Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 232 Peng Zhi's Efforts

Chapter 232 Peng Zhi's Efforts

No matter what time it is, it is not easy to travel far away, not to mention the end of the day, when Li Ming and his family go out in the morning, they get up busy at dawn, cooking and carrying luggage.

Until 09:30 in the morning, a giant bull covered in steel thorn armor headed out of the city, followed by a modified heavy truck, and then a modified RV drove in the middle, followed by a bus, two heavy trucks, and A trailer.

In order to avoid the danger caused by too many cars on the road, Li Ming's parents' proposal to drive by themselves was rejected. Instead, they sat on the bus with most of Li Ming's women and their relatives.

However, by this time, the bus had already been refitted to be super comfortable. Various anti-collision and puncture-proof equipment had also been added a lot. The power and energy had been greatly improved. The seats inside were changed to sofas and beds. Not only is it comfortable to sit on, it's also safe.

As the first lady, Zhang Yuan was naturally on the bus, and there were only four women in the RV where Li Ming stayed.

Teacher Zhang Nana and her sister-in-law, cousin Chen Min and sister-in-law Fang Xia.

"Li Ming is leaving now to go to the Hope Base, and he will come back less often in the future. It is an inevitable trend for the various bases to unite with each other, and we have to make preparations early."

On the defensive wall, Liu Minghui, Lin Yu, and Pan Fanhua, three supernatural beings stood together on it, watching Li Ming's motorcade leave, and said with emotion.

"The rules of each base are different. If we want to gain a foothold, we must find a way to become stronger."

Lin Yu nodded, and after looking back, he said with a serious expression.

"You're right. Although we have this level of connection with Li Ming, people must first be able to save themselves before they can be saved by others. Before Li Ming left, he had already promoted the basics of medical and martial arts in the base. Next, focus on the key points. , spread martial arts to all the people!"

Liu Minghui nodded, thinking of what Li Ming said before he left, he looked back at the two people around him and said.

"The strength of a warrior, if developed properly, may not be weaker than that of a supernatural being!"




With a breastplate on his chest and a rein tied around his neck, Dahei led the team to run lightly on the road leisurely. The iron chain and rein felt a little fragile on him, but Li Ming had told him earlier , this rein is for fools.

In case you don't know that a smart cow like it is being managed by someone, it would be bad if you have all kinds of bad thoughts.

Behind it, on the roof of the quietly driving bus, a yellow dog was lying majestically in front of the roof, constantly vigilant about the surrounding environment.

Its mission is to protect the people inside the bus just in case.

Although in fact, most of the more than 20 people in the bus are supernatural beings~~
But at the very least, he had to put on a show for others to see, so even Xiaohu, the apparently supernatural being in the bus, looked around warily.

The driver of the bus is a female driver who has been in the industry for several years. Except for her other three heavy trucks, including the trailer with the caravan compartment, they are all old drivers who have been in this industry before the end of the world. Only the caravan is driven by Zhang Nana.

In order to help her keep an eye on the road and keep the car safe, Li Ming deliberately took her sister-in-law by her side to accompany her.

Zhang Nana knows how to drive a RV. Although Li Ming's modified version is bigger than an ordinary RV, she can easily get started after practicing for a while, and it is even safer with Li Ming watching up.

"Boom boom~"

It seems that because of the bumpy road, there are always voices around her, but Zhang Nana turns a blind eye to it, only occasionally a smile flashes across the corner of her mouth when she passes by her sister-in-law who is being hugged in her husband's arms.

Meng Yu's face was flushed with embarrassment from the shaking, but her arms were gently hugging the man's neck.

Just when she was in a daze, she suddenly heard the man next to her ear softly say: "Sister Meng Yu, do you want a supernatural power?"

"I hate it, what are you calling my sister-in-law for?"

Meng Yu couldn't help but pinched Li Ming's arm, she didn't use any strength, she was shaken a little loose after this movement, and she quickly hugged the man's arm with both hands.

In fact, Li Ming was carrying all her weight, and she didn't need to exert any force at all, but she really had no strength, and all the strength from being shaken was gone, so she felt that she had been exerting force all the time.

Jiaochen said something, Mengyu couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Nana who was driving, and then quickly looked back at the man in front: "Think, who doesn't want supernatural powers, how safe is it to have supernatural powers at this time?" ah."

"Hey, good sister-in-law, take good care of me, how about my husband let you awaken a power?"

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, while trembling Meng Yu like a doll, he asked with a chuckle.


"Can you let me awaken my abilities?"

Meng Yu exclaimed, opened her eyes wide and asked.

"Of course, you didn't realize that my sister Nana has already awakened. It was her husband who awakened her. How about it, do you want it?"

Li Ming smiled and nodded, shaking slightly faster, Meng Yu took a deep breath, her hair was shaking wildly, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhang Nana, her face was full of surprise: "Nana, you also have strange things. Is it possible?"

"That's right, sister-in-law, you listen to your husband, he will definitely give you the ability."

Zhang Nana nodded with a smile, and responded with a smile. Meng Yu was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Li Ming, and leaned on him: "But, how should I serve you?"

"Don't use me, use sister-in-law."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, whispered a few words in Meng Yu's ear, Meng Yu was stunned, and then looked at Li Ming: "Sister-in-law understands, hubby, please slow down."


A few steps away, Fang Xia and Chen Min, who were sitting in the rest area at the back, could not hide the sound of "sister-in-law" from the cab.

The two of them blushed and felt ashamed when they heard the voice.

Especially Fang Xia, the sister-in-law who made such a sound, almost made her bones go numb.

But now that the cars are all on, they can't get off even if they want to, so they can only sit in the car silently and wait for the movement to stop.

After waiting until it got dark, as the convoy slowly stopped to rest, the movement in the cab finally stopped.

"You are all the simplest ability guides, and you don't have too much ability yet, so although the ability is activated, you still need to work hard, and you can't be too ambitious. When you encounter a normally awakened ability user, there is a high probability that you will not be able to beat it. .”

In the cab, Li Ming, who had activated the power evolution ability for Meng Yu, said to her with a smile, while Meng Yu was sitting upright panting.

After this day's shaking, she was exhausted. Of course, 90.00% of this day's time was actually shared by Zhang Nana.

In this way, under the influence of [Secret Passage], coupled with the activated power ability, Meng Yu can still act normally even now, but the physical exertion is too great, and she is almost too tired to walk.

"Okay, then sister-in-law will exercise with Nana every day from now on."

Meng Yu nodded quickly, and said obediently, her voice was a little trembling, obviously even if 90.00% of the time was shared by Zhang Nana, she still felt a little overdrawn.

And Zhang Nana...

Li Ming looked at Zhang Nana who was lying limp on the ground and had started to sleep, shook his head helplessly, washed them both, fed them some mutated animal meat porridge, and put them on the bed one by one to rest.

"Li Ming, when can we get there? Why are you resting tonight?"

After finishing their work and returning to the master bedroom at the back, Fang Xia and Chen Min asked Li Ming softly.

"Eat first, and then sleep after eating."

Li Ming took out the lunch box hidden in the bronze tripod and handed it to them, and said with a smile, the two subconsciously took it, and then realized that Li Ming hadn't said how to rest yet.

But after thinking about it, this guy has been busy all day, so he definitely doesn't want to talk about these things, and this kind of trivial things must have been prepared for them, so he picked up the lunch box and started eating without asking.

When they were full, they used Chen Min's water ability to clean up the toilet. They went to the bed and saw that Li Ming had already made the bed.

But only one was laid.

"Li Ming, where should we sleep today?"

Chen Min looked around and found that the other beds didn't even have bedding, so she couldn't help asking him.

"Sleep here, where else can I sleep?"

Li Ming pointed to the bed, shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Ah, squeeze or not?"

Hearing what Li Ming said, Chen Min was taken aback, but Fang Xia couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, it's OK to come up and sleep on me."

Li Ming shook his head with a smile, stepped forward and hugged the two of them directly on the bed, lying down, and put them in his arms.

Chen Min opened her eyes wide. As soon as she was hugged, she felt her butt was hot, and now she was lying on the bed and felt hot. She looked up and saw that her sister-in-law Fang Xia was also flushed.

"Look, it's not crowded."

Li Ming said with a smile, Fang Xia, who was lying on Li Ming's left chest, felt more and more mischievous hands, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover them, only showing her head on Li Ming's shoulder and did not speak.

Li Ming watched this scene with a smile, watching the two of them with their eyes closed and their hands moving constantly.

The faces of the two women became more and more red, and they did not rest until they suddenly relaxed.

From the beginning to the end, both of them rested on Li Ming's shoulders without moving, and Li Ming also lay quietly.

Except for the wet hands, I didn't feel anything else.

Only when Li Ming wanted to go further, the tension in Chen Min and Fang Xia would show up, and Li Ming had to temporarily stop this idea.

The time has not come.




Hope base, with a piece of news, the whole base is quite agitated.

"What the hell, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, at this time, I can still find such a treasure."

Tie Jun sat in the living room, watching the video playing in front of him, feeling a little itchy in his heart.

"Master Jun, what baby makes you so happy?"

A man on the other side heard Tie Jun's voice, and couldn't help but smirk, Tie Jun looked back at him, chuckled, and showed him the video in his hand: "Look, x Tiantian, this is a very famous Internet celebrity before the end of the world, I didn't expect it to be found and brought back this time, it has been popular for a while."

"Oh, isn't it just a woman? You have so many beautiful concubines in this house, why do you need to be so happy for a woman?"

The man looked at this woman from the sidelines. Of course he knew her. As an immersive user of the short video platform, he did not know how many times he had watched this Internet celebrity that became popular in Sichuan and Chongqing that year, and he even saved it to this day. There's that video of her going viral.

It's just that, watching this video at the moment, and looking at the group of beautiful wives and concubines around him, he still expressed that he didn't quite understand it.

"Peng Zhi, Peng Zhi, although we have been friends for a long time, I have already advised you to learn more about the outside world, and don't always indulge in your own world. You just don't listen."

Tie Jun looked at Peng Zhi, chuckled, and casually pointed to the women around him: "These women are certainly beautiful, but they are already mine, and I can enjoy them to my heart's content every day, but so what? , They can't give me a sense of superiority."

"Maybe Tiantian looks better than them, maybe she doesn't, maybe she's almost the same, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that now her appearance has aroused the enthusiasm of the whole base, and everyone's eyes are focused on her."

"If I could get her under the circumstances, oh, what a wonderful thing that would be."

A bright smile appeared on Tie Jun's face, and he said to the man in suit and leather shoes with a smile on his face.

"Well, speaking of it this way, it seems to be true. At this stage of your life, simply being beautiful doesn't seem to be a big deal."

Peng Zhi was stunned, then smiled relievedly, Tie Jun then patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I will leave this matter to you, pay close attention to all news about this woman, and wait until she is brought to the transaction Let me know in advance when the center bids externally."

"Okay, I will definitely bring you the news, Mr. Jun!"

A bright smile appeared on Peng Zhi's face. After nodding again and again, he respectfully backed away from the Tiejun villa. He waited until he left the privileged area for supernatural beings, passed the barracks, and returned to the privileged area for ordinary people. He showed a relaxed look.

All the way back home, Peng Zhi was greeted by two fair-looking women. He hugged the two women tightly, and after a spoiled meal, he collapsed powerlessly on the sofa.

Looking around, Peng Zhi couldn't help letting out a sigh when he saw the bright room.

Compared with the days when he was found to be brought here to be a tool man, the days now are so frighteningly human!

"What the military master told us must be done properly!"

Peng Zhi cheered up, looked at the map, thought seriously, and began to think about how to proceed.

And in a villa that Peng Zhi passed by, some women were waiting boredly for the days to pass.

"When will my husband come back?"

Qian Ling sat in the living room with her legs crossed, and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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