Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 211 Infuriating!new town!

Chapter 211 Infuriating!new town!
Time has come to the end of November in the blink of an eye, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

On the streets of Guxi, the newly moved pedestrians have been wrapped in thick clothes. Many of them are famous brands that used to hang in luxury stores, but now these so-called famous brands are not worth mentioning. Feel free to occupy these formerly expensive clothes as if venting.

In the much wider room, Yinyin found Xiaohu who had just finished class after today's math class, and said seriously: "Xiaohu, I regret it, I think Uncle Li Ming will definitely bring a hundred people back!"

Yin Yin's face was very serious.

After two days of hard study, she has successfully mastered a number larger than ten, and one hundred is the largest number she knows. Uncle Li Ming will definitely bring the most people.

With one hundred, Yin Yin no longer bothered to use the tiny ten to count the number of people brought back by Uncle Li Ming.

Xiaohu frowned, and he stared in thought for a while: "One hundred? How much is that?"

"You don't know a hundred, let me tell you."

Sure enough, Xiaohu didn't know a hundred things, a flash of complacency flashed in Yinyin's eyes, and then she stretched out ten fingers slowly, ten times in Xiaohu's widened eyes.

"One time is ten, and ten times is one hundred. There are many, many people in a hundred, and there are too many houses to fit!"

Seeing Xiaohu's expression, Yinyin put away the complacent expression on her face, stretched her hands up and then slid down, pointing to the surrounding houses and said.

"so many!"



After pouring out the laundry water in the laundry tub, Zhang Yuan stretched, looked at the clothes hanging on the drying rack in front of her and smiled with satisfaction, then turned around and went back to the room with the laundry tub in hand.

"I said I'll wash it but you have to wash it. Don't blame me when my husband comes back."

When I got home, I happened to see Deng Yu who had just finished mopping the floor. Today she was wearing tight white pants and a pink top. She was very charming as a young woman. When she saw Zhang Yuan walking into the room, she couldn't help laughing and teasing her. road.

"Oh, it's just washing clothes, what's the matter, my husband is very good to each of us, how can you blame me, don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Yuan waved her hand with a smile, knowing that Deng Yu was still a little uneasy about her identity, so she took up the conversation and chatted with her, and then came to the living room, stretched her waist, and moved her body to prepare Get some exercise.

"Zhang Yuan, why don't you go to the roof to exercise with them. It's so empty there. Although it's a little cold outside, there are many people. It's better if the activities are open. It's more spacious than at home."

After finishing the housework, Deng Yu also walked over to exercise together. Seeing that Zhang Yuan was wearing yoga pants and a beige sweater, she couldn't help asking, she didn't seem to have seen Zhang Yuan leave home to play.

"It's the same wherever you practice." Zhang Yuan waved her hand indifferently, and turned her attention to the practice of [Tong Arm Fist] together with Deng Yu.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was unwilling to answer, Deng Yu shook her head, said nothing more, and calmed down to start exercising silently.

They didn't stop until lunch time. Zhang Yuan was bored and helped Deng Yu to cook together, chatted with the tired and sweaty girls, and accompanied Xu Yunyun and Xu Xiu back to the bedroom to sleep Nap.

Before taking a nap, the three of them washed themselves clean, and then went to bed together, and entered the nap in a daze.

In the past two days, she has been eating and living with Xu Yunyun and Xu Xiu, maintaining a very clean and hygienic environment. She originally wanted to take Chen Li with her, but if Chen Li wanted to take care of the child, she had to be the three of them. one.

If the three of them are together... Li Ming must like it very much.

This is the common idea of ​​the three, so these days they stay together whenever they are resting every day, and maintain hygiene together, and now they have quite a tacit understanding.

This time the nap was kept calm, and while they were asleep, a convoy led by a big black bull walked into the city and drove straight to the city management office.

After a brief handover, the two cars followed a big black cow and walked towards the residential street, and arrived at the place not long after.

"This is our home, let them go." Li Ming opened the car door, took Chen Shujie and Chen Shuyu out of the car, pointed to the second floor and said with a smile.

Chen Shujie and Chen Shuyu looked at the upper room curiously, pursed their lips and struggled for a while, sighed, and were silently led up by Li Ming. When they arrived, they felt even more depressed when they saw a group of women in front of them. Very complicated.

Fortunately, they digested a lot of this along the way. About how many women they have, Li Ming had already told them in advance. At this moment, they were just at a loss for a while, and then they were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the women. Silently blended in here.

When they got used to it, Li Ming walked back to the bedroom with a smile.


Zhang Yuan fell asleep.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and was pleasantly surprised to find Li Ming.

"When did you come here, and why are you in the mood?" Zhang Yuanmiao found the beat and asked her husband blindfolded.

"It's only half an hour." Li Ming said with some regret: "At first I wanted to challenge you so that you would not wake up. I did it instinctively, but now it seems that it is still close."

"Soon." Zhang Yuan said hastily, and then couldn't help showing some smiles, did she and her husband already respond instinctively?

"Husband." "Husband."

The voices of Xu Yunyun and Xu Xiu came from the side, and when they turned their heads, they saw the skilled scene and greeted happily.

"Did you go out smoothly this time?" Zhang Yuan knew that Li Ming's purpose of going out was to cultivate, so she asked immediately before the subversion.

"It's going well, and there are also unexpected gains." Li Ming thought of the sudden appearance of the earth-moving mutant zombie, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "And, maybe after a while, there will be another female supernatural person in the base." Come."

"Oh, then our base will become more and more secure." Zhang Yuan nodded: "Didn't we find any survivors this time?"

"I found out. I have been back for an hour. I arranged for their outpost explorers and found you two sisters." Li Ming said with a smile, and Zhang Yuan rolled her eyes fiercely. His hand suddenly grabbed Li Ming's arm:


Unsurprisingly, Zhang Yuan's afternoon nap lasted until the dawn of the next day. When Li Ming also woke up, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Streams of pure aura circulated in Li Ming's body. Under this aura, his essence gradually became more condensed. Although the effect was minimal, it was still quite precious and rare.

After all, this is just the [Secret Passage to the Sutra].

Looking at the sky, Li Ming couldn't help but let out a breath when the sun was just rising.

The way back was smooth, the five internal organs were fully coordinated, and the five elements were also smooth and unimpeded. Now that we got home, we had to practice hard and break through as soon as possible to gain true energy.


Li Ming squinted his eyes, feeling the more and more perfect energy in his body, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes, then shook his head, got up and took a shower.

Today's [Seated Breathing Method] has been practiced, he stretched his waist, and naturally played Baduanjin, and Zhang Yuan and the others also got up after Baduanjin practiced, and had breakfast in the morning.

In this way, immediately after lunch, he devoted himself to the practice of [Taoist Taijiquan].

Time passed slowly in such calm.

During Zhang Yuan's daily exercise, with [Taoist Taijiquan] [Seated Breathing] [Ba Duan Jin] improving day by day, with the accumulation of proficiency, the purity of Li Ming's essence was slowly improved, And keep getting closer to 100%.

The breakthrough of true qi is imminent, and the new power is in front. Li Ming is in a good mood, and he is more interested in accompanying Chen Shujie and Chen Shuyu every day to help them sort out their emotions.

A stable life, sufficient food, and a strong sense of security, even though the current life is a bit absurd, they still slowly integrated into it.

Again, as long as women are fully satisfied, many things are actually easy to discuss. Obviously, they were all successfully cleared up by Li Ming.

During this kind of practice, Li Ming's spirit index increased to [-]% without haste.


In the early morning, there seemed to be a surge of water in his ears. Li Ming, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes. He was pleasantly surprised to feel the special breath in his dantian following the practice of the [Sitting Breathing Method] in the early morning. strength.

"This is... true anger?"

A sense of enlightenment rose in his heart, and Li Ming couldn't help mobilizing this new-born power, using it to his fingertips, but couldn't help but flick it out.


There was a piercing sound in the air, and a faint black 'qi line' appeared in front of Li Ming's eyes.

"It turns out can still feel and control it when you leave your body!"

Li Ming looked at the ray of energy in front of him with bright eyes. Obviously only his fingers were long and his hair was thin. Under his subconscious control, the distance between his protruding fingers was only a few centimeters, and there was a sound of breaking through the air. ...

He couldn't help looking at the supernatural metal weapon mixed with high-strength steel placed in the corner of the wall. With a thought in his heart, this ray of energy shot out instantly.


There was a sound of cracking, accompanied by the sound of an explosion, the weapon was extremely tough, and there was a gap in the weapon that had no curling blade until now!
"It's so powerful!"

Li Ming's eyes widened, feeling the scene in surprise, but the next moment he couldn't help but immediately feel the place where he felt the real energy just now - the lower dantian, and the last ray about one centimeter long The energy appeared in his hand, he hesitated for a moment, he did not use the last trace of true energy that was born, but took back the dantian again.

Sitting silently, I spontaneously remembered the breathing method in [Daomen Taijiquan], and immediately used this breathing method when I was enlightened in my heart. With the breathing method that had already penetrated into the bone marrow, the energy in the dantian really It started to operate spontaneously, and in Li Ming's mind, it operated along the route of [Taoist Taijiquan]'s power operation.

The true qi that just showed the power of cutting and splitting supernatural metals is just like a stream of pure and peaceful qi in the body, running unconsciously. During the process, Li Ming clearly felt that there were special energy surges between the heaven and the earth. Enter the body, under the action of this energy, the energy that has just been consumed is slowly restored.

Zhang Yuan, Xu Yunyun, and Xu Xiu also woke up slowly. They didn't feel the morning sun, and they were still a little confused. Then they saw Li Ming sitting cross-legged, and they all instantly understood that he was practicing.

One by one, they hurriedly climbed out of bed, washed up and had breakfast, and didn't dare to disturb Li Ming. They were just discussing Xiaohu's reputation as a "juvenile supernatural person" and "just awakened" in the base city unknowingly these days. Some interesting things, and then they each carefully checked Li Ming's situation, and guessed about her husband's cultivation situation while worried.

In this way, until ten o'clock in the morning, Li Ming finally opened his eyes.


With a long breath, Li Ming's eyes flashed like lightning, and a calm and active force in his dantian, completely different from the supernatural power, quietly settled.

"Infuriating, it's done!"

Li Ming stood up with a smile in his eyes, and then he was shocked to find that his physique...has become stronger!

"Husband, the two Taoist priests have come to visit and said that they have a happy event to share with you."

At this moment, Zhang Yuan saw that Li Ming was awake and walked in.




Under the gray sun, a group of men in various costumes, holding a variety of powerful crossbow arrows, led by a few men of extremely vigorous stature, and two men shining golden light all over their bodies, headed for the town ahead.

"Xin Township is ahead, everyone is resting, this time... all the zombies in the city will be killed, [-]% of everything will be handed over, and [-]% will be kept for yourself. As long as women are not supernatural beings, It can be disposed of at will."

A man withdrew the energy in his body, beckoned everyone to stop, and said while looking at the city ahead with a smile.

"If there are people with supernatural powers, it's still the old rules, attract them to join, and share the world!"

The other man had a hearty smile on his face, and then his expression turned cold again: "Now there is no master in the world, and the virtuous live in it, and the same is true for the superior and the inferior. If I see someone disregarding their noble status, treat them at will. Ordinary people respect you, even if you know that you are a dog licker, you have to give me a noble certificate."

"Remember, what we see and find is ours, our things, everything is ours, we are kings, understand!"

As the man said, he looked at one of the men with strong skills, and the other party smiled wryly: "I said, you are a nobleman, and I am also a nobleman. Although you are a supernatural person and I am a warrior, I don't have the advantage, but if you really fight It's not certain who wins and who loses, there's no need to be so shameless, right?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just simply look down on dog licking."

(End of this chapter)

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