Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 182 Breakthrough, wrestling

Chapter 182 Breakthrough, wrestling



A bolt of lightning struck down from the air for a very brief moment to illuminate the night. Under the heavy rain, a huge black buffalo was pushed to the ground by a strong figure, and it kept making dull roars.


The bull roared like a muffled drum, and the black mutated buffalo frantically tried to stand up again, but under Li Ming's restraint, it couldn't do it at all. It could only angrily twist the cow's neck and kick the cow's hooves.

Li Ming exerted all his strength and used [Tong Arm Fist] to firmly hold down the mutant buffalo to prevent it from getting up. Then he took a deep breath and adjusted his posture continuously.

In the constant collision with the mutated buffalo, his [Iron Cloth Shirt] proficiency finally started to move slowly.


The thick oxtail was swung from behind violently, with the sound of breaking wind, Li Ming noticed it immediately, but he did not dodge, but adjusted his posture so that the whip landed on his back.

The [Iron Cloth Shirt] whose proficiency was slowly increasing under the whipping of the oxtail sped up slightly, but then stabilized, and then continued to be whipped by the oxtail, the proficiency of the [Iron Cloth Shirt] sometimes accelerated and sometimes slowed down.


The mutated big buffalo roared crazily, its strong body could continue to burst out of strength even if it fell to the ground, and its strong muscles kept hitting Li Ming's body.

After so many collisions and struggles, half an hour later, Iron Shirt's proficiency has risen by a notch!
【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 24% success)】


Seeing the proficiency of the iron cloth shirt, Li Ming's heart moved slightly, and he let out a long breath, and then took a breath, tensed his muscles, controlled the distance, and stretched his legs to a space between the mutated buffalo's hooves. The weakest track.


With a muffled sound, the buffalo's hoof kicked Li Ming's leg fiercely, and immediately made a muffled sound, as if kicking down a punching sandbag.

But because the power of the buffalo was not fully stretched, the damage wasn't that big. On the contrary, it was [Iron Shirt]'s proficiency that suddenly jumped a bit.


The mutated buffalo realized that its hoof had kicked the human being, and it let out an excited roar, followed by kicking the hoof even harder.

"Boom, boom, boom~"

A muffled sound echoed in the torrential rain. The mutated buffalo kicked its hooves crazily. Li Ming squinted his eyes and pressed the mutated buffalo firmly to the ground with his teeth. hooves.

Every time the mutated buffalo kicked his leg, there was a bruise. After only five kicks, Li Ming knew that his right leg could not be kicked anymore, so he retracted his right leg and replaced it with his left leg.

In front of him, the proficiency of [Iron Cloth Shirt] is constantly increasing.

【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 24% success)】


【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 25% success)】


【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 30% success)】


【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 50% success)】


Every time the bull kicked, every time the mutated buffalo exhausted its strength, it was a pity that this didn't seem to have any effect on it breaking free from the shackles.

And the proficiency of [Iron Cloth Shirt] also stagnated after reaching 50.00%.

"It's just that there is no way to grow to such a degree?"

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, although 50.00% doesn't seem like much, but if he is allowed to practice by himself, Zhang Yuan's stick does not know how many days it will take, and now it is only an hour, his [iron] Bu Shan] unexpectedly has such progress.

"Perhaps, it also has something to do with my current surge in energy."

The only difference between fighting mutant beasts and being beaten by copper rods is that they are strong enough to penetrate deep into the limbs and achieve the full effect of kung fu training.

But even if this is the case, the cultivation speed of [Iron Cloth Shirt] should not be so fast to reach the standard and positive cultivation progress. This is a hard work.

When Li Ming was puzzled, he thought of the energy he had felt recently and his special [power] compared to ordinary people. Perhaps these two factors contributed to the remarkable effect of his [Iron Cloth Shirt] cultivation.


When Li Ming withdrew his legs, the big buffalo wailed in his mouth, and it obviously felt powerless after this hour of desperate struggle.

"I don't know if this cow can be raised."

Such an idea came to Li Ming's mind, and then he rubbed the injuries on his two legs with one hand. There were bruises all over, but fortunately, it didn't affect his actions very much.

Fortunately, there was a mutated animal meat in his pocket ahead of time. Although he dropped it on the ground during the battle, Li Ming picked it up with telekinetic power and rinsed it with water system supernatural power to condense the rainwater, and then stuffed it into his mouth. Eat it in your stomach.

After this battle with the mutant buffalo, Li Ming's energy and blood had already started to circulate, and the mutant meat quickly supplied energy to his body after entering his stomach.

After another stalemate with the mutated buffalo for a while, the energy brought by the mutated animal meat was brought to all parts of the body, and the scars on both legs were also healed by [-]%. , Hold it and stand up slowly.


As soon as the mutated buffalo stood up, it suddenly burst out with great strength, and when it raised its head, it directly lifted Li Ming into the air.

Li Ming flew up in astonishment, and then quickly used his telekinetic power to press the mutant buffalo to the ground. He looked up and saw the mutant buffalo bumping towards him with his head down.


The mutated buffalo finally stood up with all its muscles bursting out, and it charged violently. Li Ming frowned and stumbled when he saw it.


The mutated buffalo fell to the ground at once, before hitting Li Ming, it fell to the ground. The bull's eyes were full of bewilderment, and he couldn't help looking around behind him, left and right, but he couldn't see anything.

"You can't give it a distance. Only by colliding with it at close range can it be beneficial to [Iron Cloth Shirt]'s cultivation."

A thought arose in Li Ming's mind. Taking advantage of the suspicious mutant buffalo, he quickly stepped forward and stood [-] centimeters in front of it.


The mutated buffalo spewed out two streams of air from its nose. Seeing this human being, it stood up vigorously, lowered its head, and moved its horns forward, trying to hit him.

Li Ming stood silently between the two horns. The mutated buffalo had a huge head, and the gap between the two horns was more than enough for him to stand.

When the mutated buffalo saw it, it immediately stepped back and moved the horns to the side.

Li Ming frowned, and followed it to move, always in the middle of the horn, out of reach, the mutated buffalo kept moving, Li Ming followed, and the mutated buffalo continued to move.


Li Ming slapped the mutated buffalo on the face, and the huge force directly slapped the black buffalo's face red. The mutated buffalo got angry, and without adjusting its angle, it slammed into Li Ming who was only [-] centimeters away.


In just [-] centimeters, there was no way to exert the full strength of the mutated buffalo. Li Ming's legs touched the ground like pears, and he suffered the impact.

【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 53% success)】

"Okay, come again!"

Li Ming's eyes lit up when he saw the rising proficiency, and wrestled with the mutated buffalo for a while, seeing that the proficiency didn't respond, he backed up [-] centimeters violently, allowing the sluggish mutated buffalo to hit him again.

【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 56% success)】

"Good bull, continue!"

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth and drank loudly, causing the mutated buffalo to attack repeatedly. Every time he touched it, he would wrestle with it for a while, and then quickly retreated a little distance, waiting for the mutated buffalo to bump into it.

In this way, they retreated for a long time one after another.

【Iron Cloth Shirt (Slightly 99% success)】

"Bang bang bang..."

He was bumped by the mutated buffalo many times again, and the last bit of proficiency couldn't be broken through. Li Ming frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then retreated tens of meters fiercely.


Li Ming yelled at the mutated buffalo, and the mutated buffalo let out a yelp, then rushed towards it at a high speed.

Li Ming aimed at the gap, and used his soft belly to accept the impact of the bone between the two horns of the mutated buffalo.


The terrible force struck, Li Ming couldn't stand at all, and was directly knocked into the air for more than ten meters.

[Iron Cloth Shirt (Mastery 0%)]

"Fuck, it's strong enough."

Li Ming felt his abdomen burning hot, and his whole body flew up lightly after being hit. At the same time, the last bit of proficiency was broken through by this bump, and a surge of power surged from his body.

Li Ming clearly felt that his skin, muscles and bones were strengthened several times in an instant, especially the muscles became extremely hard, and his defense power increased greatly!
When I was happy in my heart, I suddenly felt that I was about to hit the mutated RV, and quickly used my mind to control my body to stop. Then, seeing the mutated buffalo roaring in the distance, I quickly opened the car door, and rushed in to take the mutated car that I had prepared for a long time. A large piece of animal meat was taken out, and then got out of the car again.


As the rain hit him, Li Ming quickly ate the mutated animal meat and started running in the rain at the same time, meeting the mutated buffalo before it approached the RV.

The mutated buffalo wanted to hit it again, so Li Ming jumped to the side, tripping it from the side with the power of thought, and then waited for it to get up, turned to a different direction from the caravan, and while eating, teased and seduced the mutated buffalo, killing its energy physical strength.


The mutated buffalo roared and kept chasing and bumping against Li Ming, but it couldn't hit Li Ming because of his agility, so he had to chase madly in anger.

After such a short time, Li Ming finished eating all the mutated animal meat, and the hot feeling in his body finally disappeared, replaced by a feeling of fullness.

The mutated buffalo was still chasing, and Li Mingnian tripped it up, and then stepped on its head with one foot to keep it from getting up.


The mutated buffalo struggled for a while, but couldn't move, and then struggled twice, then suddenly stopped exerting its strength and lay motionless on the ground.

Li Ming let go of his feet, it stood up and wanted to run, Li Ming put it down again, the mutated buffalo began to struggle again, struggled and then stopped.

Li Ming let it go again, and it wanted to run again, but it was pushed down by Li Ming before it got up, this time it struggled once, and stopped again.

Li Ming let go again, the mutated buffalo hesitated for a moment, and lay still on the ground.

Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, and lifted the buffalo by its horns, and the mutated buffalo stood up.

Li Ming took two steps forward, and looked back at it. The black mutated buffalo stood standing on the dark road washed by the heavy rain.





Another chapter is on the way
 One more today

(End of this chapter)

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