Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 184 Pure Wood Elements

Chapter 184 Pure Wood Elements (5k update!)
On the road, watching the battle ahead, Li Ming stopped the car silently.

The route in front is blocked by the vines that keep waving by themselves, and if you continue to walk like this, you will inevitably encounter them. To be on the safe side, it is better to go down and have a look.


The mutated buffalo also sensed the battle ahead, and let out a low growl, as if it was on guard.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

The RV stopped, attracting the women's attention. Liu Minying came to the driver's cab and saw that Li Ming had got up, so she couldn't help asking worriedly.

He looked ahead while asking her gaze, but couldn't see anything.

The fighting place is still a certain distance from the RV, and with the heavy rain covering it, those who are not strong enough can't see the situation ahead.

"There is a monster conflict ahead, I'll go and see how to solve it, you wait here first."

Li Ming hugged Wen Wen's sister, kissed her, and finally let go, rubbing her softly and saying.

"Well, then husband, you should also be careful!"

Liu Minying nodded worriedly, then quickly helped Li Ming put on the armor, and watched him leave the RV with a spear and sword.

Before leaving, Li Ming deliberately took a pack of mutated beast meat and stuffed it inside the armor. After getting out of the RV, he mentally glanced at Jin Chan fighting with the vines and thorns. The rope holding the mutated buffalo was taken down.

"Lao Niu, let's go and take a look with me."

Turning over and jumping on the back of the bull, Li Ming held the rope with one hand and the spear with the other, and whispered to the mutant buffalo, pointing forward with the spear while speaking.


The mutated buffalo seemed to understand Li Ming's meaning, its eyes narrowed slightly, and it moved forward slowly.

Without the aid of tools, it is not very convenient to just ride on the back of the cow like this. Li Ming cut a piece of rope and tied it in a loop and put it on the back of the cow as a pedal. The two horns stretched in and felt much more comfortable.

Then he ate some mutated beast meat in his mouth, and kept hiding the rest in the armor. He straightened the long sword in his left hand and held the big spear in his right hand, and rode the mutated buffalo towards the place where the mutated golden toad was fighting with the mutated vine.

When approaching 500 meters, Li Ming pulled the rope to signal the mutated buffalo to stop, then moved sideways to the nearby farmland, silently waiting for the result of the battle.

The farmland has already passed the harvest period. Because no one cares about it, and the rain washes away the crops, the food produced by the crops is basically ruined and falls to the ground. Only some special weeds are soaring.

The place where Li Ming rode the mutated buffalo happened to be a cornfield, and the tall corn stalks barely covered half of the mutated buffalo's body, making it less conspicuous.

Seeing this, Li Ming also lay low on the back of the mutated buffalo, lowering his sense of presence. He held the spear flat with one hand, and while controlling the mutated buffalo to approach slowly, he observed the movements of the two mutated creatures in front.

The body of the mutated vine seemed to be too close to the pool on one side. Li Ming could sense that many roots had submerged in the pool. This behavior obviously violated the territory of the mutated toad, and the fight should have come from this.

This vine covers a very large area, one side is submerged in the pool water, and the other side is about to reach the road, but it is not high, and it is all composed of low-lying branches.

In the battle between the two sides, the mutated toad is very agile and can spray poisonous mist. These poisonous mist have a strong corrosion penetrating effect. Every time the mutated vine is corroded by the poisonous mist, it will be corroded. There are branches that are slowly turning gray.

Li Ming noticed that several branches and stems had all turned gray and fell to the ground. Obviously, the mutated vines could no longer be manipulated.

However, the whipping of the branches manipulated by the mutated vines should not be underestimated. Each branch has sharp barbs, and when it is drawn, it becomes a small hole on the ground, surrounded by many severed trees.

The mutated toad seems to be able to do a job with ease, but the mutated vine can make mistakes many times, and once it is accidentally trapped by the last pump, it might disappear immediately.

Li Ming keenly noticed that during the continuous battle between the two, the mutated toad was about to leave the attack range of the vine branches many times, and even left several times, but the mutated vine did not attack.

It can be seen from the side that this vine cannot move.

"It wouldn't be worth it if it took another detour..."

Looking at the battle between the two parties, Li Ming's heart moved secretly. Now the heavy rain does not know how long it will be, and the speed of the car can only be slow. If he does not take a detour, he should be able to reach his hometown tomorrow morning, but if he takes a detour, maybe Another day of waiting tomorrow.

In this kind of heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and restless creatures, no one knows if there will be any other monsters on the way around. Instead of this, it is better to find a way to get rid of the two mutant creatures in front of us .

And... Li Ming was seeing mutant plants for the first time.

I don't know if there are any special things like crystal nuclei and mutated animal meat in it?

Can he absorb it?

The only problem is... this mutated vine looks hard to kill.

Use fire abilities?
Li Ming looked at the heavy rain, and silently accepted his thoughts.

Dry wood can be burned with fire, but the mutated vines seem to have a lot of water. If they are simply attacked with fire-type abilities, even if they can be burned, they don't know how much energy they will consume.

So... still have to rely on motivation.

Directly use the telekinesis to control the sharp weapon at the place where the mutated vine cannot reach, and cut off its branches one by one.

The same goes for the mutated toad. Although the poisonous mist is tricky, what's the use if it can't reach him?

In other words, if Li Ming remembers correctly, the toad has medicinal value, but how did the ancients discover that it has medicinal value when it grows like this?

In the past, the medicinal materials had to be tried to know if they would work. Could it be that there are warriors...

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and quickly suppressed the thought, looking at the agile toad in front of him, he muttered in his heart.

Maybe it is from the discovery of medicinal value of 'toad clothes', and began to specialize in research?

Shaking his head, Li Ming didn't think about it any more. He looked at the golden toad and the mutated vines who were still fighting each other in front of him, and waited silently for them to consume each other.

The mutant toad and the mutant vine are obviously old rivals. The two have been fighting since Li Ming discovered it, and it has continued until now. Both the mutant vine and the mutant toad are very skilled in fighting.

Apparently, such battles were fought more than once.

Li Ming silently controlled an outline needle to fly 100 meters away from the mutated toad to hide, and then controlled his own long sword mixed with supernatural metal to fly 100 meters away from the mutated vine to hide.

The branches of the mutated vines can extend for a full five to sixty meters, but now they are all attracted by the mutated toads. In the direction close to the lake, there are all branches that stretch and fight, and even some branches that are not long enough are arranged there. .

This resulted in few mutated vine branches on the side of the road.

While closely watching the battle between the two, Li Ming silently accumulated energy.

Up to now, Li Ming has already mastered the skill of manipulating two kinds of weapons at the same time. Now the battle between the mutant vines and the mutant toads is fierce. If you don't take this opportunity to take them down in one fell swoop, you can't kill them one by one.

It just so happened that the steel needle was a bit reluctant to deal with the mutant vines, and the long sword was heavy and suitable for cutting the branches of the mutant vines.

Li Ming was thinking, watching the movement in front of him silently.

After a while, it seemed that the mutated toad was tired and began to slowly withdraw from the spreading range of the mutated vines.

Li Ming's heart moved, and he immediately began to lift the steel needle and long sword into the air.


The heavy rain was pouring down, covering up all the small movements. The mutated toad looked at the mutated vines in front of him vigilantly. The poison sac on his body kept emitting poisonous mist, and it controlled it to spray the mutated vines.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The mutated vine beat the branches to disperse the poisonous mist. The mutated toad didn't dare to roar twice, but could only watch helplessly as this guy occupied its territory.

After confronting each other for a while, the mutated toad suddenly felt something moving behind him, and just wanted to leave here to have a look.


A steel needle like a javelin pierced out of the dim rain, and pierced fiercely into the mutant toad's head.


A cluster of blood splattered, and the steel needle stirred in the mutated toad's head and pierced through its forehead. The mutated toad fell to the ground and died instantly after being severely injured by this.

"Tuk tuk tuk..."

A sharp steel sword with terrifying power took advantage of all the branches and stems of the mutated vine to gather together, quickly crossed a distance of [-] meters, and slashed straight down while accelerating.

There were four crisp sounds in succession, and the four vines were cut off at the root in an instant, and drops of green liquid flowed out from the cut branches. The remaining vines immediately became restless, but the steel sword had quickly re-divided the distance, and then cut again. .

"Bang bang bang..."

With a sound of slashing, the long sword mixed with supernatural metal cut off four at a time, and the remaining two stalks attacked quickly and were dodged by it flexibly, then opened the distance again, and slashed again Just cut off the last two vine branches.

"It's done."

Li Ming was always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield. Seeing that the most threatening branch of the vine was cut off, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile. He still kept controlling the long sword to chop at the remaining short roots Cut, and urged the mutant buffalo forward.


The mutated buffalo let out a low growl, and approached solemnly.

Not long after, the two were close to the mutated vines, and the mutated buffalo, which was ready to fight, stared at the mutated toad that had turned into a corpse, and the mutated vines scattered all over the ground.

"Cha, cha, cha..."

A chopping sound came from the root of the mutated vine, and the mutated buffalo watched in astonishment as a long sword kept chopping the root of the vine.


While on the road, the long sword had already cut off all the branches and leaves near the rhizome, and now only the last bit of bare root was left to be hacked.

Li Ming Xia Niu took a long spear and went over to have a look. At this moment, the long sword slashed down, and a bright green light burst out.

The moment the green light came out, the mutated vine roots that were still trembling instantly lost their movement.

"This is?"

Seeing this green light, Li Ming raised his eyebrows and felt a burst of refreshing breath rushing towards his face. He couldn't help but approached it, and covered the branch stem emitting green light with his palm.

[Pure wood element factor is detected, absorb it to obtain abundant wood element power, and complement the five element element abilities]

【Are you absorbed? 】

[Note: If it is not absorbed, it will become a special material]

"Pure wood element factor!"

Li Ming's eyes widened when he saw the information prompt.

Even without systematic purification, it is directly a pure factor.

This was the first time Li Ming encountered such a thing.

Is this similar to the thousand-year-old tree heart in the TV series, or the core existence of the mutated plant, which is naturally pure?
If so, wouldn't he be able to directly obtain supernatural power comparable to this wood element after absorbing this wood element factor?

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he decisively chose to absorb it.

As for the remark that it will become a special material if it is not absorbed, Li Ming scoffs. What special material can be as important as his own ability to obtain the wood element!
Li Ming already has the ability of water and fire elements. He has a feeling that the energy of the five elements can be integrated, and with the conversion of the wood element, perhaps his water and fire abilities can explode with greater power.

The moment Li Ming chose to absorb it, he felt a refreshing fresh force sinking into his body from the green branches, and vigorous vitality poured into his body continuously, compatible with the liver of the five internal organs.

Li Ming immediately felt that he possessed the power of wood-type abilities. He could feel the life of the vegetation around him. The two seemed to be related. As long as he wanted to, he could affect the growth of those vegetation.

Even, as long as he is willing to inject strength, those ordinary plants will grow up at an extremely fast speed, turning into his tentacles to attack.

It's a pity that these ordinary plants don't have any attack power, unless they are specially cultivated by him with his own wood element power every day, they will have the toughness to open mountains and crack rocks.

In addition, his attack method condensed with pure wood elements also has the strength and tenacity of piercing gold and cracking stones, just like Wang Hongyuan once.

In addition... the wood element power contains vigorous vitality, which can help Li Ming recover from his injuries. As long as his vital parts are not fatally injured, no matter how serious the injury is, even if his limbs are severed, he can slowly recover!

It's just that the difficulty of recovery is also related to the concentration of Li Ming's wood elemental power. If his wood elemental power is strong enough, he can usually recover in three to five minutes even if his heart is broken, but if it's not strong enough, he can only wait to die. .

In addition to [liver] main detoxification and other functions, the wood element and its compatibility to a certain extent also enable Li Ming's body to always maintain the best health.

With the infusion of rich wood elements, Li Ming clearly felt that his physical strength was getting stronger and stronger. There was a special power generated in the liver, which circulated endlessly like the power in the heart and the kidneys.

This is the source of the power of the wood element!

It seems to be a blood vessel, or... a blood vessel was born from the liver and continued to thrive.

With the improvement of this special existence, the strength of Li Ming's wood element ability is also rapidly increasing.

And with the accumulation and improvement of the origin of the wood element, Li Ming's physical fitness and liver strength are also continuously rising, and the origin of the power of the fire element in the heart and the origin of the water element in the kidneys are driven to gradually increase.

The five elements are born together!

"Perhaps, the so-called activation of the ability is to grow a special source of power in the body, just like the muscles that give birth to physical power, and the soul that gives birth to telekinetic power... When these roots become stronger, the corresponding abilities will also become stronger."

"In other is opened, and even given a talent, a bloodline..."

The majestic power of the wood element entered the body, and that special sense of power condensed and born lingered in his heart. Li Ming felt the changes in his body, and couldn't help but move his eyes slightly.

Although he had experience in obtaining water elemental and fire elemental powers before, no matter whether it is water elemental power spar or fire elemental power spar, after the abnormal factors are removed by the panel, the remaining pure factors are only Enough for him to barely start.

Although there is a certain amount of strength naturally due to the fusion with Li Ming's body, it is still too weak in comparison. The daily exercise growth is also a little bit of slow growth, and Li Ming can't feel it too deeply.

But now, with all the supernatural factors of a mutant creature being absorbed by him, this is no different from the normal awakening supernatural powers of normal people. Under the drastic changes, Li Ming clearly felt the changes in himself.

Especially now that his strength has been raised to this level and he has strong spiritual strength, his perception and understanding of this kind of situation is far superior to that of everyone else, which is why he can think of this step.

"It's no wonder that ordinary people get a supernatural power and escape from death. It turns out that this is directly equivalent to a transformation of the human body, forcibly creating an extra organ..."

Li Ming secretly said in his heart, and then he couldn't help but carefully feel the feeling of this supernatural power continuously entering his body.


The mutated buffalo walked up to Li Ming solemnly, staring at the sword that fell on the ground with its bull's eyes, lowering its head and observing the sword carefully with its horns as if facing a formidable enemy.

After a while, seeing that the sword was still motionless, the mutated buffalo cautiously ate a mouthful of the delicious mutated vine stems and leaves, then turned its head sharply against it.

After a while, I wanted to eat again, but after thinking about it, I still held back this feeling, and pawed forward with one hoof, seeing that it still didn't respond, and dared not act rashly.

Not long after, when Li Ming finished absorbing the core energy of the wood element and opened his eyes, he saw the mutated buffalo staring at him, using telekinesis to control the long sword that cut down the vines, moving left and right from time to time, and took another bite of the mutated vine's stem Ye, his eyes were very vigilant.

What is this cow doing?

Li Ming shook his head, stepped forward and directly picked up the sword in his hand and put it away. Under the inconceivable gaze of the mutant buffalo, he lifted the sword and walked easily to the corpse of the mutant toad on the other side.

Fortunately, the poisonous fog had dissipated. Li Mingnian turned the mutated toad over so that its belly was upside down. Enduring his nausea, he stretched out his hand to cover its belly.

[Special power factor detected, absorption will gain poison resistance enhancement]

【Are you absorbed? 】

Enhanced poison resistance?
Li Ming raised his eyebrows and immediately chose yes.

(End of this chapter)

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