Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 183 Learning, Mutated Plants

Chapter 183 Learning, Mutated Plants

Under the drowsy sky, there was continuous torrential rain, and a three-meter-high mutated buffalo stood quietly on the road in the rain, looking at the humans standing in front of it.


The mutated buffalo made a low voice, as if expressing something, the black eyes had regained their composure, and they looked at Li Ming quietly.

"It's a pity to kill such a big buffalo."

Li Ming looked at the big buffalo, shook his head, stepped forward and led the mutated buffalo by its horns, and the mutated buffalo seemed to obey him, obediently following Li Ming and following his footsteps.

The Chinese have a special feeling for cattle. In ancient times, cattle were animals that were forbidden to be slaughtered. They were the survival of the ancients. Farming and farming played an extremely important role in agricultural life.

In some special cases, strong and strong cattle will also carry special missions, and they are the right-hand man for pulling and transporting heavy objects.

Up to now, although the role of cattle is much less, buffalo is still an important resource in some remote villages.

In addition, the cow is also a highly spiritual animal. There are many myths and legends about the cow in ancient times. Even now, it is often heard that the cow is being killed, or shed tears before death, and kneeling down.

It seems to have become a special elf, accompanying humans.

Of course, it is undeniable that cattle are also very expensive!
A cow can be sold for at least 1 yuan, and the beef itself has very high nutritional value.

In any case, Li Ming, who came out of the countryside, always had a special affection for the animal cow. With the end of the world eased and it coincided with a thunderstorm, it was fate to meet such a mutated buffalo blocking the way.

Accept it, accompany it around, maybe it can be used as a mount in the future, it can be regarded as finding an extra companion for yourself.

The same may be true for cattle.

From the road to the RV, the mutant buffalo has always been obedient.

Li Ming led it all the way to the rear of the modified caravan, took out a hard rope from it and tied it to the cow's head, finally Li Ming led the mutant buffalo to the side of the driving position, let it wait here, and then sat back in the driver's cab , opened the window, and looked at it.


The mutated buffalo looked at Li Ming and barked. Li Ming smiled, leaving a small gap in the window, let the rope in, and then drove the caravan forward.

The mutated buffalo could obviously understand what was going on. Seeing the RV move, it moved forward with its legs.


The wheels rolled over the road and splashed water. The mutated buffalo didn't care about the water hitting its body, and happily followed the mutated RV.


Seeing that the mutated buffalo was so obedient, Li Ming also smiled, and then called Xu Xiu over to drive. He got up and took off all the crocodile and shrimp shells he was wearing, put away the guns, swords and weapons, and rushed into the bathroom. After taking a bath, I feel comfortable all over.

I just fought with the mutated buffalo, and although I benefited from it, [Iron Cloth Shirt] broke through to the level of integration, but it also made him dirty and uncomfortable.

After taking a bath, Li Ming tested his skin's defenses, and scratched hard with a fruit knife, but only a white mark appeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Monk Shanwu still has to inhale luck to use the [Iron Cloth Shirt]. I have this effect directly in my normal state. It seems that the panel really has an improving effect on the [Iron Cloth Shirt]."

Satisfied, Li Ming immediately took the towel from the woman next to him and wiped off the water droplets on his body.

"Honey, did you raise that big buffalo?"

Zhang Yuan brought Li Ming new clothes suitable for him, and while looking out the window at the mutated buffalo that was almost as big as a modified RV, she couldn't help but said.

The modified caravan is more than four meters high, and the mutated buffalo is a little shorter than the caravan, so standing in the caravan can directly look at the huge buffalo walking with the caravan.

"Something like a cow may play an important role in the future. If you are not willing to kill it, let it follow us."

Li Ming smiled, took the clothes Zhang Yuan handed over and put them on, then stretched out one hand to feel the softness around the arc of Zhang Yuan and picked her up, and with the other hand picked up Xu Yunyun who just walked to her side and walked towards the driver room.

"It can live for such a long time. It should not have any requirements for food. The weeds on the roadside can be fed, so don't worry about food, it is easy to feed."

"Husband just had a big fight and hasn't had enough fun yet. You guys accompany me, just in time to recover your strength."

Li Ming smiled and led them to the cab while talking.

"Husband, what do you want me to play?"

Xu Xiu was lying on the cab and driving slowly and carefully. After Zhang Yuan was brought in, thinking of Li Ming's hobbies these days, she couldn't help asking with a smile on her lips.

"Mrs. Neighbor~"

"Mr. Li~"

"Yunyun is going to play the good sister next door~"



[Secret to experience proficiency +1]

After some cordial exchanges, the proficiency of the secret scriptures finally increased a bit!
When they washed up and went to bed to rest, Li Ming's physical strength recovered quickly.

"The [Secret Passage] in the realm of perfection is surprisingly effective."

Xu Xiu was already unable to drive anymore, and went back to rest with Xu Yunyun. Li Ming sat alone in the driver's cab and exchanged knowledge with Teacher Deng Yu.

After a while, Teacher Deng Yu left after talking, and Li Ming asked Teacher Zhang Nana to teach him English.

"NoNoNo...yes, yes, yes..."

"No, or, yes?"


The English class is very lively and colorful, and Li Ming's physical strength recovers faster during the study.

It wasn't until the end that he was almost finished learning English that he asked his dear and exhausted teacher Zhang Nana to go back to bed and rest, and to work hard on her teaching.


The mutated buffalo outside the car window mooed and flapped its ears. It really didn't want to hear what happened just now.

And Li Ming's physical strength gradually recovered, and he looked at his panel contentedly.

【Name: Li Ming】

【Lifetime: 23/115】

[Skills: Swordsmanship (Fusion 0%); Spearmanship (Fusion 0%)]

[Tong Arm Fist (Fusion 0%)]

【Xingyiquan (Fusion 0%)】

[Tai Chi 24 Forms (0% Integration)]

[Iron Cloth Shirt (Fusion 0%)]

【Secretly Passed on to the Scriptures (Perfect 40%)】

[Baduanjin (61% proficient in proficiency)]

[Easy tendon method (1% for beginners)]

[Marrow washing method (1% for beginners)]

【Five internal organs skills (1% for beginners)】

[Youlongjian (1% for beginners)]

[Seven-star gun (1% for beginners)]

The first thing Li Ming paid attention to was his [life span]. These times may be due to supernatural powers and the growth of various martial arts and strength. His life span has slowly increased by 20 years until now, reaching 115 Ultimate Lifespan!
No one wants to live longer, and Li Ming is no exception. An increase in life span is undoubtedly a good thing to be happy about!

If the increase in [span] is a surprise, then the breakthrough of various martial arts is a real increase in strength, and almost all of the efforts to improve many skills have reached the highest level.

What is left is [Baduanjin], which can only increase the proficiency by single digits every day, and Yijinxie, which has not yet started to learn, and the two combat martial arts of [Dragon Sword] and [Seven Star Spear].

"With the foundation of the current marksmanship and swordsmanship, it shouldn't be too difficult to improve these two skills."

A thought flashed in Li Ming's mind, thinking to himself, but a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

With the proficiency panel, as time goes by, his strength will only become stronger and stronger!

Time, on my side!

"I don't know what special effect [Baduanjin] will have after breaking through to a small success."

Looking at [Ba Duan Jin], Li Ming felt a flash of anticipation. The proficiency of this skill is the most difficult for him to improve so far, but because of this, he is very much looking forward to its effect.

And based on the effect of [Secret Passage], maybe... this has a lot to do with the birth of [Zhen Qi].

"I'm so angry..."

Li Ming tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and a look of anticipation secretly rose in his heart, and then he couldn't help but slightly accelerated his forward speed.

He can't wait to go home to learn about his parents, and then devote himself to practicing!

"Dad, Mom~"

Thinking of his parents in the village, Li Ming felt a little heavy. Along the way, he deliberately avoided thinking about things related to them, just because he was afraid that something unbearable would happen.

But now, the closer he was to his hometown, he had to think about it even if he deliberately avoided thinking about it.


With a long breath, Li Ming gripped the steering wheel and drove silently at a low speed.

If it was before the doomsday, even if he didn't drive on the high speed, he should have arrived by now, but even with the doomsday and the heavy rain, even he drove very slowly, so that the day was almost over and he still didn't arrive.

Time passed gradually, at five o'clock in the afternoon, seeing the sun was about to set, when Li Ming planned to park the car on the side of the road to rest, an accident happened suddenly.


Suddenly, an extremely strong frog cry sounded from the road ahead, and the mutated buffalo that had been leisurely following the modified RV instantly became agitated.

Li Mingnian swept across with power, and checked the movement immediately, but what he found made him frown.

More than 1000 meters away, a golden toad the size of a car sat on the ground and yelled at a vine.

What surprised Li Ming was that, as the poisonous gas spewed out from Jin Chan's body, that vine was waving its branches and leaves to drive away the poisonous gas with a strong wind.

Even the vines stretched rapidly, wanting to attack the golden toad.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The speed of the golden toad is so fast that the branches whipped by the vines can't attack it at all, what's more, it is constantly fighting back.

Li Ming looked at this scene and was shocked for a while.

"Could it be that this is a mutated plant?"

(End of this chapter)

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