Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 212 discussion, strange snake.

Chapter 212 discussion, strange snake.

The corner of Zhu Hongxing's mouth twitched as he looked at the supernatural being who was speaking in front of him, a vein popped out on his forehead: "Who do you call a dog licker?"

"Whoever promises me will say who."

Du Cheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, with a strange expression in his mouth: "I can lick it, but I can't say it?"


Zhu Hongxing stared, but was immediately stopped by the person next to him, shaking his head repeatedly at him.

"Let's say a few words less, don't forget our purpose."

Another ability user spoke at the right time, and gave Zhu Hongxing a faint look: "Remember not to go too far, after all, we are elites, and too much respect for ordinary people will not do us any good."

"Hmph, I'll teach you."

Zhu Hongxing snorted, mixed something coldly, and followed down the steps.

"Let's go, the place is coming soon. It will take at least a few days to search for such a big city. I don't know how many people survived here. Don't waste any more time."

Another burly man beside Zhu Hongxing spoke expressionlessly. Du Cheng chuckled, turned around and walked straight to the city ahead.




Do you want to share the happy event together?
Could it be that Liu Minghui, Lin Yu, and the two of them have cultivated their true energy?

In the room, when Li Ming heard Zhang Yuan's report, his eyes moved, but he didn't continue to appreciate the true energy he had just cultivated, and quickly got up from the bed.

"Where are they, are they outside the door?"

Li Mingnian glanced at Lin Yu and Liu Minghui standing outside the door, but he still opened his mouth on purpose and blinked at Zhang Yuan.

"That's right, they're all outside the door. If you come here in person, it should be a big deal. You should go and have a look."

Zhang Yuan knew that Li Ming had magical powers of telekinetic power, and also knew that no one except her might know about this matter. Seeing Li Ming like this, she immediately reacted, nodded immediately, and said in a cooperating understanding.

"Come in person."

Li Ming was surprised in his mouth, but in his heart he strode forward with some anticipation.

How many forms does zhenqi have?
Is the zhenqi produced by everyone the same?

What are the magical effects of infuriating?

Is there any special usage of zhenqi that is not known?

For this kind of power that existed in fantasy for a long time, everyone lacked a factual understanding. If both Lin Yu and Liu Minghui cultivated true qi, it would undoubtedly be a good thing for Li Ming.

It is equivalent to having an additional platform for directly gaining experience.

The so-called sit and talk, isn't that what it is, only by communicating with each other can we make better progress. After all, one person counts the short and the other counts the long.

However, according to the conditions and theories for the birth of true qi, Li Ming had an intuition that his own true qi should be far stronger than normal true qi should be. of two people.

"The two brothers came to me suddenly, could it be that they have cultivated their true qi?"

Li Ming opened the door and saw the two of them, he couldn't help but asked speculatively.

This question is not abrupt. They already knew each other about true qi when they first met, and they both knew that each other was pursuing this power, because [Taoist Taijiquan] and [Meditation Breathing Method] have both when exchanging exercises. discuss.

The two people who have been practicing silently in retreat at this moment suddenly appear here, obviously they have achieved something, this question is very natural and appropriate.

"Brother Li Ming is transparent, that's exactly what it is."

Liu Minghui's face was full of smiles, and he nodded calmly after listening to Li Ming's words, and then his eyes were burning: "Recently, our two spirits have finally reached perfection, and there is a sudden warmth in the dantian, knowing that the opportunity is known, so we have been retreating at home Take God's Food and Supplement."

"Until the early hours of this morning, suddenly a force was born, like the warm sun in spring, and the clear spring flowing in my heart. I was so happy that I couldn't help but come to congratulate you at this time!"

Liu Minghui obviously didn't have any hidden intentions. Since the exchange of exercises, the three of them have formed a tacit understanding of supporting progress together. There is nothing inappropriate for raising these things now, on the contrary, they feel very happy.

"The two of us verified it together. Under the influence of true energy, our strength improved by leaps and bounds. The way of cultivation is extraordinary!"

Lin Yu also nodded with a smile, and said to Li Ming seriously.

"Before you came back, Lin Yu and I caught a glimpse of the strange snake from a distance, and it was much bigger than before. The emergence of true energy at this time is undoubtedly another key boost for us. You If you also have enlightenment, you can communicate with us if you don’t understand it, and we will teach you everything.”

Liu Minghui was afraid that Li Ming would misunderstand that they were coming to show off, so when Lin Yu finished speaking, he hurriedly spoke first.

"it is as expected!"

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately showed a big smile: "Actually, if you two don't come, I will go to find you too. To be honest, I have also cultivated my true energy!"

"Oh, if that's the case, then we can rest assured!"

Lin Yu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but smile and said, "Now the three of us have real energy, and we have more confidence to deal with that strange snake!"

"I've known for a long time that brother Li's spirit should be good, and now it seems that it is indeed the case. It's really gratifying for us to cultivate our true spirit on the same day!"

Liu Minghui couldn't help his eyes sparkle, and couldn't help but speak in praise.

"The zhenqi I have cultivated is based on a yin and yang technique, plus [Taoist Taijiquan] and [Seated Breathing Method]. It is very powerful. I don't know what you two are?"

Li Ming showed a smile on his face, and then he couldn't help but asked the two of them: "Also, what's the situation with that strange snake? Is there any disturbance in this period of time? Does the strength disturbance even make it difficult for you to join forces?"

"The two of us are mainly based on Taoist exercises, and with your martial arts, the zhenqi cultivated is mellow and natural, and the power is beyond expectation. We have tried it before, and we have used the zhenqi luck with our fingertips, and the fingers can easily Pierce through steel!"

Liu Minghui smiled, and then mentioned the strange snake, his expression became very serious again: "We tried it before, and when we hit it with all our abilities, it only made its scales bulge, but there was no damage and a piece fell off."

"Fortunately, this snake seems to have been injured before, so it is very timid. Although Lao Liu and I did not cause any damage at all, we also frightened it away. But a few days ago, the two of us saw it again. When I saw it once, it actually grew in size compared to the last time I saw it, obviously stronger!"

Lin Yu shook his head and said with emotion: "However, our strength has also been greatly improved during this period of time, especially supernatural powers. There is a feeling that it is difficult to grow when we encounter shackles. Coupled with the birth of true energy now, our strengths are different. It has changed in all aspects, and with your help, not to mention killing it, it should still be possible to drive it away."

"The strange snake just appeared outside the city and we noticed it, and it didn't invade the city again, so the drive away is just a precautionary measure, but none of us can guarantee when it will come again. If it does come, we have to be mentally prepared Prepare!"

Liu Minghui said seriously, obviously attaching great importance to that strange snake.

"How big is it?"

Li Ming frowned, and asked casually, but noticed something else in his heart—the two of them said that their abilities seemed to have encountered shackles, and their growth was slow?

Could it be that this ability really has levels, but why doesn't he feel this way?

Obviously, his ability is stronger than that of Lin Yu and Liu Minghui, but not weaker.

The astonishment in his heart only lasted for a moment, then Li Ming understood, and a smile flashed in his heart.

It seems that this proficiency panel's one-proof and permanent certificate ignores this shackles, and the growth of strength is also within the scope of hard work...

It's's a pity that I don't have molding skills.

However, both Liu Minghui and Lin Yu's skills failed to break the defense. This also attracted Li Ming's attention. He thought of Lei Ming's classification in his mind. Could it be that this is the difference between different levels?
Or, is it born like this, there is no hierarchy?

If it was said that it was at a different level from ordinary supernatural beings, and that was why Lin Yu and Liu Minghui couldn't even break through the defense, he couldn't help but be vigilant.

"Now let's say it is 150 meters long, and the poisonous fog is very exaggeratedly corrosive, and even seems to be corroded in a very fast time, very difficult to deal with."

Liu Minghui shook his head, with a heavy opening on his face.

"150 meters, poisonous fog, able to fly, high defense, looks not weak..."

Li Ming squinted his eyes and muttered to himself, 150 meters alone is already a terrifying length!

The strength of such a big snake may really be at the same level as the three monsters seen in the previous base!

However, there must be a difference between strength and weakness, and even subjectively feel that this snake is weaker. After all, those three monsters are not afraid of humans...

Perhaps each has its own strengths. After all, none of the three monsters can fly. Even the spider monster was killed by the concentrated fire of the shells, but this monster made it impossible for two not weak supernatural beings to break through.

Their attack power should not be worse than a single shell. It can be seen that even a powerful monster has obvious advantages and disadvantages. This snake is not too weak, and it makes sense to be at the same level as the three monsters.

"The matter of the basilisk should be kept in mind, but the matter of cultivation is also the main thing. Since you and I have already cultivated our true qi, we might as well share our experience, and then we can practice separately to strengthen our true qi!"

With a smile on his face, Liu Minghui spoke to Li Ming. He and Lin Yu had reached a bottleneck in their cultivation of supernatural powers, but they had made new breakthroughs in martial arts, so they were naturally actively involved.

Li Ming also had the same idea, and there was no reason to shirk it. After listening to it, he went to sit with them in a teahouse in the city, and began to seriously discuss with each other about various situations and situations of true qi.

First of all, after feeling each other, they all confirmed that there are differences in the true qi. Li Ming's true qi is more powerful, while Liu Minghui's and Lin Yu's are more gentle.

Some are similar to different attributes, but they are completely different, presumably caused by exercises.

In addition, the three of them had just acquired zhenqi after all, and it was difficult to have too many opinions. After some discussion, they all believed that zhenqi was closely related to essence qi, that is, the overall condition of the body.

If you want to cultivate your true qi, you must not let go of your physical cultivation.

In addition, zhenqi has a very powerful blessing effect on the body, and it is not a problem to be able to tear steel with your hands, like flying over the wall in a martial arts movie!

To recover after depleting the true qi, you only need to absorb the energy of the world, but to grow it requires the transformation of the essence, so it is fast to recover, but it is difficult to increase the amount.

Because the true qi from cultivation seems to have a thirst for the energy of the world after it is consumed, and it is a matter of course to absorb the energy of the world, but if it is in a normal state, it lacks this characteristic and it is difficult to grow.

However, even for recovery, it does not depend entirely on the energy of the heavens and the earth. It still requires the consumption of essence, but the energy consumed by growth is less than half.

"Even if the skill becomes stronger in the future, it can't be wasted at will. Otherwise, once it's exhausted, you might have to re-enter the stage of practicing from the beginning. If you want to restore the previous skill, it's equivalent to practicing from the beginning again."

On the day of the discussion, Lin Yu personally tested how he felt after exhausting his true energy, and he didn't recover until seven hours later, and couldn't help but speak to the two of them.

"It took more than half of the energy in the morning to recover, and it only took two hours to recover. Now I have used up all of it. When I practice again, I don't have the feeling that I can absorb the energy of the world. I can only rely on the essence."

Lin Yu thought about it for a while, and then said carefully, "But the difficulty is less than the first time I practiced it. It may have something to do with having already experienced it once."

"If you have less qi, you can recover quickly, but if you wait for more, it will be troublesome to think about it."

Liu Minghui shook his head, secretly keeping this matter in his heart.

Li Ming also wrote it down, this is a valuable experience, naturally he can't let it go, he even planned to go back and try again himself.

After all, this kind of thing can only be assured if you have tried it yourself, and only the early stage is suitable for trying, otherwise, even if you have too much skill, it will be easier to repair it, and it will take a lot of time.

In addition to this, several people also found that the penetration of true energy into the weapon can increase the sharpness of the weapon, but the true energy of Lin Yu and Liu Minghui still cannot let go of their hands. Contact will be lost in an instant.

"In fact, even if there is a sense of holding the weapon, it will become weaker and weaker if it exceeds the width of one palm, and it cannot be used frequently."

Liu Minghui shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

It is not difficult to strengthen the physical body, but it is difficult to strengthen the weapon. This is equivalent to a loss of combat power.

"Maybe it's because our zhenqi is too weak. When the zhenqi is strong, we should be able to do this."

Lin Yu pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth to relieve.

Li Ming thought about his true anger, nodded silently, and said nothing.

Having said that, the three of them had nothing more to discuss, so they said goodbye to each other and went back to their houses.

As soon as he got home, Li Ming couldn't wait to start trying, directly consuming his true energy.

In the middle of the night, Li Ming nodded silently.

"Lin Yu is a real..."

I don't know, what was their reaction after letting them know the strength of their true energy?
(End of this chapter)

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