Chapter 235 What a waste!

"A month ago, there was thunder in the sky in broad daylight, and it was very scary. Later, I heard that Master Lei Ming's strength had made another breakthrough. After the power evolved once, he got another evolution. The thunder and lightning power is even more powerful. gone."

"During your absence, because you killed the monster before you left, there was a lot of discussion about you in the base. People often compared you with Lei Ming. Before a month ago, our life was pretty good..."

Qian Ling wiped away her tears, and talked to Li Ming in a choked up manner. Li Ming frowned, looked up at the villa area, and stopped her next words: "Eat first, go back to the villa, and go home Sit down and talk to me carefully."

After listening to Li Ming's words, Qian Ling nodded quickly. Seeing the lunch box in her hand, her hands trembled a little. Seeing this, Li Ming frowned, and simply asked everyone to sit where they were and eat the food with the box lunch first.

The women were already weak, so they naturally listened to their husbands' concerns. They sat on the ground and ate, crying while eating.

During the meal, the motorcade behind also followed up and stopped behind Dahei. A group of women got out of the car one after another. Seeing Qian Ling and the others eating, they all had complicated expressions and hurried up to comfort them.

"These sisters have suffered here."

Zhang Yuan helped Qian Ling and Zhou Qian wipe away their tears, and gave them two cloth pads for their buttocks so that they could sit and eat. Qian Ling and Zhou Qian stood next to Li Ming and said with emotion after thanking them.

While talking, she also felt emotional in her heart, if there is no husband, these women, including her, would probably live the same life, right?

Li Ming likes her and treats her well, but others may not...

Li Ming's parents stood behind and watched this scene without saying a word. They just asked about Li Ming's situation and then turned around and returned to the car. But the guards in the privileged villa area watched this scene and looked at each other. Come here with an apologetic smile on your face.

"We also received the order, and there is no way to prevent them from returning. A person with supernatural powers came and said in person..."

The guard foreman who ran over obviously knew Li Ming, and also knew his record before he left. He looked nervous for a while, and after delivering the tables and chairs, he turned a blind eye to the women and saw that no one was sitting. Knowing the crux, he hurried to Li Ming's side He said in a stiff and awkward voice.

"The chairs are here, sit down and eat."

Li Ming glanced at him, then looked away lightly, and then said to Qian Ling who was sitting on the ground eating.

Hearing Li Ming's words, Qian Ling and the others got up, and the guards who came over hurriedly moved the chairs to make it easier for them to sit in. The man was relieved and bowed to Li Ming to thank him.

"This matter really has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself. Go back and open the door."

Li Ming said something calmly, and the other party quickly agreed, leaving two people to wait here, and hurried over to help Li Ming watch the door, and opened the door a little wider by the way.

Li Mingnian glanced vigorously, knowing that the other party was sending a telegram notification, and he didn't intend to stop him. Instead, he asked all the bustling women on his side to return to the car, and he and Zhang Yuan stood guard here.

The nine women were already very hungry, so they ate quickly. A box of mutated beast meat rice tailored for ordinary people was eaten up in a short while. Afterwards, Li Ming directly let them get into the caravan, and then let Zhang Yuan accompany.

"If you follow them, you will be relieved of any emotions."

Li Ming gave Zhang Yuan some instructions, Zhang Yuan nodded seriously, and followed the women into the caravan. Li Ming jumped on the back of the bull and continued to lead the motorcade into the villa area.

It took only a moment to arrive at the location of Building 6 in Tianning Villa Area. When he got to the side of the road, he found that although there were still consultants standing beside him, they were no longer the familiar Shuishui and another woman.

He didn't care, he just casually jumped off the bull's back and walked outside the gate of his villa.

Looking at the door lock, he had already replaced his previous lock. The courtyard door was wide open, but Li Ming still pulled the iron lock off expressionlessly, and strode in.

"Throw away all the things in it and replace them with new ones, and don't keep any old things."

As soon as he got inside, he heard shouts, and Li Mingnian glanced vigorously and saw a few men with hippie smiles, led by a strong man in black, demolishing the house.

When Li Ming appeared, a person opened his mouth and cursed without seeing clearly who it was: "Who the hell let you in, you don't have eyes, this is taken care of by our boss, if you don't want to die, just give it to me... ..."


Li Ming bent his knees and moved, his body turned into an afterimage in an instant, and before they could react at all, he slid them into the courtyard of the villa one after another. The fast-moving ordinary people couldn't even notice it.

I only felt that the picture flashed, and the person had already come to the yard, accompanied by severe pain from his legs.

They all looked at their legs subconsciously, and saw that Senbai's bony fork had pierced the surface of his body, and blood was flowing continuously along the wound.

Excessively severe pain caused the body's self-protection mechanism to be activated instantly, but they could not feel the pain for a while, and they just stared at the front in a daze, their faces full of fear, and their bodies trembling.

Suffering such power suddenly, the only reaction they can give is this.

What made their eyes converge was that the leading man stood in front of them intact.

"Whoever allowed you to break into my house, take me and find that person."

A cold voice came from the front, and everyone hurriedly looked forward, only to see this man who took all of them from the villa to the outside in an instant, and all of them broke their legs.

At this moment, everyone's pupils shrank sharply, and the first thing that came to mind was not anger, but fear.

It's over, mess with the supernatural beings!

"Yes, it's Mr. Liu Shi, he, he asked me to drive out the women here, and promised me that he would give me benefits after the incident..."

The only intact man standing in front of him had cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't dare to say a word when he faced Li Ming woman's toughness just now, and said what he knew decisively while trembling all over his body.

He is a smart man. From Li Ming's actions, he understood that the other party is also a supernatural person, and what his purpose is. Maybe he was kept like this because he wanted him to lead the way...

For a moment, only one thought came to his mind: It's over, he kicked the iron board.

"Who is Liu Shi? Take me there to see."

Li Ming walked to him unhurriedly, his voice was light, the other person was trembling, and he nodded frantically without hesitation.

"Liu Shi is a supernatural being awakened two months ago, and now he is working in the city guard...I will take you there!"

The man's face was full of cold sweat and he understood the purpose of keeping his legs. After speaking, he turned around and walked outside. Li Ming followed him leisurely.

Go out, get in the car, and sit in the off-road vehicle driven by the other party and walk all the way to other areas.

When passing by the place where Dahei was staying, the other party's huge body made him tremble all over, and the service staff on the road couldn't stop secretly looking at him.

Just at this time, the convoy that was a distance behind Li Ming also arrived. Li Ming let them go in first, and told them to deal with the matter by themselves before coming back. Go to the villa area.

Not long after, a new villa area appeared in sight. The other party brought Li Ming to a villa, and pointed inside tremblingly.

Li Ming walked over calmly, kicked the door of the villa away, and instantly alarmed the people inside.

"What is the identity of this friend? I don't know what offended me?"

Following the voice, a strong figure quickly came to the courtyard. Seeing the kicked-off gate, his expression sank, and he looked at Li Ming and asked in a firm voice.

"Yeah, there is nothing to offend, why are you going to demolish my villa and drive out my woman?"

Li Ming nodded calmly, said in agreement, and then looked at his expressionless face and asked in doubt.

Liu Shiwenyan's expression changed: "Could it be that you are that Li Ming?"

"It's me, what's the problem?"

A hint of doubt flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and then he asked lightly.

"It's really you. If you don't come sooner or later, but you come at this time, you really answered that sentence. It's better to come early than to be a coincidence."

Liu Shi chuckled, there was no fear in his eyes, he just looked at him lightly: "If you come a little later, everything here will be settled, and maybe no one will notice that you made a fuss The guy in the limelight."

"But now, you came here before the work was finished. That's not lighting up the toilet..."

There was sarcasm in Liu Shi's expression, and his eyes were full of sarcasm when he looked at Li Ming.

But the next moment, he had no chance to laugh.

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

The blue veins on Li Ming's forehead twitched, and in the next moment, the power of the physical body that had evolved three times and the power of true energy exploded together, and his figure instantly appeared in front of Liu Shi with mocking eyes, and he kicked his head high.

"You have opened your mouth, but you can't speak, so shut up for me."


Li Ming's voice was faint, accompanied by a sonic boom caused by kicking his feet, but when the sound reached his ears, his feet had already been put away again.

In front of him, a headless corpse crashed to the ground.

"It took so long to awaken a supernatural ability in the last days, who gave you the courage to be contemptuous in front of me?"

Li Ming looked at his corpse, shrugged his shoulders, his tone was a little helpless, then he turned his eyes and looked at a man who followed him inside: "Who are you?"

"I know, I know, he is the housekeeper here!"

The man following behind was already so frightened by the scene in front of him that he couldn't wait to answer Li Ming's question at this moment, his voice trembling, obviously extremely scared.


As soon as he finished speaking, a stone flew out suddenly, and hit his head with terrifying force, his brain burst instantly, and only the corpse fell to the ground powerlessly.

"Did I ask you, what did you say?"

Li Ming looked back at him impatiently and raised his eyebrows.


"I'm the housekeeper here."

The man knelt on the ground in an instant, and murmured with a dazed expression.

"Do you know why he did this to my family?"

Li Ming nodded, and asked calmly and softly, a stone that came from nowhere was bouncing on the tip of his toe.

"Master Lei Ming instructed."

The housekeeper broke his mouth decisively, his voice was extremely concise, and he knelt down respectfully and lowered his head after speaking.

"That's right."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, glanced at him and shook his head: "I am not an indiscriminate murderer, you don't have to be so afraid, send the bodies of these two people to the dogs, and the connection between this matter and you will be over gone."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming discarded the stone casually, turned around and left easily, leaving only the housekeeper soaked in sweat.

"Lei Ming, why are you messing with me?"

Walking out of the villa, Li Ming sighed helplessly, then thought for a while, glanced at the trading center, shook his head, did not look for him, but turned back on his own.

When they got to the place, their parents, Zhang Yuan, and the others had all got off the car. Several trucks, buses, and RVs were all parked in the parking lot. The male drivers on the three trucks stayed in the parking lot and waited, and everyone else entered the villa. .

The scene of a dozen men kneeling on the fork pierced by the bone was quite bloody. Many women felt uncomfortable, but all the women watched silently, and there was no more reaction.

After all, even zombies have been seen before. In contrast, the scene in front of him is far from exceeding the psychological tolerance threshold.

"Everyone stop standing outside, go back to the villa and rest, Qian Ling, come and tell me what happened."

Li Ming attracted everyone's attention as soon as he walked in. He smiled and asked everyone to rest in the villa, glanced at the pale-faced people in the yard, and said to Qian Ling with a smile.

Everyone felt that something was going on, and no one said anything. After listening to his arrangement, they all went back to the house. Qian Ling's mood stabilized a lot, and he stayed obediently to Li Ming to explain the specific things later.

Before speaking, in order not to let these men continue to suffer, Li Ming directly killed them all, and asked the nearby service staff to ask someone to clean them up.

While Li Ming was listening to Qian Ling's story, the news of his return quickly spread among the supernatural circles in the entire base.

In an instant, the entire base was once again undercurrented.

"Kill Liu Shi?"

In the trading center, Lei Ming frowned slightly as he watched the two messages that came to his hand as he went out, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

Opposite him, two rows of subordinates lowered their heads in cold sweat, not daring to take a breath.

The death of a supernatural person, everyone knows, is a big deal.

"I didn't expect that this guy can be so troublesome, I can only sleep with a woman..."

A cold light flashed in Lei Ming's eyes: "It seems that someone doesn't take my rules seriously, and dares to kill supernatural beings in the base, and bring someone with me to see, where does he have the guts to do so? How dare you be so unruly!"


The subordinates around responded immediately, and then turned around and left neatly under the leadership of Lei Ming.

After they left, Adjutant Song, who was usually dressed in a military uniform, walked out frowning in a silk nightgown.

(End of this chapter)

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