Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 256 This is Yujian Flying!

Chapter 256 This is Yujian Flying!
"With the power of the iron sword with a jade handle, there is no need for the five-element seal pattern. The only useful thing about these seal patterns is to let me control it better."

"Floating character seal, moving character seal, each account for half."

The power of the iron sword with a jade handle is unmatched. Li Ming can't show its true power now. Instead of using five-element seal patterns and those seal patterns that increase power, it is better to directly use the most basic control seal patterns to increase his own strength. degree of control.

"After completing these, I should be able to truly fly with the sword."

A look of expectation rose in Li Ming's heart, he turned over the side of the iron sword with a jade handle, and began to carve seals seriously on it.

On this side, he only carved one seal pattern, which is the floating character seal.

Fortunately, with constant practice, Li Ming was able to draw in a very small space. After he settled down, the progress of seal cutting was very fast.

He used the best jade powder painting to engrave 99 pieces in succession before stopping.

Looking at it with the naked eye, I can see a series of jade lines winding on the sword body, ending at halfway.

"The Geng Yu Xuan lightsaber is really extraordinary, even though 99 seals have been engraved, there is no movement at all on the blade."

Li Ming looked at this scene in admiration, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, the 99 seal patterns, which are almost impossible to achieve in the [Fundamentals of Imperial Artifacts].

But on the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber, it seemed that he could not feel the pressure, and there was no reaction at all. If Li Ming could not feel the connection between his own energy and these seal patterns, he would even think that these seal patterns were useless.

"The 99 seal patterns are already the best level that I can control with energy. No matter how much it is used, the effect is half the result. Not redundant, very appropriate."

Li Ming smiled, his heart moved, and the iron sword with a jade handle had already floated into the air by itself while the energy in his body was circulating.

He nodded in satisfaction, and then started again, starting to draw kinetic energy seal patterns on the other side, and he stopped after the same 99 seal patterns.

Immediately following the movement of the energy in his body, along with the thoughts, the Geng Yuxuan lightsaber flew to him automatically, and Li Ming didn't use any power during the whole process.

Under the observation of telekinetic power, the seal patterns on the sword automatically merge with the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, and use the power of heaven and earth to fly into the air.

Li Ming's own power only needs to play a controlling role.

"In this way, is the real Yujian flying?"

Li Ming thought of the situation where he lifted himself up with the force of his mind, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then controlled the Geng Yuxuan lightsaber to shuttle back and forth in the room, suddenly feeling as agile as a snake, extremely brisk.

"The degree of control of the 99 seal patterns is no different from holding it in your hand."

Li Ming smiled again. After all, the seal patterns are a means of remote control. If the number is too small, it is difficult to effectively control them delicately. These basic seal patterns are actually more used to increase the power of hand-held weapons.

Or just draw a simple two or three to use as a simple flight of the imperial weapon. According to the display in the film and television drama, this is probably the reason why many practitioners fly crookedly with their imperial weapons.

One of the reasons must be - poverty.

"Go and fly around to see how the actual effect is."

With a thought in his heart, Li Ming lightly jumped onto the Gengyu Xuanguang Sword, and in the next moment, he moved the seal pattern of the long sword under his feet, controlling the flying sword to fly away to the outside world.


A gust of wind whistled, and Li Ming quickly flew out of the villa and into the sky.


The 99 dynamic seal patterns and the 99 floating character seal patterns worked together, and under the connection of the power of heaven and earth, Li Ming's figure was quickly driven into the sky.

"This feeling……"

Li Ming's eyes lit up involuntarily, the sound of howling wind was like a breeze to him now, he didn't care, looked up at the vast sky in front of him, and immediately flew out happily.

Up to a layer of clouds in the sky, Li Ming flew around the clouds in a playful way, and then rushed into the clouds one by one.

The wind whistling around, looking down at the vast land, a strong feeling of freedom comes from the heart.

"Huh, it's pretty cool."

Li Ming took a deep breath, his eyes were piercing, and then he couldn't help stepping on the Gengyuxuan lightsaber, flying in various postures in the air.

Hanging the golden hook upside down, flipping it at will, with Li Ming's current strength, as long as he has something to carry, he can play whatever he wants in the sky, even if he steps on the sword and falls headfirst, he won't fall .

Sometimes he flew lying down, sometimes flying on his stomach, sometimes flying standing up, sometimes flying backwards, and he couldn't help laughing.

"This is what flying is all about."

Li Ming remembered that when he lifted himself to fly, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Compared with lifting himself, flying like this is more powerful!
"Oh hoo~"

Li Ming cheered and yelled, and flew happily in the sky again.

He flew back and forth and kept flying over the base city, sometimes it was extremely low, causing the passers-by on the ground to scream, sometimes it flew very high, piercing through the clouds.

When he used the limit speed, he even broke through the sound barrier and reached the level of supersonic flight.


"The energy of heaven and earth is infinite, and it consumes very little power to control it. The speed is much faster than that of Dahei. Even if I run with all my strength, I can't keep up. The way I go out in the future will have to be changed."

Yu Jian galloped in the sky, Li Ming stepped on the tip of the sword and stood facing the wind, overlooking the scenery of the world in front of him, he only felt happy in his heart, and at the same time he also understood the meaning of this sword incident in his heart.

"It stands to reason that this Geng Yu Xuan Light Sword itself should have such an ability, but I can't develop it. After the power increases again in the future, I need to develop it again."

Li Ming looked at the sunset in the sky, but secretly thought in his heart, looked down at those seal patterns, and shook his head involuntarily.

This kind of seal pattern attached to the sword can easily be damaged during the battle, which is very inconvenient compared to carrying a treasure with this function.

Otherwise, using these seal patterns to control the magic weapon will not consume much of your own strength, but can also exert a strong power. It is estimated that it can be used as a flying sword.

As for using telekinetics to control weapons... Every time Li Ming uses telekinetics to control things, it feels exactly the same as when he holds them.

"Control with seal patterns, and then have seal patterns that absorb energy and explode energy. Refining these seal patterns in the center at the beginning of weapon making is probably the best way to use them."

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, but he suddenly remembered his [supernatural metal] weapon.

"Those so-called iron spirits are just things extracted from ordinary weapons. Although they are far superior to ordinary metals, they are also extracted from ordinary steel. Tempering by those who are capable may have the same effect."

Li Ming took out his supernatural metal spear and sword, thinking deeply.

Especially when seeing the few golden wave-like lines on these weapons.

These two supernatural metal weapons have also absorbed the supplement of the heaven and earth to the pure gold aura that he obtained when he first entered the state of harmony between heaven and earth, and the power is probably even higher.

"Could it be that the so-called iron essence is supernatural metal?"

Such a thought arose in Li Ming's mind, he couldn't help but wiped his fingers, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

"The so-called iron essence is the essence extracted from ordinary metals by ordinary practitioners through various means in the absence of supernatural beings. With such a utilization efficiency, there must be no supernatural beings who can directly extract the essence from metals. high."

"If that's the case, how can supernatural metals not be iron spirits?"

Li Ming felt the power of re-evolving the five elements three times in his body, and his eyes shone with golden light.

Pumping metal essence, he will also do this trick.

"These supernatural metals are all extracted by ordinary gold evolutionists. If I, a five-element superhuman who has re-evolved three times, extracts them myself, will I extract more essence?"

Li Ming's heart was even more moved, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and suddenly he became impatient.

Moreover, with the control of these seal patterns, he may be able to use the seal pattern of the character [Jian] so that these weapons can no longer be taken by other supernatural beings...

"Go back and try first, okay?"

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming became more and more itchy, and then he couldn't help but feel his heart move Yu Jianfei, and flew directly from the air to his villa.


Li Ming happily flew over the villa with his sword and returned home, but the whole base city exploded again.

First, someone flew over directly a few days ago, and then another beam of energy shot up into the sky.

Some of them even had a golden body shining like a fairy Buddha, and some superstitious ones knelt down directly.

Today, there is another master that everyone is familiar with flying around in the sky with a sword, directly stimulating everyone who sees it and hardly falling asleep!
"What's the matter with Yu Jian's flight, please inquire more about it, if you don't know about it, I'm itchy."

"Hey, who's to say it's not? Originally, everyone used their abilities well, but suddenly a group of immortal cultivators came. This is a bit too outrageous."

"Brother Jun, I have to leave this to you."

"Who doesn't know that you have a good relationship with Master Li."

In front of Tie Jun's villa, several supernatural beings with unbelievable expressions came out of his house chattering, and Tie Jun sent them off one by one.

Finally, when I went back, I couldn't help but move my butt on the sofa, pursed my lips, and walked out.

What the hell, he also wants to know about Yu Jian's flight!



In the practice room, the environment is safe. A stalwart figure holds a brush and stands with jade powder. With the surge of energy, he slowly writes on an iron sword.

"Floating characters and seal characters."

The final outline was completed, and the formed seal pattern immediately radiated brilliance and connected with the surrounding power of heaven and earth.

A strong force was generated at the moment the seal pattern was completed and oppressed the weapon in front of him. According to the basic records of the imperial weapon, this seal pattern requires at least nineteen iron weapons.

Otherwise, it will inevitably fall apart.

In Li Ming's eyes, the seal pattern took effect, and the supernatural metal long sword was safe and sound!

"Sure enough!"

A gleam flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and then he couldn't help picking up his pen, and then drew a moving character seal. The iron sword floated in the air in his eyes, and it was still safe and sound.

"The quality of the supernatural metal that has absorbed the golden lines is actually so good."

A flash of joy flashed in Li Ming's heart, and then he drew nine floating character seals and nine moving character seals on the sword body one after another.

Finally, under the pressure of a total of twenty seal patterns, the material of the sword body reached its limit, showing signs of shaking.

"Twenty seal patterns, carrying capacity, and speed are pretty good, but..."

After thinking about it in his heart, Li Ming canceled five floating characters and added five moving characters, increasing the speed extremely quickly.

Afterwards, two moving characters were withdrawn, and two [Strength] characters were added, and then controlled with his own ability, he really felt a resistance.

"At least one re-evolution is required to control it. The strong character and solid shape are really useful!"

A flash of joy flashed across Li Ming's expression, and then he jumped onto the iron sword, inputting his own strength to run it, and as expected, he was easily lifted up, and he was able to reach the clouds directly.

Although it is incomparably faster than his Gengyu Xuanguan Sword, it is also faster than a sports car!

"I can't control the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber, but this sword..."

Flying in a circle and falling back into the villa, Li Ming looked at the iron sword and his heart moved slightly. The next moment, the power of the five elements evolved three times, and immediately controlled the progress of the materials in the iron sword from the inside to the outside. Flip it once, and wrap all twenty lines to the core position.

A smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, and then Li Ming returned to the living room of the villa with his sword in hand.

"Husband, what happened to Yujian flying just now, Tie Jun came to ask."

When I arrived in the living room, I ran into Zhang Yuan immediately. Zhang Yuan, who hadn't seen anyone for several days in a row, took the opportunity to hold his hand and asked directly.

"My husband has obtained the art of imperial weapons, and you will be able to fly imperial weapons in the future."

Li Ming saw Zhang Yuan's real purpose at a glance, he quickly untied his belt, quickly filled Zhang Yuan up, and at the same time asked with a smile.


Zhang Yuan smiled happily, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice after getting the answer.

Li Ming looked at Zhang Yuan's full and contented appearance, his heart suddenly moved, and he looked left and right at his wives.

"Maybe it's better to have an open meeting..."


After being happy for two days, Li Ming left contentedly, and found Li Dingguo with the supernatural metal long sword engraved with seal patterns.

"With this thing, it will be convenient to go to Donghai in the future."

Evacuating all his power breath, Li Ming threw the long sword to Li Dingguo, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Inject your energy into it and try."

"I didn't expect that your progress would be so fast."

Li Dingguo's eyes brightened slightly, and he took the long sword unceremoniously and used his own energy to control it.

Not long after, a figure with Yu Jian flew into the air with a whoosh.

(End of this chapter)

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