Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 236 Upper base city, the adjudicator

Chapter 236 Upper base city, the adjudicator

The corridor was empty, only two entourages were waiting, Adjutant Song frowned slightly looking at the front.

Different from the serious military attire in the past, the silk nightgown worn by Adjutant Song today reveals a slender swan neck and a large area of ​​chest skin, and the undulating arc can be clearly felt when the clothes are pressed.

Her hair is black and shiny behind her head, her almond eyes are slightly open with unconcealable charm, her slightly straight nose is full of tenderness of a little woman, and her small mouth seems to be unable to accommodate a thick stick.

Small cheeks, three-dimensional features, fair skin, heroic and attractive.

"What did Master Lei Ming do?"

Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, Adjutant Song, who had just come out of the bathroom, frowned and asked casually to the guards beside him.

"Li Ming, the superhuman from the base, has returned and made trouble to kill Liu Shi, the superhuman who supported Lord Lei Ming as the arbiter. Master Lei Ming will take people to maintain the rules of the base."

Hearing Adjutant Song's question, the supernatural guards responded respectfully, and Adjutant Song frowned even more.

"Li Ming has always been very low-key and calm. Why did he have such a big reaction when he came back this time?"

Song Xiu couldn't help thinking of this, and the guard on the side was stunned: "Maybe the strength has become stronger, and the mentality has expanded?"

"However, no matter how strong it is, can it be as strong as Master Lei Ming?"

The other guard couldn't help but speak subconsciously. Song Xiu smiled at the corner of her mouth when she heard the words, nodded slightly, turned around and walked back to the room slowly with her streamlined legs.

On the way, when Song Xiu thought of the powerful power of Lei Ming, an obsessed look appeared on Song Xiu's face, and this feeling became even stronger when he was in a place where there was no one else.

As an owner of the invisibility ability, the most important reason why she is willing to become Lei Ming's vassal is... Once she meets a powerful man, she will be quickly filled with him and willing to be driven by him.

This kind of Mu Qiang's reaction has almost become instinctive, and it is also the fundamental reason why she cannot do without Lei Ming and is still loyal to him.

When Song Xiu sat on the sofa, raised her delicate white legs under the silk nightgown to rest on the armrests of the sofa, and lay down on the sofa, her face was already fascinated and her body was weak.

"The adjudicator must be an undisputed superpower in a region. All matters related to the upper base city and the region will only be discussed with the adjudicator."

"The judge, in other words, is the emperor."

A bright smile appeared on Song Xiu's face: "And I am the queen."





A large bucket of water was flushed to the ground, and several workers called by the service staff were working hard to clean the last blood on the ground with a mop.

With the hard work of several people, the pieces of meat and corpses have been cleaned up, leaving only some blood stains that have infiltrated the corners, but they are still cleaning hard, and they dare not show the slightest relaxation. His posture and even his voice remained normal and stable, not daring to fluctuate in the slightest.

Intentionally or unintentionally, from the corner of the eye, he looked outside the inner door of the villa. The frozen atmosphere made the heart beat a little bit burst.

"This villa was decided by us before. It stands to reason that no matter what happens, we would not choose our place, not to mention such a tough posture. That person named Liu Shiyi still has a house..."

"Zhou Qian and I went out to find Zhao Sunwu. Tie Jun and the others sought help. Their attitude was pretty good at first, but then they suddenly changed their attitude. They didn't even see our request. That Liu Shi became more and more rampant. They were all destroyed in the name of throwing things in and searching."

"Until noon today, these people rushed into the room and took us away forcibly. We were so hungry and weak that we had no energy to resist."

On the bench, Qian Ling, who had eaten the mutated beast meat meal, regained her energy, and sat quietly on the chair with her plump and soft body, telling Li Ming what happened during this period of time in a voice full of grievances.

When Li Ming was not around, Qian Ling, as the oldest and most mature woman, had always been very strong, standing up for everything, fully showing the demeanor of a mature woman.

But now that Li Ming is back, she has completely let go of her strength in front of her man, and completely confides in the image of a wronged little woman, proving the strong support this man brings to her heart.

Even this kind of dependence, after experiencing the days of leaving Li Ming, became more profound and firm!

"Thank you for your hard work, baby, then take a good rest and leave the matter to me."

After listening to Qian Ling's narration, Li Ming finally showed a gentle smile on his face. He gently hugged the woman in his arms and softly comforted her, making the woman nod in relief. Afterwards, Li Ming carried her back to the bedroom to rest.

Under the continuous emptiness, Qian Ling was really tired after receiving such powerful nourishment from the mutated animal meat. She lay down on the bed obediently and gently, and Li Ming walked out again.

"This is, you want to take me to the knife, but if you do it, you can do it. What does it mean to take a woman?"

Li Ming muttered to himself with a calm expression on his face, his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, and he looked very natural.

But it was this natural state that made everyone who was cleaning up the blood tense, and some timid people were already trembling.

After many evolutions, the rapid increase in strength has already widened the gap between Li Ming and these ordinary people. Now, even a change in his mood can make those who are not close to him feel uneasy and trembling.

It's like being stared at by a beast, the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

When you are in a bad mood, you will be oppressed and afraid, but when you are in a happy mood, you will make people around you smile, and you can't help feeling happy. What's more, your thinking speed will be accelerated and your understanding will be improved. Think through in a happy state.

And in this oppressive and dim state, even if you have a good idea, the problems and ideas that should be going smoothly will suddenly be interrupted, and you can't do it well.

On the contrary, it is mechanical, and repetitive things will be done smoothly.

"I even took the initiative to come to the door, and the action is not slow."

Suddenly, Li Ming's expression moved, and he immediately sensed Lei Ming's approach under his mental power.

"After washing the ground, let's go back."

Glancing at a group of ordinary people who were still trembling in the yard, Li Ming didn't intend to let them stay here any longer, he waved his hand casually, and these people immediately turned around and left gratefully.

Before removing, don't forget to clean up the last water stains.

Li Ming stood alone outside the aisle of the villa, looking at the intersection with a blank expression on his face. His mind was always watching Lei Ming's every move, and his heart was already burning with anger.

A woman is Li Ming's Nilin. When he is not around, embarrassing his woman is different from embarrassing him.
"I just wanted to keep a low profile and live comfortably, but why do you guys have to dance?"

Li Ming sighed slightly in his heart, seeing these little Karami jumping up and down, he really couldn't stand it.

"However, Lei Ming jumped like this for no reason, what happened?"

Li Ming's heart moved slightly. He was fine before, but suddenly he did these things. Obviously something happened, which prompted Lei Ming to make such a decision.

What kind of thing would that be, so that Lei Ming, a strong man who lived comfortably, insisted on doing this kind of thing.

"We'll find out later."

In the telekinetic perception, Lei Ming's convoy was getting closer and closer, Li Ming smiled and stood there lightly.

Sweeping around, more and more people gathered in the nearby villa area unknowingly. It seems that the news that he returned to the base and killed a supernatural user in a short period of time has spread in the villa area. These supernatural beings spontaneously gathered towards where he was.

And as Lei Ming's team moved here, it seemed that this emotion was aroused even more, and more supernatural beings continued to gather here.

In one place, Li Ming clearly saw three acquaintances: Tie Jun, Dwarf Monkey, and Zhao Sunwu.

"Persons with supernatural abilities cannot be killed. This is a rule that has been established in the base for a long time. I caused a shock when the two perverts were killed by me before. It was still a secret method, but this time I went there so openly to kill that Whoever kills it is tantamount to challenging Lei Ming's authority..."

While Li Ming was thinking, he had already figured out the reason for this. In the eyes of those people, this was his signal of provocation against Lei Ming.


"I'm so complacent after only reevolving for the second time. I really don't know where the confidence comes from."

Li Ming rubbed his fingers, the flame in his heart beating slightly.

A thunder is not worthy of being looked down upon by him.

While his heart was turning, the power of the five elements in Li Ming's body was already quietly operating.

While Li Ming was waiting intently, the surrounding villas were also undercurrents as he expected.

"What is the origin of this Li Ming? Don't you know the rules of the villa area? How dare you kill a person with supernatural abilities?"

"To be able to kill a supernatural person, this person is very powerful!"

"I heard that the woman he stayed behind was bullied, which led to the death?"

"It turned out to be because of this matter. What is a woman, let alone not dead, even if she is dead, she is worth a lot of money. It is unwise, unwise to cause such a big trouble for such a trivial matter!"

"This is a good show. How long has it been since Lord Lei Ming made a move?"

"If you dare to break the rules, Lei Ming will definitely be punished severely. I think his life will be difficult."

"If you don't die, you have to shed your skin!"

Seeing Lei Ming approaching, Li Ming hadn't left yet, and all the supernatural beings gathered around were talking a lot, their eyes showed a touch of excitement, and they were all watching the excitement.

Even though Li Ming had shown some considerable power before, no one thought that he could compete with the powerful thunder and lightning, or the second re-evolved thunder.

In their eyes, Thunder is invincible.

Even if Li Ming has some tricks, when he encounters Lei Ming, he will turn on the light in the toilet and seek death.

Naturally, no one had any other thoughts, just looked at the scene with a happy face, just waiting for a good show where thunder thundered and the lightning power exploded.

There were only three of them, and something felt faintly wrong.

Tie Jun, Dwarf Monkey, and Zhao Sunwu gathered in a villa. Unlike others, they had been teammates with Li Ming for a while, and they all looked calm and did not jump to conclusions.

Just looking at Li Ming's villa, there are hidden surprises in his eyes.

'Li Ming is not a reckless person. Now that he dares to do these things rashly in this base, does he have the strength to rival Lei Ming? '

Thinking about the horror of Lei Ming, the eyes of the three of them showed a different kind of look, and they were inconceivably excited.

'If this is the case, I am afraid that the sky in the base will change. '

Tie Jun's thoughts flashed, his hands were tightly hugged together, and he kept guessing in his heart, what kind of scene would it be if Li Ming really had the appearance of being able to match the strength of Lei Ming.

Of course, this was just a suppressed thought, after all, it was too shocking and unbelievable.

It's just that the sudden thought made them all feel very exciting. After all, they really couldn't imagine what kind of performance a physical evolutionary with the power to rival thunder and lightning would behave.

This idea that suddenly arises is unrealistic enough, but it is precisely because of this that it makes people feel more excited.

While everyone was silently paying attention, Lei Ming was also constantly approaching.

The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, his face was composed and full of relaxation.

With his current spiritual sense, he can naturally detect the prying eyes of the supernatural beings around him, but what he wants is exactly this kind of peeping.

"It's just right, take advantage of this opportunity to make an example of others."

A relaxed smile flashed across the corner of Lei Ming's mouth. In his eyes now, these supernatural beings are all like chickens and dogs. The reason why they are kept and given such a status is nothing more than to strengthen themselves control power.

After all, no matter how strong he is personally, he can't take care of all aspects. Naturally, he needs someone to work for him.

What's more, with the contact of the surrounding upper-level base cities, the existence of supernatural beings has been widely valued. The greater the number, the more right to speak, and he needs to maintain his firm grasp of these subordinate-like supernatural powers. or exist.

Li Ming, in his eyes, is just a solid chicken and dog, who has never been taken seriously by him, even if his previous performance had not caused a certain disturbance, and made the upper base city notice this matter, if If it is not disposed of properly, it will take time to find it, and the ownership of the [Adjudicator] can only be determined after the two confront each other.

He wouldn't pay much attention to this ant.

And now that the other party has come, he naturally doesn't mind coming to deal with it himself, and even gave him such an excuse.

"After solving him, the control of the base will be more secure..."

A thought flashed in his mind, Lei Ming restrained his energy, and led the team forward with a gloomy face, until he reached the outside of Li Ming's villa. When he saw Li Ming standing outside the gate, his expression darkened.

"Bold, you dare to be so rampant after killing someone, and you don't kneel down when you see me!"

Lei Ming yelled loudly, as if there was thunder rolling in the roar, with a terrifying momentum that even the supernatural beings watching from a distance felt suffocated, he blatantly faced Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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