Chapter 233 Difficult Women
Qian Ling is wearing a flesh-colored silk skirt that fits her body, her legs are stretched forward, her buttocks are sitting in the front half of a white chair, her plump back is leaning on the backrest, her super soft body is in full bloom like a peach in the living room, and her body is exposed to the sun. The side face is white and tender, looking out of the window with some melancholy.

"My husband's house is far away, and he encountered such a heavy wind and rain when he left. It's normal to be slower."

Zhou Qian was wearing a business model for the workplace, squatting beside Qian Ling with a textured one-piece skirt, and said to her with a smile.

"During this period of time, we were watched every day and couldn't even get out of the door. I felt a little depressed. I heard that it was because a supernatural person took a fancy to this place and wanted to come down."

Qian Ling sighed, watching the figures of several men who intentionally or unintentionally stood at the door of the villa and looked inside, with a worried look on his face.

"My husband hasn't come back for such a long time, even Lei Ming has his thoughts. Two days ago, I happened to meet Lei Ming's Adjutant Song. He told me intentionally or unintentionally that Linjiang Villa District, as Li Ming's private land, is developing very well, and life is also very good. Very happy, just want us to move out of here."

Zhou Qian nodded silently, thinking of what happened recently, her expression was full of helplessness.

"Why don't I try to find a way to contact Zhao Sunwu. He was on the same team as Li Ming back then, so he might be willing to help us."

Qian Ling looked at the predicament in front of him, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, then looked at Zhou Qian, and suddenly suggested: "After all, you were his woman before."

"It's useless. In the current situation, if they wanted to help, they would have done so long ago. They wouldn't have put a group of us women under house arrest, and even let someone harass them before."

Zhou Qian shook her head and said with a sigh.

"That guy is Lei Ming's right-hand man. Although he is just an ordinary person, he has a good relationship with him. He was an old subordinate. Now that his husband is away, with Lei Ming's level, he should not get any punishment."

Qian Ling said melancholy: "What worries me the most is that Lei Ming has been hinting that there is a lack of people to serve Little Red Riding Hood some time ago, and wants me to use four girls whom my husband likes to fill it. I have not agreed, so he put us under house arrest. Will you use strong actions next?"

"I hope not."

Zhou Qian sighed, looked at the gate of the villa, and said silently: "In fact, compared to these, I am more worried about whether our food will be taken away by the person who has been protected by Thunder. Will we run out of food?"

"The things given in the past two days have become more and more crude and less and less..."

Qian Ling opened his mouth, with a sad expression on his face.

The two were talking, when they suddenly saw two people coming in carrying lunch boxes, their eyes lit up, and they hurriedly packed their clothes and greeted them.

"This is today's meal, put it away."

The two soldiers who carried the food unhurriedly dropped a word, turned around and left, and took away the empty box that delivered the food last time.

Qian Ling and Zhou Qian quickly opened the lunch box, and a pot of gruel came into view, but there was nothing else.

"Not even pickles!"

Zhou Qianmei's eyes widened, she reluctantly dug into the bottom of the box, and suddenly took out a flavor bottle the size of a thumb. The two of them were stunned, speechless.

But they still pursed their lips and silently divided the rice into several bowls, and gave it to the four girls and three gentle and beautiful young women in the villa, but compared to Qian Ling and Zhou Qian, they had no right to speak, and they had With a silent look, eating his own meals.

After lunch, Qian Ling and Zhou Qian comforted them, and then went back to rest to reduce consumption.

Reluctantly, Qian Ling took out the token left by Li Ming before he left and went to find the guards. After a while of stern words, she finally bought a box of instant noodles. She took them back with joy and called out all the women. Had another meal.

After eating this meal, everyone felt better, and went back to their rooms to rest.

In the afternoon, five pieces of bread were delivered, half a piece of bread + a pack of instant noodles per person barely survived.

until the next day.

At noon, after eating a simple lunch, one person added a pack of instant noodles, and the box of instant noodles finally bottomed out.

While Qian Ling was worrying about this, something happened that made her even more angry.

"Smelly bitch, you are so shameless. That box of instant noodles was originally for you to travel back to the Linjiang villa area. Now that you are done eating and you still don't want to leave, then kick me out!"

A man walked up to the villa with a sullen expression, and with a wave of his hand, the villa door was smashed open, and then a group of strong men broke into the villa like bandits, and directly and roughly took out all the things that belonged to the women and threw them to the front on the car.

Several women resisted, and were also thrown into the car. Afterwards, the car drove directly to the outside of the privileged villa area, threw them and their belongings on the ground, and left in a hurry.

The women subconsciously wanted to go back, but the guards stopped them coldly with guns: "This is a privileged villa area, and idlers are not allowed to approach."

Several women stood blankly by the side of the road, looking at the messy objects on the ground.

"It's too hasty to do this now."

Beside the villa area, a man with a rather old face looked at the scene in front of him, and spoke earnestly to a stubborn man in front of him.

"No hurry, no hurry."

Lei Ming smiled and shook his head: "It's better to completely cut off the thoughts that Li Ming's display of force brought to the people below should be completely cut off, so that his traces will completely disappear from here, which will help me to understand Control of this base."

The man took a deep look at him, turned the wheelchair silently, and left from where he was.

A smile flickered on the corner of Lei Ming's mouth, and he went back to the door lightly. He was wearing a military uniform, and the heroic Adjutant Song hurriedly followed.

Lei Ming looked at her face and didn't say a word. He didn't force her against the wall until he got back to the place where they lived...

"When Tiantian comes over, do I want to see a clean her?"

Lei Ming approached Adjutant Song's ear and said softly. Adjutant Song pouted, nodded silently, and then narrowed his eyes again.




In the trading center, Peng Zhi, who was standing in the hall with sore legs, finally got the news that he was allowed to enter, he immediately lifted his spirits, and hurriedly walked in.

Since leaving from Tie Jun yesterday, Peng Zhi has been guarding here early in the morning, and secretly delivered a wave of poultry before waiting for this opportunity to deliver the news. Even so, he waited for a long time, which made him feel emotional The trading center is really a fat job.

Although some poultry meat is nothing to supernatural users, it is definitely a good thing to ordinary people. Even his meat is not to the extent that he regards it as nothing, and although the people in this trading center are all It is an ordinary person, but it can be obtained so easily.

But as long as it can be sent in, it's a good thing. Besides, the people in this trading center are more or less related to the core management of the base, so he can't get in if he wants to.

Peng Zhi walked in with a smile in his heart, and saw a fat, thin-skinned middle-aged man head-on. He quickly handed over a pack of good cigarettes, and the man took it casually and waved his hand. Straight to the point without any nonsense: "First of all, I want to tell you that this Tiantian was brought here after a lot of hard work, and the selling price is not a small amount. It costs 3 yuan of power source crystals. .”

"Secondly, the most important thing is that Master Lei Ming has taken a fancy to it."

The slightly chubby man glanced at Peng Zhi: "Go back and tell Master Tie Jun that we are all in the same group, so don't get involved, and let you come in today for the sake of Master Tie Jun, otherwise anyone who dares to inquire about a little bit of information will be killed." will be thrown out."

The chubby man spoke naturally, but Peng Zhi, who was familiar with the trading center, knew that the other party would not tell any lies, and what he said must be the truth, otherwise no one would be able to suffer the consequences.

A lot of news, Lei Jun's identity is not convenient to convey in person, so he will let his subordinates hear it in this way, obviously this is also arranged.

Collecting his things, making him wait for a long time, letting him in and not letting others in, this is to let him know how important this matter is...

"Then, why not take it directly, why bother to send it to the trading center?"

Peng Zhi's smile was a little stiff, and he couldn't help shouting at the people in front.

"She's not the only one who traded this time. Adjutant Song wants to take the opportunity to sell more things, just as a boo."

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said calmly. Peng Zhi was stunned, and hurriedly nodded respectfully and left. He didn't spit secretly until he left the trading center, and left cursing.

Of course he was upset when he was cheated out of a fortune.

But this matter has to be reported to Grandpa Tie Jun as soon as possible...

Peng Zhi's heart moved, and he rushed to Tie Jun's residence in the fastest way without hesitation.




On the straight road, the convoy was driving quietly, and there was a non-stop squeak on the RV in the middle.

Fang Xia was lying on the bed with her face flushed, her legs were apart and bent, her hands were put between her legs and she was tightly covering Li Ming's head, her eyebrows trembled so much that she almost opened her eyes.

Chen Minquan on the other side pretended not to be able to see it, just because she was already blushing and didn't want to move.

After half a sound, Fang Xia shook her legs, and the barking voice finally stopped. Seeing Li Mingken raised her head, Fang Xia quickly put on her pants, then ran to Chen Min without saying a word, pouting. Don't look at him around.

"Sister-in-law Xia, sister Minmin, it's time for lunch."

Li Ming saw the two women shy and didn't want to talk to him, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, he went over and buried his face between them, and said with a smile.

After being buried for a long time, Chen Min and Fang Xia finally couldn't bear the wet feeling of being licked, turned over and looked at him.

"Li Ming, I am your sister-in-law and Minmin is your cousin, how can we do these things..."

With a sullen face, Fang Xia said to Li Ming bluntly.

"Although we are very close to you, what we are doing now seems a bit too much."

Chen Min hurriedly added that she seemed to be afraid that Fang Xia's words would be too serious, and her tone was a bit soft. Fang Xia was relieved when she heard her give the steps, but she still looked at Li Ming seriously with her eyes open.

Li Ming moved his hands. If Fang Xia and Chen Min hadn't held his hand tightly when they said this, the sense of determination would have been stronger.

"Ah, it's over, and we didn't get that one?"

Li Ming straightened his back in surprise, and couldn't help asking: "We are so close, what's wrong with me kissing and hugging?"

"But, but..."

Fang Xia opened her mouth, wanting to refute, but looking at Li Ming, she couldn't bear to say a word of rebuttal, and finally she could only look at him with her mouth pursed, Chen Min also opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say anything serious, she was just pitiful looked at him silently.

At the same time, the two grabbed Li Ming's hand, getting tighter and tighter.

Li Ming shook his head helplessly, thought for a while, and seriously stood beside the bed, looking at them sitting on the bed: "Since I can't be fooled, then I'll just say it straight."

Chen Min and Fang Xia's hearts tightened, and they subconsciously reached out to grab Li Ming's arm, but they knew that it was not good for them to be too soft at this time, so they could only look at him pitifully.

"With our relationship, it's impossible to do these intimate things..."

When Li Ming spoke heavily, Chen Min and Fang Xia's faces turned pale, and they hurriedly tried to explain something, but they saw Li Ming's words changed: "Then you should just be my women, so that we can be closer!"

As Li Ming said, he hugged Fang Xia and Chen Min, who were stunned for a moment, in front of him with a happy face, and looked at them with bright eyes: "Sister Xia, sister Min, I have a showdown, I just want you, I want everything!"

"Now that I've been allowed to find you, I can't let go of you anymore. No matter what, I will be your man."

Li Ming spoke firmly, and then looked at them: "Do you agree or not? Anyway, if you agree, it is mine, and if you disagree, it is still mine."

After Li Ming finished speaking, he stared straight at Chen Min and Fang Xia, and they both stared at Li Ming in a daze, a little stiff.

After a while...

"But, your parents, can they agree?"

Suddenly, Fang Xia whispered, her eyes were a little dodgy and she didn't dare to look at Li Ming.

"They already knew what I was thinking, and they all acquiesced, otherwise they wouldn't let me get in touch with the two of you. Don't worry about that. If it doesn't work, go to my parents now, tell the truth, and let you two Be my wife!"

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he spoke without hesitation. Fang Xia shifted her eyes to look at him, and couldn't help nodding: "Okay, okay..."

Zheng Huan agreed, Fang Xia suddenly saw Chen Min's expression when she was smiling, and looked aside embarrassedly: "Well, ask Minmin what she means."

"Sister-in-law agreed, that's great."

Li Ming kissed Fang Xia hard on the mouth in surprise, Fang Xia blushed, and secretly looked at Chen Min, Li Ming immediately looked at Chen Min as well.

"You want us to be wives, so what about your wives, especially Zhang Yuan."

Chen Min pursed her lips, stared at Li Ming closely and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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