to make it again if she said it too late.

"Don't worry, as long as they are my women, they can live freely and comfortably, and I will definitely not do any harmful perverted behavior."

Li Ming spoke heavily, and then looked at the two girls in front of him with burning eyes.

Under Li Ming's gaze, Run Yuyu and Mu Qingqing nodded with blushing faces. Li Ming smiled. He stepped forward and put the two girls on his shoulders, one left and one right, and hugged them.

"Wait a minute, we haven't brought our things..."

Run Yuyu raised her calves under her JK short skirt, feeling ashamed, Li Ming immediately carried them to their respective berths, carried them to the left and right, carried two packages between them, and returned to his own car.

Gan Lin watched helplessly as the man stood up and asked a word, and then the two virgin students walked over, and he picked them up, carried the package, and carried them back.

In the RV, Wen Yan'er, Zhang Nana, and Deng Yu had just made their beds when they saw Li Ming walking in with two girls on his shoulders.

Deng Yu came to work, Zhang Nana was a former Nianxiang, and Wen Yaner was a virgin goddess of digestion. They brought Zhang Yuan back to understand, but what happened to bringing back two?

Zhang Yuan was a little down, thinking that she was a little afraid that her husband would lose his sense of proportion and lost his mind, so she quietly stepped forward after her husband put the two female students on the bed and introduced the names of the two female students to everyone. Called her husband aside.

Run Yuyu, Mu Qingqing.

Zhang Yuan remembered the names of the two girls.

"Husband, I, Chen Li, Xu Xiu, Xu Yunyun, Liu Minying, and Zhao Mei are already six, and today I brought Teacher Zhang Nana, Wen Yan'er Elementary School Girl, and Teacher Deng Yu, all nine. You brought back two more students, is our family comfortable?"

Zhang Yuan naturally stuck to Li Ming's body, and lifted the hem of her skirt so that Li Ming could give her a hand. Although Xu Yunyun and Xu Xiu were very fond of her, including Zhao Mei, she never lost her favor. .

Zhang Yuan also liked the feeling of Li Ming doting on her like this, so she also enjoyed Li Ming's actions very comfortably. It was this liking that gave her the courage and confidence to talk to Li Ming about many things.

Fortunately, with the acquisition and development of supernatural powers, her body has become more and more hydrated, her whole person has become more lively and complexioned, and she has become more and more beautiful in general, giving Zhang Yuan the confidence that she will always be treated like this every day. Love hard.

While feeling the tenderness of rubbing herself, Zhang Yuan was a little worried. She was worried that there would be too many people in the family, and there would be no sense of family, and everyone would not get along well. In the end, it would only increase troubles, and her husband would also be sad. Say it like this.

"So that's what I said."

Li Ming smiled, and whispered into this little woman's ear: "They are good for my husband, of course my husband likes them, you are in charge of the house, what am I afraid of..."

"But what if someone can't do it well..."

Zhang Yuan pouted, and then felt the man hug her onto the bed.





The trip to the University City has yielded a lot, and now Li Ming's [Secret Biography] has reached the 33% level of proficiency.
After being together with Wen Yan'er, Run Yuyu, and Mu Qingqing, at least three realm breakthroughs can be obtained, and they might be able to cultivate to the peak level in one fell swoop.

At that time, what effect the [Secret Passage] will have, people look forward to it!

But [Secret Passage] can still advance steadily after all, even if it is [-]% cultivated, it can break through within the visible time.

And the addition of a pure body, but there is only one chance, if the three additions do not reach the most perfect state, then the time to complete the final cultivation will increase a lot.

So in order to maximize the profit, it is better to wait before eating the baby~
The most important thing now is to go home first.

That afternoon, Li Ming gave Zhang Yuan a big love, and then comforted the three little ones, and then went out to search for supplies in various supermarkets, and left them for the rest of the school.

In the end, population is an important resource, and only with a sufficient population can there be more hope.

That's why Li Ming chose to rescue these people, and these people were educated. Although their character may not be good, they have knowledge and are worth saving.

After collecting supplies for half a day, the stored supplies were enough for them to use for two months before they stopped. Then, seeing that the time was getting late that night, Li Ming temporarily rested here for an extra night, and did not venture out on the road in the dark.

Since there were five more members, there was no room for sitting in the living room, so Li Ming found materials and tools to add a folding table in the aisle, so that everyone could sit and eat together.

The sumptuous dinner made the five new women very satisfied, especially the magical mutated animal meat, which made their eyes squint with happiness.

Considering that they were still not used to it when they first arrived, Li Ming chatted with the three little virgins for a while to build up their relationship before going back to rest.

In the evening, as usual, Zhang Nana and Deng Yu came to the bed.

Li Ming looked at Zhang Nana with fiery eyes. He leaned on Zhang Nana, looked into Zhang Nana's panting eyes, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Zhang, baby, look at me like trash !"


(too intense, not suitable for children)



In the morning, it was another scorching sun.

When the sun rose, Li Ming's RV had disappeared from the school and was heading home.

"If this continues, in less than a month, most of the lakes and rivers will dry up."

On the way, Zhang Nana looked at the scenery in the sky and said worriedly.

"We did the math, and it only takes about two weeks for 90.00% of the land lakes to dry up."

Wen Yan'er on the side followed, and Run Yuyu Mu Qingqing beside her also followed.

"You can even calculate this, how do you calculate?"

Zhang Yuan looked at them in surprise upon hearing this, and couldn't help but speak in surprise.

"We are majoring in meteorology, and we have formulas and methods that can be inferred."

Wen Yan'er explained, and Run Yuyu on the side added: "However, our calculation may not be accurate, it can only be a similar estimate."

"If that's the case, it's serious."

Liu Minying frowned and said quietly: "The weather is getting drier, and the moisture contained in the air will continue to decrease, but the water we need every day is fixed, and we cannot get more water from the air every day. Too much water will make our body need to add more water to maintain health, so our dependence on water will become greater."

"Is there going to be a drought?"

Liu Fang, the oldest, hugged her granddaughter and looked at the scenery outside the window, worried.

Liu Fang's worries were not unreasonable, but such worries did not last long. In fact, what happened exceeded everyone's expectations.

In the morning, the scorching sun was still shining brightly, and it looked like a golden crow scorched the earth. At noon, the wind suddenly howled and the clouds were dense.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the heavy rain poured down, and it didn't stop.

Everyone was sweating in the car in the morning, and it began to cool down at noon, and in the afternoon, they could no longer feel a trace of dryness.

Looking out through the car window, the whole sky has become gray, the bean-sized raindrops are continuous, and the heavy rainstorm is densely packed and crazily poured down, and its intensity has never been seen before.


From time to time, natural lightning strikes, the dry lakes and fields are quickly filled, and the ground becomes wetter visible to the naked eye.The water in the lake quickly gathered, and the dry lakeshore was quickly soaked.

The accumulated water on the road rose rapidly, flooding the road in the blink of an eye, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, the remodeled RV had to park on a high hillside in a small town.


The crackling raindrops hit the car windows, blurring the vision. Li Ming didn't even extend the special front windshield eaves because of the heavy rain, fearing that it would be blown off.

"The weather is changing so fast."

Li Ming looked out of the car window. The low ground in the distance had already been flooded by rain. Coupled with lightning and thunder, the car might not be able to drive for the time being.

He thought there would be a drought, but he didn't expect it to turn into such a heavy rain in the blink of an eye.

"I hope it doesn't rain too hard."

Li Ming looked at the rainstorm outside the window and sighed inwardly.

Continuous sunny days are not a good thing, and continuous rainstorms are not a good thing either.

Fortunately, he was driving on a high ground, so there would be no danger for a while, and the RV was also waterproofed, so staying here would not be dangerous.

After looking around, he calmed down, turned around and returned to the residential area, chatted with Wen Yan'er and the three delicious virgins for a while to enhance their relationship, then turned around and found Liu Minying.

"Doctor Liu, have you brought your professional clothes?"

Li Ming looped the willow waist of his gentle sister Liu Minying, stood behind her and pressed it against her body, and whispered into her ear.

"Take it, do you have any discomfort?"

Liu Minying glanced at Li Ming with a gentle smile, then turned around to change into work clothes, and looked at him peacefully when she came back to ask.

"I think, an injection."

Hit hard!


The torrential rain outside the car made it impossible to move for the time being, so Li Ming suppressed his urgent thoughts and practiced hard in the car.

That night, considering the continuous torrential rain and the effect of the water ability, Li Ming once again deliberately exercised the water ability to increase his resilience.

He discovered that under the control of the water system's ability, the surrounding rain is like an arm, and invisible power emanates, allowing him to easily control the outside rain.

This range is about 1000 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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