Chapter 257 The New Rosary
"Okay, not bad, with this thing, our trip to the East China Sea will be more assured."

A figure quickly fell from the sky, showing the figure of Li Dingguo. After he jumped off the sword, he couldn't help but look at Li Ming with bright eyes. Obviously, even he couldn't control the joy and excitement of flying. meaning.

"I didn't expect you to be able to understand this thing so quickly. I just saw this [Inner Frame Essence] almost. I want to integrate it into our cultivation system together with the other exercise. There is a way to go."

With a thought, Li Dingguo controlled the long sword and returned to his body. Feeling the strange power in it, he couldn't help but said with emotion.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that the trip to the East China Sea is imminent. With this thing, our actions will be more convenient."

Hearing Li Dingguo's voice, Li Ming smiled, shook his head and said.

"These are the same, but why do you fly with the sword in such a big way, isn't this your previous style?"

Li Dingguo nodded involuntarily, then couldn't help pointing out the window, and said with a smile.

"When the few of them come, it is inevitable that people's hearts will be turbulent, so we have to show something to stabilize people's hearts."

Li Ming looked at Li Dingguo and smiled, and waved goodbye to him when he finished speaking, leaving only Li Dingguo with a helpless smile on his face, and then played a flying sword with joy, then turned back to the room and continued to study hard It's a matter of law.

On the other hand, Li Ming, who returned home, was not idle, but took out the supernatural metal spear again, thinking about it in his heart, and outlined [Feng Zizhuan], [Jianzizhuan], [Moving Zizhuan], [ Floating character seal] Four seal patterns.

Among them, [Moving Zizhuan] and [Floating Zizhuan] are only engraved with one seal each, while [Feng Zizhuan] and [Jian Zizhuan] are each engraved with nine to greatly increase the power of the spear.

However, to Li Ming's satisfaction, the spear did not reach its limit with twenty seal patterns. He even added 25 seal patterns to reach the limit.

"The amount of materials for a long spear far exceeds that of a long sword, and it is normal that it can carry more seal patterns."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and then controlled the material of the spear to flip over, controlling all the seal patterns to the core, and ended the sacrifice with satisfaction.

He knows how to shoot with one hand. If he doesn't have a weapon at hand, it would be a waste of practice. It just so happens that this long spear is now engraved with seal patterns, and its power can still be seen. It can be used as a common weapon.

Li Ming thought about it in his heart, and then couldn't help but ran outside the base for an interview, but when he saw the spear stabbing, it didn't take Li Ming himself to use much strength to reveal his powerful edge, and easily smashed a boulder into pieces.

And even if you deliberately throw it far away, you don't need to waste your power to pick it up. With [Floating Character Seal] and [Moving Character Seal], it can provide power for itself to fly back with just a thought.

The ease of use, practicality, and power have all been greatly enhanced.

Li Ming retracted the spear, satisfied in his heart, and then he immediately returned with the sword in his heart.

"Don't worry about the exercises, let's break through the power of thought to the next level, so we can be more confident when we go to the East China Sea."

When he got home, Li Ming thought about it. He didn't rush to practice [Golden Elephant Skill] or [Neijia Essence] immediately, but decided to go all out and continue to practice [Sitting Breathing Method] to improve his spiritual strength.




In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

On this day, the weather was sunny and sunny. With the rain falling in the previous two days, the temperature rose again. It was quite warm, and ordinary people put on short sleeves and thin trousers.

In Li Ming's villa, a wave of thoughts surged past.

"Huh, Psychic power evolves after four times."

In the secret room, Li Mingchang exhaled a breath, opened his eyes, and felt his powerful telekinetic power, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Then he moved mentally, and two rosary beads appeared in front of him.

The method of detection of mind power followed closely, and all the mysteries emerged before the eyes.

"After four re-evolutions, the detection ability of telekinetic power has been improved again, and it is more secretive..."

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, and he looked at the villa next to him. Li Dingguo was practicing in his secret room, but even though his body was in a state of being in harmony with the world, he could be found clearly under Li Ming's thought power.

Immediately afterwards, he changed his mind and quietly entered the state of regular scanning. Li Dingguo, who fits the world, is still clearly visible in his perception.

Moreover, the other party was in a state of immersion, obviously not aware of his telekinetic scanning at all.

"Intangible and formless, this is the real power of thinking."

The corner of Li Ming's mouth curled up, and he was obviously very satisfied with his evolution this time.

The extra spiritual rosary has nothing to do with this invisible, hidden state that even Li Dingguo cannot perceive. The powerful telekinetic force brought about by this promotion alone is a huge gain.

His current telekinetic strength is nearly three times higher than before the evolution!
"Also, a more powerful ability to target souls."

Another thought in Li Ming's mind moved the entire villa area, not to mention supernatural beings and ordinary people, even the soul of an ant was in his perception.

With the strength of his current telekinetic power, the souls of these people are as fragile as candles, and they can be extinguished with just a light blow.

Even if you want to change the state of your soul and make it produce all kinds of thoughts, thoughts, and attitudes you want, it will only be as easy as eating and drinking water.

"Phew, this way, I have another confidence in this trip."

Li Ming couldn't help but let out a soft breath, and immediately felt relaxed, the pressure was greatly reduced, and he was much more at ease about the upcoming East China Sea.

After all, it was still very bluffing to hear what those so-called adjudicators said about immortal cultivators and big shots, and coupled with the secrets of this world, he had to worry.

I'm afraid that a terrifying foundation-establishing patriarch, Jindan old monster, will suddenly jump out and easily handle him.

"Psychic power and physical body have all been broken through, and the power of the five elements has also deepened. In a short period of time, my strength can't be improved. Why don't I take this opportunity to strengthen the strength in the rear."

Li Ming was delighted to break through the power of thought, followed by scanning his body up and down, but couldn't help thinking about it.

"Well, not at all."

Feeling the power in his body, Li Ming's heart suddenly moved, and a series of subtitles that only he could see appeared in front of his eyes.

[Horizontal training: Iron cloth shirt (59% back to basics)]

[Inner Qi: Baduanjin (60% of perfection in fire); meditation breathing method (55% of back to basics); Daomen Taijiquan (75% of perfection in fire)]

"Tie Bushan has the help of Body Fit Heaven and Earth, and he is making rapid progress. Maybe he can break through to the realm of Dzogchen before he leaves. In addition, the three inner qi skills are almost at the later stage, and maybe he can make a breakthrough again. "

Li Ming touched his body, and he could clearly feel that with the improvement of the state of the iron cloth shirt to the level of "returning to nature", his internal organs, blood and bone marrow are now extremely strong, and his defense power is far superior to before.

And a stronger defense force will inevitably bring better survivability, so Li Ming is naturally satisfied.

"However, although there are many things to do, as the so-called combination of work and rest, the mental state is also very important. After finishing these things, you should take a good rest."

Li Ming changed his mind, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He stood up from the secret room, strode outside, thought for a while, and found all the supernatural metal crossbows and cars from before.

Includes two supernatural metal steel needles.

"Cars can basically be declared obsolete now, and bows and crossbows are worth using, but the current runes are not suitable, so they should be dismantled and turned into flying swords..."

Li Ming was thinking in his heart. With the drawing of seal patterns these days, he gradually had a good idea of ​​the amount of supernatural metals and seal patterns, and he could reasonably use these supernatural metal materials to the limit.

Then, give them to your parents one by one, and the woman will be their loyal backing.

Of course, there are other things that can be refined, but in comparison, the flying sword consumes the least material, but its power is not low, it is easy to use, and everyone has a strong sense of belonging. It is one of the simplest and most practical weapons.

"Perhaps, these few vines are also fine."

Li Ming's heart moved, and some extremely tough vines appeared in front of his eyes, each one had a cold light, and it was very powerful at first glance.

These are the tough rhizomes obtained from the mutated vines that were killed on the road when they returned to their hometown from Hope Base City for the first time!

For a long time, these vines have not played much role in his hands, but they are rare materials after all, so Li Ming always carries them with him, especially after he has [Gu Fang Gui Yuan Ding], it is more convenient.

Even, thanks to the advancement of the Five Elements ability, the vines that he warmed up with the Wood Elements ability every day, are now tougher than before, and I am afraid that the vines will only evolve twice. .

Originally, Li Ming planned to save this thing for ashes. After all, he has so many treasures, but now it seems that he can use it again?
"Including the mutated snake skin, although it is damaged, if it is strengthened with these seal patterns, it may still have a good effect."

Such a thought arose in Li Ming's mind, and then he couldn't help but put the mutated vine aside, picked up pieces of supernatural metal materials, and began to control the amount, so as to make the best use of it under the premise of the current total amount.

At the same time, when he started refining, the supernatural metal collection order was also issued, and quickly spread all over the entire base.

After all, this is asking for something from someone else, and Li Ming can't grab it, so the condition he gave is——

"Every [-] catties of supernatural metal can be exchanged for a chance to draw the [Imperial Seal Pattern]. Could it be that the Imperial Artifact Seal Pattern is something that Master Li Ming flies with his sword?"

As soon as this thing appeared, everyone immediately thought of the scene of Li Ming flying with his sword in the sky before, their eyes instantly became hot, and their hearts were excited.

"You can change one for only five hundred catties. Mr. Li is doing affordable business!"

"I didn't expect Master Li to be able to do such a conscientious business in this doomsday."

"This condition is too good, can't it be fake?"

"Don't be too happy, be careful of any ulterior conspiracy secrets."

"Come on, you're still plotting secrets. Master Li Ming is so strong, he just takes whatever he wants. What can you do? Now it's clear that he wants to give us benefits. I don't understand this. What about your brain? .”

"Perhaps... Master Li Ming's original intention is like this. He wants to enhance the strength of all of us!"

"Could it be that there is some great crisis that makes Master Li Ming feel that it is dangerous, and that he wants to increase our strength by beating around the bush?"

"Do you remember the five people who flew over that day? It was their appearance that Master Li Ming suddenly flew into the sky with his sword."


A piece of gossip spread wildly following Li Ming's move, and all kinds of speculations were generated under the invisible brain.

But in any case, with the example of Li Ming and Li Dingguo flying with the sword before, the enthusiasm of the entire base city was mobilized.

During his refining of the magic weapon, pieces of supernatural metal creations also continued to gather at his villa.

Even the tantalum grams made of supernatural metals were decisively opened by Lei Ming, which seemed to further support some claims, so everyone gave more enthusiastic gifts of supernatural metals.

In just seven days, [-]% of the supernatural metals were concentrated in Li Ming's hands.

Sure enough, Li Ming lived up to everyone's expectations. Amidst the exclamation of everyone, he added two or three lines of seal patterns, floating patterns, and moving patterns to their remaining supernatural metals, realizing their imperial weapon. Dream of flying.

Although this speed was as fast as an ordinary car, it also excited all the supernatural beings and warriors, and they were even more grateful to Li Ming, the conscientious city lord.

It took Li Ming a full ten days to finish the gift of supernatural metals, but as the ten days passed, all the work of drawing seal patterns was also completed.

"The armor, the flying boots, the flying sword, and the flying shield are your life-saving tools. Not only do you have to sacrifice them, but you also need to be familiar with them. Starting today, you must allocate half an hour every day to familiarize yourself with your equipment. "

In the underground base, Li Ming looked at the 24 supernatural beings in front of him seriously, and beside them were exquisite armors, shields, boots and flying swords.

Even considering their age growth, these equipments are stretchable, even if they grow up in the future, they can still be worn by opening them.

Every piece of equipment has drawn at least six seal patterns!

This is also the limit that can be achieved without affecting the use of human height.

But even so, it is three times stronger than those of the supernatural beings outside!
Not to mention, the greater power brought out by a set of coordination...


Hearing Li Ming's lecture, the 24 teenagers should be in uniform, and then looked at their new equipment enthusiastically. They knew that from now on, they would be fully armed!
(End of this chapter)

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