Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 229 Soul Magic Stone

Chapter 229 Soul Magic Stone
"This zombie is the biggest obstacle from the hope base to our base. I will take you to see it today. Only by seeing it with your own eyes will you know how terrifying the monsters in the world will be when they reach a certain level. Only after seeing them can you always be vigilant .”

The terrifying giant baby zombie seemed to have noticed the arrival of several people. A pair of giant black eyes slowly turned their heads to stare at them. In an instant, everyone's minds seemed to be shocked, and they felt an unstoppable sense of terror like black air filling the sky.

In such an environment, Li Ming looked back at the three people following him, and smiled.

His voice was like a bronze bell, and the moment it rang, the three of them suddenly escaped from that fear, but seeing the giant baby zombie still looking here and even showing a terrifying smile on its mouth, they all panicked.

"Li Ming, this monster is a little too exaggerated. In my opinion, it is better to return to the base and wait for the opportunity. It will not be too late to fight it when more forces are united. Then we will have more chances of winning!"

Even Liu Minghui, who has always been prudent, couldn't help being anxious at this moment, with an anxious look on his face, he said to Li Ming with a tense body.

Even when he spoke, there was a green light flashing on his body. It was obvious that the pressure brought by the giant baby zombie was too great. Even though there was still a distance of more than ten kilometers, he was still nervous.

"Yes, Li Ming, how can we defeat such a terrifying zombie? Why don't we think about it in the long run? If we practice hard, we will become stronger and stronger, and the chances of winning will be greater in the future!"

Pan Fanhua also took a step forward anxiously, and spoke to Li Ming seriously. The muscles on her body were tense, and strands of mysterious power different from the true energy of martial arts emerged in it, and the power of physical evolution was urged to the limit. extreme.

"This monster is invincible, so take it slowly!"

Lin Yu was no exception. He said to Li Ming with a more tense expression. His whole body was also shrouded in a khaki-yellow light, as if he wanted to use his strongest strength to give him some confidence.

"We now know that there is great terror in the world, so we should leave!"

Thinking of what Li Ming said just now, Liu Minghui couldn't help but speak, his expression full of nervousness.

Seeing the reaction of the three people, Li Ming smiled. He couldn't help them not being nervous, because when he set off, he said he was coming out to kill a monster. Now that he came here and saw the monster's true face, where are they? What confidence do you have to kill him?
Even, if you don't get killed by it, just celebrate!
"It seems to have noticed us. It's going here. While there are still more than ten kilometers of strategic depth, let's retreat quickly!"

At this time, seeing that the giant baby's smile became more and more strange, and even had a tendency to come here, Pan Fanhua couldn't bear it anymore, and said urgently.

Even Liu Minghui and Lin Yu were shocked when they turned their heads to look over, but they saw that terrifying baby zombie in their sights, which had the tendency to stand up from the ground!
Under the terrifying power of the giant baby zombie, just looking at them already felt their legs trembling, not to mention that they still stood up now, the three of them were extremely nervous, and even had the tendency to run away.

"Don't be nervous, did you three forget when I killed that golden zombie?"

Seeing the appearance of these three people, Li Ming couldn't help smiling, and the five elements of light suddenly appeared on his body after he finished speaking.

In an instant, an extremely powerful and mountain-like aura appeared around them, instantly dispelling the fear that had risen in the hearts of the three of them again. In a trance, the three of them felt as if there was an extra towering mountain around them. It makes people feel calm in their hearts.

But when he turned his head to look again, it was only the shadow of Li Ming surrounded by the five elements of light, and he opened his mouth in astonishment.

'Although this monster is strong, it is only at the second level of evolution. I don't know why it has grown so large, and it can even affect people's spirits. '

Li Ming looked at the baby zombie in front of him. The feeling of seeing each other was completely different from before. Not only was there no pressure at all, but it was even simple and relaxing.

For Liu Minghui and the others, the terrifying deterrence is like a breeze blowing on his face, insignificant, but the difference is that this monster doesn't seem to know how to restrain its own power, so that it will cause its own power to leak out. cause such an impact.

And all his energy was concentrated in his body when he was not fighting, which created the illusion that this baby zombie was obviously weaker than him, but far more terrifying than him.

Although his five-element ability has just undergone the second evolution, which is regarded as the third-level level of basic awakening, which is the same as this zombie, but the explosive god thunder caused by his five-element reversal is far more powerful than the same level.

In addition, his physical body has already completed the third evolution, and his class can be regarded as the fourth level, and his telekinetic power has gradually entered the field during the third evolution, so his strength is stronger than it.

When Li Ming looked at it, it was almost like looking at an inflatable balloon with a strong outside and a dry inside. What is there to be afraid of?

"I don't know why this monster has become so big. It may be powerful, but I'm not weak. What's more, if you keep it for one day, it will be a disaster for one more day. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. I think it's best to get rid of it today. appropriate."

Li Ming looked back at the three of them, and spoke softly. While speaking, he looked at the city center, who had stood up, and the baby zombie who wanted to come showed a smile.

'Comparing its strength with the last time I saw it, I feel as if it has been standing still, without a single bit of progress. Could it be that there is such power just after the end of the day? '

'But in this case, there has been no improvement in strength for such a long time, and even ordinary control can't be achieved, and the body is still so abnormally swollen to this point. If everything is impossible in this way, the remaining one is the answer. '

'Is it a secondary re-evolution after the awakening ability achieved by some special reasons due to insufficient individual accumulation? '

'Because the body can't bear this level of strength, so it passively expands and becomes so big to accommodate energy? '

Various possible thoughts flashed through his mind, but there was no need to tell the three of them. When Li Ming's thoughts moved slightly, he had already stepped forward: "You guys wait here for a while, I will come as soon as I go."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming's body moved, and the energy of the five elements flourished, as if turning into a ball of five-color light, and rushed towards the giant baby zombie in the center of the city.

"Li Ming, you..."

Liu Minghui opened his mouth, but saw that Li Ming had advanced a long way in the blink of an eye, and silently stopped talking.

"He actually went."

Pan Fanhua looked at the figure of Li Ming leaving, and thought about the power of the baby zombie just now, a lot of panic had emerged in her heart, she couldn't help but took two steps back, looking around, subconsciously began to search retreat.

"Brother, what shall we do?"

Lin Yu looked at Li Ming who rushed forward without saying a word, couldn't help swallowing, and said to Liu Minghui who was beside him, and he couldn't help but look around while talking.

"Since Li Ming chose to go there knowing that it was terrifying, he must have confidence in his heart. Presumably he would not do such a thing if he was not sure."

Liu Minghui closed his eyes and thought about it calmly, then suddenly took a deep breath, and sat down cross-legged: "We can't help you with anything else, so let's just watch here. It would be great if Li Ming could return victorious, but If there is an emergency, we can also help one or two."

After hearing Liu Minghui's words, Lin Yu's expression changed, and finally he nodded, and sat down beside him silently.

On the other side, Pan Fanhua listened to the words of the two, watched the movements of the two, struggled several times on her face, finally pursed her lips silently, and sat cross-legged beside the two of them.



The power of the five elements rotated, and Li Ming seemed to be flying close to the ground, sprinting over the city at high speed, looking at the strange baby zombie in front of him, narrowing his eyes slightly.


A faint laughter echoed everywhere in the space around him, and the strange situation made people feel chills inexplicably.

But Li Ming only thought it was fun.

"This baby zombie is spreading around with its own power, and then using this ability?"

A smile flickered on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and he kept silent, just enveloped all the power around his body, and the weak dark energy around him couldn't get close to his body and was torn apart.

His footsteps did not stop in the slightest due to this, and he continued to move forward.

While moving forward at extreme speed, Li Ming rushed all the way to the terrifying baby zombie standing taller than the tallest building in less than 5 minutes.

It was only when he got close that he felt the terrifying size of such a tall zombie, but unlike ordinary zombies, the flesh on the opponent's body did not show signs of decay, but instead showed a dark color.

At the same time, there are dark patterns and lines in various parts of the body, especially the front chest, and there is even a strange black spar, which is nakedly exposed to the air.

Under the gaze of its empty eyes, Li Ming quickly approached 1000 meters in front of it.

"Hahaha, woo woo woo, hee hee hee..."

There were more and more messy noises in the surrounding space. With a flash of Li Ming's right hand, the supernatural metal crossbow loaded with arrows appeared in his hand, pointing to the place where the terrifying baby zombie was in the distance.

He has so many advantages, so of course he has to test and attack again.


With a slight thought, the trigger of the heavy crossbow was pulled, and this thick and long steel arrow shot out instantly, and shot towards the baby zombie's head at high speed.


The weird baby cries became louder and louder, but what made the corners of Li Ming's mouth twitch slightly was that although his telekinetic power was constantly being attacked by waves that were very weak to him, no matter the power of the supernatural power or the body, including The steel arrow that flew out was not significantly affected.

That is to say...

"Is this a mutated zombie in the spiritual realm?"

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, and he watched helplessly that the arrow full of heavy crossbow force pierced the baby zombie fiercely.

During this process, the baby zombie tried to be blocked, but its movements seemed to be affected by its size and became very slow, so it didn't stop it!

In the end, the whole root of the heavy crossbow arrow was poured into the baby zombie's body, and then it was crushed by the force in its body, leaving a small scar that healed quickly.

"After all, it has evolved twice. The power in the body cannot be underestimated."

Li Ming turned his head and looked around, and the strange baby cries were still coming from the air. He could clearly feel the influence of these strange forces on the spirit as he kept getting closer and stronger.

It's a pity that in terms of spirit, my own motivation is stronger than his.

It can be predicted that the closer you are to him, the greater the influence of this kind of spirit will be, but...won't its spirit affect me?
Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his heart moved. The "Gu Fang Gui Yuan Cauldron" in his mind mobilized energy, and put the supernatural metal heavy crossbow in his hand into the cauldron in one gulp.

Looking inside the tripod, there are not only various weapons, but also a large pile of exotic animal meat and various food supplies - since there is such a storage space, how could he go out empty-handed.

"Since I have the power to crush you."

Li Ming suddenly looked up at the giant baby zombie in front of him, and with a smile on his lips, he summoned the [Gengyuxuan Light Sword]: "Then of course I will use the power to crush you, crush you to death!"


The five-color divine light shot out of the sky with the voice, and directly blasted the baby zombie's head fiercely from a distance of 1000 meters with terrifying power.

From the time he advanced with the five-color brilliance, he has been constantly gathering and mastering the five elements around him.

What is issued now is already the ultimate destructive power that he can control with his current five-element ability!
Otherwise, what would he be doing with the five-color light before he started fighting.


The sharp and ear-piercing roar of the zombies hit in an instant, and a mass of black energy suddenly bloomed before the five-element light approached, and met the five-color light group fiercely, but it collapsed under the power of the five-color light, and collapsed in an instant.

In just a split second, the five-color light ball hit the baby zombie's head fiercely, and the brilliance flourished in an instant.

"What is this?"

In the midst of the five-color light clusters blooming, Li Ming suddenly saw a black light rising from the spar on the baby zombie's chest. He raised his eyebrows, without even thinking about it, the physical power that had evolved three times in his body surged together with the power of mind and true energy. Entering the Geng Yuxuan Light Sword, lifting the sword is just a stab.


Terrifying sword light bloomed from the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber, and the black light shattered instantly as soon as it appeared.

The next moment, the dust cleared, and most of the baby zombie's head was shattered and fell to the ground.


A black spar as tall as a man suddenly fell from the sky with the death of the baby, and when Li Ming arrived, its color turned gray again.

He picked it up with the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber, and it instantly turned pure white again.

[Detected: Soul Magic Stone]

(End of this chapter)

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