Chapter 181 Showers
It rained continuously all morning and finally stopped at eleven o'clock in the morning.

The so-called rain comes after a long drought. Under the heavy rain, the sweltering air in the whole world has been greatly reduced, and the surrounding fields have regained the moist feeling that the soil should have, and the soil has changed from dry to moist.

The green leaves on the trees are swaying, making them appear more emerald green, and everything is much fresher.

Taking advantage of this refreshing time, Li Ming stopped on a road not covered by rain, opened the car door, took out the convenient equipment and took the family out of the RV to cook on the road.

The road washed by the rain is wet, and the heat absorbed by the sun is also absorbed. It feels very comfortable to walk on it.

Wen Yan'er was wearing a pair of clean white shoes, inside the shoes were white mid-length cotton socks, revealing half of her fair and straight long legs, on top of which was a small blue skirt and white short sleeves, the little rabbit bulged slightly The pretty face is also very beautiful without makeup.

Standing on the wet road after the rain, she looked at the wet fields on both sides of the road, feeling the freshness and feeling very comfortable.

Stepping on the dark road with the soles of her white shoes, Wen Yaner walked to the busy teacher Deng Yu to help cook together. The portable pot was steaming hot, and the water in the pot was slowly heating up. Her delicate pretty face showed satisfaction smile.

Here, you don't have to worry about being hungry anymore.

While cooking, she was chatting with Teacher Deng Yu, and the other women behind her were replenishing the contents of the trailer in the car. She glanced curiously, and saw that the three-carriage of various supplies even had the function of a cold storage.


The large shed on the roof of the caravan was unfolded, covering a large area of ​​sight at once, and the sun shone on it without any reflection.

Wen Yan'er knew what it was, the modified solar electric car wings could replenish electricity very quickly.

"After all, the two compartments have to be refrigerated, which consumes a lot of electricity."

Wen Yan'er thought to herself, looking around, the women in the car were all dressed in various clothes and came down to stretch their bodies, breathing the fresh air after the rain, with happy smiles on their faces.

From time to time, the two beauties chat with each other with a smile, each has a unique charm, but now they are all gathered together, and everyone's mental state and appearance are very good.

Even Teacher Zhang Nana and Teacher Deng Yu, who are newcomers like her, are the same, especially Teacher Zhang Nana, who asks for acting skills every day. Gu Pan is very bright and obviously very happy.

In the past few days, Teacher Zhang Nana has been sleeping with that man crazily. Judging from her life attitude, this man is indeed good.

Especially from sister Zhang Yuan, it is said that sister Zhang Yuan spent the longest time with that man, and she can have the current mental outlook enough to show that the man is definitely not a pervert.

"According to Teacher Zhang Nana's current situation, it will take at least a week."

Wen Yan'er thought of the man's special emotions and excitement every time he faced Teacher Zhang Nana, and couldn't help but stroked his hair. He wondered... how it would feel when he faced himself.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan'er blushed and shook her head, quickly dispelled the thought, and called Run Yuyu and Mu Qingqing, who were also virgins, to help cook together.

"Qingqing, tell me, why didn't he sleep with us?"

While cooking, Run Yuyu helped wash the vegetables while whispering to the two girls: "Could it be that he doesn't like us, every day Mingming, Teacher Zhang Nana and other women are like that~~~ "

There is not much space in the caravan, but Li Ming's strength is great. Every time it is so intense that they can hear and feel the movement even if they don't sleep together, so this kind of doubt arises.

"How can it be? I didn't see that when he wanted us, he carried it back excitedly, and now he chats with us so intimately every day. I guess he wants to eat one bite at a time?"

Mu Qingqing shook her head, then said boldly.

"You are the cleanest virgins, he must taste carefully."

A smile flickered at the corner of Wen Yan'er's mouth, and she said teasingly, when the words fell, Mu Qingqing and Run Yuyu blushed at the thought of being savored carefully.

"Yan'er, you are so beautiful, I don't know how much you will be tasted when you fall down, maybe even your feet will be spared."

Run Yuyu responded with a red face and a smile, Wen Yan'er blushed, fortunately they all came from the same place, and they were familiar with each other without embarrassment, then they started chatting in whispers, and then finished washing the dishes After that, I took the dishes together and handed them over to Deng Yu and Liu Fang to cook.

While walking, the three pairs of virgin stem legs are flexible and flexible.

And in the distance, Li Ming was not idle either.

"Although the rain has stopped, it is still easy because of the increase in moisture in the air?"

Li Ming looked at the field on the side of the road. In a hidden place that no one knew, water droplets quickly condensed on the bottom of the vegetation, and then dissipated.

Feeling the difficulty of comparing the previous two days, Li Ming guessed in his heart.

There are three ways to produce corresponding energy for water-type abilities and fire-type abilities: purely consume energy, purely rely on external energy (it will still consume very weak energy), and use external ability and energy in combination.

Among them, the water and fire energy produced by pure consumption of energy is generally high-quality goods, and the control power of water and fire purely relying on nature is generally relatively weak, unless there are different water and fire in nature.

For example, the ultra-high temperature flame ignited by special means, the extremely compressed water...

It is more appropriate to combine the external ability with one's own energy to create power, which consumes less and is strong enough, but it is more dependent on the environment as the second method.

If the environment is good, the combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced, and if the environment is not good, the combat effectiveness will naturally decrease.

"The five elements are originally one, but now I only have water and fire, which are two kinds of energy that are mutually restraining. Maybe when the five elements are complete, the power of the five elements can fuse with each other to produce a very strong explosive force, which explodes like gunpowder meeting fire."

Li Ming's heart moved secretly, and he shook his head helplessly. He could feel that there seemed to be a bridge between the water-type abilities and the fire-type abilities, which could fuse with each other to erupt stronger power.

But it can't be done because of the lack of intermediate factors. The intermediate factors should be wood, earth and metal.

I don't know when I can gather the five elements...

A thought flashed in his mind. Li Ming felt that his physical strength had dropped to more than half, so he immediately stopped the exercise of the water ability, and turned to mental power to practice various applications.

From the start, considering the key role of telekinetic power, Li Ming did not exercise much to consume his telekinetic power. He just did a certain degree of polishing every day, and stopped in time after [-] to [-]% of his power was consumed.

On the way of driving, whether it is exploring the road or solving dangers when physical strength is insufficient, mind power is inseparable. However, when mind power is exhausted, the role of mind power cannot be replaced by the physical body, so we can only exercise first The physical body retains the power of thought.

The exercise of the water ability can just play a role in the exercise of the physical body, and physical strength is a very important index.

After a little practice of mindfulness, the smell of the food wafted out, and Zhang Nana ran over to ask Li Ming to eat.

"Li Ming, it's time to eat, it's ready soon, go wash your hands."

Teacher Zhang Nana's voice was still so characteristic. Li Ming looked at the open fields around him, and without saying a word, he carried her to the other side of the car.

Zhang Nana blushed, and leaned her head against him, looking at the fragrant field scenery around her, she couldn't understand what Li Ming was thinking now.

After a while, the two walked to the other side of the car. Zhang Nana pressed her back against the car body. After a while, she turned around and supported the car with her hands.


Lunch was ready, and taking advantage of the nice weather, the family moved tables and chairs to eat outside.

After the tables and chairs were cleared, Li Ming and Teacher Zhang Nana hadn't come back yet, Wen Yan'er sat on the small stool and looked around curiously, then suddenly realized something and lowered her head to look at the car through the gap in the site.

Two pairs of legs.

"It seems that we won't be able to eat for a while."

Wen Yan'er silently raised her head, bit her rosy lips lightly, and spoke to Run Yuyu beside her.

"Don't worry, my husband has unique skills. If you want to be fast, you can be fast, and if you want to be slow, you can be slow. It's almost time to eat now, and it won't take as long as usual."

Zhang Yuan, who was sitting next to her, obviously noticed this, covered her mouth with a smile when she heard Wen Yan'er's voice, and then said quietly.


Wen Yan'er stroked her hair in embarrassment, but before she responded, she suddenly heard a monosyllabic shout from the other side of the car. After a while, Teacher Zhang Nana and Li Ming appeared together.

'It really has such a stunt. '

Wen Yan'er couldn't help but look at the ruddy Zhang Nana, and then at Li Ming, feeling secretly surprised, and quickly looked away.

Li Ming didn't care about this delicious gesture, anyway, most of the people present were his women, so there was nothing embarrassing about it, even Teacher Zhang Nana was a little embarrassed.

He graciously brought Zhang Nana back to the dining table and announced that the meal was open, and the atmosphere at the table suddenly became lively. Everyone chatted and enjoyed the comfort of eating lunch in the fresh air after the rain.

After a meal, they washed up on the side of the road, and then everyone stretched and moved to digest food, and then returned to the RV together, and the RV started up again.

"It's another five hours' walk to get home."

In the RV, Li Ming looked at Ze Guo around him, let out a long breath, thought to himself, then started the car and drove along the road.

The sky had just cleared up for a while, but at two o'clock in the afternoon, it was covered with dark clouds again, and after a while, heavy rain poured down again.

Li Ming frowned, looked at the darkening sky, and continued to drive in the rain while thinking about the power to investigate——there was only three hours away from home, so there was no need to stop.

Of course, on the way, Li Ming didn't forget to ask Zhao Mei to come and sit in his arms to help him recover.

By two o'clock in the afternoon, his physical strength had basically recovered, he kissed the mature woman, and let her go back to rest.

"I don't know how long it will rain..."

Li Ming thought to himself, he didn't stop moving while driving the car, he was constantly paying attention to the movement around him on the road, and at the same time, the power provided by practicing the [Secret Passage] was constantly restoring his physical strength.

Slowly on the way, it came to three o'clock in the afternoon.




From time to time, lightning pierced the sky, and in the dense heavy rain, a strong and huge buffalo slowly raised its head in the ditch, and its dark eyes slowly looked at the modified vehicles that were slowly approaching on the road ahead. .


With a bull roar, the three-meter-high black buffalo stood up from the ditch and strode onto the road with its head slowly facing the approaching vehicles.

"What the hell, buffalo blocking the way?"

From the driving position, Li Ming looked at the big black buffalo in front of him, and opened his eyes in astonishment when he saw that it had taken the initiative to stand on the road.

He had spotted this big buffalo a long time ago, and originally wanted to get closer and then come down to deal with it, but looking at the driver, did it want to actively block the road?
"It's really dangerous when a cow seems to be irritable..."

Seeing the dangerous look in the big buffalo's eyes, Li Ming quickly stopped the car, and then walked out of the car with the weapon in hand.

"Honey, be safe."

Liu Minying looked at Li Ming who left and shouted worriedly, they already knew about the existence of the mutated buffalo, and Li Ming had notified them in advance, but seeing the night under heavy rain, there was still a lot of natural tension in her heart.

"Close the door and wait for me to come back."

Li Ming left behind a sound, carried his weapon, and got out of the RV. Liu Minying hurriedly closed the door obediently, and then lay down in the driver's seat with a few girls and looked ahead through the windshield.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to be seen under the rain.


Both feet stepped on the ground and sprayed water splashes. Under the heavy rain, even the road surface accumulated ankle-deep water in the continuous rain.

Stepping on it with bare feet, Li Ming is wearing three layers of crocodile armor and lobster armor inside, which is quite thick. To deal with creatures like the mutant buffalo, it is better to set up more defenses to avoid being pierced by a corner.

The telekinetic investigation of Immortality revealed that the mutated buffalo was standing on the road 100 meters away. Li Ming did not intend to stop at all. He stepped on the road with his bare feet and accelerated slightly.

"Reed reed..."

The rapid sound of treading water became one piece, and Li Ming arrived in front of the mutant buffalo in two or three seconds. The mutant buffalo obviously sensed his approach. The moment he approached, he lowered his head abruptly, and stretched out two huge horns that were one meter long. out, and slammed forward frantically.


Li Ming shouted loudly, raised his spear forward, and when the buffalo was on guard, he tripped over the buffalo's calf.


In an instant, the aggressive big buffalo was tripped and fell to the ground. Li Ming quickly stepped forward and pressed down on its neck with the power of his body, tripping it to the ground and pressing it down hard.


The mutated buffalo roared angrily, and the terrifying force kept struggling, but under the suppression of Li Ming's double-layered force, it couldn't break free.

(End of this chapter)

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