Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 228 Cousin and Cousin-in-law

Chapter 228 Cousin and Cousin-in-law

There happened to be a window between the two gatehouses. Through the window, the faint sunlight shone on the girl who opened the door, illuminating her delicate white skin, accompanied by her bright eyes and white teeth.

There is a gentle aura about her body, which probably comes from the heart. Chen Min is a gentle person, which is very similar to doctor Liu Minying.

But unlike Liu Minying, Liu Minying's skin is a healthy wheat color, while Chen Min's skin is fair.

"Ah, you are back, come in quickly, have you encountered any danger this time?"

Seeing Li Ming outside the door, Chen Min's eyes lit up, one hand stretched out a smooth white wrist, pinched Li Ming's wrist and pulled him in, and closed the door with the other hand.

"You don't know my strength yet, how can you encounter any danger."

Li Ming took the opportunity to walk home, and at the same time smiled slightly, and said, while he was speaking, a sound of footsteps came over very quickly.

"Is Li Ming back?"

Following the sound, a woman wearing black trousers and long black hair appeared in the field of vision. His face was a bit square, but his figure was slender and plump, and he was very charming. Seeing Li Ming, there was a flash of light in his expression. Delighted, she quickly walked in front of him.

"Nothing happened on the way, there are so many monsters, and you are the only one, my sister-in-law is almost worried to death."

Fang Xia looked at Li Ming and couldn't help but said, with a worried look on her face.

Li Ming looked at these two women, one was pure and gentle, the other was mature and cool, they were his cousin and sister-in-law!

In the past month or so, it was impossible for Li Ming to only visit the families of his wives. In fact, he went to find his cousin and sister-in-law the next day after he went to Zhang Yuan's house.

Thinking of that time, Li Ming still felt a little embarrassed.

The first thing he went to look for was his cousin, but he didn't expect that the two of them were working together just before the apocalypse broke out, so they were also trapped together after the apocalypse.

When the doomsday came, they happened to be picking up goods in a supermarket warehouse with a refrigerated warehouse. When they woke up, it was already the doomsday, and there were monsters and zombies everywhere outside. The two women dared not go out out of fear, just like that. Hide in the warehouse.

Fortunately, the monsters who hadn't left for such a long time found them, and there were enough things in the warehouse of the supermarket to keep the two girls alive until now.

But they have been living in the closed and dark warehouse of the supermarket. After a few months, their spirits have been exhausted to the extreme, their people are also dark and dirty, and some minor diseases have been born on their bodies.

Don't look at it as a minor illness, but if it continues, there will definitely be a big accident. After Li Ming arrived, he directly injected his five-element energy into their bodies to help them recover. He took them into the bathroom and washed them well with warm water.

After cleaning, they cleaned their mouths with supernatural powers, and then fed them a bowl of meat paste crushed from mutated animal meat one mouthful at a time. Under the abundant energy, the two of them took a nap before recovering.

Since then, the two of them's feelings for him have skyrocketed, and they are far closer than before.

"Don't worry, what can happen to me, my sister-in-law doesn't know my ability yet."

Li Ming smiled and stretched out his right hand to touch Fang Xia's hair. He hugged her in his arms, took his cousin with his left hand, and led them to sit on the sofa in the living room. Taking advantage of the trend, Chen Min also leaned into his arms. .

Both of them obeyed his movements naturally, and after sitting on the sofa, they both relaxed and leaned on his chest.

"We know that you are strong, but it's so dangerous outside, who knows what will happen, I just can't help worrying."

Fang Xia leaned into Li Ming's arms, straightened Li Ming's hair with her hands, and said with a pout.

It's nothing to do some intimate actions between relatives, but what neither Fang Xia nor Chen Min noticed was that the actions between the three of them were a bit too intimate.

Intimate, some are not like normal relatives...

"Isn't this back? I went to various places these days, and I don't have to go so far in the future."

Li Ming smiled and patted the backs of the two, and said softly.

"Why do you run so far, how nice it is for us to stay comfortably at home."

Cousin Chen Min couldn't help but speak, and Fang Xia nodded repeatedly, expressing her approval.

"Okay, okay, stay at home if you can stay at home in the future, and be comfortable at home every day."

Li Ming smiled, knowing that this was the fear caused by the two women staying alone in a closed environment for a long time, so he just dealt with it casually.

"When I saw you, I didn't listen to my heart. Where do you want to go when you come back this time?"

Chen Min rolled his eyes, got off Li Ming's left leg, sat next to him, looked at him and asked.

Chen Min got down, and Fang Xia couldn't stay on Li Ming's lap anymore, so she rolled over from the other side with her mouth pursed, and sat on Li Ming's right, looking at him like Chen Min.

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to go back to the previous base to have a look. There are also many people there, and some subordinates."

Li Ming shook his head helplessly, knowing that this matter could not be concealed, after all, he was going to the Hope Base in two days, so he blurted out the matter of going there.

"The former base? Where is it? It shouldn't be where you work?"

Hearing that Li Ming really wanted to go out, Chen Min's face turned pale, and she couldn't help pinching the corner of Li Ming's clothes and asking, Fang Xia on the other side couldn't help leaning on Li Ming.

"Yes, don't worry, I came back from there before, and the road is not dangerous for me now."

Li Ming smiled and shook his head, stretched out his hand to grab the arms of the two and said comfortingly.

But no matter what Li Ming said, the two girls who had experienced such a great fear obviously would not easily feel at ease. They held his hand tightly, looked at him without blinking, and kept asking questions. .

After chatting for an hour, I finally calmed down a bit and started talking about some normal things on the sofa.

They chatted until noon, when Li Ming's parents came back from exercising outside and brought Xiaohu and Xiao Yinyin with them before stopping the topic. Chen Min and Fang Xia hurriedly stood up from Li Ming's side, and walked to Li Ming's parents with a smile to greet them.

"Li Ming, are you eating here today?"

Li Ming's mother looked at her son. She and Li Ming's father knew that Li Ming was back, so they were not surprised by his appearance. Seeing that they had arrived at the restaurant, they asked casually.

"It's gone, mom, you should be my sister and my sister-in-law. It's time for me to cook at home. Go back and eat."

Li Ming shook his head with a smile and said.

Then he also stood up from the sofa, teased Xiaohu and Xiao Yinyin, then turned and went back to his home.

Chen Min and Fang Xia watched Li Ming leave reluctantly, and they went all the way to the stairs before turning back to prepare meals with Li Ming's parents.

These days after they came back, the two of them were a little afraid of unfamiliar environments, but there were too many women in Li Ming's family, and it was not suitable for them to live in, and it was unrealistic for them to live by themselves.

Now the two of them lived with Li Ming's parents, but if they lived together in an empty house, they would tremble all over and couldn't stay there, so Li Ming had arranged for them to stay at their parents' house since saving them.

Fortunately, we are all relatives, plus there are two girls who love cleanliness themselves, so living in their parents' house will not cause any trouble, and things will naturally go down.

After finding the two of them, Li Ming no longer had any other relatives, which was also one of the reasons why he was able to do things by himself so relaxedly and naturally.

On the other hand, Li Ming had already prepared lunch when he returned home. After a brief lunch, Li Ming didn't do anything else. He brought his visiting cousin and sister-in-law into the house, and let them watch him practice martial arts. , practice.

The cousins ​​and sisters-in-law were also endowed with supernatural powers by Li Ming. Li Ming trained them to follow suit. They were very happy after the afternoon. They even came back to their senses when they were having dinner. They just wanted to leave but were stopped by Zhang Yuan. It's already this time, why go back, just eat here.

The two women glanced at Li Ming quietly, Li Ming naturally agreed to the invitation, and they agreed with a smile.

"Then let me talk about it."

Chen Min said with a smile, and then hurriedly ran out to tell Li Ming's parents to have dinner at Li Ming's place before coming back.

"Husband, I'll go get some for my parents, so that they don't have to do it again."

Zhang Yuan was holding a large lunch box and said to Li Ming. Li Ming nodded and watched Zhang Yuan leave, and then went to wash his hands. After Zhang Yuan came back, everyone sat down and ate together.

With Chen Min and Fang Xia around, none of Li Ming's women dared to be presumptuous, and sat at the dining table with them in an orderly manner, just talking and laughing while eating.

After the meal was finished and everyone washed the dishes together, Chen Min and Fang Xia were sent by Li Ming to their parents' house to rest.

Li Ming also turned around and went back home. Seeing Chen Li waiting inside the door, he approached with a smile.

Chen Li quickly helped take off her clothes, and when she was carried into the room, she was immediately filled with happiness, took a deep breath, and kissed Li Ming affectionately.




After resting at home for a week, the wind and frost outside was finally smoothed by peace.

A group of women who were led by Li Ming out for a walk, and the emotions of the women who came back after rescuing their families, including their relatives, also regained their composure, and Li Ming also got used to the feeling of regaining his inner strength.

This month Chen Min and Fang Xia came to Li Ming's house more and more frequently. It seems that with this, the fear in their hearts is also decreasing, and Li Ming is so happy. Otherwise, let them go on the road with palpitations. It's really not good.

And this week has passed, and Li Ming's plan to return to the Hope Base is finally about to start.

This morning, Chen Min came to play at Li Ming's house after breakfast, and bumped into Li Ming at the door.

"Li Ming, where are you going?"

Chen Min asked with a smile. Seeing that Li Ming was about to change his shoes, he was a little puzzled. Li Ming hadn't been out for a week.

"Go to the Taoist priest and tell them that we are leaving. By the way, sister Chen Min, you have to prepare to salute and set off with us."

Li Ming smiled at Chen Min, then stretched out his finger pointing in the direction outside, and said.

"Ah, I'm going out now, are you in a hurry?"

Chen Min pursed her lips and couldn't help asking.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll go and say hello to them. When the time comes, my parents and my women will all leave. You and my sister-in-law don't want to be here by yourself, do you?"

Li Ming smiled and said, then raised his eyebrows and said.

"No, I'm going to discuss it with my sister-in-law."

Chen Min gritted her teeth with lingering fear, then nodded quickly and said, then turned around and walked with legs in a jk short skirt, wanting to go back and put down the report.

But as soon as he turned around, Li Ming's eyes flickered, and suddenly he reached out and grabbed her thigh.

"Sister Chen Min, when did you get this dress? It's so cute."

Li Ming took a step forward, squatting behind Chen Min who failed to turn away, and watched her legs in JK short skirt and the pair of black calf socks. The white and greasy thighs exposed between the calf socks, the hands can't help stroking up and down.

"Really, how can you be likable?"

Feeling the warm hands on her thighs, Chen Min didn't react violently. Instead, she simply stood still and asked softly.

"It's here, I like it so much, let me touch it, let me touch it."

Li Ming spoke softly, moving while talking, Chen Min immediately felt a pair of hot hands on her thighs, calves, and buttocks constantly moving around, she pursed her lips: "Then touch it carefully, I will touch it after touching it." Go talk to your sister-in-law again."

Cousin asked me to touch it well, then touch it well.

Li Ming touched her honestly and carefully. Just when he couldn't control himself and wanted to turn her back to do something, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps ahead, and Fang Xia's figure walked over.

Seeing Fang Xia, Li Ming regained consciousness, and quickly stretched out his hand, leaving behind Chen Min's wrinkled skirt and legs with red palm prints. After touching it hard, he put down the smiling Fang Xia and Chen Min who were being touched and walked towards Liu Minghui and the others.

"Sister-in-law, Li Ming said that we are moving out tomorrow, so we need to prepare more."

After Li Ming left, Chen Min smiled and hugged Fang Xia's arm, and said, there was no abnormality in his expression as he should have shown in Li Ming's actions just now.

Fang Xia also nodded calmly, agreed, and walked back to Li Ming's parents' house with Chen Min in the stockings that Li Ming had scratched.



At the Guxi base, Dahei, who hadn't moved for a long time, moved again, and Li Ming naturally sat on it.

On the side, there were three vehicles following, among which were the only three supernatural beings in the base. The three of them drove along with Li Ming out of the Guxi base.

After only six hours of high-speed driving, they stopped outside a city. The three of Liu Minghui got out of the car in shock, and looked at the terrifying figure in the city ahead, which was taller than the tallest building by a kowtow. Baby zombies!
(End of this chapter)

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