Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 213 Conjecture, Departure

Chapter 213 Conjecture, Departure

Taking advantage of the small amount of zhenqi, Li Ming answered some questions that were only suitable for the preliminary experiment. Li Ming felt relieved a lot. He gathered the zhenqi that could split different irons back to his dantian, and practiced silently [sitting breathing method]

The growth of true qi needs to be achieved by consuming essence, which is a change from scratch, and once there is true qi in the body, once some of the true qi is consumed, the true qi can be used to restore itself by attracting the energy of heaven and earth into the body through breathing.

It's just that when the true qi grows, because it starts from scratch and is simply transformed with essence qi, the energy of the heavens and the earth cannot participate in it.

Li Ming has made a conclusion on these, so although he has cultivated his true energy, he still will not stop his previous practice, and will continue to increase his energy, and even the capacity of energy.

When the capacity of essence qi continues to increase, the quality of true qi may also continue to increase. This is a virtuous circle, but after the birth of true qi, it is uncertain whether the capacity of essence qi can continue to increase.

After meditating and practicing until the next morning, Li Ming completed the second cycle of the cycle before the sun rose. Feeling that his spirit was clear and his thoughts were stable, Li Ming opened his eyes with satisfaction.

After feeling it, the essence of this training has undergone some subtle changes, making it more pure.

"I don't know how far the true energy can grow in the future."

Li Ming thought to himself that he already knew how to increase his qi, and he would know it after practicing it later, and he also had some expectations in his heart.

When eating breakfast, Li Ming only ate mutated animal meat, and supplemented himself with this energy-rich food. After the meal, he calmed down and began to practice as usual [Ba Duan Jin]

Hold the sky with both hands to regulate the triple burner...

The zhenqi in the body flows along with the movement, from the dantian along the meridians to the fingertips, and then falls, the zhenqi reverses twice.

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and he continued to practice calmly, and with every movement he made, his true energy would be passively drawn along with the moves.

Once down, I feel transparent and full of heat.

Baduanjin (73% slightly)

Looking up at the panel, Li Ming smiled, and his proficiency in Baduanjin increased by three points this time!
However, the harvest of this proficiency is still secondary, and the bigger change is still in the spirit!
"Essence Qi is assisted by True Qi, and the Ba Duan Jin practice has not yet broken through, and it has obtained a further essence, and it has also increased faintly."

Li Ming felt himself, and realized that the essence was further condensed, and the effect was comparable to that of more than ten days of practice in the past, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"True qi and essence are indeed complementary things. The birth of true qi can only be cultivated with the perfection of essence, and essence can also make faster progress under the influence of true qi..."

Li Ming's heart moved secretly, and he didn't stop. He played Baduanjin five times in a row before he felt tired. He stopped slowly and watched Baduanjin again. His proficiency had risen to 88%.
"We should be able to break through tomorrow."

A smile flickered on the corner of his mouth. Li Ming touched his stomach, but realized that the mutated animal meat he ate in the morning had been digested, so he couldn't help but move his eyes slightly.

"It seems that the price of speeding up the progress of refining Qi is that the consumption of food has accelerated again."

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, but he didn't care about it. It was worthwhile to exchange for the speed of improving the essence at the price of faster digestion.

Even if other people want to change, they may not have a chance.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming didn't continue to think about it, and continued to practice calmly and slowly [Taoist Taijiquan]

The wisp of zhenqi in his body is like a swimming fish, which circulates around his body continuously with the movement of Taijiquan. Li Ming clearly feels that his body is slowly getting stronger with the flow of zhenqi. And the speed of food digestion in the abdomen has also been accelerated.

Li Ming knew in his heart the effect of true energy on washing his body. In the past two days, with the birth of true energy, his body also began to transform from the inside out.

On the whole, it means stronger, all-round gains in energy and energy.

It's just that this metamorphosis is not like the huge change brought about when the panel skill breaks through a certain level, but a little bit of change, which is carried out continuously.

When he woke up today, Li Ming felt obvious changes in his body. He guessed that this metamorphosis period would continue for a while, and he didn't know when it would be.

"Essence is the most fundamental energy of the body, and true qi is condensed from all the essences. Even though there is only one ray, it is equivalent to the power of a whole body of energy. This kind of power is quite powerful in the body. Because an energy equal to the strength of the whole body is rotating, so when the true energy is running, it will naturally cause the transformation of the body."

The essence of the whole body is equivalent to a ray of true qi, but it does not mean that the place where the ray of true qi swims has the strength equivalent to the whole body.

Therefore, with the operation of true qi, the body will continue to transform and strengthen, just to adapt to the environment where true qi exists.

The faster digestion of his food is also related to this.

Li Ming knew that this was a good thing, so he didn't spend too much time thinking about it. He treated this change calmly and just punched silently.

After fighting for a whole morning, under Li Ming's smile, the proficiency of [Taoist Taijiquan] actually increased by 5.00%. He was satisfied with his work, and when he had lunch at noon, he found that his appetite had increased a lot again, almost three times appetite.

"It is estimated that the amount of food will remain until the end of the body transformation."

Li Ming secretly thought, after thinking about it, in order to avoid eating too much and making the daily meals nervous, he had to talk to Deng Yu after the meal.

When Li Ming came, Deng Yu was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. Today she was wearing a pair of pure white tight trousers, a brown sweater on her upper body, her hair was combed neatly, and she was washing the dishes with rubber gloves on her hands.

"Mr. Deng, my appetite will increase in the past few days. In the future, I can cook as much as three times my appetite."

Li Ming walked behind Deng Yu with a smile, put his hands around her waist, and said close to her.

"Ah good."

Deng Yu nodded embarrassingly: "I'm still doing the dishes..."

"The main reason is that there is more meat, and the other amount is fine."

Li Ming smiled. Although mutated animal meat has a lot of energy, the nutrition needed by the human body cannot be satisfied by mutated animal meat alone. Therefore, although most of his food is meat, he still has to eat other things every day.

"It's okay, it's the same if you brush it later."

After saying this, Li Ming slid his hands along the trend and said with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to change your clothes?"

Deng Yu gasped a little, raised his neck, and spoke softly.

"No, that's all."

Li Ming shook his head and refused, Deng Yu glanced out of the kitchen in embarrassment, and spread his legs to the sides.


[Secret Passage] Now it is the most widely circulated exercise. Li Ming's women may not know anything else, but everyone must study this exercise deeply.

After Deng Yu lowered his head and finished washing, Li Ming exhaled refreshedly.

"You're a little tired working alone. I'll find someone to help you."

Li Ming carefully rubbed Deng Yu's rear hip to help her relieve the pain, and said while watching Deng Yu's busy work.

Sure enough, he still can't see his woman being troubled.

Deng Yu nodded with a smile and didn't object, she was happy to see a man think about her.

Li Ming stayed in the kitchen for a while, waited until Deng Yu felt comfortable before leaving, and went back to the bedroom to take a nap peacefully.

After waking up from a nap, he got up and began to practice [Taoist Taijiquan] again. In the process of practicing, his essence was also continuously purified under the action of true energy, but in the same way, the consumption of essence was also slow. recovery.

He practiced until evening. He carried Zhang Yuan, who had just taken a shower and hadn't had time to put on her pants, to the bed, and had a lively discussion with Xu Yunyun, who hadn't put on any clothes after the shower, about recovering her energy.

After some refinement and questioning, Li Ming's energy was completely restored to perfection. He asked them to have a good rest, and he sat cross-legged on the bed to practice silently and refine his true energy.

In winter, it gets dark quickly, and it was already dark just after five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was only eight o'clock after Li Ming finished discussing the matter of energy with them.

By ten o'clock at night, the true energy has been refined.

"Below 80.00% the birth of true qi is a little bit reluctant, it seems that the practice of true qi must be grasped."

Li Ming felt the last zhenqi in his body, and shook his head. This trace of zhenqi was a little weaker than the one raised before. He silently consumed this trace of zhenqi, and then circulated other zhenqi to absorb the world. The energy recovered it, and he was relieved to see that it had become normal and strong again.

"The consumption of true qi can be restored by absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth. This proves that it is possible to directly use the energy of the heavens and the earth to create true qi, but it cannot be done now. There must be some other reasons..."

After recovering his true qi, Li Ming felt a little curious again, and couldn't help but think of the legendary [Meridians], [Acupoints] and Martial Arts [Innate], but he was not sure if it was true.

After all, he didn't feel any meridians when his zhenqi was running, it just started running in his body...

"In any case, when the amount of true energy is accumulated, maybe there will be an answer."

Li Ming said silently in his heart, and then saw that there was still time, so he silently began to practice [sitting breathing method]. During the practice, the lost true energy was slowly replenished.

In the blink of an eye, the sky is bright.

Li Ming kindly woke up Zhang Yuantong, regained her energy, and then brought Peng Honghong home after breakfast. With her help in the future, Deng Yu's work would be much easier.

In fact, Deng Yu is not always busy at ordinary times, most of the women will help together, so with two main forces, things will become much easier at once.

Peng Honghong had a deep friendship with Li Ming a long time ago, and now it is logical to be brought home, and it saves her from being bored by herself, and it is a good thing to bring her back.

After solving this matter, Li Ming could clearly feel that the distribution of food was better, and he couldn't help but feel satisfied, and he devoted himself more to his cultivation.

A week passed in such a flash.

While Li Ming was still practicing drunkenly, someone couldn't sit still.

This morning, two men came to visit with synaesthesia, asked Chen Shujie and Chen Shuyu to ask Li Ming a question.

"Husband, they asked us to ask you when you will return to Xinxiang to bring back the fellow villagers over there."

While recovering his vitality, Chen Shujie mentioned this matter to Li Ming out of breath, which stunned him for a moment, and then he remembered that there was indeed such a thing that could not be done.

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot, hey, I've been too busy practicing these two days."

Li Ming squeezed Chen Shuyu's leg next to him, said a little embarrassedly, and then thought for a while: "Then if this is the case, let's take action today, go to Xinxiang first, and bring all the friends over there. "

"Well, husband, I'm almost there."

Chen Shujie whispered with blurred eyes, Li Ming understood it.

After a while, Li Ming felt that his energy had recovered a bit, so he cleaned her up, sent her to the bed thoughtfully, and turned to go out.

Putting on the armor, holding weapons and various equipment, Li Ming talked to Zhang Yuan, Chen Li and the others who came to his aunt, then turned and went out, and found the people from Xinxiang.

Needless to say, everyone got into the car and set off with Li Ming.

"It just reminded me that I have to look at that fruit again."

When he set off, Li Ming's heart moved secretly, and he felt a little embarrassed that he almost forgot about it, but fortunately, he reacted in time, and it was not too late.

The cultivation of zhenqi is too mysterious, and the feeling of the continuous growth of high strength makes people addicted. He practiced continuously for such a long time without realizing it.

Fortunately, the effect of this week's practice is still good. The total amount of true energy has doubled several times, and the strength has greatly increased.

In addition, he also noticed that his physical transformation ended this morning, and his physical quality has greatly increased, and it is not far from the time to use a weapon made of all-powerful metal.

So, going out this time is quite a good mood.

As for the necessity of Xin Xiang... Knowing the existence of the strange snake, the power around him will naturally be a point, and no one will dislike his own strength.

In addition, there is that fruit... He is very curious.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming felt the strong zhenqi in his body, and looked in the direction of Zhongzhou and Xinxiang with a smile on his face.

"Everyone, speed up and try to arrive before five o'clock in the afternoon!"

It took more than six hours from Guxi to Xinxiang, and it was already ten o'clock when Li Ming set off. He shouted to let everyone speed up, and he controlled Dahei to lead the way and guard the road.

This road has already been cleared many times, and it doesn't hurt to speed up.




"Has Sun Woo not come back yet?"

Inside the school, Pan Fanhua's sense of power grew stronger, and she was sitting on a chair at the moment, frowning and asking the man beside her.

"Not yet, but those people from the north respect you. After listening to your words, they didn't do much to the people below."

The man beside him shook his head with a gloomy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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